Chapter Five

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      Annabeth's POV

      Okay, I felt really bad, but he really needed to come out. As of right now though, that isn't my main concern, because he isn't coming out of the bathroom. "Percy? Hey Percy, will you come out? Please?" I begged, banging on the door.

      I've tried on multiple occasions to get him to talk, but he wont talk to me. He just ignores me. Not this time. "I HATE YOU!" he screamed, his voice raw and guttural.

       Will and Nico had left the cabin a little bit ago to talk, but ran back in when they heard Percy's scream. "Percy!" Nico yelled, running to the door. Water was starting to seep from under the bathroom door. "Let me in!"

      "NO! GO AWAY!" Percy screamed. Nico put his hand on the door handle and I could see black, like shadows were coming out of Nico's hand. The door knob then simple fell off, and I could hear a soft plink as the other side fell in Percy's side. 

      Will motioned for us to come over to him and we all obeyed, looking frantic. "Nico and I broke up." He whispered. "I like some other guy, and he still liked Percy. We agreed we weren't working. I'm hoping Nico can get Percy to calm down. Wait, Percy likes Nico, right?" 

       I nodded vigorously, widening my eyes. "Big time."

      Will nodded and I crushed him in a hug. "Thank you so much Will..." I whispered. He laughed lightly and hugged back before pulling away. We all turned back to the door, which was now open. Nico was trying to approach Percy, who was backed into a corner and looking frantic. Tears streamed down his face and Nico had shoved some towels in the doorway so the rest of the cabin wouldn't flood, so he was wading in almost ankle-deep water.

      "GET AWAY!" Percy screamed, still crying. "GO! G-GET AWAY!" 

      "Percy! Calm down!" Nico shouted over all the noise. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

      Percy just continued to scream at him to go away, his chest heaving up and down, Nico slowly approaching him. How he was only a foot away from Percy, who was cornered. Nico was completely drenched, which I'm guessing was Percy's doing. Nico took another three-inch step towards Percy. "Calm down Percy, please, let me talk to you." Nico begged. The water pressure seemed to go down a little bit. "Just stop the water. Please. Just let me talk to you."

      Percy stopped screaming, and the water pressure dropped a little bit, but he was still crying. Nico took another three inch step towards Percy, so they were only six inches apart. "Stop the water Percy. Please"

      "I-I c-c-can't..." Percy sobbed.

     "Just calm down, okay?" Nico whispered. His voice was surprisingly soothing. Percy somehow captured my gaze and held it. I gave him a message. Back down.

      He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, though shaky because of his crying. A moment later, the water reduced to a dull trickle. Percy slid down the wall and sat on the floor, his eyes still closed and his head hanging low. "I'm sorry..." He whispered dejectedly.

      "You have nothing to be sorry for." Nico whispered, sitting down in the water in front of him. "I probably would have done much worse if my best friend had revealed my secret when I didn't want it revealed." He cast a glare over his shoulder at me and I shrugged helplessly. What's done is done.

        "I don't really hate her... Well I kind of do right now..." Percy muttered. I wanted to say something, but I knew not to interfere.

       Nico laughed lightly. "I know you do. But, it's probably for the best that she said it."

       "Why?" Percy muttered bitterly. "Nothing is going to come out of this. I'm going to shove all you guys out, never leave my cabin again-"

       "No, you're not." Nico interrupted. "You're going to be the old Percy. The cheery, happy Percy. Just... Don't go all valley girl gay on me alright?"

       Percy chuckled a bit. "I wont."

      "Good." There was a short silence before Nico spoke up again. "Percy?"

      "Hmm?" Percy asked quietly.

      "Can you look up at me for a second?" Nico asked.

      "You mean down?" Percy muttered with a small smile.

       "Oh be quiet. Just look up, alright?" Nico asked.

       Percy hesitated. "Why?"

       "Oh my gods Percy, just- Ugh. Never mind. I'll do it." Nico cupped the bottom of Percy's jaw and lifted his face up. Percy looked confused until Nico crashed his lips onto his. Percy's eyes widened and he looked stunned, but he pushed Nico away.

       "Will?" Percy asked quietly.

       "We broke up. We were using each other as a filler for who we really liked." Nico said. 

       Percy was silent for a little while. He bit his bottom lip and furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. "Who?" 

       Nico laughed. "I still like you, genius."

       "Wait what?" Percy asked, getting a look of complete shock on his face.

      "Why would I kiss you if I didn't like you?" Nico asked.

      "I don't know..." Percy muttered. His face turned a bright red and he asked, "Can you do it again?"

      Nico laughed and kissed Percy, except this time Percy looked more relaxed, and he kissed back. After about a minute, they pulled away. "FINALLY!" I screamed, pumping my fist. 

      "Finally what?" Leo asked.   

      "Do you have ANY idea how LONG I've been trying to get Percy to ask out or kiss Nico? It's not even... It's not even FUNNY!" I exclaimed.

       Percy rolled his eyes. "It's kinda hard when I was trying to hide it from everyone Wise Girl."

      "It's... Hard to imagine you guys as... Not a couple..." Piper said, looking between Percy and I.

      "I think Percy and Nico make a better couple, no offense." Jason whispered yelled.

      "None taken. You're the one with the brick collection under your bed." I said with a shrug.

       "I do not!" Jason exclaimed.

       I raised an eyebrow. "Go check."

       Jason ran out of the door and Leo, Piper and I burst out laughing. "Best... Prank.. Ever!" Leo gasped and we all high-fived.

       "What did you do?" Percy asked with a sigh.

       "Put, like, 70 something bricks under Jason's bed." I said, snickering.

         "Brason is real! Finally!" Percy yelled.

        "Pernico is real! Finally!" I mimicked. 

         Percy stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed. "Now, Will? Who was that someone you liked?" I asked. Will turned red.


        "Me." Leo said lazily, raising his hand.

         "Wait what!? How did you-!?" Will exclaimed.

         "Dude. I nicked my thumb with a knife and you dragged me to the infirmary saying that you needed to heal me and that even the smallest bruise needs to be treated with care." Leo said, raising an eyebrow at him. Will's face flushed red.


       Leo laughed. "It's cool. Now, let's go." he grabbed Wills hand and dragged him out of the cabin.

        "Oh gods, Leo's gonna do something stupid." Frank sighed.

        "He better not hurt Will or Imma strangle him." I threatened, cracking my knuckles.

        "Why are you so worried about Will?" Percy asked.

        "Oh, once I found out he and Nico were dating I had a small... Talk with him." I said with a shrug. "No biggie."

        "Talk in Annabeth language is hardcore interrogation with handcuffs." Percy translated. "I speak from experience."

         I huffed and everyone else snickered. "Remind me NOT to have a talk with Annabeth..." Frank muttered.

        "I wouldn't do it to you. You're to innocent." I assured him. "Well, unless you hurt Hazel. In that case I'd probably murder you with the help of Nico."

        Frank paled and looked over at Nico, who nodded with a blank face. "I would so murder you if you hurt my sister."

         "I couldn't, I love her to much." Frank said, smiling down at the blushing Hazel. (FRAZEL) Nico narrowed his eyes at Frank before nodding and turning back to Percy.

        "So." He said.

        "So." Percy repeated. "So what?"

        "Would you go out with me?" Nico asked. 

        "Wait, seriously?" Percy asked, his eyes wide.

         "Uh, yeah?" Nico asked.

         Percy's face flushed bright red. "I'd love to go out with you." I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from squealing. 

         "Let's go." I whispered, walking towards the door. I looked back and saw the others following me. We left the cabin, leaving the new couple to themselves.

Author's Note

      Being tortured, GTG bye!

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