Chapter 13

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It was morning as we see y/n Anne and sprig walking threw the woods...well Anne was a walking y/n and sprig were hopping and climbing over logs and such

Anne:do we always hang out in the woods? you have a perfectly good living room.

Sprig:where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature.

Y/n:agreed I love hanging out in the woods I feel so wild out here.

As they walk away Anne sees a lady bug get eaten by a spider

Anne:...yeah exactly why does y/n's eel hound get to stay home?.

Y/n:because he's a sweepy little boy who needs his rest.

While walking a bush near them starts shaking as sprig puts out his hand in front of y/n and anne

Sprig:*gasp*stay back! It could be a blood sucking predator!.

He says as he pulls out a sharp stick

Anne:you are really not selling me on this place.

Y/n:he is for me!.

Sprig moves the bush revealing a gourd with eyes and a smile drawn on it and with dead grass for hair

Sprig:oh no it's an-


The three look up following where the voice came from only to reveal a frog latched on to the tree

The frog jumps off tackling sprig then quickly jumps off into more bushes while sprig lays there

Sprig:I'm hit !sprig down! Sprig down!.


Y/n crouched down to sprig holding him in his arms


Sprig:I...I see a light....

Y/n moves his head to the left blocking the sun from sprigs sight

Y/n:is that better?.

Sprig:yes thank you.

The frog from before walks out the bushes letting out a laugh of victory

Sprig:hey ivy nice ambush gourd in a wig classic.

Ivy:heh can't take all the credit you're really easy to trick.

Sprig:well guilty as charged.

They both laughed until Anne started to fake cough dramatically

Y/n:you want a cough drop?.


Sprig:oh ivy meet Anne and y/n oddity's from another world Anne y/n meet ivy childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner.

He says throwing a light punch towards ivy who casually blocks it then jumps up and kicks sprig in the cheek as he laughs it off

Y/n:what! You never told me you sparred!.

Anne:hey ivy.

Ivy walks up and shakes both their hands

Ivy:hey I've seen you guys around nice to officially meet do you like being randomly attacked?.

Anne:not at all.

Y/n:oh I do I do do you?.


Ivy jumps out the way as y/n try's to stomp on her with his foot


Y/n:what? She said she liked being randomly attacked!.

Ivy:heh it's fine that was a nice attempt your pretty quick there y/n.

Y/n:thank you!.

Ivy:but I hope you know this means ima get you back someday.

Y/n:I look forward to it.

He says as they both smirk at each other until she turns back to sprig

Ivy:see ya later sprig but you won't see me.

She then backflips away

Anne:well well well she's kinda cute huh?.

She says with a teasing smile while wiggling her eyebrows

Sprig:I don't know what your talking about.

He says walking off while Anne follows him still saying well while y/n also follows them saying it differently

Anne:well well well well well well well.

Y/n:wellapy wellapy wellapy welp...why are we saying this again?

• • •

They trio finally made it back to the house

Anne:we're home!.

Hop pop comes running down to stairs

Hop pop:what have you three been doing? I've been looking for you all morning!.

Anne:oh nothing...except sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!.

Y/n:I don't know about flirting but she was cute.

He gets nudged in the gut by Anne

Y/n:what? Cute as in adorable like a puppy or kitten.

Hop pop:*GASP* No Kidding?.

Sprig:Anne it's not like that ivy sundew and I are just friends.

Hop pop:ivy sundew? Nobody move! I'm getting the courtship kit!.

He then quickly runs back up the stairs while Anne is fan girling and y/n just has a confused look with Polly

Anne:this is so exciting I'm gonna go get my dating magazines brb!.

She runs down to the basement while y/n sprig and Polly are left




Polly:I don't actually care.

Y/n:i just don't know what's going on.

Hop pop comes back down with a chest in his hands then sets it on the table

Hop pop:here we go the firefly formal is tonight it's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual.

Anne pops up from the basement hatch with her magazines


Y/n:*gasp*is it a sacrifice ritual!.

He says running in place

Hop pop:what no why is that the first thing You think of?.

Y/n:I don't know I'm messed up man plus you didn't specify what kind of ritual!.

Hop pop:hmm good point the boys getting smarter.

Y/n:hey I'm always smort!.

Hop pop:anyways only frogs who have preformed the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb are allowed to be wed

He says showing a picture of two quite realistic looking frogs greeting each other in garbs while Anne grabs the paper and looks at it

Anne:huh kitchy I like it.

Y/n looks from her side I don't...looks uncomfortable.

Sprig pops up in between them

Sprig:GUYS we're just friends besides I'm already engaged to Maddie right? She gave me this nifty ring.

He pulls up his finger to show a gray ring with a skulls head as its eyes glow orange

Y/n:hmmm...seems familiar like I've bonded with the color before...

Hop pop:forget her!.


Hop pop:the sundews have secret proprietary crops do you have any idea what that means!?.


Hop pop:if our families merge we'll be rich!.

Polly:wow so romantic.

Y/n:it is?.


Y/n:...oh u were being sarcastic.

Anne:ugh I love these magazines.

She turns the magazine to sprig

Anne:look sprig it says here two-thirds of all soul mates start out as "just friends".

Sprig:wait what? really!?.

He quickly grabs the magazine examining it

Sprig:and you trust these things?.

Anne:definitely magazines never lie.

She says pulling up a magazine that said cat and bat have baby?

Y/n:I mean I knew Batman and cat women liked each other but did they really have to go to the cabbage patch to get that thing?.

Sprig:could ivy be my eternal love my soul mate the cat to my bat?.

Y/n:the peanut butter to your jelly?.

Sprig:oh ya that one too!.

Hop pop:well we're about to find out cause I already asked her family.

He says next to a open window as a giant messenger mosquito hands him a letter

Hop pop:mmmm hmmm hmmm...they agreed to a date!.

Hop pop notices the mosquito still there

Hop pop:what do you want?.

The mosquito lets out a sound while flapping its wings

Hop pop:oh your tip alright here you go.

He lowers his shirts collar to his neck

Hop pop:but don't take too much though I have chores to do later.

Sprig:well missing out on eternal love does sound bad...I guess one date couldn't hurt.


Hop pop:that's my boy!.

Y/n:actually from how my brothers went it actually could.

• • •

Time had passed as we frogs dancing out in the middle of the town with decorations

With our group we see hop pop and Anne dressing up sprig while y/n and Polly watch

Hop pop:stop struggling.

Anne:just a little more...alrighty cool.

Hop pop:my boy you look incredible!.

(This looks cursed lol)


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sprig:I don't know about this ivy's gonna think I look stupid.

He turns and looks into a window looking at his reflection

Sprig:I think I look stupid!.

Anne:great you'll have something in common!.

Y/n then crouched down next to sprig

Y/n:aww cmon little bud don't say that now I don't know a lot about these sorta things but I say just give it a chance you won't know unless you try right?.

Sprig:...*sighs*right thanks y/n.

Now with ivy we see she's also over wearing a garb

Felicia:my little girls a women.

She says while fixing ivy's hair while ivy grumbles at her mother

Hop pop:all right boy go get that lucrative business relationship!...I mean romantic relationship heh heh saved it.

He hands sprig mushrooms to give to ivy while sprig starts waddling his way towards ivy


Sprig:hi...uh these are for you.

He says turning his whole body since he can't move his arms

Ivy:oh...thanks.'re looking like a...girl frog.

Y/n:*in the distance* nailed it!.

Ivy:oh okay I like your uh collar.

With the others Felicia is talking with hop pop

Felicia:*sighs* I'm so happy we agreed on this merger hopadiah that sprig of yours looks like a hard worker.

Hop pop:like we agreed you'll get sprig to work at your restaurant and I'll get the seeds to those sundew vegetables.

He says stretching out his hand for a shake while Felicia pulls out a handkerchief and puts it over her hand to shake


Anne:this is so exciting I wonder what their ship name will be ivig? sprigivy?.

Polly:what are you even saying!?.

Anne:what do you think y/n?.

Y/n:mmm sprivy? I don't know I'm not really feeling this whole thing...

Anne:why is that?.

Y/n:maybe it's because I don't know anything about love or dates and all that.

Anne:oh I see...

Y/n:maybe one day I'd like to learn.

Anne:wait what-

Then hop pop quickly rushes up to the three

Hop pop:shhhh! Let's watch our little love doves doves are birds that mate for life-

Anne:we got it.

Then the announcer gets on stage

Newt dude:excuse me everybody.

(My bad before I called him a lizard I changed it to newt now)

Y/n:I feel like ima hate this guy in the future.

Newt dude:but I hear we have a couple of love doves here tonight ivy sundew and sprig plantar whoo! A big hand for them come on let me hear it!.

Everyone looks at the two of them applauding them while they nervously laugh then the newt dude pulls out a piece of paper

Newt dude:hopadiah plantar says "sprig don't mess this up for us" and Felicia sundew would like ivy to "have a great courtship wink" it says "wink" here "love mom".

Y/n:who would write wink on a letter?.

Anne:y/n you literally say wink when you wink at us.

Y/'s your word against mind I'll see you in court!.

Anne:do you even have a lawyer?.

Y/n:ya it's Polly.

Polly:I can confirm if one of us gets caught we're gonna be each other's lawyers.

Anne:caught from what?.

Y/ comment.

Newt dude:all right then hit it boys!.

The frogs on stage begin to play as sprig and ivy nervously chuckle and try to slow dance with each other they couldn't reach but manage to in the end

Ivy:I had no idea you felt this way about me sprig.

Sprig:oh sure didn't you know two-thirds of all Mates start with souls? AH! I mean two-thirds of all souls start with...

Sprig noticed ivy's confused expression

Sprig:*sighs* I can't do this I'm really sorry ivy I...I don't want to date you everyone just convinced me this was a good idea.

Ivy:oh thank goodness! I only went along because I didn't want to hurt you also cause my mom forced me.

Sprig:ha! Parents am I right? What do you say we ditch this thing and go watch some fireflies? They're in season.

Ivy:ha after you friend.

Sprig:why thank you friend.

They both laugh as they run off not noticing they're getting spied on by the others with binoculars

Anne:ooh-la-la the little love doves are sneaking out into the woods you know what that means~.

She says while Polly makes a grossed out face and hop pop looks panicked

Felicia:it means they're abandoning the ritual! If those two don't finish that dance...

Hop pop:then this courtship will be ruined along with my financial security!.

Anne:wait what we cannot let them waste this chance they say nine out of ten people stay up at night regretting missed romantic opportunities nine out of ten!.

Hop pop:come on gang let's get this merger back on track!.

Polly:uh counterpart why don't we just leave them alone!?.

Hop pop:ridiculous.

Felicia:not a chance.

Anne:I'm way too invested right now.

Felicia:hmm wait isn't your family a person short?.

Hop pop:ya your right...y/n must've went after them! Quickly catch up with em we could use his nose that boys nose acts like a hound sometimes!.

Hop pop and Felicia jump down while Polly stops anne

Polly:hold up anne I have a question.

Anne:what is it Polly? we gotta hurry.

Polly:why didn't you just use all your weird magazines on y/n instead of sprig?.

Anne expression looked confused until it went to realization then dread then she laid her head on the wood and started sadly hitting it

Anne:uggggggh...why didn't I think of that sooner....

Polly:jeez I don't know why your so upset about-......

Now polly's expression turned into realization then a smug teasing smile


Polly:well well well~.

Anne's cheeks then redden again


Polly:oh nothing~.

Polly goes down to catch up with hop pop and Felicia while Anne follows still with a blush

Now with sprig and ivy sprig was finally able to take off the last piece of the garb stuck on his neck while the two sit next to a lake and look at the fireflies this is way better than that stuffy old dance right ivy?.

He looks to his right to see ivy missing

Sprig:ivy? ivy?...


Ivy tackles sprig from out of nowhere with a stick then standing over him raising the stick up in victory


Sprig:oh no you don't!.

Sprig also grabs a stick as the two start play fighting as if they actually had swords

Ivy:this'll be your grave!.

Sprig:that's uh...that's pretty dark.

Back with the others they found the garbs laying on the ground

Hop pop:hmm where are those dang kids?.

Then over the group flew by a shadow and a screeching sound

They look up to see two love doves as one dips the other

Felicia:they're beautiful.

Polly:just look at them.

Hop pop:love doves don't move or we're dead.

Anne:what? I thought they were all romantic and mate for life.

Hop pop:yeah and they spend that life massacring all living things.

The love doves then notice the group as the turn from all lovey dovey to screeching with sharp teeth

The doves flew at them while doing a spin as the group calls them beautiful then back to screaming while being carried off

Now with ivy and sprig they're laying down back to watching the fireflies

Sprig:hey purple ones!.

Ivy:oh ya those are babies I read that they're purple so the moms can find them if they get lost.

Sprig:what? That's adorable!.

Ivy:I know right?.

She smiles at sprig as sprig smiles back with a bleh realizing something

Y/n:you know I've felt connected to the color purple for some reason.


Sprig looks to his left to see y/n also laying down


Ivy:wow I always hear when someone is sneaking up on me impressive.

Sprig:did you come to take us back?.

Y/n:what? Nah I'm just chilling watching the fireflies with you guys I don't get why that whole thing anyways

Sprig:phew thanks y/n.

Ivy:ya your ok in my book.

Then the three heard screaming as they shoot up

Sprig:what the!?.

Ivy:that sounded like...

Y/n:uh oh...

The three hear screeching as they look up to see love doves carrying their families

Sprig:our families! We gotta help them!.

Sprig gets a stick thrown at him hitting his face while y/n catches one that was also thrown at him

Ivy:way ahead of you come on let's go!.

Y/n:yes finally something i understand violence!.

The three run after them while the doves drop the group into a colorful looking nest then spit out some slime from their mouth making them stuck

Anne:we're stuck!.

Suddenly the doves fly away

Anne:uh so they're not gonna eat us?.

Hop pop:not right away love doves prefer to let their prey marinate in fear first-

Felicia:ugh can it plantar this is all your fault of you taught your grandson proper courtship technique-

Hop pop:my fault!? It's obviously yours!.

While hop pop and Felicia argue Anne pulls out her magazine from her pocket with her mouth and reads a page while Polly looks annoyed

Anne:guys it says here that our relationships define us and nothing else nothing else!.

They all began talking at once until Polly had enough

Polly:ENOUGH!!! It's all your faults!.

Hop pop:say what?.


Polly:zip it! The only reason we're here marinating is because you all had to play matchmaker!.

She points towards hop pop and Felicia

Polly:you two were greedy plain and simple!.

Hop pop:...maybe a little...'s nuanced...

Anne:nice totally innocent for once you two should be ashamed.

Polly:are you kidding!? Sprig only went through with this because of you and this dumb magazine!.

Polly then snatches the magazine and starts biting and ripping it apart I feel lighter somehow

Then sprig ivy and y/n finally found them



Sprig:we're here to rescue you!.

They each start swiping the slime off them until they could get out and jump out the nest taking a breath of relief

Ivy:we're also here to tell you we don't want to date each other and we never will.

(Really now?)

Hop pop:we know Polly set us straight.

Polly:also good news y/n you were actually innocent for once.

Y/n looks down at his hands


Felicia:look kids we-

Anne:sprig I'm so sorry-

They were interrupted cause now the doves came back screeching at them in anger

Polly:I always told them save the heartfelt apologies for when we get to safety.

Y/n:actually ya why were we just standing here we were basically waiting for them to come my brain is thinking to much today...

Ivy:don't worry guys sprig and I are ready for combat right?.


Ivy:care to joins us y/n?.

Y/n:heck ya I need to hit something!.

Ivy:on the count of

She sees the two are gone until


She looks up and sees the two jump from a tree as sprig tackles one dove down and y/n lands on the back of the other and puts it in a chokehold

Y/n:you think riding a shrimp is impressive!? I'm riding a dove! WHOA!.

The doves was able to flip y/n off of it and land next to ivy while sprig starts hitting the other with the stick

Sprig:take that you beautiful creature!.

On the final hit the dove falls to the ground while the other grabs sprig with its beak and throws him too near ivy while it goes to hold its unconscious parter

Ivy:nice one you two.


Sprig:I learned from the best.

Ivy:now let's finish this up.

Ivy throws her stick at the back of the doves head knocking it out as well

Hop pop:amazing even in defeat they're majestic.

Y/n:I wanna drag one back on cook it like chicken.

The group stares at him

Y/n:what!? Oh it's ok for them to want to eat me but I can't want to eat one of them!.

Felicia:come along now ivy let's get you home so I can apologize safely.

Ivy:ok that was fun see ya sprig!.

Sprig:see ya ivy!.

Hop pop:sprig next time we won't get the courtship kit out until you're good and ready now I can focus on finding love for Polly.


He walks away with Polly while y/n narrows his eyes and clutches his fist dramatically...basically big brother mode activated

Y/n:*whisper*whoever they are I'll crush them...

Anne:well that's the end of that now you and ivy can go back to being just friends.


Sprig turns and watches ivy leave and she waves goodbye and he returns the wave with a smile while Anne looks back and fourth noticing while y/n is oblivious

Anne:oh you just fell in love with her didn't you?.

Sprig:ya I just fell in love with her.

Sprig walks away as y/n goes next to Anne

Y/n:hey Anne I've been thinking.


Y/n:could you teach me about all that love stuff and what to do?.

Anne realizes what he just said and blushes before quickly shaking it off

Anne:uh yeah- yeah! I could teach man I already have so much stuff I feeling letters oh I could teach you about wearing a suit!!!.

Y/n:well if your happy about I trust you.

The two start walking home as y/n feels his cheeks being weird again...he wonders why?

Quick question

Alright so I remember I got asked who do I think y/n's voice actor should be or who he sounds like

I have two voices in my head but I'd just like to know who do you think he sounds like

This doesn't mean I'll make it officially his voice...well maybe if I like the voice a lot

But that's all I'm tired have a good day or night stay safe

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