Just One Bite (first guy to become one of the pales?)

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Summary: It's been a month since you moved to Provincetown. There you meet someone who aspires to become a singer and it doesn't take long for you to live together. Mickey begins to act strangely and a dark secret comes to light when people you know begin to act strangely.

(A/N: I just had to write something on the guy from the episode Blood Buffet. His backstory made me upset and I'm still loving this season. I have no idea what his name since Ryan Murphy didn't give us one, maybe I should use the actors name?? Don't know since I'm having trouble naming the title.)


"(Y/N)!" I jumped up from my seat and almost had a heart attack when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I look back and saw Mickey laughing at getting me scared.

"How many times are you gonna scare me when I'm deeply concentrated?" Mickey continued to smirk and began to laugh.

"Can't help it. Hey, you playing music again?"

I shivered and adjusted my scarf and warm coat. "Of course, I love to play on my guitar every now and then." I reminded him since he'd seen me on it many times.

Mickey sat down next to me on the sand and reached out to look at the notes I had written on a book along with a few lyrics I came up with. "Wow this is good. Hey, you should play tonight!" He excitedly told me.

I frowned at him and began to shake my head. "No way. Mickey, you know I'm too shy to sing in front of others. Playing on my guitar is enough."

Mickey had watched me perform at nights in The Muse but I would just play on my guitar with no singing, or I would perform for others too and earn a bit more of money.

"We'll see about that then, come by The Muse tonight. Free drinks on me." He said grinning which made me shake my head.

"You said that the last time and I had to pay you and one of your clients the few drinks you ordered." I laugh at the memory of him talking me up and quickly leaving so I could pay for his drinks.

"Haha. No seriously, on me this time. I got cash this time." I look at him incredulously.

"Where'd you get the money? Did you steal it?" I whisper when I looked around, hoping he didn't steal from that guy who walks his dogs. And kept calling him a meth head.

Mickey got out a fifty dollar bill and showed it to me, "Told ya I wasn't lying. You're always stuck in your apartment. Come on over and have a bit of fun."


And that I did...I was now inside the restaurant/bar with Mickey who was talking to Karen after she came and asked me for a packet of cigarettes. "So, you gonna sing me a song?" Mickey continued to flirt which made me laugh.

"Not tonight, Mick."

"Aw come on. Play us a little something! Karen and I are bored. I wanna hear your lovely voice." I hummed and began to grab my guitar and stood up.

"You owe me two drinks then." I got up on stage and began to strum my guitar. I gently began to strum it and played an acoustic version to House of the Rising Sun and I took some courage but I ended up singing it through

I ended the song and looked up at Karen and Mickey who both applauded. There wasn't much of an audience tonight but I did enjoy singing, it wasn't do bad after all. Maybe I could play one of my original songs.

Placing my guitar back down I jumped off the small stage and went over to Mickey who had my drinks ordered up.

"That was fucking amazing, (Y/N). Now you have true fucking talent unlike me." Karen said while taking a sip of her alcoholic drink.

"Karen is right, you're very talented. She may be crazy but she is not a liar." Mickey joked which earned him a small slap on the shoulder by Karen.

"I wouldn't consider myself as talented as you both are praising, it's just a hobby of mine. I enjoy writing lyrics and playing nothing more."

Mickey stared at me for a bit and he seemed to hesitate on telling me something. "Something wrong?" I asked and slowly he shook his head.

"Nothing..I guess." He muttered to himself and reached forward to drink some more.

The Muse wasn't exactly too full of people but some did began to come and go. I decided to rest up for a bit and sat down behind my friends and wanted to enjoy whoever was the next person who was going to perform.

I took out my notebook and began to feel a bit inspired, I tapped my pencil against my book and began to hear someone song. I glanced up and saw a tall guy singing, he wasn't so bad, in fact I was enjoying his voice. He noticed me staring at him and I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

"You okay there?" Mickey teased me which made me blush even harder as I tried to hide my face.

He always does this when I like or try to date someone. Mickey begins to brag about himself and then about me, insists on the guy to treat me right, etc. He's been a bit too nosy on my previous relationships.

I excuses myself and went to the restroom and tried to splash my face with water and felt myself getting just a bit dizzy. I think I'll call it a night and head back home.

I went back out and sat down by the bar area and was going to order one more drink before leaving. "Here you go, (Y/N)." One of the guys who know me and work here handed me a drink.

"But I didn't order anything." I say taking a look at my drink, which happened to be my favorite.

"Don't worry, he did." I look back and saw the same guy who was singing earlier. I've never been good st talking to guys despite the few relationships I had which ended in disaster because of me.

"Hi." Many thoughts were running through my head that I didn't realize he made his way over to me. "I heard your singing, you're really good at that and playing guitar."

I placed the drink down and smiled at him when he took a seat next to me. "Thank you for that and the drink, I really liked your singing too." His dark brown eyes looking at my own

"I'm (Y/N)." I said and held out my hand. He introduced himself too and held my hand longer than I thought we would.

Mickey who was behind us had a smirk on his face and began to talk over to us. "I see the future singers have met one another. Are we gonna get a duet soon?" He began to joke again which made me blush and look away.

Both men began to talk to each other, well mostly Mickey teasing me and all. "Mickey, don't torment him." I warned him when he wouldn't shut his mouth.

"We're just talking here, (Y/N). He's looking for a place to stay." Mickey made a suggestive tone which I ignored and looked back at the new guy.

"Well, no wonder I never saw you around before. Any luck on finding a place?" I ask curious to know more.

"Not really. I've been crashing around the apartment of a few friends I've made, I wasn't exactly prepared to bring in a lot of money."

"You can stay over at my place." Both guys guys looked at me surprised and I realized how bad that sounded. "I-I mean if you'd like, it must be uncomfortable moving around. I've met a few people and have offered them a spare room I have. It won't ask too much money." I promise him.

"If it's better than Mickey's place then sure." I laughed at that and Mickey rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh at his comment.

"Well, let's head over and pick your things up." I grabbed my guitar and began to leave The Muse with the guy I just met. I covered my hands inside the pockets to my coat and tried to make myself feel warm, I was feeling a little drunk and was stumbling just a bit.

I was lucky that he offered to carry my guitar since I didn't have the strength to do so.

"So how'd you meet Mickey."

"Mickey had always been protective of me, he can be a real asshole at times but he means well." I shrugged my shoulders and chuckled while walking close next to him.

The sky was already getting really darker and the temperature was dropping making the weather extremely cold. "It's nice to see new people around here, we don't get a lot of visitors."

He looked over at me and smiled. "Yeah? How long have you been living here?"

"Almost two months now, we rarely get new people around. It's nice to see new faces especially the kind ones." I tried to flirt and smiled to myself.

We went over to one of his friends out and picked up his things and now began heading to my apartment. When we were getting closer I noticed Mickey standing by my door and smoking a cigarette.

"About time you two love birds showed up." He's embarrassing me again.

"Mickey please don't start this." I grit my teeth in anger. Oh he was surely annoying my reactions.

"I thought you were with a client. Did you really finish up in less than ten minutes?" I tease back and hear laughter next to me.

Mickey's expression changed and he began to walk back and forth. "Well? you going to say something? Because we're very tired."

"Would you both like to be famous?" Mickey said to us both. We exchanged looks and looked back at Mickey who seemed nervous.

"Clearly you both are very.. talented.. there's someone I met who can change that." Mickey is acting strange, this isn't like him he almost seems afraid.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" I said clearly very tired and wanting nothing more than to sleep to wake up early tomorrow.

"Want me to help you with your thing's?" I offer my hand and began to grab my guitar back and the guys backpack. "You coming?" I ask before entering when I opened the door to my place.

Mickey looked at me and looked at the guy back. "I'll be inside in a bit." I slowly nodded my head and got a bit concerned.

"Okay.. I'll be waiting in the kitchen." I smiled and waved at Mickey goodbye and finally entered my home. I went over to the guest room and got everything settled in and got a few clean blankets and began to prepare dinner since I was starving.

About half an hour later I heard the door close and I smiled when I heard footsteps and saw him joining me in the kitchen, Mickey had already left.

"Everything alright?" I placed two plates on the table and stopped to look at the guy.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and slowly nodded. I noticed he hid a small piece of paper inside his pocket. "...Everything's fine."

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