Altered Destiny

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There was a tingling around his mouth and he closed his eyes as blood rushed through his ears. He heard voices talking but they sounded like they were underwater. His body was cold and he began to shake. His stomach began to churn as the taste of iron filled his mouth.

He felt himself tugged out of his seat and half dragged from the room. Someone was calling his name and several people stood from their seats. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he nearly hit the deck but was held up by arms on either side. He vaguely registered lights overhead and a few crewmembers before a door swished open and he was dropped into a chair. He leaned forward and laid his head on the cool surface of a table.

There was pressure against the side of his neck and the hiss of a hypospray. He heard the sound of the tricorder as it scanned him and the haziness and nausea began to clear. McCoy cursed under his breath and dug around in his medkit. Seems all McCoys liked their medkits. There was another hiss and the tingling and cold chill went away.

"Dammit, man! We talked about how important consuming enough calories during pregnancy was important. Especially with twins. You're hypoglycemic. Are you a doctor or what?!" McCoy ranted.

Heart rate back to normal, irritability set in. He may not have been a doctor by their standards but he was a doctor and a highly successful and well renowned one in his own time and reality. He didn't need a lecture from a flashy doppleganger. He just didn't have time to get something to eat before the damned meeting. Leonard sat up and glared at the younger man. "I know that. I woke up late. Sue me."

"I do not mean to interrupt,"

Two sets of blazing eyes landed upon the young commander. Were he a lesser being, he'd have been cowed into silence. To his merit, Spock ignored their looks and carried on.

"Can you kindly explain how Doctor McCoy-"

"Leonard," both snapped cutting him off.

He pursed his lips together, as close to a sigh as he'd get. "Can you kindly explain how Leonard is pregnant?" He looked between the two doctors who looked at each other as if to say 'you tell him.' When neither of them offered an explanation, he continued. "As far as I can recall, most human males cannot bear children with the exception of those who are intersexed."

Leonard stood up and began to pace. He had wanted to explain it to his own captain and first officer before he told anyone else. But if he knew his Spocks, he wouldn't be able to leave this room without an explanation. He clasped his hands behind his back and took several deep breaths. "We conducted an experiment and implanted an artificial womb into a male along with an ovum created using stem cells."

Young Spock's eyebrows seemed to disappear under his neatly cut bangs. "You experimented on yourself?"

Leonard nodded in confirmation. "I did."

"Does your captain know?"

"No one knows. The pregnancy wasn't detected until two days before we found ourselves in your lovely timeline."

McCoy spoke up. "And we expect you to keep your mouth shut."

"But as first officer - "

"You're not his first officer and while he is here on this ship he is my patient and I have an obligation to maintain his confidentiality."

Spock's eyebrows drew down. "Dr. McCoy, I protest. As per regulation - "

Leonard crossed his arms over his chest. Spock was a hard ass no matter time, age, or reality. A cosmic flaw. "I admire your...adherence to regulation, commander, but frankly this is none of anyone's damn business. It's my body, my decision. I'll tell my captain when I'm good and goddamned ready."

Spock looked back and forth between the two McCoys, recognizing the steely eyed determination in both. He stood straight and squared his shoulders, clasping his hands tightly behind his back. There was nothing to be done when that look and tone set in. "Very well, doctors. I shall, as you say, 'keep my mouth shut.'"

Leonard gave him a half nod. "Thank you."

"However, should your pregnancy prove detrimental to your health or present issue with your ability to perform your duty as ship's CMO, I am duty bound to report it."

Leonard and McCoy exchanged glances. McCoy shrugged.

"Duly noted," Leonard muttered. Spock left after that leaving the two McCoys.

They returned to the ready room to find the meeting wrapping up. The two Jims, Scottys and Spocks were standing to one side whispering to one another. The other officers were standing with their counterparts seemingly having good conversations and making plans.

"You can pick this up. It's easy," the other Chekov told his Chekov showing him a padd.

Younger Uhura was talking animatedly with his Uhura. "You'll love it. We have so many new races in the Federation. Their languages are fascinating!"

Leonard snorted. She sounded just like Spock just then. From the sounds of it, his crew seemed to be finding ways to acclimate into this new reality. For a moment he had some hopes that maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to find a spot in this new reality as a doctor. Medicine was all he knew.

He and McCoy sat next to each other and picked up the padds lying on the table. Leonard began researching medical practices of this reality. The more he read, the more his optimism dimmed. It was amazing what a hundred years of medicine could do. There were procedures, diagnostic, and surgical devices he'd never heard of. He'd have to go to medical school all over again! That was four years plus another three to seven years to become a surgeon. Even if life experience could shave some of the time off, he was still looking at seven to ten years. His stomach gurgled before he could get worked up again.

Jim stood to the side of him and squeezed his shoulder. "Join us for a quick bite, Bones?"

Though phrased as a question, the squeeze on his shoulder told him declining was not an option. Leonard looked up to see Jim and Spock looking at him. Looking around, he noticed all the other officers had left.

"I believe, doctor, that since you missed breakfast you should take this opportunity to consume a nutritious breakfast before returning to shift," Spock said when he remained silent.

If that wasn't Spock's way of showing concern, Leonard didn't know what was. He smiled and rose to his feet followed by McCoy. "Sure. Be there in a second." He turned to McCoy as Jim and Spock walked over to the door.

"Well, doctor, I'd like to stop by later and discuss my options in medicine - if you have the time."

McCoy smiled. "I have a surgery but I'm free after that. Should we grab an early dinner?"

Leonard chuckled softly. He'd more than likely eat again after that. "I'll be there." They walked to the door together and McCoy left to go to med bay. Leonard, Jim, and Spock made their way to the other Enterprise's mess hall. There were a few tables full of crewman having breakfast. More than likely those from gamma shift. The three officers made quick work of getting their food from the replicator and finding a quiet spot near the back to sit.

Leonard was careful not to come into skin contact with Spock. After this morning, he knew his lover would be paying attention to any feelings or sensations he picked up. Normally he blocked it out but after Leonard's meltdown earlier he would be sure to have his shields wide open and attuned to Leonard. As for Jim, he had to remind himself to be mindful of what he said and to not give away any clues through his body language. Jim was a highly perceptive individual and could figure things out just as much by what was said as was not said.

Jim and Spock began discussing the briefing and Leonard listened while he ate. He felt like he hadn't eaten in years. He polished off a western omelette, toast, a donut, yogurt, and juice and still felt hungry. Jim slid over a bowl of pudding and Spock handed him a small bowl of some sort of porridge with honey.

"Looks like you missed more than breakfast there, Bones," Jim teased pinching his side.

Leonard twisted away and scowled. "Can't a man eat in peace?"

"Oh no. You can." Jim smiled lifting up his coffee.


Leonard rolled his eyes and looked up from his food at Spock. There was no one around or paying attention to them. Why couldn't Spock relax and call him by his name?

Spock folded his hands neatly on top of the table in front of himself. "When you left there was quite an uproar."

"It was nothing," Leonard quickly replied.

"Young Spock explained as much. ' Low blood sugar' he said."

"Yeah. That's right. It's not uncommon."

"This isn't something more severe?" Spock asked. "Like your xenocyclothemia?"

Leonard paused with his spoon in the air and looked back and forth between the two. So that was it. They were worried he had some life threatening disease again. He set his spoon down and straightened in his seat. Perhaps now would be a good time to tell them.

He took a long sip of his juice and cleared his throat. "I don't have a terminal disease." His heart began pounding in his chest. He was going to stroke out before he ever said anything. They were watching him with concern in both their eyes. He took a deep breath and laced his fingers together in his lap in an effort to steel his nerves. "I'm not dying. I'm-"

Jim's communicator chirped.


With an annoyed sigh, Jim took out the intrusive device and flipped it open. "This is Kirk."

"Captain, there's a priority one message from Starfleet."

Jim's shoulders sagged and he looked over to Leonard. He gave Jim a small smile then went back to eating his food.

"I' right there. Kirk out." He flipped the communicator closed and put his hand over Leonard's.

"Bones -"

"It's fine, Jim. Duty and all that."

"We will talk." Jim stood and rubbed Bone's arm. Only the senior staff, Christine, and M'Benga knew they were dating. It was the only public display of affection Leonard would allow. Leonard patted his hand and nodded.

"Sure we will."

Spock stood to leave so he could follow Jim then decided against it and sat back down. This was unusual and Leonard looked at him with furrowed brows.


"Please know we do not mean to neglect you, Leonard. We very much want to spend time with you."

"I know, Spock. You guys have over 430 lives to take care of. I'm just the good ol' country doctor trying to keep you all healthy."

"Do not think you contribute any less or are less important than anyone else. That is not the case." He put his hand on Leonard's shoulder. "If anything, the CMO is the most important person because they make sure everyone is healthy - even the captain and first officer."

Leonard scoffed at that. "The captain and first officer are irreplaceable. The entire ship looks to you to make the decisions that keep us all safe and inspire us to be our best." He tapped the table with his index finger. "You can always find a new CMO."

He looked down as Spock's hand trailed over his shoulder, slender fingertips lightly ghosting over his neck, before lifting the carved stone pendant around Leonard's neck. The stone glowed in his hand, light like fire blazing in his eyes.

"A doctor may be replaceable to most," he dropped the pendant and pressed his palm against Leonard's beating heart. His dark eyes burned through Leonard's to his soul as his hand burned through his shirt to the flesh beneath. "But Leonard H. McCoy is not replaceable to me."

Spock's image blurred and Leonard's throat burned with emotion. What could Leonard say to that? The damned walking computer's feelings were as deep as the ocean and his ways of expressing it as vast as space. He harshly rubbed at his right eye and gently pulled Spock's hand away.

"You better get going, commander. I get the feeling you'll be needed."

"Very well, ashayam." He lightly stroked the palm side of Leonard's hand with his own. "Until later."

Leonard nodded. "Later."

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