Amortentia. i

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Harry's actions and mood towards Draco always suggested he hated the pureblood, but what if this was a lie?

Harry, not giving her the real reason, had begged Hermione to make him the potion, hoping to be able to slip it into Draco's morning pumpkin juice.

Harry was sure Draco wouldn't return the feelings he had for him, even if he was the so called chosen one.

"Here's the Amortentia, Harry. Please tell me the stupid idea you have in mind?" Hermione asked him, the morning the plan was going to take place.

"Who says this is for me? It's not a stupid idea, Mione." Harry said, clutching the vial of potion.

"Well, whatever you do, don't be stupid. The potion is very dangerous, Harry." Hermione sighed, knowing she had no way of talking Harry out of this plan.

Walking down to the great hall, under his invisibility cloak, Harry approached the Slytherin table, definitely not looking where he was going, tripping right in front of his crush, his so called enemy. The invisibility cloak had fallen off him.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" The blonde Slytherin said, Harry blushing like mad.

"I-um." he saw the blond look down at the vial in his hand. He had been caught.

"Is that a love potion, potter?" Draco smirked, making Harry blush even more.

"So what if it is, Malfoy?" The raven haired boy spoke back, picking himself up off of the floor.

"And who were you trying to give that potion too?" Draco spoke close to Harry's ear, sending a few shivers down his spine.

"You." Harry whispered to the Slytherin.

"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that?" Draco looked at the Gryffindor oddly.

"It was for y-you, okay?" Harry stuttered, not really caring who heard. The blonde grabbed the raven haired boy by the hand, giving him a tingly feeling in his stomach.

He dragged them both to an empty classroom, located near the hall, closing the door and locking it behind them. "So, you have feelings for me, potter?" Draco grinned, teasing the younger wizard.

"N-no, definitely not!" The Gryffindor had enough. The person he wanted the most was standing right in front of him, and all he wanted to do was kiss him. The Slytherin shot him a look to say 'don't lie' and Harry finally confessed. "Okay, maybe...yes." he sighed. He'd admitted one of his secrets since he came out to his best friends, Ron and Hermione.

"Good, because I didn't know how I was going to say that to you." Harry looked shocked, was he hearing the older wizard correctly?

"Well, I told you the truth." Harry stated clearly.

The blond wizard walked in front of the boy with the glasses and looked in his eyes. 'Such beautiful green eyes' he thought to himself. He looked down at his perfect lips, ones he wants to kiss so much.

Draco started leaning in, close to the other wizards ear. "Scared, Potter?" He smirked, before pressing his lips against Harry's.

He'd never felt something so perfect, so natural, something so right.

[update (25/07/15): as this has become quite popular, in the near future I might post a second part to this one shot. If you would like me to do this, just say!]

[update (28.01.2018): surprise guys, since I am in the best mood ever, enjoy part two from now! I hope you enjoy]

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