Take The Pill part 2-Austin Sommers x Reader

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Summary: It's been a while since You and Austin have spoken. He invites you over, painful memories soon flood in when you revisit his home. You're still unsure on what his noticed are inviting you in.


"Okay, I won't pressure you in telling me what happened between you both or your life before you left." Harry had told me about three days ago. Everything reminded me of the short time Austin and I were together.

I had been locked up in my room and had panicked when one of the pale creatures entered the house and attacked Harry. "(Y/N)!" I jumped up and realized I had been staring at the floor that was once covered in blood.

"Yes, Harry?"

"I'm going out. Make sure Alma, doesn't take those pills." Harry began to put his coat on and turned to me.

"Oh, I forgot to give you this." He dug something out of his coat and it was a letter. I reached out to it and instantly recognized the sharp letters.

"Why did he give this to you?" I ask Harry who shrugged his shoulders.

"He knew you wouldn't answer his calls so he wanted me to give it to you. It's an invite-"

"I know what it is." I angrily responded and saw Harry also holding himself back. I warned him about the pills and he didn't listen.

I toss the letter aside and tiredly rubbed my face and looked back at him. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into, Harry."

Harry stated silent and started to walk to the door and left. I quickly moved over to the window and peeked out through the curtain and saw Harry entering a car, Belle and Austin would always pick him up.

I began to place back and forth across the room and debated whether to do and surprise Austin by entering his house. "Fuck it." I grabbed my own coat, got Harry's car keys and began to drive my way over to the familiar house.


I stood silent and remained sitting in the dark,waiting for him. Soon footsteps could be heard walking up to the living room and the door opened. Austin walked past me and smirked before making a stop.

"I should have you arrested for breaking and entering." His dark brown eyes finally looked at me. He kicked the door shut and began walking around.

He's already full for he won't harm me, well, he couldn't if he'd wanted to. "Have a fun night? Did you enjoy killing another innocent being?" I sarcastically told him and saw him smirk grow.

"They were nobodies and you know it. I'll do anything to stay famous, you of all people should know that already."

"Want something to drink?" He asked completely ignoring what I was saying and he walked over to the kitchen. He came back with two drinks.

He sat down across from me and rested my drink by a table. "I knew you'd eventually stop by. How's life been treating you?"

Austin is messing with me. He loves showing off his money and how successful he's become. "You were much less of an asshole before taking the pills."

"And you were always whining like a bitch." He mostly said to himself but I ignored what he said and glared at him.

"I was concerned for you. That you would end like..."

"Those creatures? Fuck no. I'm talented unlike them and the rest of this town." He reached over the table and pulled out a small clear bag with many black pills. "Why not just take one? You're whole life will change."

He held out a single pill and tossed it to me. I easily caught it and examined the small pill in my palm.

"You'll have the whole world, (Y/N)."


I began to run across town and ignored the sharp pain in my lungs, I was tired but I promised I'd be there tonight. The Muse, the sign wasn't that far away.

I push open the doors and nearly fell onto the floor while trying to catch my breath. "Holy shit!" I hear somebody chuckle.

"About time you showed up." I stood back up straight and saw Mickey waiting by the door.

"Come sit with us."

I adjust my leather jacket and tried getting myself warmer. "It's freezing like a motherfucker out there, that'll warm you up." Karen passes me a drink from across the table and smiles.

"I sure hope it does." I take the glass and quickly drowned the drink down. I coughed a bit and felt my throat warm up.

"Don't die on us, (Y/N)." Mickey joked and patted my back. We shared a couple of jokes and saw many people step up on stage and sing. I hummed along to the song and we applauded at the tall guy who just dang.

"I'll be right back." I told them and headed off the bathroom and quickly did what I had to do. I zipped up my jacket and began walking back out and saw the young guy I had seen perform a few times here, he wasn't in drag this time.

I took a step forward but I hesitated and stopped instead. I developed a small crush on him from the few times I had watched him perform, he seemed nice.

"Hey, (Y/N)." I jumped up and shrieked when someone called out my name. I hit the man's chest and looked up at him.

"You fucking scared me."

"You're staring at him again." I roll my eyes and disagreed with him.

"Of course I'm not." I crossed my arms and not even I believed in what I had said, he is cute but im afraid to talk to him.

"Bullshit. I know you better than anyone, now can you stop acting like an annoying sister and just ask him out already."

I looked up at my brother and back at the guy drinking with a few other guy who also do drag. "Nope." I began to walk away until my brother grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"No, you're not. Let's go." I groaned and began to follow him until we stood in front of the group of men. I stayed silent while my brother introduced us to themselves and did most of the talking.

"My sister is a fan of your work, especially yours.. Isn't that right?" He bumped my shoulder so that I could talk.

"Really?" One of the men asked surprised.

"I never thought he'd get a fan so quick." The men began to say between themselves and I noticed the younger guy rolling his eyes and feeling upset.

"I really love your lip-syncing and the outfits you wear." I decided to compliment him again.

His brown eyes changed. He smiled and stared at me. "That means a lot.. thanks..say how about we meet up tomorrow. I could ask some advice on the next routine I'm planning."

The guy wrote down his number and handed it to me. "My name is Austin by the way." He smiled again and so did I.

I couldn't help but smile at myself when I walked back over to Mickey's table, he was having another drink with my brother and saw Karen had left.

"Thought you would chicken out again." Mickey continued with the teasing when I stood next to him. "You two staying up for another round?" Mickey asked when he saw my brother ready to leave with me.

"It's getting late and my sister has a big day tomorrow." My brother's dark eyes met my tired ones and we saw goodbye to Mickey and began to leave the restaurant.

"Thanks for helping me out back there. Have I said how much of a cool brother you are? And a singer" I add and we both chuckle and began to walk down the dark streets with my brother protecting me.



"Get off the stage!"

I shook my head at Austin's apparent 'friends' it's been a month or two since we started going out. He's been an absolute sweetheart to me. I would help style up his wig and give him advice on what he should sing or how to dress.

"Amazing as always, Austin!" I applauded and cheered him on. Austin gave me a quick smile and continued to sing until the song ended and we were sitting far from the crowd.

Austin was upset. I tilted my head and tried to read him but sometimes it was hard. "They hate me."

I frowned as well and reached to grab both his hands and forced a smile on my face. "Show them that you're different, that you can do this. You'll be more successful than them."

He still seemed unsure. He hummed mostly to himself and ordered another drink. "I admire your positiveness, I really do but life isn't easy (Y/N)."

"I know it's not, that's why to be successful in something we need to work hard for it. Besides, you're too much of a pessimist." I joke.

Austin let's out a small smile and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "You're too good for me..Hey, isn't that your brother?" He asked looking behind me.

I looked back and saw my brother running to the bathroom. "Dude, what's up with him?" Mickey asked when he saw me walking past him.

"I'm gonna figure it out." I walk inside the men's bathroom and saw my brother throwing up. I ran over to him and got down on my knees.

"You okay?" I ask concerned for him. "It was probably from the meal we had yesterday, it was pretty late when we came in."

"...Sure..the meal.." I was about to touch him when he quickly stood up and ran over to the sink and stared at himself.

I slowly stood up and was going to ask if something else was wrong, but he probably wouldn't tell me, so I walked out of the restroom and saw from afar Austin talking to an older lady.


"I won't do it." My hands begin to shake and I begin to cry at the awful memories that followed soon after we left The Muse. Mickey began to talk people in about these black pills The Chemist was doing, she never tested them on people and the results were horrifying. Mickey and I had a great relationship but I no longer spoke to him.

"You have talent, (Y/N). You just don't put it to good use."

"Everyone used to tell me that. They'd say how talented me and my brother were, and look what happened to him...I'm not talented, that's why I haven't taken those pills." I mostly whispered the end to myself.

I turn around and smile as I raise my glass, "Thought you could fool me?" I toss the glass against the wall next to him and saw Austin's eyes grow darker.

"You've never changed, there's no way I would drink this, I knew you would fill up the drink with the powder of those black pills." I toss him the pill I had in my hand and began to gather my coat.

"I'm leaving this place for good once Harry and his family are done with their job. You used to be so kind to everyone, now all you care about is yourself." I angrily told Austin when he stood up and tried to grab my arm.

"You're going to regret not taking those pills, (Y/N). Sooner or later I know you're gonna come for them." Austin darkly chuckled and turned his back to me.

I angrily walked out of his house and got into the car I came in. I began to drive fast but decided to pull up when I couldn't go on, I began to break down and silently cried to myself.

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