Chapter 11

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Alorah Reagen
"Guys, do you think people should have a certain limit when drinking coffee?" Layla asked.

"For me, yes. I also think drinking coffee every day might lessen its effectiveness, which may increase their coffee intake. So if a person got used to drinking two cups a day, they might increase the number if they think it's no longer working on them," Amelia added, and they began their entire conversation about coffee and its effect.

I felt myself slowly drifting away when I couldn't hear their voices. Julian, whom I hadn't seen in some of our classes, was preoccupying my mind.

Why was it taking so long to discuss his punishment? I thought to myself as I could feel pressure on my tongue and noticed that I was starting to scratch my nail with my other hand.

"Alorah? Are you there?"

"Hellooo. Earth to Alorah!"

"Hey. Snap out of it," My body jolted from the slight touch on my arm. I glance at the hand and trace it back to Amelia.

"Huh? Sorry, I zoned out for a minute there. What were we talking about?" I apologized, feeling slightly embarrassed for not paying attention to them.

It seemed they didn't mind my behavior as Amelia smiled while Layla shrugged at me.

"I was talking about the new Japanese restaurant that opened near our school and was wondering when we could go there to try out their dish," Layla licked her lips as she envisioned the different types of foods they served, which made me chuckle.

"Well, we could go there after the-" My voice trailed when I noticed someone passing by our classroom.

I abruptly stood up, placing my hands on my desk to keep myself balanced.


"Alorah, what are you-"

"I have to pee," I said and quickly walked out of the classroom, leaving the two of them speechless at my sudden excuse.

I was speed walking in the hallway, trying not to get caught by the officers or teachers that were roaming around. My eyes were on Julian, and I had this inkling feeling that I might lose sight of him because of the distance.

What am I going to do?! I can't shout since it will attract attention. But if I don't stop him, who knows how many turns are left before I lose him.

Not wanting to waste any seconds, I increased my pace, which ended up cramping my ankles a bit.

The distance lessened, which made me happy. I looked ahead to see a classroom that Julian was about to pass, and I did a one-take around me before mustering up the energy in my legs.

Good. There are no officers or teachers onsite. I hope the classroom is empty.

Crossing my fingers, I start sprinting toward him. The thumping sounds might have caught his attention as he stopped on his track and slowly turned his head in my direction.

I lunged at him, grabbing his arm, before pulling him with me into the classroom.

"What the-" His voice got cut off when I shut the door and slammed my hands on both sides of his head, trapping him.

Julian's eyes were wide open while I was catching my breath and enduring the cramp in my ankles. My heart was beating fast from the adrenaline, and I could tell I was going to feel regret and embarrassment.

I stared back at him, and his expression changed from shock to amusement. His body relaxed after noticing it was me, and he grinned at what was happening.

"I didn't think you had it in you, little one, to trap a guy two years older than you in an empty classroom. And doing the kabedon on me? What a sight to see, especially when it comes from you," he teased as he eyed me from head to toe.

Little one? First of all, I am not that short. I'm 5'5, and he's like, what? 6'0 flat? For heaven's sake! I reached his nose, and I- I got distracted again.

"Kabedon? What kind of language are you using? Besides that, I wanted to ask you something," I said.

"Well, when you went out of your way to sprint across the hallway full of students, pulled me aside, and trapped me, I can't possibly not give you what you want now, can I?" He chuckled.

I was about to say something when I saw his hand right in front of me, and I felt a force gently pushing me back.

"You don't have to get too close to me. I won't resist," Julian pointed out. My eyes widened when I realized I was closing the distance between us.

I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment before meeting his gaze. I was about to ask him when something stopped me. The words wouldn't come out, and the awkward feeling surfaced, making me wonder if asking this was the right thing.

Our relationship wasn't close enough for me to interfere with his life. Oh my gosh, why did I just realize this now?! I knew I was impulsive, but not to this extent.

Julian must have noticed my hesitation when he patted my head. I looked back at him to see a genuine smile on his face.

Genuine smile? I don't mean it to sound like his smiles aren't real. I mean that-

"My head," I muttered, pushing myself away from our position to massage my temple. I can't believe I was being overly conscious with my words again.

"Alorah," he called, which made me look up, "you don't have to overcomplicate things. If you want to ask me something, I want you to know that I won't feel offended or treat your words like a joke."

I searched for any hint that might indicate he was telling me that so I wouldn't waste any more of his time, but I found none. Instead, he has a reassured look on his face, and the more I look at it, the more I feel like I don't have to overthink my next choice of words when I'm around him.

"Thank you," I said, gathering my courage to continue, "back in the hallway a while ago, when you were confronted by Mr. Grayson allegedly doing the things he enumerated... why didn't you defend yourself?"

It took a couple of minutes for Julian to regroup his thoughts, and once he did, it shocked me to see how he was able to confess it to me while still holding that smile of his. It wasn't a happy smile, but one that showed he knew who it was and was sad about it.

"It was because I am their scapegoat, who will take all the blame while they remain untouched."

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