Every Hero Has An Origin Story, Right?

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My sister and I are identical twin. We look exactly alike. Even down to our matching birth marks. A white patch on the back of our heads.

The only way you can tell is apart is, well...

I have braces on my legs.

When Courtney and I were two, our parents noticed that I wasn't using my legs properly like her. I was tested and it turns out that I had severe Spina Bifida. It's where a baby (i.e. me.) has a birth defect in their spine. In most cases babies grow out of it or get special surgeries. But for me? I was one of those rare cases. Rare as in, no cure and if I got the surgery, I would bleed to death.

I know, I know, tragic story. But it's not all bad. Dad was able to get me leg braces, and Courtney helps me out a lot.

But if truth be told?

I hate how everyone looks at me and just feels pity. So what I can't walk on my own? I just know that something amazing is going to happen to me, it's just taking a while. Like seventeen years a while...

"Myla? Are you up?" I glance at my window and see my sister. I put my slap journal down and grab one of my crutches and hobble to the window. I open it and she climbs inside.

"Why couldn't you climb in your room?" I ask her as she closes my window. "Dad put bars on my window, remember?"

"Oh right? Because you keep sneaking out. Don't start using my window, then my room is going to look like a prison." My sister rolls her eyes and as I go back to my bed, her reflexes kick in and she helps me.

"I got it." I tell her, as I places myself on my bed. She takes my crutch and leans it against my dresser. "You'll never guess what Jaime said to me?" My ears perk up.

(Jaime Rivera aka my boyfriend...okay but in my dreams we're in a full committed relationship 😭)

Jaime Rivera was the hottest senior of Midtown High. All the girls want him, and I was not exempt. But he wouldn't go for the cripple girl. He'd probably go for the cripple girl's twin sister.

"What did he say?" I ask as I pretend I'm not interested. "He asked me out." I put on my best fake smile. "That's great! I'm sure you're going to have fun."

Courtney leans back on my bed with a big dopey grin on her face and I decide to change the subject. "So, did start packing for Maine yet?" I ask her.

"I'm getting to it. I just need a few more things. But  what about you?"

"I'm packed, and repackaged, and packed again. I'm just happy Aunt Gwen is letting us stay with her for the summer."

"I can't believe mom and dad are letting us stay go." Courtney comments. "I can, this place is getting worse and worse. Last week, Ms. Donna had got robbed for her jewelry."

"Well it's like mom says, this city is going to hell in a basket." She lays down on my bed and I join her. "This is our independence. I'm happy that dad won't hover me or mom probing me for new work. I just want to explore the world and get my feet wet."

"Well when you start swimming in that big ocean remember to come back for me little sister." We both face each other and smile. "I'll never leave you behind, big sister." We both link pinkies and I yawn.

"Mind if I sleep in here tonight?" Courtney asks. "I don't mind." I say in a sleepy tone. "I'm gonna go take a shower and then I'll be back." I nod and get under my thin sheet.

As I hear my sister leave I take my slap journal and slide it in my night stand, where the hidden compartment is.

I won't lie hearing that Jaime asked my sister out was a bummer but at least I know he isn't dating Calli anymore.

I must have dozed off for a while because when I opened my eyes again, my sister was sitting up writing in her slap journal.

"Did I wake you?" Courtney asks. "No, you didn't." I sit up a bit and peek, but she moves her journal. "Court?"


"For tomorrow on the trip, will you sit with me on the bus?" My sister laughs. "I thought we already were bus buddies, Mimi." I blush.

"Well, I figured you'd be sitting with Jaime, on the bus." She rollers her eyes. "Just because he asked me out doesn't mean we're getting married. I'll always sit with you, because you're womb-mate."

"You still make that corny joke?" I playfully punch her in the arm and she laughs.

"Don't be scared-"

"I'm not scared." I retort. "I know, but don't think that because of Jaime, that I'll treat you any different." She turns off the light and puts her slap journal under the pillow.

"Hey, you know you're amazing right?" My sister says as she leans her head on my shoulder. "Thanks womb-mate." I tease as I feel myself doze off to sleep.

The next morning, as we lined up for the bus. Courtney was talking with Jasmine while I just stand there looking at my braces.

I glance up and see Jaime looking at me. I quickly look away. "Your man is looking over here, chica." Jasmine whispers to my sister. "I know, but you gotta play it cool. If I look at him now, he's gonna think he can rule over me." I huff and get ready to get on the bus. "Miss Morales, let me." Mrs. Clause says as she takes my crutches. I feel everyone staring and I feel embarrassed. "I got it." My sister moves in and helps me get on the bus. "Thank you." I say quietly as I sit down. Jasmine sits behind us and I take my headphones out and turn on my music. My sister taps me and I take my earphones off for a second.

"Hey, I'll be right back. Jasmine wants to ask me about our project for chemistry." I nod and she leaves. I put my headphones back on and listen to a classic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I mutter the lyrics and lean my head against the window. I glance over and see Jaime and he smiles at me. I feel my face get hot and look back out the window.

About forty minutes later, we were in the lobby of the BMT Lab and I see Nick standing by himself. "Hey, I didn't see you on the bus." We dab each other up. "My brother gave me a ride. He's like super excited to show me his work and stuff."

"I bet-" I see Courtney and Calli talking and I notice my sister looks upset. "Nick, I'll be right back." I manage to get over where my sister is and hear Calli call her a slut.

"Hey, Court, everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. Right Courtney?" Calli says as she places a hand on my sisters' shoulder. I look at my sister and she gives me wink.

It's our thing to tell the other that they got it. "Class? Gather around. It's time we partner up." Mrs. Clause announces.

We gather around and I stand by my sister while Calli stands with her friends. "Bien?"

"Yeah, Mimi. I'm good. Calli is just mad that Jaime is taking interest in me. I can handle her."

"I know you can, but if you want I can hit her in her knee caps with my crutch." We both giggle at that and we hear Mr. Buckle clear his throat.

"Sorry." We both day in unison. "Next up, Courtney with Nick. And Myla with Jaime." I look at my sister and she shrugs. "Don't take my man." My sister teases as she walks over to Nick. I give a nervous chuckle and Jaime walks over to me.

"Hey." Jaime says as stands beside me. "Ho. I mean hi. I didn't just call you a hoe. You're not a hoe. I just...I'm going to stop talking now." He chuckles and my heart flutters. "Alright, students. You all will be given passes and on those passes are test labs that you'll have access to. The scientists will be giving you all further instructions."

We gather to get out passes and I start to go get mine but Jaime stops me. "I'll grab yours."

"No, no, you don't have to-" He waves me He off. "I don't mind. Besides, I don't mind." He gets our passes and hands me mine. "Thanks." I tell him. "Welcome." As we listen in, I can't help but feel excited.

Jaime Rivera is my partner! I can die a happy woman now.

"You two can keep up?" I look up and see its Nick's brother. Danny, who is our tour guide. "Hey hot shot." Nick says to Jaime. He then slaps me a high five and we walk a bit.

"I was kind of hoping to get Nick but at this point I just can't wait to show off my project." Danny explains. As he walks a bit fast and I try to keep up, Jaime taps me on the shoulder and nudges his head down a different hall.

I follow him and Danny just keeps walking as he fails to notice we aren't following him.

"I don't know about you, but I feel like Danny is going to talk us to death. He's cool but I want fun, not some science mumbo jumbo. Anyways follow me."

I look back but follow him. "My uncle works security here, so from time to time he would let me hang with him. So I know all the cool places."

"That's cool. But where are we going?" He smiles wickedly at me and takes out a security badge. He waves it over a scanner and a room opens.

"This room, is off limits, but from what my uncle tells me, this is the room they're doing that secret project."

We walk in and I look around. "Any clue what they're working on?" He shrugs. "No clue, the only tip is whatever is in this jar, came from outer space."

On a desk we see a jar with black liquid. "Whoa, I think my mom works in this lab. I heard her and my dad talking about this thing. She said that this black liquid may be a possible life form." As I look up at Jaime, he had this strange look in his eye.

"What?" I ask. "Nothing, it's just, I understand why your sister worship the world you walk on." I laugh. "You're joking."

"No, at the party your sister kept talking about you. I can see why she's your biggest fan." I smirk and we both jump when we hear someone clapping their hands.

"Well, well, well. Look at who we have here. A washed up athlete and a cripple." It was Calli and she had Bret with her.


"What, Jaime? I'm just stating facts. Hey cripple girl, you better watch him. He'll break your heart and take everything you love." Bret blocks the door and Calli flicks a few tear tubes. "You know what I can't stand, how you can act like you're a saint when your the one with the dark side."

"Can we talk about this later?"

"I think now it the right time, and we have witnesses."

I start walking towards the door but Bret doesn't budge. "You broke up with me because you were bored. You said you loved me and yet you throw what he had for three years."

"Calli, you're being childish. Now let Myla and Bret out of here." She shakes her head as she looks at what looks like a beam machine of some sort.

"I'm childish? If that's the case then you're an asshole. And I hope that you get everything you deserve." She punches the device and it starts to shake.

"Uh guys?" I say as it shakes harder. "Calli-" She picks up the black liquid and throws it at Jaime. Bret looks at me with alarm and I tell him to go get someone.


"Go!" I snap at him. He runs out and I turn back to see some of the black liquid had spilled on Jaime. "Calli Stop!" He grabs her and she hugs him as she starts to cry. "I hate you!" She says as he hugs her. "No you don't." The beam looks like it's about to hit then so I throw down my crutches and try my best to stop it.

Except, I trip on my brace and land right into the machine. I felt something sharp hit my stomach and I land on my back. Everything seems to hurt.

"My...la?" I hear Jaime. My stomach hurts and I'm sleepy. "Myla, open your eyes...." At that moment, I'm sure, I died...

Courtney's POV

I cry in my mother's arms and I hear my father pacing. "She's going to be okay baby." Is what my mother says but I know she's just trying to comfort me. I saw that large hole in Myla's abdomen.

Grandma and grandpa both come in and dad goes to them. "Any word?" Grandma asks. "Nothing, Mami. I just, I can't lose my child. Not my baby." I hear dad's voice crack and I'm reminded of those speeches dad would spill. How he would tether die than have anything hurt us.

"Mom? What if..." My eyes get cloudy with tears and she holds me tighter. "Shhh." Just then I feel a shock to my legs and I drop in my mother's arms. "Ahhhhh!"

"Courtney?" I look at the room where my sister is fighting for her life and I can feel her pain. I feel another shock and I push my mother off. I run towards the room but my grandpa grabs me.

"Courtney, Stop!"

"She needs me! Myla! Get up!" As I shout that the light flicker and I reach for the handle. "Stop! Or you'll get sedated!" I touch the door and suddenly all my strength was drained out of me.

Maybe it's a twin thing, but at that moment I just knew that if my sister made it through this, she wasn't going to be the same ever again...

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