Chapter Two

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Not fifteen minutes after I wrote this chapter two people had already given a death threat so to avoid death I'm updating. 

Percy's POV

      I smiled weakly at Annabeth, which soon faded when I saw Nico and Will behind her, kissing without a care. Annabeth looked back and looked extremely surprised and started to say something but I slammed the door shut, making the entire cabin tremble. I turned the lock, a fresh set of tears flowing down my face. I pressed my back against the door and slid down it, burying my face in my hands. "Percy! Percy open the door! Percy, please!" Annabeth begged, pounding against the door. I just cried.

       I could hear her growl in frustration. "Why would you do that?! Why would you think that was an appropriate time to kiss?!" She yelled.

       "Nico looked nervous, I was trying to calm him down!" Will exclaimed. Annabeth growled again and I could hear her storm off of my porch and away. 

       "Percy? Are you okay? Why did you slam the door?" Nico asked. My silent sobs then turned to audible cries.

       "Percy? Oh gods he's crying. ANNABETH!" Nico screamed. "Will, go get Annabeth, um, Percy just calm down okay?" I ignored him. Crying felt good. I hadn't cried for a while, other than the tiny bit the last time I saw Annabeth.

        I heard a panting Will run back. "She's mad at him. She won't come."

        Annabeth wouldn't come back to me? Did... Did I just lose my best friend? That thought made me cry harder. "Say it a bit louder why don't you!" Nico hissed. 

       "Sorry!" Will apologized hurriedly. 

       I clenched my fists. Will. Will was the reason I'm this way. It's Will's fault. I slowly rose, still crying, and turned towards the door. I reached for the lock. My hand froze, resting on the lock. I couldn't bring myself to turn, for whatever reason. I growled, which turned into a loud sob. "Percy? Please tell me what's wrong, I want to help!" Nico exclaimed.

        "Me too, I'll help you in any way I can!" Will agreed, sounding somewhat frantic.

        "You want to help?" I asked weakly. "Then both of you get away. Leave me alone."

        There was a moment of silence. "Percy?" Nico eventually whispered. 

        "Just go!" I growled.

         Another moment of silence. "I think we should go, Nico." Will whispered.

         Will's taking Nico from me.

      I turned the lock the rest of the way. I moved my hand to the knob. I opened the door. Nico and Will looked surprised. I clenched fists tighter, and Nico noticed. Black and red began to tint the edges of my vision I grabbed the front of Will's shirt. Then I passed out.

Will's POV

       Percy looked furious when the door opened. His fists were clenched, his eyes steely. But at the same time, he looked terrible. His eyes were sunken, swollen and red. His cheekbones stuck out and his skin was even paler than Nico's. His fingers were way to skinny, and you could almost see the bones in his arms and hands. His eyes looked broken. Shattered, almost like you could point out cracking lines in his eyes like you could glass.

        When he reached for my shirt, he looked furious. Then his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out, crumpling into my arms. I looked over at Nico, who looked panicked. "Infirmary Will! Take him to the infirmary!"

Annabeth's POV

       I was walking towards the beach when I heard Nico scream "Infirmary Will! Take him to the infirmary!" That got me going. I was mad at him for locking me out, but now it was all replaced with worry. I ran full speed towards the Poseidon cabin and saw Will trying to pick up Percy in his arms. I easily picked up Percy's light form and began to run towards the infirmary.

        As soon as I entered a bunch of heads turned towards me. "He just passed out and he hasn't eaten or drunken anything for over a week!" I yelled. Immediately anyone who wasn't tending to someone ran over, which was about seven people.

       They set him down on a cot nearby and started to poke needles into his skin, check his blood pressure and heart beat while others scribbled stuff down on paper and clipboards. After about ten minutes of panic, they got everything set up. There was a heart monitor by his bed, which was beating slower than I would like, only about one beat for every six seconds, which was really bad. One of the Apollo kids waved me over and I nodded, walking over to him. "So." He started. "Percy's in a... Somewhat stable condition. Right know we're not sure if he's in a coma, but we're force feeding him and we have water being pumped into his system through there." He pointed to tubes, which pierced Percy's skin, as he went.

        "So... Is he going to be okay?" I asked, mentally crossing my fingers. I didn't want to lose my best friend, not today not ever.

     "With our current information, we're not to sure but I'm pretty sure he'll make it. He's a tough guy Annabeth." They guy patted my arm and walked off, staring at the clipboard. 

      I sighed and sat down in one of the memory foam chairs next to his cot, grabbing his hand and rubbing the back of it with my thumb. "C'mon Seaweed Brain, don't quit on me now. You can make it through this, I know you can." I whispered. I set my head on Percy's chest, listening to his slow heartbeat, and fell asleep.

       When I woke up, it was by a loud "Aww!" 

      I opened my eyes and saw the seven, including Nico and Will. Hand in hand. I internally scowled, I knew I can't be mad at Will, but it was so hard. I yawned, removing my head from Percy's chest and stretching. "What time is it?" I asked, looking around.

      "Almost lunch the next day. You've been sleeping there for almost twelve hours." Piper said, raising both of her eyebrows high.

      "Really?" I asked, surprised. I never slept that long without waking up from nightmares. I guess Percy really helps with that.

      "Really." Hazel confirmed. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. 

      "So Percy isn't better. That's not good." I muttered, looking back at his sleeping form. Some of the color had come back to his face, but that's about it. "They let me sleep in here?" 

      "Yeah, they did. And Percy's heartbeat is up to one every four seconds, so he's slowly getting better." Piper said, offering me her hand. I took it and she hauled me up, letting me use her as support when my legs stared to give out from standing so suddenly after not moving for hours.

       Nico took a step towards Percy, a frown on his face. "Why did he pass out?"

      "It could be he hasn't eaten for over a week, nor drunken a drop of water. I honestly don't know how he survived." Will said, shaking his head. Nico took another step towards him and something odd happened.

        The heart monitor started beeping faster. "Um... Nico? I think you're speeding up his heart rate..." Jason muttered, staring at the monitor. 

     Nico, who looked confused as ever, took another step towards the unconscious Percy.

     His heart rate increased again.

      Percy's POV

      Everything around me was white. No sound, no nothing but white all around me. Then I spotted a dark object a couple feet away. A dark silhouette coming, approaching closer and closer. I could somehow feel my heart rate increasing. It got closer and closer, and I couldn't even move. I was starting to get panicky, and my ADHD was starting to kick in hard, but I still couldn't move. It wasn't until the shadowy figure was right in front of me that I was able to move, but as soon as I did I jolted upwards, eyes wide, out of my dream. 

       I was breathing heavily, and there was quick beeping that was annoying me. It took a moment for me to realize it was a heart monitor- My heart monitor. It was going way to fast, like I had just run a hundred miles non-stop. My breathing was heavy, almost gasps for air. The seven plus Will were standing at the edge of me bed, looking at me in concern and Annabeth leaning against Piper. Nico was standing next to me, in the exact same spot at the silhouette. "Percy?" Annabeth eventually whispered. I licked my lips before responding.

        "Uh, yeah?" I muttered.

        "Are you okay?" She asked.

        "I'm... I'm not sure..." I muttered.

        "Jacob! He's up!" Will called. Another guy, a little older than Will, ran over with a clipboard. The heart monitor had slowed, so that was good. He asked me a bunch of questions while removing tubes and needles from my arms, then wrote it all down on a clipboard.

        "Okay, you should be good to go. Just stay off your feet for a little while, get some rest. And eat and drink a lot, okay?" Jacob nodded to me and Will before walking off.

        "Alright dude, let's get you to the cabin." Jason said, rubbing his hands together as if he were trying to warm them. I was about to try to stand when two arms swept me up.

       "Uh-uh, not happening there buddy. I'm carrying you." Jason scolded. I looked up at his face scowling. He had picked me up bridal style, and I felt like a child, but in my state I knew I wasn't fighting back, so I crossed my arms over my chest, made a pouty face and let myself be carried all the way to my cabin.


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