Chapter 3: Renovations and Cake!

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I wake up to my worst nightmare. I'm in..... I can't do this! Get me out! I'm going to die! Why, you ask, because I'm in a room that's all.. I can't. I'm surrounded by my worst fear. It's even worse than dresses. I'm surrounded by.......PINK!

I'm suffocating! Pink bed, pink wardrobe, pink mirror/ window frame, pink dresser, pink doors, and the worst part, all plain pink walls. I try to crawl out of the bed but two arms prevent me from doing so. Damn this guy, not letting me get out of hell. I slip carefully out of his grip. I get my phone out of my pocket and check the date, day and time. It's December 1st. So I woke up on Sunday at 9:12 A.M.? Why couldn't I just stay asleep? Oh right, me and Kawata-chan are still in this horrible death room. I put my phone in my pocket grab my bag and quietly run out of the room. I go around the house opening doors till I found this empty room with another empty room next to it. I have decided! I will make this room my sanctuary. I got pencils, colored pencils, and some papers out of my bag. I drew a paint brush and some paint cans. I colored the paint filled cans with the needed colors. I grabbed a vile of my blood out of my bag. I quickly opened it and a drop of blood landed on the paper. I closed it before the scent could get to any of the vampires. The things that I drew grew out of the paper. I placed the cans on the floor and held the brush in my hand. I'm going to start working on the walls now.
FIVE HOURS LATER ( in spongebob voice)
I'm finally done! My masterpieces! These are the pictures I painted on the walls.

Front and Back

Left and Right

Now that I'm done with that, I will start drawing the bedroom.


I finished drawing the room design and drew two doors. One in the top left corner and the other near the left side of the bed. They, of corse had a wall in between them. I left more space for the bathroom than the closet. I placed the piece of paper in the center of the room then grabbed another and started drawing the interior of the closet. Then the bathroom. I opened the vile and put a drop of blood on. The room morphed into the one I drew. I opened the door in the corner to enter my to-be closet. I put the paper down and did the same in the other room. In the closet was a closet, located at the back that took up all of its space. In the middle was an art desk. They looked like

I did the ritual again then moved on to the bathroom and did the same. The bathroom looks like

I know, fancy. I sigh. This is so tiring but I'm not done yet. I go into my room and grab the paint buckets. I walk into the closet and start to paint all the walls. The end product was

I am finally done! I jump on my bed and check the time. It is now 4:33 P.M. I think they will get up around  6:00 P.M. but who cares! They have probably already forgotten about me. I grab Kawata-chan and jump off the bed. We are hungry. I open the door and walk out. I sniff the air. My eyes widen. I smell cake! I start to Walk towards the direction of the smell. I arrive in front of a light purple door. I open it and peak inside. I see what looks like a kids room with a tea table near the middle. I see Kanato-senpai on a chair and Teddy-kun on another. I knock on the door lightly to make him notice my appearance. He looked at me and asked " Why are you here? Did you come for the tea party?" I nodded my head. He motioned me to come in. I came in and sat down in one of the chairs. I placed Kawata-chan in the chair next to me. He poured me some tea and motioned me to pick a cake. I picked up the strawberry cheesecake and his face warped into one of anger. He stands up and takes my plate away."You took Teddy's favorite cake! Do you have any manners! Why would you do that?!" He screamed at me, seemingly furious. I just bowed my head in apology but he disregarded my apology and pushed me off my chair. On my way down I grabbed Kawata-chan so she wouldn't get touched by Kanato-senpai. I landed in a crouching position and stood up. He teleported in front of me and pulled Kawata-chan from my grasps. I waisted no time and took Teddy-kun from his seat. He looked even more angry but I just outstretched my hand. I can't type because I have one hand outstretched and the other holding on to Teddy-kun. "Give" was the only word I said. He looked at me shocked. He probably thought I was mute. He reluctantly handed me Kawata-chan. Before handing Teddy-kun back, I kissed him on the head. I gave him one last hug then gave Teddy-kun back to Kanato-senpai. I walk to the door and open it.Before closing the door I muttered " Teddy-kun is nice." I don't know if he herd me or not but I don't care. I fully close the door just to hear my tummy grumble. I really want food. I start walking back to my room when I hear the creak of a door. I turn around and see the slice of cheesecake I wanted. The plate has a spoon and a note on it. I walk over and crouch down to inspect the note. It was written in neat handwriting and said ' Teddy likes you.' I picked the plate up and a small smile made its way to my face. Food! I waked back to my room and sat crisscross on the hanging chair. I picked up the spoon and took a bite of it. My eyes lit up. This is the best cake ever! Is has just the right amount of cheese and the strawberry is extra sweet so to complement it. Oh this is heaven! I slowly eat my cake while savor I got every bite. I should thank him later. I'll just take a nap for now. I bet there will be night school tomorrow. It's just common sense that they would go to night school. I lay down on my bed, plug in my earphones and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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