Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


       Once again, one of the most viewed vloggers on VidGalore was being an idiot. Dirk always thought he knew everything about Jerome and I, and he was starting to get even more annoying. If that was possible.

       When Jerome's vlog was out, Dirk shortly made a video after saying how we adopted Kingsley for views.

       He actually got more dislikes than likes on that video, and he even had to disable the comments because they were all trashing him. I was surprised he hadn't removed the video yet.

       However, he didn't disable the comments before Alan and Ryder got on there to set things straight. A lot of Jerome's fans screenshotted the comments Alan and Ryder posted and now, they keep sending it to Dirk on Twitter. 

       I was so proud of Jeromans for being savages.

       Our family was going to be coming over for the day so we could spend time together. We did this all the time since family had always been a huge part of our lives. Things had gotten a lot better for Jerome and his family now that his dad and Mae's mom got married two months ago. After all, Chanel took Jerome in after he was kicked out of his own home so he always thought of her as a motherly figure.

       That, and since Benoit and Chanel were married, it meant Jerome was Mae and Elise's step-brother so Elise couldn't hope for Ryder and Mae to get a divorce just so Mae could date Jerome.

       I didn't know why she was always saying that since Jerome was gay. And married.

       Dad and Mom showed up with my siblings that still lived at home; Alan, Tulip, Rose, William, and Lilac. Orchid moved out not too long ago to live with Atticus, and Dad was not happy about it. Neither was Alan because he had to share a room with William, and Tulip was the one who got her own room. Alan wanted to move out, but he couldn't afford it since he was paying for school.

       "Nolan, can I move in here?" Alan asked. "Please? I can't handle sharing a room with William."

       "You're overreacting again, Alan," Dad said. "It's not too bad."

       "It is," Alan said. "I've told you, he whispers incantations at night. One of these days, he's actually going to summon a demon and when I get possessed, it will be your fault for making him share a room with me."

       "There are no other rooms in the house," Dad said.

       "What about the office?" Alan asked. "That was Nolan's room once."

       "Yes, when he was in a wheelchair and couldn't make it up and down the stairs," Dad said. "Now stop making everything about you. I want to see my grandchild. Where is he?"

       "Sleeping," I said. "Same with Jerome. I tried waking him up, but he hit me with a pillow and told me to go away. So I stole one of his shirts."

       "It's not stealing if you're married to him," Mom pointed out.

       "Don't encourage it," Dad said.

       "Too late, I'm using that from now own," I said. "Thanks, Mom."

       "Anything for the child that actually turned out like me," Mom said. "The rest are all arrogant like your dad. At lease someone got my personality."

       "Nolan did? No way," Dad said. "He's more like me than you."

       "How?" Mom said.

       "Well, how is he more like you?" Dad asked.

       "Uh, I steal my husband's clothes, she steals her husband's clothes," I said. "I'm bad at lying, she's bad at lying. I was paralyzed, she was paralyzed. I like guys, she likes guys."

       "Okay, okay," Dad said. "I get it. I would still like to see my grandchild though."

       "He's still asleep though," I said.

       "Fine, I guess I have to wait until Ryder and Mae shows up so I can see my other grandchildren," Dad said.

       Ryder and Mae were the next ones to show up, in fact. Dad was really obsessed with babies so he immediately had to hold one of the twins when they got there. I wouldn't be surprised if Mom and Dad had another baby soon. They kept saying they were done, but they also said that about Rose and they had two more babies afterwards.

       The rest to arrive were Grandma, Grandpa, Benoit, Chanel, Orchid, and even Atticus. Dad didn't like Atticus being there, which was exactly why Orchid brought him along. Dad was never going to get over the feud he had with Atticus's dad.

       Shortly after everyone else arrived, Jerome came down the stairs carrying Kingsley. It looked like Jerome had just woken up, and he didn't even bother doing anything with his hair. I didn't blame him. I never did anything with my hair when I just woke up. It always took up too much time.

       That, and I didn't care about my looks.

       Dad wasn't holding any of the twins by that time, mainly because Rhys refused to be held by anyone else except Ryder and Zayden needed a diaper change, so he insisted on holding Kingsley.

       After Jerome handed Kingsley over, he sat down beside me. Then he saw the shirt I was wearing. "Did you steal my shirt?" he asked.

       "No," I said. "I....Mom, what was it again?"

       "It's not stealing if you're married," Mom said.

       "Yeah, it's not stealing if we're married," I said.

       "You see? This is why I have to keep buying more clothes," Jerome said. "You keep stealing them."

        "It's not stealing," I repeated. "And we live together, Jerome. You could take it back whenever you want."

       "Not when you hide it on me."

       I shrugged. That was true. I always hid the clothes I took from him so he wouldn't take them back and hide them on me. I still had the sweater I stole from him when I was fifteen and he hasn't worn it since. Oops.

       "So, what's it like being parents?" Dad asked.

       "It's not too bad," I said. "I'm usually awake during the nights anyway since I can never fall asleep, so it's not like Kingsley wakes me up in the middle of the night."

       "Yeah, the hardest part is having to make a bottle every time he's hungry," Jerome said. "Mae and Ryder are lucky. They don't have to make a bottle every time one of the twins are hungry."

       "Uh, try having them hungry at the same time," Mae said.

       "Uh, you do have two bo--milk providers," Jerome said, stopping himself to censor himself in front of the younger children. Though normally, he never censored himself. One time, he swore in front of William, and William repeated it.

       Mom wasn't happy, but Dad laughed. William usually repeated everything he heard.

       Jerome better not teach Kingsley any swear words. But, knowing my husband, he was going to. I wouldn't be surprised if he did.


William is literally my little brother. He chants things in his sleep, and he repeats everything that he hears. My other brother had to start censoring himself, though the worst thing my little brother ever repeated was pissed, and that's not too bad. It's barely even bad.

Omg, so yesterday at dinner, I was just randomly singing, "'Cause I got issues, but you got 'em too." And then right after, my brother, who's three, sang, "So give 'em all to me and I'll give mine to you." It came out of nowhere and it was so cute. I sing a lot, so he knows a lot of lyrics. His favourite is, "You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear. And I know now that I'm so down." He will get mad if you sing it wrong.

Btw, I might not update anything tomorrow. Idk I've just been in a crappy mood and I didn't feel like writing today or yesterday, but I still did. I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

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