Chapter Four

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After talking to Piper and Luke, and skipping lunch (but, we ate in the cabin), we put the plan in action.

I would explain it, but there isn't any time. If everything went according to plan, I might have all my answers.

I walked to the dining pavilion, already knowing that my mom was there, thanks to Piper asking her to come. It took Piper forty minutes to convince her. A great mother I have. I think she forgot my birthday...
I hope she didn't.

Anyway, I walked into the pavilion, and saw my dad talking to Aunt Michaela at the Poseidon table. And, I noticed my mother at her table.

I took a detour, and walked to mom, who was sitting at the Athena table, instead.

"Mommy!" I called, rushing into her arms. She held me tight. I miss her hugs.

I peaked over, cautiously at my dad. He looked a little crestfallen with a sad smile, looking at the embrace.

I snuggled in my mom more. Wishing she would be here more often.

I physically collapsed in tears. I heard someone stood up from the direction of my Grandfather's table. Good, the plans working.

My mother tried to calm me down, but once I start, I can't stop.

A few minutes later, I felt another presence behind me. My dad...

"Amelia?" He asked, hesitantly. I felt him touch my back.

I cried harder, feeling the emotions I bottled up come out. My parents were never together with me. Or, maybe they never were together after they split up. And, that was when I was one and a half. Is this happiness what Eric feels with his parents? Because if so, I want it too.

"Amelia? Amelia, why are you crying?" My mom asked.

For one, I thought that was stupid. I pulled away from her, like she burned me.

I stared at her in disbelief. "Why am I crying? Why am I crying?" I felt my anger surface. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that my parents are finally in the same room? Or, maybe the fact that my mother hugged me for the first time since I was thirteen. You never hug me. It's me who hugged you a few minutes ago and when I turned sixteen." I felt hot angry tears fall from my eyes, but I kept going. It was worth it to see tears stream down her face as well. "And, maybe it's because you never told me you loved me, or that you were proud of my since I was thirteen. Dad comes and sees me more than you do. I can instantly tell he loves me and is proud. But, it's like I don't even know you. I can't even call you mom sometimes. I see Aunt Michaela with Eric so many times, even Piper was there for me more than you!" There, I did it. That was my seventeen years pent up anger and frustration.

I heard a painful groan. I look over to see Aunt Michaela with her head in her hands. "Michaela..." Uncle Nico rushed to her side.

"That's why you get headaches when you're here at camp." Dad started. "It's because of Amelia's bottled up emotions."

Aunt Michaela looked up, with an readable expression. "I give up. I quit. I'm sick of it." She stood up and swayed, Uncle Nico held her up right. "I'm sick of you two cowards. Just tell Amelia and everyone the truth of what happened in the woods that day. And, don't you dare Perseus," Dad's in trouble, she never uses his full first name. "Don't try to cover for Annabeth, it's her fault." She turned to mom. "And you, tell your daughter the truth before I do. And, you do not want that." Aunt Michaela almost spat. She sat down as Uncle Nico tried to calm her down.

I have never seen her that angry before. I turned wide eyed to my mom. "What does Aunt Michaela mean?" She flinched.

"Amelia, I... I didn't-" she started.

Michaela snorted in disgust.

"What. Does. She. Mean." I said with venom.

"Amelia..." My dad tried.

"Perseus, don't you dare. I am not afraid to kill you in front of Amelia." Aunt Michaela warned.

I was still staring at my mom. I couldn't take it anymore. "WHAT DOES SHE MEAN?!?!?" I screamed.

My mother had tears streaming down her face. "I...I'm so sorry. My fatal flaw is deadly pride. Percy changed from when I met him at twelve and-" she started.

"Wait." Piper came into the conversation. "You broke up with Percy, because you were afraid that he would leave you. That he wouldn't love you anymore?" She asked, causing the everyone in the entire dining pavilion to gasp.

I forgot they were there. Yelling and fighting is normal for the Primordial families, but probably couldn't contain that shocking news.

My mother nodded crying more. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Percy." She said.

"Wait." Eric stood. "Can you two finally tell us what happened when you were kids?" He asked Aunt Michaela and dad.

Well, finally something went to plan.

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