Chapter One

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      "So," Nico said, "Since we're going to be spending almost a year seeing each other at camp, I think I should clear the air."

      Percy's smile wavered. "What do you mean?"

      "For a long time," Nico said, "I've had a crush on you. I just wanted you to know."

      Percy looked at Nico. Then at Annabeth, as if to check if he'd heard correctly. "You-"

      "Yeah." Nico said. "You're a great person. But I'm over that. I'm happy for you guys."

       "You... So you mean..."


       Annabeth's grey eyes started to sparkle. She gave Nico a sideways smile.

       "Wait." Percy said. "So you mean-"

      "Right." Nico said again. "But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now.... You're cute, but you're not my type."

      "I'm not your type... Wait so-"

      "See you around Percy." Nico said. "Annabeth."

End of Flashback

Percy's POV (Everything after this is changed. That page, up top, was page 488 of Blood of Olympus, final book of the HoO series.)

       That was the day my heart was utterly destroyed. Annabeth knew that. Nico didn't. I hadn't left my cabin much after that, though I doubt anyone but Annabeth noticed. Annabeth was my best friend- Not girlfriend. Let me explain.

       I, Percy Jackson, am gay. She, Annabeth Chase, was trying to help me hide that fact. I was scared of their reactions, so no one knows. No one other than Annabeth and Aphrodite, of course. 

        Since Nico gave me his little speech, all I did was train or sit around in my cabin and mope. Mostly the second one. I didn't want to leave my cabin, to see Nico. The days I didn't leave my cabin, which was quite often, Annabeth brought me food so I didn't starve. I usually didn't eat much of it anyway, which she found concerning as I was always eating. Tonight was one of the nights I wasn't in a good mood, so she brought me dinner.

      She did her signature knock and opened the door, inviting herself in. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, kind of staring at the wall above my dresser next to the mirror. I looked up at her and saw she had a sad expression on her face. She sighed once she saw my barely touched lunch plate from earlier and sat down next to me, setting my dinner next to my lunch plate. "Hey Perce. How are you doing?" She asked. I sighed in response and she put a hand on my back. "Would you eat some more tonight?"

       "Why?" I asked, looking over at her. She never asked me to eat, just gave me a disapproving look whenever I didn't.

       "Just... Never mind. I have some bad news Percy." She looked over at me and studied my face with her fierce yet gentle intelligent grey eyes.

       "What is it?" I asked. I knew it wasn't going to be good by her pitiful expression.

       "Nico..." She sighed and put her hands on top of mine, which were resting in my lap. "Nico's dating Will."

       It took all the strength and willpower I had to not get up, storm out of this cabin and strangle Will. Annabeth saw my expression and frowned, rubbing my hands. Since I didn't have any strength yet, I knew I was going to break down. I bit my lower lip and rested my elbows on my hands, burying my face in my hands. My heart felt like it was going through a trash compactor, coming out as a bloody mess. I looked up when I felt my hands get wet. I realized I had been crying and Annabeth was looking at me with a shocked expression. She hadn't seen me cry for years, no one had. "Go." I whispered hoarsely.

       She frowned and got up, kissing my forehead before leaving the cabin. I looked at the door, then got up and locked it. I frowned at the door and barely made it to my bed before collapsing on top of it. I looked up at my food. I wasn't hungry. I turned to my face was buried in the pillow.

      And I started to sob.

Annabeth's POV

      It's been over a week since Percy has left his cabin, and the same amount of time since I've gone in. He won't even talk to me, nor take food, so multiple plates of food were set on his porch. People had started to notice that he wasn't coming out or eating and people were starting to ask me about it. I just quickly changed the topic and hurried off. I was really concerned for him, not eating wasn't healthy at all. I could only hope he was at least drinking something.

       I was walking to Percy's cabin now, carrying a plate of blue food. I was almost there when someone called my name. I turned and saw Nico, holding hands with Will, both running towards us. Every time I saw him I wanted to scream that it was his fault that my best friend was broken, but of course I couldn't. I stopped and waited for them to catch up instead.

       "Hey Annabeth, do you know what's wrong with Percy?" Nico asked, stopping in front of me.

       "Yeah, gods I don't think I've seen him for over a week." Will agreed, trying to pat down his messed up hair.

       I took a deep breath. "No." I lied. "I haven't seen him for a while either."

      "Can we go in and check up on him?" Nico asked. 

      "His door's locked. He won't talk to anyone, even me." I sighed sadly, looking over at the multiple plates of untouched food.

      I closed the distance between me and his porch and got down on my knees, sliding his lunch plate off to the side with the others and placing the new plate of steaming food in front of the door. I heard Nico and Will walk up behind me. I stood again and walked up to the door, making sure not to step on the food. "Percy? Can I come in? Please? You won't talk to me anymore." I begged. No answer.

      "Please Perce? I want to make sure you're okay." Nico pleaded. 

       No reply. Once again. The same as every other day.

       "Percy?" I said loudly into the door. "Please, please. Let me in. I need to see you. Please."

       I heard a weak groan from inside. "What do you want? I was sleeping." He groaned, his voice raspy and dry. He hadn't drunken anything.

       "I want in." I said, slightly forcefully. "And I want you to eat and drink."

       "Well I don't." He muttered so quietly I don't think I was supposed to hear it. "Fine fine, I'm coming." He groaned. I heard a soft sucking noise but decided to ignore it.

       I heard a click and the door opened, revealing a disheveled Percy. His face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and his cheekbones seemed to stick out inches. He just looked... Sick. Really, really sick. He smiled weakly at me, which looked kind of creepy with his skeletal face. Then his eyes looked behind me and his smile faded. His eyes seemed to shatter. Because there, standing behind me, were Will and Nico, kissing in front of Percy. 


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