Chapter 3. Mr Jingles

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Listening to Margaret ramble on made me have a slight headache, she stopped talking and stared straight at me, "Is there something bothering you, Miss Thredson?" I raised my head up and shook my head to the sides.

 "Nothing wrong here, Margaret." I replied quick. I don't want to have her on my bad side for some reason. Margaret kept talking so I made it seem like I was paying attention to her when I was really looking around the camp and focusing my eyes down on the lake.

It wasn't long when the sky got darker and we all gathered around the fireplace. I was sitting next too Brooke and paying close attention to the fire and hugging my knees as I did. Chet passed down a roll of weed to Xavier and so one so as always I refused and began eating one of the marshmallows Brooke had by the fire.

"Any of you have been head counselors before?" Rita asks walking around and taking her seat back.

"We just wanted to get out of L.A"

"I hear you, couldn't take being any minute in that city. Not with all those gruesome murders going on." "I was attacked at my own apartment." Brooke quickly said before Rita would change the subject. "By the night stalker..he said he'd come after me." She says still uneasy.

"Brooke take a chill pill. He doesn't know where you are and nobody followed us." Montana said smoking which made me look at her not completely trusting her. "How would you even know? I mean you guys were in the back were smoking." I answer looking straight at Montana to which she ignored me and looked at Brooke again, "Nothing's gonna happen to you."

"14 Years ago..That's why they closed the place down."

"Rita, look I understand the situation but my friend Brooke here had a for real assault." Xavier says making his way towards Brooke and I and proceeds to sit in the middle between us.

"Look I'll be real I've never been a nurse at a camp before and you've never been counselors..So how did we get this job? With no prior experience, that's because anybody who knows about Camp Redwood doesn't wanna be in Camp Redwood." Rita says smoking her cigar and looking at us. This is the side of the worst massacre of all time."

"Come on Rita." Xavier sighs not believing her.

"His name was Benjamin Ritcher but everyone calls him Mr Jingles." With that Rita stands up trying to make the story spookier. "Richer was dragged into the Vietnam war, they sent him to others places and that's where he got his calling. He had the highest kill raid in his company, see he liked to kill and was good at it. He had a nasty collection of his enemies. He cut off their ears, and put them into a necklace, Army found out about him and placed him into additional discharge, only job he was able to get after that was here at Camp Redwood." I hug my knees closer and rest my head on it and can't help but yawn a bit as Rita continues, "Nobody knows exactly why he snapped but one random night, Mr Jingles grabs a knife and slaughters and entire camp. 10 victims in all."

"You're wrong." Out of nowhere Margaret arrives. "If your gonna tell a story, tell it right. There was a massacre but only nine died."

"So Mr Jingles is real?" Brooke asks and Margaret pulled her blonde hair back and showed us the left side of her head and her ear was missing. "Now I don't usually show off but since you are all helping me with the camp I believe you deserve to know everything." Margaret sits down with us and takes a few seconds before going on with her story.

"I was asleep when I heard it, the sound of his keys jingling. I opened my eyes a split second before I felt the blade, but I knew I was going to die but then a miracle happened. I saw a bubble rising to the surface and I had this powerful urge to follow it into the light. I felt so peaceful and warm, it was Jesus. I had truly met his that day and that's how I survived through his mercy."

Confused I stare at the blonde headed woman and shrug my shoulders, "What happened to Mr Jingles?"

"He was arrested in trial, I was the only witness the jury only took an hour to find him guilty and I thought that would be the end of it...but I can't escape him that's why I bought this camp, to open it and take all of my darkest memories and turn them into something bright."

This sounds just like a plot of a horror movie. "Wow that's heavy." Chet mutters. Margaret nods and stands from her spot, "Well the kids are coming tomorrow, so I want this to be the last time we talk about that terrible night."

Margaret nods her head and returns to her cabin with the rest of us still quiet, questioning the whole story and Mr Jingles's story. "She's right you kids better rest up for tomorrow. It'll be a long ass night." Rita says throwing her finished cigarette onto the ground. The guys turned the fire out and we went to our separate cabins to finally sleep.


"I think there's something wrong with the hiker. I went to check on him and he freaked out I think he has a concussion." I heard Brooke tell us. Slowly I look over at her sit back up since I was almost falling asleep, I really am tired and I thought we were heading to bed, but no everyone decided to drink some more. I'm starting to think I'm the only responsible adult here.

Everyone just gets drunk whenever they feel like it and Brooke is freaking out more than normal. "Yeah no shit..Xavier here almost killed the poor guy." I tell her which made Xavier who was next to me look at me a bit annoyed from what I could tell.

"..He kept on saying something bad is gonna happen." Brooke whispers and we heard a loud thud coming from behind us. We all sat up alert in case something happens, the door was pushed open and in came a weird looking guy with a moustache, wearing short shorts and carrying a few bottles of beer.

"Hey! Don't you guys know you shouldn't be together." I raised an eyebrow when I looked at him and rolled my eyes and gagged a bit when I saw a raging boner in his shorts. The weird guy just laughed and pointed at us, "I was just fucking with you. I'm Trevor, activities director so technically I'm your boss." I kept staring at this Trevor guy with a deadpan expression.

"You gotta be kidding me." I heard Xavier whisper when he noticed the front of his shorts. "I know right." I whisper back and we both gag. Montana on the other hand was drooling over him, "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

I wasn't even paying attention to what Montana and Trevor was talking about cause all they wanted was clearly to fuck one another and I could care less. For some reason Xavier would move a bit up front so he could block me from seeing Trevor's raging boner. Which I silently thanked cause that isn't the last thing I want to see once I fall asleep.

This was making the situation even more awkward since those two wouldn't stop eyeing each other so I spoke up, "What I was going to say before Trevor came in..was that this sounds like a cliché." I finally say which made Montana roll her eyes and Ray wave his hand absentminded, "Call me stupid or whatever but it's the truth. A few young adults arrive at a new spot, people who work there tells the legend of some killer who begins on a hunt and kills all of them? Guys stop being so closed minded. I'm a fan of horror movies and I know how things normally go."

Chet scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Explain then."

"For starters in a group there's the typical stereotypes. The jock type." I say looking at Chet.

"Not to be racist..but the black guy always died first" I look at Ray who looks away annoyed and flips me off.

"The one who looks older and more mature and takes advantages of the girls on camp." I look at Trevor.

"The slutty one." I don't even look at Montana since I could feel her eyes pierce me.

"The one who takes their friends to the camp and claims nothing it real but is afraid to admit." Xavier looks at me and says nothing.

"The naïve one, the protagonist in our movie. The one all claim to be crazy but she's the final girl." I smirk and everyone rolls their eyes.

"Alright whatever, what would you call yourself?" Ray asks me and it's my time to roll my eyes and chuckle sarcastically. "Isn't it obvious?" I point at all my dark clothes. "The weirdo, the goth type who most likely will be one of the last to survive,"

"That is so dumb." Trevor complains.

"Seriously, Katherine. You read too much of that witchcraft book you carry." Chet says and I glare at him. "And there's always the ones who says, "I'll be right back" when they step out but never returns.-"

"It's way too hot I'm going out." Trevor says before I could finish and walks out of the cabin and Montana follows right after. I ignore the stares from the rest and got on top of a bunk and rested my head against the pillow while hearing the rest below watching an athletic game with Rita show showed up again.

They each began to talk about the athletic males and making fun for what they do, to which I agreed to most. "The fuck would you know about it?" I heard Chet answer Brooke. I shot up from my spot and glared down at him when he crashed a can of beer in his hands.

"Yo dude shut up." Ray said when Chet stood up and I saw Brooke look over to me and quickly focused her eyes on the screen. "Hey!" I called out angrily and jumped down from where I was and glared hard at Chet when he faced me.

"Brooke's been nothing but nice to you. You've been a fucking dick to her for the entire journey. So why don't try to mess with me? I'll kick your ass before you even have the time to try and punch me." I said stepping forward. Xavier and Ray both stood up to stop the fight. So when Chet knew I wouldn't move from my spot he began to approach me, Xavier in an instant stood in front of me and Ray grabbed Chet's shoulder, which made him spun around and cut Ray's palm with the can of beer he had in his hand.

"Fuck!" He cried and held his bloody palm.

"You're such an asshole." I mutter angrily at him and moved Xavier aside but he wouldn't bulge and stayed put. "Don't try fucking with us man." He muttered looking Chet who clenched his palms and walked away.

I scoffed and tried to not laugh so Xavier turned around and looked down at me, "Ignore him, he's being a bigger dick than he always is." I only nod my head try to not smirk at him. "Thanks, George Michael. Never thought you'd be the one to protect a girl." I tease and joined the others to watch the stupid Olympics. Mean while the rest were enjoying the game I began to gaze out and stare outside of the window seeing the branches move because of the wind outside and the droplets of water hitting the clear window.

"Where the hell is she?"

It's been a while since Brooke left with Ray so she could clean and patch his wound up, but there's been no sign of her. Ray came back a while ago but with no Brooke behind him. "I'm gonna go look for her." I say concerned since she's been all paranoid about this night stalker guy.

"You know you cling yourself too much to her, she's not your lost puppy." I hear Montana say from the other side of the room. I ignore her and began putting on my shoes and raincoat on, "Brooke has been like a sister to me, so yes I have every right to looks after her if she wants to. If you claim to be her friend you'd be doing the same as me."

I heard thunder and all of the sudden I'm pushed back from the door and turn around to see Brooke shouting, "He's here! He's trying to kill me!" her entire body and face covered in mud and rain.

"Who are you talking about?" Montana asks standing up with the rest who stare at Brooke like she's insane.

"Mr Jingles!" Brooke runs to the other door and locks it up. I run over to her and grab her shoulder tight, "Brooke listen to me. I don't get scared or paranoid easily so please tell me what happened? Are you positive you saw the murderer?"

"Yes! Yes I did." Brooke cries.

"This is a joke right?" Xavier laughs and I again glare at him.

"Does this look like a joke to you? Brooke isn't stupid to invent something like this up. Much less stand in the middle of the rain and start screaming like a manic." I focus back on Brooke and try to calm her down, "Did you see him?"

"I did! I could make out his raincoat, his hood, I kept hearing his keys. It was him." Brooke says panting and looking at each of us. I grab the nearest object which is a lamp and stood closer to the door, I hold it above me when the guys opened the door and Brooke begged us to not open it. Trevor did so I quickly threw the lamp outside with a loud crash.

Trevor held a flashlight up and I heard Ray say, "Great another broken lamp." We all look back at Brooke who's shaking.

"Hasn't this guy been locked up since the 70's?" Xavier asks from inside the cabin since he probably was too afraid to step out. "I-I know it was him." Brooke defends herself, "He murdered the hiker and cut off his ear."

"What the hiker is dead?!" I ask a bit surprised that even happened. Poor guy didn't survive the night. "Come with me." Rita says holding her flashlight out and looking at me along with the two other females. Quietly we went to the infirmary and this time I held a bat up I found under one of the bunks.

"He's right b-behind the door. I'm g-going back in there." Brooke stutters. Trevor decides ti grab the bat from my hands and walks along with Rita while I stood in front of Brooke if something were to happen. As Rita was slowly pushing the door the rest of the guys followed in and without making a sound stepped closer and jumped a bit when Rita moved back and sighed in relief or annoyance..or both.

"Girl you trippin." I couldn't help but scoff and hold back my laughter. So Brooke gave her a confused look and walked into the room with Rita, we all followed and saw no blood or guts or anything on the other side of the wooden door.

"What..I-I don't understand. He was right here!"

"Well he's not here anymore, must've wandered off from where he came from." I smacked Xavier's arm which he winced.

"Stop being so sarcastic with her." I warn and rubbed my face tiredly.

"I think I found your raincoat killer." Montana points with her flashlight at a raincoat on a rack. I groan and see Brooke again freaking out, "No no! I am not imagining all of this." Brooke again began to run off and once again I began running after her.

"Damn it Brooke will you please stop running away for a second." I say and we both screamed when we saw a hooded figure but realized it was just Margaret. Brooke cursed and held onto her chest and fell to the floor with me trying to help her when she had her nails digging onto my arm. "What is going on here?" Margaret asks stepping in and looking at Brooke.

Brooke looked at me, the rest and at Margaret not knowing what to say. Trevor and the rest lied telling Margaret that the hitchhiker just left. I felt Brooke shiver next to me and I heard her crying, I looked to my right and it broke my heart to see her like it. I was a bit angry with her rambling on like a lunatic but she's alone. Not entirely sure on what to do, with my free hand I rubbed her back slowly and looked up at Margaret for help.

Which wasn't of help at all since she only told her to clean up, "Come along, Brooke." I mutter and began slowly helping her up on her feet.


Once Brooke cleaned herself up from the mud covering her entire body I went to my bunk and hugged the blanket close to me since it was cold. I was even too tired to even dry my hair up. I almost shot up from my spot when the phone started ringing all of the sudden. "God damn it." I curse and laid my head against the fluffy pillow again and silently prayed for the phone to stop ringing. I heard steps beneath me and assumed it was Brooke who raced over to Montana to tell her about the phone.

"Brooke, for the love of all that's holy. Stay put and stop worrying. They'll call in back tomorrow." I mumble against the pillow and opened my right eye and saw those other lazy pricks not even caring about the phone ringing in the middle of a storm. "We'll make sure to call them back tomorrow." I tell Brooke and yawn before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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