Chapter Two

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"Dad!" I called out, racing to the table.

I was embraced by the best comforting, black haired, shadowy aura, and fatherly hug anyone could ever want. He still smells like the ocean, I grinned happily, never wanting this moment to end.

He released me, looking me up and down. He shook his head. "Happy birthday Amelia!" He grinned.

"Thanks dad! What did you get me?" I may seem like I'm spoiled, okay I might be. But, Dad always has at least something for me every time he visits.

"Guess." He looked at me, expectedly.

"Mhmm." I thought for a few seconds. "Jewelry from a distant planet? A species that is friendly and cuddly? A new weapon?" I asked, feeling excitement flow through me. Again, he shook his head.

I frown, thinking a little harder. A few more seconds pass, before I guessed again. "A surprise mission with a team." He raised an eyebrow. "Because you started them, well truly started them at eighteen." I blushed, feeling embarrassed.

He laughed. I looked up, he looked proud. "Of course you had to figure it out." He chuckled.

I blinked. "Wait? I can go?" He nodded. "I can finally go on a mission with the team?" He nodded, again. I launched myself into his arms, filling the air with 'thank you's.

After a few moments in the hug, my stomach rumbled, causing me to blush, and my dad to laugh and let me go get food.

I walked to the fire to sacrifice a portion, I sacrificed to my dad, Aunt Michaela, and Chaos (although he doesn't like it. Well, none of them do.) for the so far great birthday.

I went back to the table, noticing Eric was at the Hades table with Aunt Michaela and Uncle Nico, laughing and joking around.

I turned my attention back to my destination, frowning slightly at my dad only being there.

I sat down, looking down at food, frowning slightly in thought. Why isn't my mom here? Where was she? I know that my parents separated, but can't they talk and be there for me? On my birthday? Is that too much to ask?

"You know," My head snapped up. "Just because your Grandfather created horses, doesn't mean you should have a long face." My dad said, staring at me in slight worry.

I smiled at his hidden joke. "Why can't mom be here?" I asked.

He face fell, and paled slightly. He looked down at his food.

I continued, desperately. "I know you and mom had a fight and aren't together anymore, but why can't she be here? Surely, you two still talk, right?"

He closed his eyes. Aunt Michaela frowned and walked over. She sat next to me and across from dad. "What's up?" She asked, frowning in confusion.

I opened my mouth to speak, but dad beat me to it. "Nothing." His opened his eyes and he looked at me. "I wish I could answer you, Amelia, but I can't. I don't have all the answers." He stood up. "I'll see you later today." And, walked away.

Aunt Michaela frowned, and turned to me. "What did you ask him?" She asked.

"About mom not being here. And, why they don't talk." I was confused and sad on what happened.

She sighed. "I'm sorry, Amelia." She stood up, and followed my dad's path.

I sat there confused, hurt, and desperate for answers.

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