Chapter 2. Camp Redwood

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I kept resting my head against the window as Xavier continued to drive and we were surrounded by just trees and with a hell lot more of driving to do. I mouthed the words to the song they were blasting of which is 'Rockwell's Somebody's Watching Me' I glanced back to see everyone passing down the alcohol and seeing Brooke all worried. This morning I had to go to her apartment since she didn't want to go alone and even had to go to the bathroom since she was afraid the night stalker might come after her again.

Brooke winced when she tried the alcohol and passed it to Montana, "How am I even alive right now?" "Face it you're a bad ass." Montana tells her and Brooke denies it. "He said he was gonna come back and kill me. Cops are gonna find him right?" I look at the rear view mirror and see her looking at me all scared.

"Of course they are, you think they're gonna let some bastard roam around and kill some more people? I forgot to tell you about this..I was at 24/7 last night when the cops showed up asking if I'd seen him?"

"Well did you?" she asks

"How should I recognize him? But I did meet a guy." I tell Broke and see Montana smirking. "Was he cute?" I look back at her surprised since I didn't want anything more awkward between Xavier and me. Xavier glanced back curiously looking at Montana.

"So?" Xavier says speaking for the first time in a while

"So what?" I ask not understanding him.

"The guy. Was he cute like you said."

"I n-never said he was cute."

"Yet you aren't denying it."

We both look at each other for a second before he looks ahead at the road again with his now stern eyes. "Must be. Probably a tall pale dude with tattoos and shit." He says making fun the stereotype he thinks I'm into and am. "How can you even stand being in the sun dressed like that?" he asks pointing at my outfit.

I was wearing black shorts, my black converse, purple glasses and black button up blouse. I look down at my outfit and look away from him without saying a word. I frowned and got up to join the others in the back and drank the last bit of alcohol from Chet. Everyone stays quiet from the awkward exchange we just had so Montana goes back to what she was talking about.

"Totally but in the mean time he won't be able to find you. What's better than a few weeks out in the wilderness to forget about everything and get paid for it. Brooke you totally did the right thin coming with us." Brooke and I stare weirdly at Montana who keeps her hand on Brooke's knees.

"Absolutely it's gonna be a non-stop party. The kids, the camp. I'm gonna blow some weed that'll last us through the summer and let's just hope we don't have to take any random drug tests." Ray says snorting some cocaine and Chet looking over at him almost angrily. They began to talk about how his body is fake and he's been taking drugs to be fit.

I caught Brooke now staring at a half naked Chet, I huffed out annoyed. What a showoff he sure does love showing his body huh? They began to pass the drugs which I also declined like Brooke. I prefer just my alcohol. I started drinking a few more and we made a stop, I got out and stumbled out a bit being a bit tipsy from that drinking.

"Damn it I have to pee." I began to run over by the bathroom and waited till they filled up the tank. I buttoned up my shorts and looked at Xavier listening closely at the other line which he was calling, "Why l-looking so worried, George Michael?" I slurred which earned me a weird look from him.

"Xavier, We gotta we make it to Redwood before dark." Montana called out. "What's gotten into you?" Xavier asked which caused me to laugh a bit. He looks around and stares at me with a deadpan expression, "Alright enough of this." I begin to laugh some more then he lifted me up and carried me over his shoulder.

"Alright let's go, How much we owe you?" I hear him ask the older man

"Ten even."

Xavier opens the door and puts me back in the passenger seat where I first was. He goes over to the drivers seat and hands out the ten bucks, the man looks at us all then at Xavier "You're all gonna die." My eyes widen and see the old man walk away without another word. Xavier turns to me with the same expression I have, in a hurry he starts the engine and begins to drive down the road again.


"I think you were supposed to drive left."

"Left? There was nothing but trees back there." I tell at Chet who's looking at the map in his hands and trying to search where the freaking camp is. "No way, this way is much safer and faster."

"How do you know? You've never been here." Montana answers Xavier.

"Instincts baby."

He continued down the road and I look back to see him and Chet sharing to smoke some weed. "Shit just stop smoking and give me wheel!" I said taking it from him and he takes control of it again.

"No way! My car my wheels and driver picks the music." He says turning my KISS song off and switching it. "Not fair! Give me the wheel your high."

"No your high."

We begin to fight with who takes the wheel when Brooke shouted "Look out!" and we heard a loud noise and Xavier instantly hit the brakes. We all stay seated trying to process what just happened. "Holy shit!" I open the car door and jump out and run at the back to see a man lying on the road.

"Did we hit him?!" Brooke asks with the rest of the gang following us out.

"No shit Sherlock we just did.." I say looking down worried.

"..No. I don't think we did."

"Bitch." "Jerk." He mutter back and looks at the injured man.

"I'll go get a blanket!" Brooke says wandering off inside the car again. "What the hell for? To hide the body?!" I exclaim and see her running back with it.

"Just look at those cuts, dried blood. He didn't just get those injuries, he's been out here for a long time." I heard Xavier tell when Brooke came over with a blanket and I knelt down to the man.

"Does it matter, George Michael!" I snap at him. "We're in the middle of no where, we can't just leave him here."

"Okay okay we'll take him to the camp. But let's make this story clear, I didn't hit him." I glare up at him and begin to help the poor guy out.

It felt like an eternity but we saw the Camp Redwood sign up ahead and as quickly as we could we each got out and I glanced out and saw a blonde woman chopping off some wood. "Welcome to Camp Redwood. I'm Margaret Booth and the owner." Margaret said pushing her glasses up and stepping closer.

"Are we the only counselors here?"

"Can we get a medic here or someone to help us out?!" I shout from inside the van. Brooke and I hold the guy and see the woman peek inside. "What happened to him?"

"He ran-"

"He was by the side of the road." Xavier quickly said smiling at Margaret.

"Actually we-"

"He was by the side of the road. He's been pretty out of it, saying weird things and such." The woman sighs and stands up from her spot. "Well he's severely dehydrated. Probably went out for a hike and got lost." She looks down at the man and starts walking off. "People don't realize how deep these woods are. Hikers get lost every year and end up dead from hypothermia or just disappeared. You're lucky you found him." The woman says coming back with his medicine and making sure he gets the water he needs.

"To be completely honest we-"

Before I could finish Xavier held my wrist tight that way warning me to not say a word, "Really appreciate your help." He says faking a smile. I fake a smile also to hide the pain "He's not gonna die right?" I ask concerned and took my grip out of him and rubbed my wrist.

"Not on my watch. Don't worry I worked in the E.R at Hawthorne."

"Huh? I've heard of that place before." I point out. "Are there by any chance war-" "Why don't we give our nurse some space. Come on, I'll show you all the camp." Margaret says and the rest stood up to their feet.

"Damn it I really wanted to hear more of that place." I mutter passing by them.


With hands in my pockets and looking around absentmindedly I heard Margaret explaining what they have around the camp. I already what they have I've seen plenty of movies, "We have canoes and row boats, oh and children must have a buddy to go on water. The lake is allegedly bottomless and drowning is the number one cause of death for us campers." She says when we stop by the lake and I shiver when I look down.

"What's second?" George Michael asks Margaret who gave him a dirty look and walked off. We walked further and met up with the camps chef and the other bits of employees they have which isn't much at all. We walked in the back and arrived at what seems to be the girls shower area. "Damn it are we supposed to share it? Why aren't these things built separately?"

"Is there a problem?"

"Call me Kat, and yes there's a problem. I'm not into girls or anything but I don't wanna be taking a shower with naked girls around and gawking at me. I'm not comfortable showing my skin that way." Margaret looks at me confused.

"Well, Kat. Maybe I can arrange this for you but quite honestly I see nothing wrong with you or your body is that's what your ashamed of showing." I say nothing and continue to follow her. "It's not that i'm also worried to show off." I whisper walking out.

"What'd you say?" Xavier asks standing next to me.

"Nothing.." I say trying to ignore him now and walked faster from him.

I followed Margaret inside a cabin which is the girls one. "This is the girls cabin and this is the boys." She said when we reached the other one. "Girls are red, Boys are blue and don't even try to make purple." She jokes but I know she's serious on that topic. I scoff and try to not laugh, "No problem with me here." I admit still following her.

"It's 1984, Margaret. There are co-ed showers back in the gym. You ever hear of the sexual revolution? Sex won" None other than Xavier tells the camp owner. I look down ashamed at his behavior, how did I even have a crush on him?

"I am aware of our era. Women's underwear that shows the buttocks, pornography in your own home, Van Halen." Margaret turns to me and Montana who smirks. "I have been fighting the lords fight against filth around the world for years." Margaret then began to ramble on about her husband, the camp and the rules.

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