2- Ladybug Chat Noir and Alpha

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"Keeda Time to rest!" I detransform when I land on the roof of my house. Keeda flies into my pocket, I make my way down the roof and to my apartment

"Grandpa I'm back!" I say entering the living room.

"So thanks to this amateur footage, the Parisians now know the identities of their heroes!" I find grandpa watching the news on the couch

"Looks like they did fine on their first day" Grandpa says when he sees me

"Yeah they did better than I thought they were. Although Marinette did have a lot of doubts in the beginning but she ended up being a great Ladybug" I tell him

"Everyone has doubts when doing something new. Don't worry she'll get used to it" Grandpa says standing up from the couch

"Come on Keeda! You must be hungry" I make my way to the kitchen

"I am pleased to announce that we will organize a huge celebration in honor of our city's new protectors. Ladybug and Chat Noir."
I hear the mayor saying on the news while I take out some grapes from the fridge. I sit on the sofa and look at my phone while Keeda eats the grapes

"In other news, people have noticed a strange figure fleeing the scene at the end of the video" I look up from my phone and blurred image of someone on the tv. Oh my god that's me! Surprised by seeing my photo on tv I do what any other person would do in this scenario

I screamed

"HANA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Grandpa runs into the living room and sees me jumping up and down on the couch

"Citizens are wondering who is this strange figure and are they a threat to Paris?" The news lady says finishing the news report

"GRANDPA LOOK ITS ME!!!! IM ON TV!!!" I yell while pointing at the tv

"Phew you almost gave me a heart attack" He goes back to the kitchen

"I'm on tv! Get the camera!" I yell while running around the room

"You have a camera on you phone" Keeda says

"Shut up let me live my li-oof!" I trip over a pillow

"You okay?" Wayzz ask

"I'm fine" I rub my head and I feel a bump forming.

"Just as Paris is about to celebrate the appearance of out two new superheroes, Ladybug and Cat Noir, a new wave of panic is sweeping across the capital as dozens of people are mysteriously transformed into stone monsters. It's simply unbelievable" I hear the tv say

"What?" I pop my head up from behind the couch to look at the tv

"These victims transformed into stone beings are still like statues. The police are perplexed to what will happen to them. Will they come back to life or be frozen in time forever?" the news lady says

"Grandpa what's going on? They defeated Stoneheart" I ask

"Did they capture the akuma?" He ask


"Language" Wayzz yells

"It would seem the akuma has multiplied and infected the people. If Ivan's emotions become negative again, then the akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart. He'll control all the stone beings and bring them to life to serve as his army!" Grandpa informs

"And Ladybug is the only one who can capture and purify the akuma" I say worried about all those people "And there's really nothing we can do?"

"We can't do anything. Not until we find the original akuma and Ladybug purifies it" he sadly responds

"So they'll just be stuck as statues until Ladybug decides to step up?"

"I'm afraid so... now get up from the floor"

"Okay" I say


During dinner I kept thinking about today and Ladybug and Chat Noir. They might've received their miraculous recently but they handled their own against Stoneheart. I wonder how the future battles will be. After dinner I start cleaning up the table and washing the dishes while Grandpa is watching some Chinese drama. He then looks at the clock and sees that it's 10:56pm.

"Hana it's time for you to go to bed. It's almost 11 and you have school tomorrow" Grandpa says standing up

"Okay goodnight" I give him a kiss and the cheek and go upstairs to take a shower. Once I get out of the bathroom in my pajamas I see Keeda already asleep in a little bed from my old dollhouse.

"Goodnight Keeda" I kiss his tiny head and get in my bed.

"Don't worry about those monsters Hana everything will be *yawn* fine... " Keeda falls asleep

"Hehe sweet dreams Keeda" I turn of my lamp and lay my head on my pillow

Tomorrow's another day

~~~~~~~~~Timeskip to Morning~~~~~~~~

"Hana... Hana wake up" I hear Keeda say while nudging my cheek

"*yawn* Good morning Keeda" I stretch then scratch under his chin

"Did you sleep well?" Keeda ask

"Yeah I did. Now let's go have breakfast" I say getting up from my bed and making my way downstairs

"Good morning Hana" Grandpa says while making breakfast

"Morning Grandpa" I say waking up to him and taking a piece of bacon. I walk into the living room and turn on the tv to watch the morning news

"The stone beings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. (A variety of pictures of the stone people are shown.) Police have cordoned off the area." The news lady says then they show a video of the mayor

"We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway." The mayor says Well you can't do anything without Ladybug. The they go back to Nadja with a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir next to her

"Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug and Cat Noir, to save us all. Our lives depend on them." She says

"Wow no pressure" I say sarcastically while taking a bite of my toast

I finish my breakfast, put my dirty plate in the sink so that I can go to my room and get ready for school. When I'm done I go on my computer for a little while and come across a website called "Ladyblog". It has the video of Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting Stoneheart and people talking about Paris's Heroes. Apparently it's run by Alya. Good for her.

"Hana it's time to go!" I hear grandpa yell

"Coming!" I grab my backpack and run downstairs "Let's go Keeda!" Keeda flies into my bag "Bye Grandpa!" I tell him

"Have a good day at school!"

"I'll try!" I then leave the house and make my way to school. On the way I hear people talking about Ladybug and Chat Noir. I wonder how Marinette and Adrien feel about their new secret life. When I get to school I see Marinette and Alya entering the school.

"Marinette! Alya!" I call out to them they turn around and Mari smiles when she sees me and Alya looks at me in confusion

"Hana! Good to see you" Mari says while giving me a hug. She then turns to Alya. "Alya this is my friend Hana" I nervously wave at her

"Hana this is-" "Alya I know. I saw your blog about Ladybug and Chat Noir and let me tell you I'm already a fan" I nervously say

"Oh wow! Look girl I'm already a celebrity" Alya says while flipping her hair dramatically

"You have a blog?" Marinette ask

"Oh yeah check it out" I say showing her the website on my phone

"Ladyblog, bringing you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug! How awesome is that?!" Alya says in excitement

"And check out the number of views since you posted a video!" I say

"But why do you trust Ladybug so much? All these stone beings..." Mari says

"She's gonna handle them."Alya says in assurance.

"Yeah, she figure out how to do it"  I say

"But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero even though everyone thinks she is?" Mari says in doubt

"What are you talking about, girl? Oh, wait." Alya comes to a realization. "I know what this is about." Marinette is flustered and Im afraid of what Alya 's gonna say

"You're scared, but don't be! I've seen it with my own two eyes, girl! Ladybug is a true superheroine! She's going to protect us all! I believe in her." Alya says with confidence
I sigh in relief

"And besides, I don't think she would be a superhero just because. I believe she was chosen because she has the potential to being Paris's guardian angel" I say in reassurance

"Also I feel like she's gonna have help very soon." Alya winks

"What do you mean?" Marinette asks confused

"Ohh right! You're talking about the person at the end right" I say

"What person?"

"It's all people have been theorizing about. Check it" Alya shows Marinette the picture of me as Alpha

"People have been asking who this mystery man is"

"How do we know it's a man? It could be a girl for all we know." I subtly ask

"Or what if they're a super villain!?" Marinette ask frightened

"If they were a super villain then why didn't they attack Ladybug and Chat Noir?" I try to reassure her

"Maybe He-"

"Or she" I mumble

"Was analyzing them for future battles?" Alya theorized

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see" I say ending the conversation

While walking we notice a group of people gathered around Ivan

"So you really don't remember anything?"
"You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool!" "You were seriously out to crush me, dude!" I hear our classmates say

"Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't myself..." Ivan says looking down

"It's ok Ivan you weren't you" I say walking up to the group

"Pff!" Chloé scoffs at Ivan. "Once a monster, always a monster." Chloe tells Ivan. Ivan becomes furious and marches away as Chloé continues to make fun of him.

"Well I guess you can say that about yourself Chloe" I tell Chloe angrily

"How dare you! Do you know who I am?!" Chloe says insulted

"Yeah, a stuck up brat" I snap. I hear people saying "Ohhh!" around me

"How could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart." Alya says standing next to me

"Ugh, so I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? Just because your footage of those lame superheroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty." Chloe responds and blows a bubble gum in Alya's face

"You little..." Alya responds angrily

"Look out, she's angry! She's going to spit her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster!" Chloe says making fun of Alya

"Come on Alya, she's not worth it" I say dragging her away

"Oh she is such a bitch! I could just-"

"Language!" I gasp

"Sorry! It just- she so- Ugh!" Alya groans

"Where's Marinette?" I ask her

"Oh she went after Ivan to try and calm him down" She responds

"Oh okay. I think I'm gonna head off to class, See ya in a bit" I wave goodbye at her and make my way towards the classroom

I walk into class and decide to sit next to Nino and talk to him for a bit. While me and Nino start talking Chloe suddenly walks in wi- Adrien?!

"This is your seat, Adrikins. I saved it for you. Right in front of- You! Get out of that seat!" Chloe exclaims when she sees me sitting in the front seat.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that" Nino says defending me

"No, forget it Nino. I was about to leave anyway" I say picking up my things

"But Hana-" "No it's okay, Just let 'model boy' sit there" I then grab my stuff and move back to my seat

"Chloe you really didn't have to-" Adrien starts saying but Chloe cuts him off

"Oh Please. That brat needed to know her place and your place is in front of me" Chloe responds

"Uh... Hey! Adrien." Adrien introduces himself to Nino and offers his hand for a handshake.

"You're friends with Chloé, then, huh?" Nino says suspiciously

Adrien sees Chloé and Sabrina putting gum in a seat "Hey! What's that all about?" He ask

"The brats that sat here yesterday need a little attitude adjustment. I'm just commanding a bit of respect, that's all." Chloe says

"Maybe you're the one who needs an attitude adjustment Chloe" I tell her and she scoffs

"You think that's really necessary?" Adrien says going to take the gum off

"Ah! you've got a lot to learn about school culture, Adrikins. Watch the master." Chloe says sitting in her seat

I get up to give Adrien a napkin for the gum when Marinette and Alya walk in

"Hey! What are you doing?" Marinette says when she sees Adrien by her seat with gum

"Uhhh...I..."Adrien stutters while Chloé and Sabrina laugh.

"Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny." Mari says sarcastically

"No, no, I was just trying to take this off!" Adrien explain

"Oh, really?" She ask suspiciously while bending down to take the gum off

"Mari he really wa-" "You're friends with Chloe right?" Mari cuts me off

"Why do people keep saying that?" He mutters the goes to his seat." Ugh"

"Now do you see what I mean about respect?" Chloe tells Adrien from her seat

"Why didn't you tell them it was Chloé's idea?" "Yeah that way you wouldn't look bad" Nino and I ask Adrien

"I've known Chloé since I was a little kid. I know she's not perfect, but I can't throw her under the bus. She's like my only friend." He tells us

Me and Nino give each other a look then we nod our heads

"Well not anymore" I say

"I'm Nino, and it's time for you to make some NEW friends, dude." Nino offers his hand to Adrien for handshake and Adrien accepts

"I'm Hana" I say with a smile offering my hand for a handshake which he gladly accepts

"Alright class please settle down in your seats" Miss Bustier says entering the class room

I go back to my seat next to Nathaniel "Hi Nathan" I whisper

"Alright time for roll call. Agreste Adrien?" Miss Bustier says

Adrien jumps up with his hand raised.
"Uh, present!" All the other students laugh while I mentally face palm. Adrien sits down and he and Nino do a fist-bump.

"Bernard Hana"


"Bourgeois, Chloé?"


"Bruel Ivan?"

"PRESENT!" Ivan breaks down the door and enters the room as Stoneheart . "Mylène?" Chaos erupts, Ivan sees Mylène and grabs her.

I see Adrien run out of the room, either running for safety or transforming. My guess is the latter.

I get my bag and run to the bathroom.

"We gotta save Mylene!"

"Hana are you sure you're ready to reveal yourself so soon?" Keeda ask

"I'm more than ready! Keeda Let's hunt!" I transform and swing out of the school to find Stoneheart.

I start following Stoneheart's path of destruction when hear a loud commotion and make my way towards it. When I arrive I see Chat Noir fighting off a dozen Stonehearts. Suddenly one knocks over a car that's about to hit Alya.

That's when I decided to make my entrance. I take my whip and use it as a lasso to wrap around the car and throw it the opposite direction from Alya

"Looks like you could use some help Kitty" I say standing on a car

"Woah! A new superhero" I hear Alya say

"Good timing uhh dog woman" Chat Noir says

"I'm a wolf!" I snap at him. Suddenly I see a Stoneheart behind Chat Noir about to grab him

"Chat Noir look out!" I try to warn him but the Stoneheart grabs him and stomps away.

I swing after them when suddenly I hear someone behind me

"Chat Noir! Your stick extend it!" Ladybug yells while throw his baton towards him

He catches it, does as told and jumps out of the stone being's hand to the ground. Ladybug pulls hin to safety, hanging him upside down on a lamppost "Sorry I was late." LB says

"Nice of you to drop by Ladybug" I say

"M'lady, have I ever told you you turn my world upside down?"

"Oh you're quite the jokester aren't you" She responds

"Umm can we save the jokes for later. We kinda have a whole city to save" I say pointing out the Stonehearts closing in on us

"We gotta get out of here!" We jump onto the rooftops and run away from the Stone monsters

"Hey, aren't we going to take care of 'em?" Chat Noir ask

"No. If we wanna save them all, then we go to the source. The original Stoneheart" I say while we make our way towards the Eiffel Tower

"And who are you newbie?" Chat Noir ask me

"Actually, you guys are the newbies. The name's Alpha nice to meet you" I say

"Can we save the introductions for later? We gotta save Paris!" Ladybug tells us

When we get to the Eiffel Tower we see Ivan trow Chloe but Ladybug catches her and takes her to her father. Me and Chat Noir then decide to drop in

"We're clear to attack!" Roger the policeman says

"Wait! No, don't attack them! You know it'll only make it worse!" Ladybug tries to reason with them

"I have a new plan, unlike you! Move aside and let the pros do their thing. You've already failed once!" He says

"At least she knew how to handle the problem you ungrateful swine" I mutter

"He's right, you know. If I had captured Stoneheart's akuma the first time around, none of this would have happened! I knew I wasn't the right one for this job..." Ladybug says

"No, you're wrong. You're the perfect person for the job. You handled Stoneheart the first time amazingly." I put my hands on her shoulders and reassure her

"Wait you wer-" she starts but I cut her off

"Yeah yeah I was the one watching you guys at the stadium, the point is, you did it before and you can do it again. The RIGHT way." I say

"Besides, it was your first time. It could have happened to any Ladybug. Don't beat yourself up about it" Chat Noir says

"Now, were gonna save all these people and turn them back to normal," I start

"Because that's what heroes do" Chat Noir finish

"Okay" Ladybug says with confidence

Suddenly Stoneheart starts to cough and spits out a swarm of akumas that form into a face.

"What the hell is that?" I yell

"People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawk Moth." The face- Hawk Moth says

"Hawk Moth?" Me, Ladybug and Chat Noir say in confusion

He's the one using the butterfly miraculous!

"Ladybug, Cat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring now. You've done enough damage to these innocent people!" Hawk Moth say trying to make us seem bad

"Ha! Okay Hawk Moth but we know who the real bad guy is so let's not reverse the roles here Okay?" I say. Ladybug continues "Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawk Moth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and YOU will hand us YOUR Miraculous!"

Ladybug jumps up and uses her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She uses her yo-yo to make Hawk Moth disappear by catching multiple akumas. Chat Noir and the others look at her, surprised while I watch with a grin.

"Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug, Cat Noir and Alpha will do everything in our power to keep you safe!" Ladybug says, she then opens her yo-yo, and a busload of purified butterflies come out. Everyone starts to cheer.

"Woah she's awesome" Chat Noir says in aw

"I like that sudden burst of confidence she had. Now come on let's go save that girl." I say

Me and Chat Noir make our way up the Eiffel Tower to help Ladybug

"You'll never take Mylène from me! Come to me, my stone beings!" Stoneheart says the proceeds to climbs up the Tower.

"We're surrounded! What do we do now? We can't attack him." Chat Noir says

"Yes, but we know where the akuma is." Ladybug says

"In his clenched fist. The one he's holding Mylène with. So..." Chat Noir says dodging one of the stone beings

"Why would he take Mylene but not hurt her?" I think "Unless...

"He's in love with her!" Me and Ladybug say at the same time

"That's it! We don't separate Stoneheart and Mylène: we bring them closer together! They're made for one another!" Ladybug says "They just don't know it yet" I continue. We then start going to the top of the tower.

"Help! I'm scared of heights!" Mylene yells

"Everything's gonna be alright!" LB says trying to calm her down

"How are you planning to get them closer than they already are?" Chat Noir says

"By using our powers! Lucky Charm!" Ladybug uses her lucky charm and a parachute appears. "A parachute? What am I supposed to do with this?" She wonders

"Uhhh so that you don't go splat if you fall?" I shrug

Chat Noir then gets thrown away by a stone being and he screams. "You sure you know what you're doing?" He yells

"We'll find out soon enough! Alpha here's what I need you to do." She then tells me her plan and I grin

"Weird plan, but Clever girl" I then use my whip and tie it around Stoneheart's hand "His hand! Get ready!" I say

I starts pulling his hand and Mylène kisses Stoneheart. Stoneheart lets go of her. Mylène grabs on to his finger. Chat Noir grabs the akumatized paper, and hits it up with his staff. Ladybug grabs the paper, breaking it. "Home run!" The akuma flies away. "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. De-evilize!" She sees Stoneheart turning back into Ivan, falling down from the Tower. She jumps down to rescue them. "Chat Noir, take care of Ivan!" She yells at him

"Cataclysm!" He uses his Cataclysm on the Eiffel Tower, making part of it fall. He slides on it and rescues Ivan. Ladybug rescues Mylène and captures the akuma. "Gotcha!"She pulls the parachute out, then releases the akuma, which turned into a normal butterfly."Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" She throws the Lucky charm into the air, its energy turning everything back to normal. The stone beings are turned back into people.

I come down from the tower and see magic ladybugs going around fixing all the damage.

"Whoa. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Chat Noir says look around in amazement

"Yeah. It's incredible" I watch in awe

"It's...um...miraculous!" Ladybug yells

Ladybug then goes towards Ivan and Mylene.

"You were pretty great out there little wolf" Chat Noir says

"You weren't so bad yourself considering this is your second time. Kitty" I say ringing the bell on his collar

"As if this isn't you first time either" he says

"Well I've had my miraculous way longer than you, but it's my first time actually doing a mission" I say truthfully

Ladybug then makes her way towards us and sees Mylene and Ivan hug "Aww they're adorable!" Her miraculous beeps "Well time for me to go. See ya!" She then swings off

I look back at Mylene and Ivan "They really are made for each other" I say

"Yeah, they sure ar-" Chat Noir gets interrupted by his miraculous beeping

"Time to split. See you soon Chat Noir" I say pointing at his miraculous

"Until we meet again little wolf" He bows then leaves. I then go swing back home

What a long day

I land on the roof of the building and detransform. Keeda wouldn't stop congratulating me

"You did it Hana! You help Ladybug and Chat Noir!" She said

"I know right! It was so cool" I say opening the door. I go to the living room and see grandpa watching the news

"And thanks to Ladybug, Chat Noir and their new friend Alpha, all the stone beings were turned back into people" the news lady said

"Well done Hana. I'm so proud of you" Grandpa says congratulating me

"Thanks Grandpa. It was so much fun being out in the field" I say

"Hehe now come on. Let's eat dinner, I made Lasagna" Grandpa says then walks into the kitchen

We then eat talking about what happened today. After dinner I washed the dirty dishes and put away the leftover lasagna for tomorrow.

"Hana, I was thinking... maybe it's time that I train you to be a guardian." Grandpa says standing up

"W-hat? Really?"

"Yes. With Hawkmoth as a threat it puts the miraculous in danger and one day... I won't be here anymore" he walks towards the gramophone where the miraculous are kept

"And since I'm the last of the guardians, that means that I need someone to protect the miraculous someday; and that someone.... is you" he looks at me with a smile

"I-I won't let you down... Master" I do a small bow

Grandpa puts his hand on my head and ruffles my hair. "You're a good girl Hana" he smiles
"Now off to bed" he leaves the living room and I just stare at the gramophone

One day... I'll be a guardian

~~~~~~Timeskip to morning at school~~~~~

I enter the school I walk up to Alya and Marinette.

"So, by the time I went to the Eiffel Tower, it was all over. I'm way bummed." I hear Alya say sadly

"Don't worry. You'll get your scoop eventually." I reassure her "What do guys think about the new superhero? I think she's pretty cool" I say changing the subject

"Oh yeah! I had a small clip of her helping Chat Noir and saving my life, it's already gotten more than 20,000 views! last time I checked" Alya says "My next scoop: Ladybug, Chat Noir and Alpha, an exclusive interview!"

"Ooh. Sounds exciting." Mari says interested

"Oh, wait! Even better: finding out who's really under those masks." Alya say

"Umm that would be kinda hard" I chuckle

"Uh-huh. Good luck with that one." Mari says

We then start walking to our classroom. When Alya is about to go to her seat Marinette stops her.

"No, wait." Marinette then motions to the seat behind Nino. Alya understands what she's doing and they seat down. Then Chloe walks in

"Uhh... You're in the wrong seat. Go on, get lost!" Chloe tells Marinette

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing!" Mari says quoting what Alya said before

"What is that supposed to mean?" Chloe says confused

"It means that I'm not putting up with your crud anymore, Chloé, and neither is anyone else around here, so take your attitude and go on, get lost!" Marinette says sassily

All the other students laugh. Chloé takes Marinette's previous seat angrily

"Good job!" Alya tells Marinette proudly

"Finally stood up to the queen bee have we?" I tell Mari with a grin

"I figured it was about time" Mari responds

Adrien enters the classroom and he waves at us. I wave and say hello but Marinette turns away from him still mad about the gum thing.
Adrien then frowns and goes to his seat.

"You know you really should talk to him Mari. He isn't as bad as you think he is" I tell Mari

"Yeah right, He's friends with Chloe and he put gum in my seat" Mari scoffs

"Well you shouldn't judge someone based on their friends." I tell her before going to my seat

~~~~~~~~Timeskip after school~~~~~~~~~
The last bell rang a few minutes ago. Me and Adrien are the only ones in the classroom cleaning up. I look out the window and see that it's raining.

"Aww man, I didn't bring an umbrella" I mutter quietly but Adrien hears me

"You can have my umbrella" he offers

"No, it's okay I don't live far" I politely reject

We then walk out of the classroom to leave. At the exit we see Marinette without an umbrella.

"Y'Know you really should talk to her and clear up what happened with the gum" I tell him

"I know that but what should I say to her? What if she won't talk to me?" He ask

"Adrien stop worrying. Just be honest with her" I tell him reassuringly

"Ok I'm gonna talk to her wish me luck" he says and I give him a thumbs up for support. He then walks off to talk to Marinette. I hide behind the wall to listen to what he's gonna say

"Hey" I hear Adrien start "I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat. I swear. I've never been to school before. I've never had friends. It's all sort of new to me." He says

I peek and look as Adrien hands her his umbrella, and they share brief eye contact through the exchange. 

Before the umbrella closes over Marinette's head, causing Adrien to laugh resulting in Marinette smiling and laughing as well, I hold in a chuckle so that I don't give away my position. resulting in Marinette smiling and laughing as well then he walks down the stairs.

"See you tomorrow" He says walking away

"Uh... see you to...mo... tomo... Haha! Whoa, why am I stammering?" Marinette wonders

"I think I might have a reason why" I say walking up to her

"Whaat I-I dont know what you're talking" She stutters

"Hehe see you tomorrow Mari" I say exiting the school.

I then see grandpa with an umbrella by the school and I run under it

"Excellent choice, Master." Wayzz says

"You really did choose the right people for the job Grandpa" I say

"Thank you Hana, now let's go home" He says
And with that we go home.

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