Chapter Four

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Percy's POV

      "What in Tartarus just happened!?" Piper screeched.

      "Annabeth broke up with me, came up with an awful plan, and revealed to all of you we were never dating." I pursed my lips and plopped back down on the bed. "Way to go Annabeth."

       "You were... Never dating..." Jason said, looking stunned. "What... What about the mints? What was that about?"

       I sighed. "When we ran back to our cabin after we kissed? We stuffed our mouths with mints and tic-tac's while gagging and teasing each other."

       "Then... Why'd you date?" Hazel asked. "I mean, if both of you were faking, why'd you even date?"

       I tensed. "Um..."

       "C'mon Percy, we're your friends, you can tell us anything. We wouldn't care." Leo said.

       "Uh... I can't really tell you..." I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

       "WIMP!" Annabeth yelled, appearing behind Jason. I scowled at her. (Who else can imagine a Percabeth friendship being exactly like this?)

       "I'm not a wimp, I'm cautious." I corrected. She shoved through the seven, Nico and Will and stood in front of me, crossing her arms.

        "You're a wimp. You know who did it, you can too. Hell, you're the two time savior of Olympus and you can't do it." Annabeth scolded.

        "Trust me, I know I can't." I said, crossing my arms back at her. "Plus, it's... Different with me." 

       "How?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

      "It's... Harder. For... Reasons I can't tell you." I said with a shudder. My voice was tight.

      "Um, guys? Can you excuse me and Percy for a second?" Annabeth asked. They all nodded, muttering different things before shutting the cabin door. "What is it? What didn't you tell me?" She asked.

       I took a deep breath. She was my best friend, I couldn't lie to her. "Remember Gabe?" I asked. She nodded. "He... I told him and my mom that I thought a guy was cute, and Gabe... he literally beat me till near death when my mom was at work. He forced me to act straight, and I've been afraid of telling anyone since..."

       Annabeth looked like she'd been hit in the face with a frying pan, which is to say, stunned. "Oh my gods, I'm so sorry-"

       "Don't apologize. It's fine. I know Nico came out fine, same with Will, and no one cared..." I hugged myself, gripping my sides tightly. "But still, I'm not them... People, as much as I hate it, look up to me... How would that change if they found out I'm gay? I mean, there are kids here who don't support Nico and Will, I've seen Nico get bullied..."

       "Percy, not a single camper would be dumb enough to bully you, and it wouldn't change at all. Remember Alex? They are gender fluid and no one cares. Most of our gods are bisexual, including Cupid, and I have no doubt in my mind Apollo and Hermes are too."

        "I mean, yeah, but they're gods. They're can do whatever they want." I muttered bitterly.

       "Percy, no one will give a fuck what gender you like. And if they do, I'll beat the hell out of 'em." Annabeth said, clapping me on the back. "Now how about tonight we skip campfire, everyone comes here, and you come out."

        My eyes widened. "Tonight!?"

        "Tonight. And you're going to do it. You need to conquer your fears Percy."

       I wanted to remind her that I've been through hell with her, but she walked out. I sighed miserably. Tonight was probably going to be the worst night of all my life. Not including the day Nico confessed he loved me. Loved, past tense. He was over me, all because I was using Annabeth as a shield.

        *timeskip to tonight, campfire because I'm hella lazy*

        I saw sitting on my bed and staring at a wall, which I've been doing for the past... Well, since Annabeth left this morning, and it's seven, campfire time. (Is there an actual time for that?)

        I heard a knock on my door and didn't get to respond before Annabeth charged in, a confused eight people following. Wait, eight?

       Leo, Jason, Frank, Nico, Will, Piper, Hazel, and- Oh, great. Thalia. "Where the hell did Thalia come from?" I asked with a frown, looking at Annabeth.

       "The hunters are camping outside of Camp Half-blood for a while." Annabeth explained.

       "Great. Does she know-?" I asked.

       She shook her head. "No, she doesn't."

        "Doesn't know what? And good to see you too, Kelp Head." Thalia said, rolling her eyes.

       "Anyway, before you find out the next thing I'm forcing Percy to tell everyone, you should probably know Percy and I were never dating." Annabeth told Thalia.

       Thalia looked extremely confused. "We're confused too." Jason grumbled to his sister.

       "Now! Sit." Annabeth demanded. Everyone sat on the bunk across from me, where Tyson normally slept, except Thalia who leaned against the bedpost.

       Everyone was staring at me. It was making me really nervous. Nico and Will were holding hands. That made me even more nervous, for whatever reason. What if Nico found out I liked him? What would he do? And what about Will? I heard snapping and shook my head. Annabeth was snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Percy, you zoned out." She said. "And you're sweating."

      "Of course I'm sweating." I grumbled. 

      "What was that?" Annabeth asked.

      "Nothing!" I exclaimed.

       "Good. New tell them." She gestured to everyone, who was looking at me curiously.

      "Um, let me do something real quick." I grabbed my pillow off of my bed, shoved my pillow into it, and screamed as loud as I could for a good twenty seconds before I ran out of breath.

        I pulled the pillow away and everyone looked at me even weirder. "Don't you dare judge me." I muttered. "It works."

        "So that's what that noise was coming from your room on the Argo II!" Leo exclaimed.

        "Shut up." I muttered, my face going red. 

        "Stop stalling." Annabeth scolded, flicking my ear.

        "Hey, remember that time we met Magnus? That was nice. We should go-"


        "Whatever." I huffed. I shoved my face into the pillow and whispered, quietly as I could, "I'm gay."

        "Without the pillow, you idiot!" Annabeth said, yanking the pillow away from my face.

        "No!" I whined, reaching for it, but she took a step back. "No more stalling or I'm going to tear this pillow to shreds." She warned.

       I made a pouty face. "Fine." I cleared my throat and looked at the others, who were looking at me weirdly. All the anxiety came back. I could hear my breathing start to become quick and desperate. "Annabeth! Attack!" I gasped out.

      Her eyes widened and she ran into the bathroom. A second later, she popped her head out and tossed me the bottle of pills. I popped the top off and took one out with shaky hands, throwing it in my mouth and swallowing it as quickly as possible. The others looked horrified. "What was that?" Piper asked quietly and hesitantly.

       "Nothing-" I started, but Annabeth cut me off.

       "PTSD." She said.

       "Annabeth!" I whined. She just shrugged.

       "Now tell them. You have your pill, you're fine."

       I glowered at her but took a deep breath, facing my friends again. (1234 words here. Not the end. I just wanted to do that.)

        "I... Um... I'm... Err.." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. How had Nico come out so easily to me and everyone else?

       "For gods sake Percy! I'm doing it!" Annabeth yelled.

        "No! Don't!" I exclaimed.

       "Too late." Annabeth said, turning to face everyone else. I grabbed another pillow and shoved my face in it, also covering my ears.

       "LA LA LA!" I screamed into the pillow, but I still heard the words come out of her mouth anyway.

        "Percy's gay."

        I screamed into my pillow again, only this time longer. Somehow I think it lasted at least a minute. Once I was out of breath, I didn't remove my face from the pillow. I just hid my face, bracing for the worst. I tensed, expecting a punch. Instead, I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I still flinched.

       "Percy." Annabeth whispered.

       "I fucking hate you." I growled into the pillow.

       "I know." She said softly, sitting down next to me. "But do you feel any better?"

       "No. I feel like I'm going to be punched in the jaw. Thrown against a wall. Shoved to the ground. Kicked in the gut. Whipped on my back." I growled.

       Her touch seemed to falter, but her hand was still there. "Percy, you feel better and you know it."

       "No, I don't." I growled.

        "Yes you do." She said stubbornly.

       "No, I don't." I repeated.

        "Yes, you do!" She insisted. 

        I didn't hear the others. Probably looking at me with disgust... Fists pulled back... Ready to punch me...

       "Just shut up, okay!?" I yelled into the pillow. 

       "No, you know you feel better!" Annabeth yelled. I flinched.

       "Sorry." She whispered, lowering her voice again. I nodded, but barely.

       "Wait..." Jason said.

        "Percy's... Gay?" Piper finished.

        I didn't reply. "Percy, someone's talking to you. You were taught to reply." Annabeth scolded.

        I didn't reply, just to annoy her. "Perseus Achilles Jackson!" Annabeth yelled. I flinched but didn't say anything. She shoved my back and I went sprawling to the floor, somehow landing on my back. My pillow was still firmly pressed against my face. 

        "Percy, talk to me." Annabeth demanded. I kept my mouth shut.

        "I think he's mad at you. He's giving you, nd everyone else, the silent treatment." Thalia said. I felt a foot nudge my head but I ignored it.

        "Percy? Percy, talk to me? Please?" Piper asked, filling it with charmspeak. I ignored her and didn't reply. 

       "Percy, I'm your friend, will you talk to me?" Jason asked. I, once again, ignored him.

       "Percy, if you don't talk to me I will electrocute you." Thalia warned. 

       I didn't respond.

       She groaned. "He's not budging. My gods, you'd think with his loyalty he'd talk to us."

      "He doesn't really talk to anyone other than Annabeth anymore. Not since three or four days after the war. Anyone know what he did that day?" Jason asked.

       "I do, but I don't think it's the cause." Nico said warily. I pulled the pillow closer to my face. "Or maybe it is."

       I shook my head no. "No, it's not that." Nico corrected.

       I could hear Annabeth make a weird noise in the back of her throat before whispering "He's lying."

       I shook my head no again.

       "Why would that-" Nico suddenly stopped talking. "Wait... Percy?" He asked weakly.

       I didn't respond. He found out. He found out. He. Found. Out. He. Fucking. Found. Out. He knew. Oh gods of Olympus he knew.

        "Percy?" Nico repeated. Not a sound came out of my mouth. "Percy, please talk to me, I need to know. Please, talk to me." 

        I, once again, didn't say a word. "Percy, you can't just give everyone the silent treatment." Annabeth scolded.

       "Yes. Yes, I can." I growled, though my voice cracked. 

       "He has a voice!" Leo exclaimed sarcastically. 

      "Leo, not the time." Annabeth hissed. "Percy, say something other than that!" She pleaded.

       "Fine." I growled. "Get out."

       Everyone was silent. "What?" Annabeth asked.

       Jason's POV

       "You heard me." Percy growled. "Get out."

       "But-" Annabeth started, but didn't get to finish.

       "GET OUT!" Percy screamed, which scared me slightly. 

       "Stop being all dramatic!" Annabeth scolded, reaching forwards towards the pillow covering Percy's face.

       She grabbed it and snatched it away. Percy, not expecting it, was taken by surprise. He shot up, his back facing us, but I saw a glimpse of what his face looked like.

       His eyes were red, swollen, tear trails running down his face. Annabeth stifled a gasp when she saw his face. He got up and shoved past Annabeth, glaring at Nico, and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. I heard a click and knew he had locked himself in. Not long after, I heard loud sobbing.

        What have we done?

words- 2044. I feel proud. Bye!



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