The Day My Life Went To Hell

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I was getting myself changed into an oversized hoodie and hid my face by pulling down the hood, the streets were eerily quiet with not many people out but in the distance if you could hear well, you would listen to a couple of police sirens. I heard a vehicle coming closer to me and stop right when I also did. I smirked when the window rolled down and there I saw him...

"Ame, I'm here to give you the opportunity of a life time." I try to not laugh at how serious he looks. "Cut the crap, Sergio...How are you brother?" Sergio can't help but let out a small chuckle with a smile and I enter the car and we hugged each other.

"How's everything going?" My brother fixes his glasses and shows me the remaining files. All that's left to recruit is Silene who lives just a few blocks away. No get out before I beat your butt." Sergio jokes but doesnt smile. I scoff at his seriousness and messed his hair up before jumping out of the car and waving at him goodbye. I smile to myself and pulled my hood down letting the world view my bright pink newly dyed hair. As I walk down the street I can't help but be excited for this heist.

Last one I was in one my team and I we nearly got caught, drowned and killed. I was just eighteen when that happened now i'm 27 and now what the risks are how to properly work. My first robbery was when I was sixteen with my brother. Since I was a minor I was forced to live with him and a friend of his. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. The nervousness, rush and anxiety kept rushing through my veins and since then I was in love with my job. 

It felt like forever when Sergio got everyone and the main doors were pushed open to our temporary house. It was kind of old but it was perfect for us. There are eight of us including Sergio aka The Professor. I was to play the role that we've never met each other for safety reasons.

The professor wrote Bienvenidos on the chalk board while the eight of us were sitting down like good students. "Thank you all for accepting this job but first we have to go through a few rules. First of all no personal relationships." I could hear some groans and whines coming from the back.

"That's not fair. I hate rules too." A guy sitting across from me said while chewing his pencil. A man sitting behind him slapped his back, "Behave yourself boy." The young man laughed it off. "Okay papá."

The Professor clapped his hands together gaining our attention again, "Guys focus. You will all call me The Professor. So that means you aren't to use your real names, so we'll go by city names.." 

The both men in the back chose Oslo and Helsinki. The father and son going by Moscú and Denver. The girl with short hair as me going by Tokio, the other girl going as Nairobi. The youngest in the group going by Rio and the man behind me Berlin.

"How about you?" The Professor asks staring at me like all of them. With confidence and a smile on my face I answer him.

"My name is America" I answer.

"America? Aren't we suppose to choose city names" Denver asks confused.

"Honey, I don't need a small city name. I'm an entire nation." I answer truthfully but with sassiness which earned me claps from the females. And I glanced back to see the handsome Berlin smirking at me. 

"Okay okay calm down. America it is then."

And just like that our memorable team was born.

Berlin. A wanted man all over the world. 27 heists. A mastermind, egocentric man with narcissm as his middle name. His biggest score was in Paris, stealing over 400 diamonds with his common partner he's take in his heists.

Nairobi. Been stealing from banks since she can remember. She's crazy but funny and can be the heart of the team.

Two serbian men. What more can the team need.

Denver. Moscu's son. Has been in drugs, street fights and bar fights. He's a ticking time bomb and a perfect member for the team.

Moscu. Denver's loving father. Has been in expert with tools ever since he began digging tunnels in Austria and from there began stealing.

Rio. The first one youngest in the group. A professinal wirh computers. He can hack into any systwm with just one click.

Silene. The one always ruining plans. Because of her short temper her ex died in her arms.

The Professor. The mastermind to our heist. The man has been planning this since he was a boy and never gave up that dream, to rob the biggest bank in Spain. He hasnt renewed his I.D since he was nineteen. He's a ghost to everyone else.

Amelia Anderson. Amelia Fonollosa Marquina. America. 26. Remember when I told you I never got caught? Well I lied. Most commonly known as the unknown partner in crime to Berlin. Half sister to Andrés and Sergio. Been stealing since 16 and got caught by the cops for stealing a car back when I was 19. Since then they haven't found me since I'm a master for disguising as anyone of any gender. A narcissic yet sensitive individual with depressing thoughts.


"I never planned on dying of old age. Helsinki take her with you." Berlin and I stared at each other. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The cops were running closer to us and everyone was up ready to leave before we could get caught. Everyone knew about him and his life, the many failed marriages, his condition and his ways of living. Andrés de Fonollosa. 

We grew apart over the years since he would constantly talk or be with his new lovers which led me to live a troubled and rebellious life later on. I grabbed mt gun ready to stay with him, die with him, till he grabbes it from me and hugged me tight before pulling me awya and grabbing both my hands tight staring intently into my dark eyes.

"Amelia. My dear sister. I don't want you to give your life up to stay with me." He said with a warm smoothing tone, he wasn't scared or sad. I stared at him lovingly with tears in my eyes and pressed our foreheads together. 

Helsinki began to shout my name but I had my eyes on my dear Andrés. "Before my life ends..I want to apolofies for neglecting you for the past years, now that I think of it all those women never meant nothing to me but you did. Stay strong for me Amelia, I leave all my money to you." Andrés kissed me before I felt arms wrap around me and suddenly I was lifted onto Helsinki's shoulder.

"Helsinki let me down!! Andrés!!" I scream his name as loud as I can before Helsinki dragging me into the vehicle and him running to the other side quickly driving the car with the money away. "Put your hood up, Amelia." Sergio mutters and pulls my hood up so no one can notice us as we pass by. I glance at everyone of our team departing ways. Sergio stares at the tablet in his hands and I take it from him, looking at my brother in a puddle of blood.

Tears doesnt stop running down my face as I feel Sergio hugging me from the side. I close my eyes from being tired and shocked that I pass out and everything goes black.

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