Chapter 19

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We're inside of a shop called grub & go as we see Anne walking with hop pop as they stop in front of a wooden box of food

Hop pop:oh! Pill bugs are on sale!.

Anne:ooh! That reminds me I'm gonna go grab some of that beetle jerky I like...can't believe I just said that.

Y/n then walks up next to her taking a bit out of a worm that "looks" like a gummy worm

Y/n:*mouth full*you'll get used to it.

Anne:did you pay for that?.

Y/n looks down at the worm before taking another bite

Anne:do they know you didn't pay for that?.

Y/n then slurps the whole worm into his mouth like a noodle and swallows

Y/n:not if you snitch on me.

The two walk off to go get Anne's beetle jerky

Hop pop:ok kiddos see you outside.

He then shoves all the pill bugs off and into his bug cart

Anne was walking threw the aisle look at the shelves as she walks by while y/n followed her still eating his worms

Anne:hmm where is that...a-ha! Score!.

She stops as she sees a bag of beetle jerky

Anne:and I got the last one.

She reaches for the bug until a tongue shoots up and takes it before she can grab it


She looks and sees it was Wally who took the bag

Anne:That was totally mine Wally!.

Wally:ya snooze ya loose scarecrow!.

He laughs as he flips and hops away

Anne:hey don't call me scarecrow!.

He continued to hop away until y/n reaches into his bag and throws a worm at the back of wallys head


It hits him as he messes up his flip flying forward as we hear crashes in the background


He reaches into the bag only to feel nothings a he puts his eye close to the bag only to see nothing

Y/n:DANG IT that was my last one!.

He throws the back to the ground and crosses his arms and starts walking away


A cart crashes into the back of Anne as she turns to see it was Mrs croaker with Archie in her cart

Mrs croaker:hey! Move your big behind scarecrow croaker needs her cookies

Anne walks away also crossing her arms and grumpily walking away catching up to y/n

Anne:my behinds not big I'm big technically it's to scale.

She says as y/n who was still walking with Anne slowly starts to lean back

Anne notices this as her face deeply reddens


Y/n:What? I'm making sure for you?.

Anne:b-but!- you- y-your not supposed to!-WHOA!.

She suddenly slips as she falls over from a wet floor as a frog with a mop steps up

Mob frog:hey! Didn't you see the sign scarecrow?.

Felicia:classic clumsy scarecrow.

The rest of the frogs in the store began to laugh at Anne as she lifts herself up with a embarrassed blush

Y/n goes over to Anne and helps her up

Y/n:you alright Anne?.


They walk over to the door as anne walks out but y/n stops as he turns to the frogs as they all stop laughing

He points to his eyes then to the frogs then smashes his fist into the palm of his and and walks out

The two walk over to bessie with the plantars waiting on top as and as a sad look

Sprig:so did you get the beetle jerky you...

Sprig notices the saddened look on Anne's face

Sprig:hey what's wrong?.

Anne:*sighs*its just...I've been here over a month now and the townspeople still treat me crummy I just wish they were a little nicer...

Y/n I know whatcha mean now ever since the potion thing they've stop being nice to be thinking I was lying only being nice to lure them in and eat them!.

Anne:then why haven't they been doing the things they've been doing to me?.

Y/n:oh they have they've whispered about me...shoot me glares when I'm not looking...kept their kids away from me...made up lies but nothing I'm used to!.

Anne:used to?.

Hop pop:oh that's just the way these frogs are slow to accept and even slower to respect it's actually our town motto.

He motions towards the entrance to wartwood with a sign hanging under the stone entrance literally saying what he just said

Hop pop:you'll find a way to get their respect in your own weird Anne and y/n way now who wants pill bug pancakes.


Anne:ooh! my favorite!.

She excitedly says clasping her hands together until she realizes what she just said

Anne:....I've been here too long...

Y/n smiles as he pats her back

Y/n:again you'll get used to it!.

The two get on bessie as they ride through the town as they pass a frog sculptor as he's making a statue of mayor toadstool kissing a baby tadpole

Hop pop:well that statue's new.

Sprig:and tasteless woof!.


They all gasp as bessie suddenly stop almost making them fall off

She chirps as she's swinging back and forth as anne gets off and calms her

Anne:whoa whoa girl easy what's wrong?.

Y/n also gets off as he pulls out the leafs bessie likes as she starts to eat while y/n holds it for her

Anne turns to where bessie was looking to see a giant silhouette slowly getting closer as frogs in the street stop to also look

It was now close enough to make out it was a giant spider pulling a cart with three toads riding on it

They ride into the town as some frogs are seen running away from them as all three hop off their cart

As the red toad cracks it's neck

Red toad:ah nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive ain't that right?.

He asks his fellow two toads until the sound of a door opening interrupted him

Mayor toadstool:oh good you're here!.

It was mayor toadstool coming out of city hollow

Mayor toadstool:toadie give 'em the list

He gives toadie a little nudge as he pulls out a list

Anne:who are those guys?.

Hop pop:toads from toad tower they rule over the entire valley.

Anne:toad what?.

Y/n:yeah what she said.

Sprig leans town and shows the two a map

Sprig:it's a big scary tower deep in the swamp and the toads that live there are the valleys fiercest warriors

Y/n:eh doesn't look so scary to me.

Hop pop:it doesn't look exactly like that y/n it looks a lot more better and detailed and frightening.


Anne:whoa! cool.

Hop pop:cool yes but they can be a rough sort it's probably for the best that we all stay clear of-

He opens his eyes to see y/n Anne and sprig already walking towards the toads

Hop pop:oh dang it there they go...

The red toad hands one of the other toads a spiked club before hearing sprig call out to him

Sprig:hey guys! So you are from toad tower?.

Red toad:sure are runt.

Sprig laughs at the name the toad called him

Sprig:my name's sprig actually!.

Red toad:uh-huh yeah sure-WHOA!.

He turns now shocked from seeing Anne and y/n

Red toad:What are those things?.

He pointed to the two as y/n looks behind himself as the three toads walk closer to the two

Red toad:it's some kind of gangly new critter I've never seen before.

He address Anne

Red toad:and that one.

He points to y/n

Red toad:it's the same but bigger!.

Second toad:wonder what they taste like.

Sprig:whoa whoa hey! They're not for eating!.

Anne:don't come any closer.

Sprig pulls out his slingshot as Anne pulls out her racket while y/n merely stands straight and points at the second

Y/n:wonder what YOU taste like.

The second toad pulls out the spiked club

Second toad:is that a challenge!.

She laughs before charging at y/n

She swings the club at him him but he ducks down to the floor

She then swung it down trying to smash y/n but he rolls out of the way

Anne then steps up and swings her racket at the face of the second toad has it it's her smashing into her face

She pulls it back revealing red lines on the toads face as she stands there


As y/n said now behind the toad he jumped up and drop kicks the toad from behind making her fall over as the red toad watched and now begins to laugh

The second toad now gets up rubbing her back then her face

Second toad:whoa that was awesome!.

Red toad:well met creatures I don't know what you are but you've got fire!.

The red toad complements the two as they walk away back to their cart

Anne smiles as lays her racket over her shoulder and y/n grins while wiping a finger under his nose as sprig crossed his arms grumbling

Y/n:heh how'd he know I enjoy fire.

Hop pop then makes bessie slide up to the three

Hop pop:OK kids that's enough flirting with death let's head home.


Sprig:bleh finally come one you guys.

Sprig start to walk over to bessie as anne and y/n stay put

Anne:I was thinking we could hang out with these guys a little longer they seem pretty cool.

Y/n:you read my mind I'm down!.

Sprig:*scoffs* cool? More like smelly not to mention creepy.

He points to the third toad who had a helmet on his head who was breathing heavily

Anne:wait a second...

She says looking at the toad before looking back at sprig

Anne:are you jealous we think they're cool?.

Y/n:awww buddy.

Sprig:No Ha! If you guys wanna hang out with some grody toads be my guest no skin off my skin.

He turns hoping towards bessie before landing on the back with his arms obviously looking grumpy

Hop pop:OK but don't dally too long you two.

Polly:I'm eating your pancakes!.

Polly screams as y/n looks back hurt

But Polly winks at him as he *sighs* with relief and winks back at her with a thumbs up

Sprig:not jealous!.

Sprig screams one last time before bessie starts sliding away

Anne:oh he jelly.

Y/n:peanut butter jelly?.

Anne:jelly and jelly.


The two then walk over to the toads

Anne:hey we didn't get the chance to ask your-

Bog:names bog.

The red one said before shoving a box of weapons into Anne's arms as y/n looks at them with stars in his eyes

Bog:the silent one there is mire.

He points to the one in the helmet as they give a thumbs up as y/n returns it

Bog:and fens here you already met.

He motions towards the female toad as she shoots them a finger gun while clicking

Y/n looks at his hand and makes a finger gun and mimics the sound

Anne:I'm Anne and this is y/n.

He nods her head towards him as he motions towards his whole body

Y/n:the one and only


Anne:what are you guys doing in wartwood?.

Bog:every year this town sends taxes to the tower.

He explains while spinning a axe and tossing it to his other hand before looking into the reflection and picking his teeth

Bog:well this year they came up short so the mayor gave us this list of frogs who didn't pay and we're here to collect.

He says while taking out the paper before looking up while putting a hand under his chin

Bog:say we could use someone like you two.


Y/n:for real?.

Bog:yeah you two got inside knowledge of this town it'll make the whole job go a lot smoother

He took out two badges as he tosses both of them up into the air catching them before reaching them out towards Anne and y/n

Y/n was about to grab it before Anne grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie

Anne:oh um...I don't know I'm not sure any of this is our business..

Bog:you know the best part of wearing this badge is how everyone in this town will have to treat you with respect-

Anne:gimme those ding-dang things!!!.

She said as she quickly drops the box of weapons

He hands the badges to Anne as she quickly puts on hers and walks up to y/n and puts his on

Y/n:thank you!.

Back with the plantars we see Polly sitting on the couch as sprig and hop pop were playing flipwart...well hop pop was playing sprig was still in the same pose still jealous

Hop pop:got your last frog whooo! You lose! Oh yeah!.

Hop pop started to to a little celebration dance until the front door opens as y/n and Anne walk in with shoulder plates and a wearing their badges

Anne:guess who became toad tower deputy's


Y/n:spoiler it's us bet it wasn't obvious huh?.

He said as his shoulder plate that he's never had before slides off a little before he straightens it and tightens it

Anne:also check out this cool sword bog gave me!.

She says as y/n takes a step back as she starts slashing the sword everywhere before accidentally cutting a coat hanger in half


Y/n:I passed on the sword since ya know I have ma babies speaking of!.

He quickly runs down to the basement before quickly coming back up with the axe in his left hand and the scythe in his right

Y/n:also anne what do you think is more me axe or scythe?...then again my hands have gotten me through most of my life.

Anne:hmm...I don't know pick what feels right


Hop pop:guys when I said earn the town's respect I didn't mean join a gang.

Y/n:I was in a gang once.

Anne:wait really?.

Y/n:yeah gang of dogs always chased the mail man that was our block...sadly the pound took them

Anne:but anyways *scoffs* I don't believe this they're not a gang they're just here to do a job now if you'll excuse us we have some respect to enjoy let's roll y/n.

Anne walks out the door as y/n quickly runs down to the basement and puts back his axe and scythe then runs back up

Y/n:eh I'll use em another time!.

He runs out closing the door

Sprig then jumps onto the top of the couch and opens the window

Hop pop:uh boy what are you doing?...

Sprig:I have a bad feeling about this so I'm gonna go follow Anne and y/n and watch over them.

Hop pop:that's all well and good but can you at least use the front door?...






He then crawls out the window

We see y/n and Anne riding on the cart with the toads as they stop in front of Wally's house

Bog:alright first name on the list.

Anne so how does this work?.

She asked as they all walk up to the door

Anne:do we remind Wally how much he owes or-

Suddenly bog kicks open the door as Wally who was taking a bath screams and covers his chest with his hands

Wally:jumping June bugs! What's all this about!?.

Bog and chuckles as anne pops up over the frogs as y/n stands there not really knowing what to do

Anne:I uh..guess you owe the town money?.

Wally:rubbish I may live in squalor but I always pay my taxes

Y/n:*Italian accent*you gonna lie to my face...on the day of my daughters wedding...while I have the proof right here?...

He says shaking his thumb and index finger which are touching and points to the paper bogs holding

Bog:yeah...whatever he said...the mayor's list says otherwise and since you haven't paid we'll be taking your stuff.

Fens walked up to Wally as we whimpers and holds out his back scrubber as she snatched it from his hands

Mire snatches all the pots pans and plates off wallys table and bog breaks open a cabinet and snatches the same beetle jerky Anne was about to get before Wally took it and snatches a banjo leaning against a wall

Bog:here you go you two little something extra for you.

He shoves the beetle jerky into Anne's hands and shoves the banjo into y/n's

Anne:bog this seems a little extreme...

Bog:it's just the way we do things here plus it's not like we enjoy it.

He then starts running out the front door as mire and fens follow after with bags of Wally's stuff

Bog:now who wants to race to the next house HAHAHA!.

They leave as anne and y/n stand there

Y/n looks down at the banjo and plays a string


Anne looks over to a saddened Wally as she hands him the beetle jerky

Anne:*whispers*here take this back.

Bog:Come on you two!.


And hurried out the door as y/n stands there and turns to Wally and hands him his banjo back

Y/n:you're lucky she's nice and forgiving Wally...and you're lucky your weird I like weird.

He then also hurried out the door as wally looks down at the two items in his hands


Mean in the bushes sprig looks through binoculars as he watches y/n leave the house and hop into the cart as they all drive away

Sprig:that's weird Wally always pays his taxes

???:come on!.

Sprig gasped as he gets startled and dives into the bushes as mayor toadstool peeks out from behind a tree and then continues to walk forward carrying a bag of money

Mayor toadstool:come on toadie while the townsfolk are preoccupied.

Toadie follows after carrying a huge back of money while panting and clearly struggling

Toadie:coming sir...

They unknowingly walk pass sprig as a copper falls out of the bag and sprig picks it up

Sprig:a copper coin? The mayor a hole? In the bag hmm...

Sprig looks at mayor toadstool and toadie walking away before looking back at Anne and y/n riding away on the cart

Sprig:...I hope you'll be ok anne y/n...

He follows after mayor toadstool and toadie

Back with Anne and y/n they arrived at their next stop Felicias tea shoppe

Fens ripped out a barrel from the wall making a hole as she runs out with it spilling tea on the floor

Felicia:oh how horrid!.

Mire running out with plates and mugs until y/n accidentally bumps into them

Y/n:whoops sorry my bad!.

He says holding his arms up before lightly kicking a mug that towards Anne as she quickly picks it up

Anne:*whisper*here take this.

She hand Felicia the mug as she gasps and smiles at Anne

Then y/n shuffles his way next to ivy as he hands her one of her beanies as he winks and she winks back

They're then at loggles as bog is seen carrying the wooden statue loggle made of himself while he holds onto bogs foot

Loggle:no no no not the statue!.

but looses his grip then lays down in sadness

Anne then shuffles to loggle


Loggle looks up to see Anne hand him a cane as he takes it while joyfully sobbing

Then y/n taps the side of his head making loggle turns to him to see y/n hand him a carving knife as he sobs even more
They're now in Mrs croakers home

Mrs croaker:Archie sic 'em

Archie jumps up snarling at the group but fens bog and Anne move out of the way to reveal y/n as he points to himself confusingly

But then mire crawls in from the top of the door frame then onto the ceiling gurgling before jumping down in front of Archie and roaring with spit coming through the helmet

Archie then backs up in fear hiding behind his bed but mire grabs that and begins walking out only for Anne to grab it and quickly switch it out with a plant in a pot

She then runs over to Mrs croaker and gives her Archies bed back

Anne:*whisper* here you go.

Mrs croaker smiles as Archie happily hugs Anne's leg

then y/n walks over and gives Mrs croaker one of Archies toys as he happily licks y/n's leg


But then y/n noticed a hole started to burn into the bottom of his pants

Y/ still cute.

Now we see Anne walking out of a house holding a large wooden old clock

Anne:I don't know guys this whole thing feels...wrong

She then places the clock into the back of the wagon as y/n walks out holding a table until he chucks it on top of the pile

Y/n:yeah kiiiiinda gotta agree with Anne

Bog:the law's the law you two it can be tough but this kind of work needs to be done.


Fens agrees as she reaches into a box and stuffing her face full of the snack

Fens:*mouth full*needs to get done stuff gotta get done.

Anne:I...guess that makes sense.

Y/n then leans over to Anne whispering

Y/n:*whisper*I'll be back ima return this real quick.

He says secretly showing her a stuffed animal as she nods and he runs off back into the house

Anne:who's next on the list?.

Bog pulls out the list and looks through the names

Bog:eh some nut named hopadiah plantar.

Hearing this Anne Anne's eyes widen

Anne:oh crud...

Anne runs up to bog as he's picking his teeth again

Anne:bog that list has to be wrong I know that frog he's totally honest!.

Bog rolls up the list as he looks at Anne

Bog:Anne the tower didn't get any taxes OK? And if we didn't get the money then where is it!?.

We cut to the statue in the middle in the town only it's now covered by curtains with a sign saying maintenance

Toadie runs in with another bag of coppers as mayor toadstool is pouring the coppers into the statue through an secret hatch

Mayor toadstool:it's flawless toadie the perfect plan who would think to look for the missing taxes in plain sight?.

Toadie:master stroke sir!.

Mayor toadstool:quickly now lets skedaddle before anyone notices-


Sprig yells pointing at the two of them as he moves the curtain

Sprig:you fiends! Everyone's gonna be furious when they find out about this

Mayor toadstool:...well then it's a good thing you'll never get to tell them RAAAH!.

He lunged at sprig trying to grab him but sprig jumps over him making him miss as flips and jumps off toadies head

Sprig:well ya gotta catch me first! *Raspberry*!.

Mayor toadstool:HEY!.

Mayor toadstool tries to run after sprig trying to push through the cloth but the poles and clothe fall into his head making him fall to the ground before getting up and throwing the clothe off his head

Mayor toadstool:Get after him!!!.

Mayor toadstool hops...are well tries to hop after sprig as toadie follows

Back with Anne it was now cloudy as thunder struck as the toads stood in front of the house as hop pop was outside with Polly on his head blocking the entrance

Hop pop:like I said I already paid my dang taxes you can't come in here and that's final!.

Bog:I don't like your tone frog or did you forget who you're talking to?.

Anne:bog I'm telling you he paid his taxes he...he made me watch...


Anne traumatizingly sits in a chair as hop pop was sitting on a stool writing in a giant book

Hop pop:so then you add up your deductibles...oop guess what Anne you're a deductible.

Anne:kill meeeeee...

Hop pop continues as Y/n peaks in from the doorway

Y/n:hop pop have you seen m-

He stops as he sees what's happening Anne notices him and weakly reaches out to him as he looks off to the side and slowly starts to walk away from the doorway


Anne shuddered at the memory

Bog:Anne they all say they've paid! I don't care what you think you saw the list don't lie now what should we start with?.

He asked while smiling rubbing his hands together

Fens:well how about that thing?.

She points to bessie as she looks up and chirps

Hop pop:you stay away from her!.

Polly:I'll bite your face off!.

Bog:good choice that snail should cover everything mire fens Anne move out.

Mire and fens started to walk towards bessie and Anne doesn't move but instead nervously rubs the back of her hand

She sweats as she looks down her badge then to bessie

Hop pop:you monsters!.

Hop pop yells as he reaches out towards bessie

Fens hands was about to grab bessies rope until


She yells as fens and mire turns to look at her as bog looks up at her in confusion

Anne:you keep your claws off that snail better yet!.

She walks away from bogs side and stands next to hop pop as she stomps her foot

Anne:Get off our property!.

Thunder struck again from above as it starts to rain as bog glares at Anne

Bog:care to repeat that?.

Anne:I said get lost NOW!.

The towns people heard the commotion as they all start to gather around and watch as them they all murmured and talked in shocked

Anne rips off her badge as she looks into the reflection

Anne:all I wanted was this town's respect but just because these people treated me crummy.

She motions to the crowd around them

Anne:doesn't mean I'm going to do the same to them I'm done with this I don't care if they've broken the law!.

She rips off her shoulder pad as she raises the badge into the air

Anne:you can't treat people like this!.

And throws it into the muddy ground as the crowd gasps

Bog looked shocked until he frowned and snapped his fingers

Fens who was now behind Anne pushes her over then puts her foot on her back

Hop pop:Anne!.

Hop pop pulls out a pitchfork while Polly pulls out a trowel the two try to charge only for mire to snatch the two and hold them up into the air as they try to shake out of his grasp

Bog clicks his tongue disappointingly as he walks in front of Anne

Bog:how disappointing do you know what we do to traitors in the tower Anne?.

He asked as he pulls out a giant hammer and holds it over his head as fens cackles

Fens:you're about to be a pill bug pancake you little brat.

Anne:your foot's about to be a pancake!.

She quickly slides herself out from underneath fens foot as bog smashes fens foot


She holds her foot in pain before she and bog turn to Anne with glares as the growl

While Anne stands up and takes out the sword they gave her and her racket as the three have a stand off

Fens then charges at Anne as she swings the spiked club at her but Anne blocks with the sword and tosses fens pass her

She then quickly turns around and blocks bogs hammer just in time but bog laughs as he pulls his hammer back and smacks Anne's sword and racket out of her hands


She reaches out towards weapons not noticing fens running at her as she raises the club swinging down at Anne's arms


Anne slowly steps back as she holds her arm in pain then weakly falls to her knees as bog and fens walk in front of her and he raises his hammer chuckling

Bog:sorry creature it's just business-


Y/n coming out of nowhere like he yelled Dropkicks bog in the back as he goes flying forward landing on his face as y/n gets up shooting his arms into the air

Y/n:WOOOOOO got them again did you see that an-

He turns to Anne as he stops and his eyes widen as he sees the bruises on her

He then looks down at her arm as he sees the rain making the blood soak out through the cracks of her fist

Suddenly we hear whispering as y/n's eyes slowly start to glow red


Suddenly fens shoulder bashes y/n down to the ground as he tries to get up only for a now up bog to slam his foot onto his chest


Bog:you little-


He yells as he smiles and grips bogs foot surprisingly slowly lifting it has bog widens his eyes before glaring at the boy


He lifts his hammer ready to slam it down on y/n's head only for mud to be thrown at his face as ye groans

Bog:what the!?.

From the bushes sprig jumps out as he jumps off tries and into the air towards the group

Sprig:You leave them alone!!!.

He lands on a rock and aims his slingshot as the crowd stands with him

Wally:YEAH you leave our Anne and y/n alone!.

Felicia:they're one of us!.

The crowd then surrounded the toads

Mrs croaker:if you got a problem with them you got a problem with all of us!.

She said as she put her fists up as Archie angrily growls and barks at the toads

The rest of the crowd pulls out their pitchfork licks scythes and shovels as fen and bog drop their weapons

Mires helmet revealing his face as he squeals and drops hop pop and Polly as they and sprig rush to Anne and y/n's side

Anne:...hey what took you guys so long.

Sprig:sorry I got tied up.

Y/n:yeah and I got distracted playing with the kids...and eating the family's food...

Suddenly huffing and panting is heard as mayor toadstool comes running out the bushes before he stops and bends over with his hands on his knees

Mayor toadstool:oh boy...gotta cut back on them cricket nuggets...whoo!...

Toadie then catches up as he falls face first into the mud

Sprig:arrest that toad he stole the towns money and was keeping it all for himself!.

He points at mayor toadstool as the crowd


and the other toads turn their attention to him

Sprig then hops onto y/n's shoulders

Sprig:he even tried to make sure i wouldn't tell anyone!.

Y/n then quickly shoots his gaze at mayor toadstool as one of his eyes glows red making mayor toadstool sweat

Sprig leads everyone to the statue as he turns to bog

Sprig:may I?.

Bog drops the hammer into sprigs hands making him grunt and almost fall down to the ground as he struggles

Sprig:I think you should do the honors!.

Bog takes the hammer and smashes it into statue toadstools behind breaking it open as the coppers pour out

The crowd gasps as y/n giggles

Bog growls as he looks back to toadstool at the mob starts to angrily walk towards him as he has his hands up

Mayor toadstool:people I needed the extra money for my campaign do you have any idea how much it cost to buy your love?.

A vegetable or fruit is thrown at toadstool as he dodged and it hits the wall of a building behind him

Mayor toadstool:uh...And as mayor I hereby pardon myself of any wrong doing THANK YOU GOOD DAY!.

He starts to run as the crowd starts throwing vegetables fruits and insults at him

Now at the entrance of wartwood Anne and the plantars were helping everyone get their stuff back

Anne now with a cast around her arm tries to lift down the old clock but struggled but the plantars and y/n helped

Bog:if it was respect you were looking for you sure lost mine.

He says as he walks pass the group

Bog:you've got a lot of nerve I'll give you that heh heh heh we'll be back anne and we won't be alo-

Y/n:shut up.

Y/n interrupted bog as he was just about to get on his cart he turns to y/n only to see his glare

Y/n:get the heck out of my sights and out of my town and quit talking to my friend and family...

The two stare at each other until bog gives up


Bog gets in the cart as the towns people watch

Hop pop:they don't need your respect!.

Wally:YEAH! They've got ours!.

Bog growls as the crowd cheers as he mushes the spider

Fens:so are we gonna tell the captain about those creatures we found?.

Bog:oh we're gonna tell the captain everything...

Wally:three cheers for Anne and y/n defenders of wartwood!.

The crowd cheers as Anne starts to shed some tears

Anne:aww you guys...

She wipes them from her eyes

Y/n:what is this?...

Anne looks at y/n to see him look around the crowd then at his hands

Y/n:and why does it feel nice?...

Anne:those are cheers buddy now...who wants to sign my cast!?.

The crowd cheers

Sprig:me me me! I'm her best friend!.

Polly:me! Out of the way you plebes!.

Wally:Oi I can't write HAHAHAHAHA!.


(Wow another chapter on the same day will then be three?)

(No I'm joking I can't I will literally fall asleep writing it lol see you in the next...probably when I wake up or when I'm energized)

(Anyways Anne and y/n hope you have a lovely day)

(Or y/n hopes he's doing it right and wishing you a lovely day....)

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