❇Chapter 9❇

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As we drive, my brain automatically kicks into overdrive. Opal was no doubt the same pixie that was at our little ceremony this morning. So why is she all the way up here? She sure seems like a totally different character than earlier this morning.
Slowly, I tune myself back into the light conversation between Mathilda and Opal.
    "So, where are you guys headed after Wendle Mount?" Queries Opal.
    "Oh, you know, Northwards until we hit the North Mountains," replies Matt nonchalantly, eyes keen on the road.
    "You got supplies? The North Mountains can be pretty rough this time of year," warns our escort, rotating in her seat to veiw the cargo in the back of the wagon.
    "Don't worry, Opal. If you know Queen Pearl, you'll know that she would never send us unprepared. We've got everything we need!"
    "Well, like I said, The North Mountains can be really rough, and I would hate to see the Hero's of Amador not make it back. What have you brought?"

Tentatively I listen to the trading of words between the two girls and begin wondering. Opal seems nice and all, but she sure seems nosy. Very nosy.
    "Hero's I wouldn't say we are. We haven't even done anything! And as for cargo, just the regular," resumes Matt,"blankets, food, water, Zircon and Azore, our traveling companions....that's about it though."
I immediately begin to wonder why Matt failed to remember to mention the...weapons...and the gifts we received back at the ceremony. Oh well, I trust she knows what she's doing.
Seemingly satisfied with Matt's answers, Opal settles back down on her seat and shuts her mouth for once.


    "Wendle Mount, Ahoy!" calls Mathilda from the driver's seat of our surprisingly speedy wagon. I open my weary eyes, annoyed she had to yell loud enough to wake me up. I know, I know, my lazy butt has been seated in a wagon for the past 7 hours, but boy! that makes one t-i-r-e-d.
    "Ma-att," I whine babyishly, " you watch too many pirate movies"
    "I do not," she retorts, " and even if I do, it's because Tyrell practically begs me to watch with him. And you know I can't refuse his cute little face."
    "Sure, sure, it's all Tyrell who convinces you to watch em," I joke.
    " Psh, of coarse!"
I freeze. Cuade I just remembered something. Opal is listening to this. From the front seat. And is snickering.
    "Hehe, ummmmmm..." I go back onto my seat and fold my hands properly on my lap as my face burns a bright, embarrassed red.

    "Well, if I can't be of any more assistance, than you can just drop me off right here." Announces Opal, pointing to the wooden path sidewalk beside the road.
    "Are you sure?" Asks Matt. "We can drive you to wherever you need to go, if you would like?"
    "Naw," Opal confirms, " I could use the excersise. But thanks for bringing me all this way! Enjoy your trip!" And with that she takes off at a light jog towards the heart of the town, and disappears through the winding of bushes and walkways.

After a few more minutes of driving in silence, I point towards a tall, thin stone building ahead and remark, "Hey! I think that's the place we reserved to stay the night!" A relieved smile sits on Matt's face, and I know she is glad to be done driving for the day. Keeping Saphire in check is a mighty tough job, to say the least.

I jump out of the now halted wagon and unhitch our unicorn for Mathilda, knowing she is even more tired than I. Filling her water and food bucket are my last tasks, then together Matt and I hoist our respective bags onto our shoulders, guzzle a bit of liquid for ourselves and proceed through the main doors of the Wendle Mount Inn.

A middle aged woman seated on a wicker chair looks to us as the bell hung over the door jingles.
    "We are full. No walk ins," states the lady stonily.
    "Well hello!" Greets Mathilda warmly, and I guess both she and I notice the desk lady's sour mood.
"Don't worry, we aren't walk ins," prompts Matt, smiling a little too much. "We have a reservation!"
Not missing a beat, the Sour Lady replies "Oh? Well than how come we're FULL?"    Whoa, someone got an attitude.
    "Uh, well our reservation should be under Mathilda Frill or Elise Malarchy. Or Queen Pearl, I can't exactly remember," I stutter, hoping to get this over with quickly. Sour Lady types away at her computer, then without a second though, confirms. "Nothing under any of those names. As I said, were full, no more room. Now, you girls can scurry along now and get outta here. I got no time to play games with some street girls."
Apparently done with us, she swipes a stay hair out of her face and continued with her previous action of tending to the mountain of paperwork beside her.

Once back outside, I let out a stressed huff.
    "'Lise, what time is it?" Matt asks me.
    "5:45" I say.
    "Gosh, where will we sleep? I swear we put that reservation in! You were there with me! So was Pearl! A reservation for a 2 bed room, at Wendle Mount Inn,"
    After consoling Matt about the missed reservation, we amble back to our wagon and unicorn. As we round the corner of the Inn, a big drop of water falls on my nose.
"Ooph," I giggle, wiping it away with my sleeve. But before we know it, many more drops of water are falling from the sky, and soon we are covered in water.
    "Great," complains Mathilda. "Rain when we have no room to stay in."
I look upwards to the menacing grey cloud traveling overhead. That's when I notice, all the drapes on the windows of the Inn are closed. All but one, and in that one, I can make out the shape of a face looking down at us. The face, if I'm not mistaken, of Opal.

*/ Dundundin.......I'll leave you with that! Sorry I haven't update in a while! Just got some new inspiration! Feel free to vote, share and drop a comment!

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