Chapter Three

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Updated three times in two days. You're welcome deathpower

Percy's POV

      Jason carried me to my cabin, the others following close behind him. A few campers stopped and stared at us as we passed, but I tried to ignore it. We got to the front of the cabin and I kicked Jason, forcing him to stop. "Let me go." I said.

      "Nuh-uh. We're helping you get situated." Annabeth said, crossing her arms over her chest.

      "No, you're not. And you're not coming in." I growled, glaring at her. She just glared back.

      "Is there going to be a Percabeth Apocalypse?" Piper whispered, looking between us with worry.

      We continued to glare, having a silent argument.

      You are not coming in.

      I am, and you're going to like it.

      You're not, and we'll both be happy.

      I wont. I want to help you Percy.

      I don't want help. I don't want to be treated like a child.

      She rose both her eyebrows high at me. You saw Will and Nico kiss and you fainted. You need help.

      We continued to glare at eachother, that being the gist of the entire conversation. I hardened my glare, as did she. 

      I was to weak to fight.

      I sent her a final glare before hanging my head down slightly. "Is... Is it over?" Hazel whispered.

      "I hope so." Piper whispered back. "That was scary."

      "That's the least heated argument we've ever had. Hell, that wasn't even an argument compaired to some of our others!" Annabeth exclaimed, smiling triumphantly. 

      "Relationship goals. Fight and still be the cutest couple ever." Piper said, smiling. Annabeth and I just stiffened for a split second. 

      It was still awkward to be called a couple, even if we weren't. Kissing though? That was way worse. We would always go to my cabin, where I had a million mints and tic tacs stored up, and gag while eating as many mints as we could afterwards. Holding hands wasn't bad though, just a friendly thing we would probably do even if we weren't pretending to date. Jason swung the door open and I winced. I had forgotten about this.   

       Annabeth let out a low whistle. "Someone had a temper tantrum."

       Everything in my cabin was destroyed, other than my nightstand and bed. My mirror lay face down, shattered on the floor. Drawers were ripped out of their slots and thrown across the room, most of them in splinters, leaving clothes and splinters of wood and glass all over the place. "How did you walk through that?!" Will exclaimed, looking shocked. I shrugged, hoping out of Jason's slack arms.

       "Oh no, you are not going in there without it being cleaned." Annabeth said, grabbing my arm. I just ripped it free and took a step into the mess.

        It didn't hurt, but I could feel glass digging into my skin. Another step and more glass. "PERSEUS ACHILLES JACKSON GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THAT GLASS!" Annabeth screeched. I just looked back at her with a raised eyebrow and lifted my foot, putting in in front of me about a foot off of the ground.

        SHe glared at me. "Don't you dare put your foot down or I will kill you." She growled. I gave her a 'really' look and put my foot down, walking all the way to my bed without a problem.

       "See? I'm perfectly fine." I said, sitting down and lifting my feet so I could see them. Almost the entire bottom of them were dripping in red blood. I smiled sheepishly at Annabeth. "Oops."

       "Are your feet made of stone or something!?" Piper screeched, looking slightly green. I just shrugged. Annabeth glared at me and stormed off.

       "And there goes your girlfriend." Jason said, looking over his shoulder then back at me.

       "She'll be back with something to hit me over the head with." I said with a shrug.

       "But dude, seriously, what happened to your room?" Frank asked, looking aorund the inside.

       "Temper Tantrum." I said, mimicking Annabeth's voice. Jason rolled his eyes.

       "Did a monster get into your room or something?" He asked.

       "Do you see any golden dust around here?" I asked, spreading my arms across the mess. "Purely a slightly angry me- Oh and Annabeth's back with her 'kill Percy' tool." I said, leaning out so I could see Annabeth approaching with an iron shovel propped over her shoulder.

        She stormed up the steps and everyone took a step back from her. I just smiled and waved. She glared at me and put the shovel to the glass and splinters on the floor and began shoveling my room, tossing all of the broken stuff in a corner. She finally shoveled the last bit of sharp objects into the pile and spun around to face me, shovel outstreched so the iron part was pointed at my nose, only an inch away. "You." She growled.

       "Me." I agreed with a nod. She glowered at me.

       "You need to control your anger." She scolded.

        I scoffed. "It didn't hurt anyone."

       "It hurt you! Look at your feet!" She exclaimed, gesturing at my bloody feet.

       "But it didn't hurt. I can't even feel it." I corrected.

       "How did it NOT hurt? You probably have glass inches deep in your skin!" Annabeth yelled at me.

       I shrugged. "I'm immune to pointy objects I guess." I said with a shrug.

       "Immune to- That doesn't even make sense!" Annabeth growled, throwing her shovel to the ground, then using both hands to shove my chest back.

       I raised an eyebrow and stood, crossing my arms over my chest. "Would you like to try again?"

      She glowered at me. "No, I'd like to help you!"

      "Help me what? I'm fine!" I exclaimed.

      "Help you get over the fact that you're-" She's gonna say it. She's gonna say it! my brain screamed at me. Before she could say it outloud I clamed my hand over her mouth. I glanced over at the seven, Nico and Wil standning in the doorway and she followed my gaze. Then her eyes widened.

       I raised both eyebrows and then slowly removed my hands from her mouth. "Are you going to shut up now?" I asked.

       She continued to glower at me. "Don't tell me to shut up."

       "I can do whatever I want if it has to do with that topic!" I hissed at her.

       She rolled her eyes. "Uh-huh. Sure. Then I can do whatever I want too?" She asked.

       I narrowed my eyes at her. "As long as it's not revealing in any way." 

       She smirked and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Then, for now, I'm breaking up with you."

       I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "You can't do that, that's revealing."

       She just giggled and crosser her arms, mimicking me. "I can do that, it's not revealing."

      "It is too!" I whined. "You're cheating!"

      She just laughed. "There is no cheating in fake love there sweetheart."

      "Fake? Excuse me I was very content!" I said, placing a hand over my heart, though I was fighting off a smile.

       She shrugged. "Oh. Well I wasn't."

       I rolled my eyes. "Of course you were, cause you love me soooooo much." I said, rolling my eyes.

      She just raised her eyebrows and knelt under my bed, pulling out the giant bag of mints. "Explain."

      "You know what those are." I said, crossing my arms as she pulled out bag after bag and box after box of mints. 

        "Do I? Do I really?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

        "You definitely know what those are. You're a daughter of Athena there Miss Wise Girl."

        She made a tutting noise. "Ah ah ah, nicknames went away with the relationship status." 

       I frowned. "But that doesn't make sense. We're still dating."

        She tutted again. "No, I broke up with you a few minutes ago, remember?"

        "And I said your breakup was invalid, so we're still dating." I corrected.

        "You can't just DENY a breakup! That's not how that works!" Annabeth exclaimed.

        "It is in my world, and you're in my world now, sweetheart." I said.

         "I'm trying to help you!" She exclaimed.

         I nodded, pretending to think. "Right, and how does breaking up with me help me exactly? I'd love to hear this."

         She nodded. "I'd love to tell you. See, this is how it works. I break up with you, you go all boo-hoo, the person you wants to comforts you and BOOM! I helped you."

      "I'm pretty sure 'Boo-hoo' and 'boom' ruined the entire speech. And that plan has so many flaws I could point out." I said, shaking my head. "Your breakup is invalid, as is your plan. So no. We're still dating, and we're NOT going through with that plan."

       She frowned. "But I worked so hard to make it so you would understand that it sounds dumb. In real words it sounds better."

       I shook my head. "No no no darling, that is not how that works. You don't get a second chance."

      "Don't call me darling ever again. And I broke up with you! I've told you this about ten thousand times now!" She exclaimed.

       I rolled my eyes. "Then I guess no more mint binging moments."

       She nodded. "No more tutoring."

       "No more listening to boring architecture lectures."

       "No more answering stupid questions." 

       "No more 'Oh boy I have to save Percy's ass' moments."

       "No more quizzes."

       "No more worrying."

        "And finally, no more kissing." We finished in synch.

        "But I need you!" I whined. "I really, really need you!"

        "Sorry. I've helped you enough. From now on, this is your problem." With that, she walked out of the cabin, past- Oh shit. They were there still.

        The seven, Nico and Will were staring with jaws hanging open and wide eyes, frozen solid on the spot. 



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