. 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒌 .

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Pushed me into darkness -
what is this oblivion around?
this void, the damage caused -
how do I survive here?

What darkness?
What damage?
What is the oblivion?

Alyssa opened Aurora's journals after a month. It was like she forgot they existed. But today, she missed her. Like always, Aurora failed to receive Alyssa's call and she needed someone to talk to, about Skye, about Arthur - about everything. Whatever happened with Skye, Alyssa was still in shock. It's been more than twenty hours and she tried contacting her, but Skye didn't answer the calls. Everything happened so fast at the party, she didn't have the time to talk to anyone.

After Arthur left her in the middle of the dance floor, the lights went out and Liam declared the party over. Everybody started leaving and so did she, along with her friends. She wanted to rush after him, talk to him, but Neil decided to drop her home. She couldn't sleep last night, every time she closed her eyes, she could either see Skye's sad face or Arthur walking away. The whole night, she turned and tossed around. She could hardly get any sleep.

"Hey, don't forget it's your routine check-up day." Landon entered the room and declared. She looked up from the journal and nodded, smiling. She agreed to see Dr. Payton again, but she knew she needed his assistance.

"What is that?" Landon's eyes landed on the journal. Alyssa shut the journal immediately and stood up.

"It's nothing. Just study notes from Neil."

Landon didn't believe her, yet he chose not to ask any further. Before leaving, his eyes landed on the bed and Alyssa passed him a sheepish smile. Landon doesn't know about the Journals. Nina asked Alyssa not to tell anybody about the journals. She said Aurora wanted only Alyssa to read them.

Placing the journal back in the closet, hiding it away in a safe space, she walked out of her room when her phone beeped. It was a message from Beth.

Be ready by seven. We are all meeting at Skye's.

At Skye's?
It was Sunday night and they met at different places every weekend. Maybe they found out about Skye's break-up and so decided to meet there, to be with her, because that's what friends are for.

She walked towards the room that was closed for months. Neither Dad nor Landon ever walked into the room. Ever since Aurora's departure, they decided to let her room be in the way she left it last. Alyssa has been visiting quite often. Whenever she missed her sister or needed a change any night, she would walk to Aurora's room and find her solace in her bed. The room still carried Aurora's fragrance and it soothed her heart that her sister, despite being miles away was still there around her.

Turning the knob, she opened the door and walked inside. It was the same she left before three days. She walked to the bed and sat on the edge, looking around. The wall carried frames of her family that Aurora decorated by herself. Aurora has always been a fan of pictures. She used to click random pictures of people, places, everything and anything. It was her hobby to collect memories.


Alyssa got up from the bed and walked towards the closet. Opening the door, she found a stool and stood upon it. She knew Aurora kept memories of the past. Maybe if she could find something about herself, it would help her. Taking out a huge box from the shelf above, she placed it on the bed. 2020 was written on the box. Alyssa knew she was invading her sister's privacy but she was in desperate need to find something about her past so that she could at least have something in her hand. Opening the box, she took out a lavender colour cardigan first.

Why is she preserving a cardigan?

She thought. She folded the cardigan and placed it on the bed. The second thing that she took out was a wooden box, with Aurora's name engraved on it. Her heart stopped her from opening the box, but she decided to go with her head this time. Her subconscious Allycious warned her, but she refused to hear her inner voice.

She stroked her finger on the name engraved and smiled. It brought back a hundred childhood memories of Aurora and she missed her a little more.

Opening the box, she found a few pictures and some folded letters. She didn't want to read the letters, it was literally overstepping. She took one picture in hand and her eyes went wide. It must've been taken in the past two tears because Landon said Aurora got her bangs two years ago. She wore a black blazer and had her arms around a guy as they kissed. It was taken from behind and so the guy's face was not visible. Aurora's bangs flew out of his face as she kissed him. The guy wore a blue denim shirt and the sleeves were rolled up. Though Alyssa couldn't get anything out of the guy's profile, her eyes landed on his wrist. There was a tattoo, she couldn't clearly see what it was, but it was some numbers. She could only think of one guy - Leo. It must be him because Aurora was totally into him, it sure was more than just a fling.

She got scared when she heard some noise in the hallway. Placing the picture back in the box, she shut the box hurriedly and rushed towards the closet. Placing the huge box back on the shelf, she walked towards the door. Opening it, she looked if someone was in the hallway and when she found no one, she rushed into her room.

Opening the journal, she wrote what she saw in the picture in the back of the journal where she added other notes that she could. Like Kyle, the name that she thought was his. Remembering the memory, she let out a chuckle. He was right, she assumed it on her own that his name might be Kyle. He never told her his name, yet she lashed out at him at the party. She remembered how they danced and she felt so good after days. She didn't want to feel anything, but being around him made her nervous yet excited.

There was a knock at her door. Karen walked in.

"This arrived in the mail today." She handed an envelope to her. Alyssa and Karen were still awkward around each other. Karen wanted to provide all the space that Alyssa needed. Alyssa too missed Karen, but she didn't know why she was angry at her.

As Karen was about to leave, Alyssa called her. "I want to go Christmas shopping this week."

Karen nodded. "I'll let your dad know."

"No wait, I mean - I want to go Christmas shopping with you."

As soon as Alyssa's said that, Karen's eyes went wide. She didn't expect Alyssa to say that. She thought Alyssa would never talk to her again, in normal terms.

She passed her a smile. "I'm here, whenever you want."

Alyssa nodded smiling, Karen walked out of the room and Alyssa sat on the bed, the smile still lingered on her lips as she thought about Karen.

She knew she was harsh, but she also wanted to blame someone. She looked upon Karen as her mother and when she found the truth, she was shattered. That was the time when she needed a mother so bad and she knew Nicole wasn't the best mother. She could only look for Karen's arms but she felt betrayed. She tried talking to Karen, but things were pretty messed up on her side. Maybe by spending some time together, they could let go of the uneasiness around each other and be back to how they were. She missed Karen.


By seven, Alyssa got ready and waited for Zach to pick her up. Neil said he'll meet her straight at Skye's place with Jamie and so Beth and Zach were on their way to receive her.

"What is it, like her sixth break-up now?"

"Are we keeping tabs of break-ups now?" Alyssa gave her brother an eye. "How many exes do you have? Three? Four?"

Landon scoffed. "Maybe Skye doesn't like settling down for one."

"Or maybe you're a douche." She passed him a fake smile. He rolled his eyes.

"The first time I met her, I thought Skye would fall for you." He declared, which made Alyssa's heartache. "I mean - you guys have different chemistry. The one you have with Neil, but again - he isn't interested in girls."

"You're being extra mean to my friends today. Neil is totally interested in girls, just not me." She faked a smile. "How about you comment on Jamie?" She teased him.

He huffed and placed popcorn in his mouth. "Not all your friends have bad choices. Some are different." Then he winked at her. They heard a car honk. She stood up from the couch and rested a kiss on his forehead.

"Don't even try to distract Jamie tonight. She won't be coming to you. Instead, spend some time with people your age."

"Right away, I'll call Grandpa Harry." He laughed and she walked out of the house. Karen had left early because she had to visit her mother. Shutting the door behind her, she walked to the black car.

"Ayeeeee baby." Beth sang as Alyssa smiled. She stepped into the back seat and was welcomed by the couple.

"My baby." Zach winked at her earning a teasing laugh from Beth.

He started driving and the radio played some country songs on a winter evening.

"How did your session go today?" Beth asked, turning back to Alyssa to face her.

"It was okay. I'm trying not to rely on meds, but it is hard, to be honest. After all these months, I did get used to them and now - even though I try not to think about the pills, I end up having sleepless nights."

"Tonight - try to think about me, babe." Zach looked at her through the mirror and winked. "You'll have the best sleep of your life."

Alyssa laughed. "I do have dreams about you, Zachy. But Beth always interrupts."

"If you want, I'll dump this brunette." Zach joked. "I'm more into blondies now."

Beth pouted. "How about you break up with me and go out with Danielle?"

Alyssa let out a loud laugh which echoed in the car and the couple started laughing too.

"I think I might just stick to you."

"Yeah, you are stuck with me." Beth took his hand in her as they smiled at each other. Alyssa adored them from behind. She might not remember them, but she already had them as her favourite couple. She admired everything about their relationship. How Zach kept Beth secured and she kept him sane. They both shared a friendship more than a relationship and that made them even more adorable.

Alyssa wondered often if she had someone in her life, before the accident. If there was someone just like Beth and Zach were to each other. But then she pushed away the thoughts because even if she did have someone in her life, she would've known by now. Everyone from her past was with her in the present and if she had a boyfriend - he would've been with her as well.

They arrived at Skye's place and stepped out of the car. Jamie's car was already parked outside. They walked to the door and Beth rang the bell. Jamie opened the door and received the three with hugs. Skye's parents were not in town and so it was best for the group to meet at her place tonight. They knew she was feeling low, she even left the party early. But none of them knew the real reason, only Alyssa did.

"Don't tell me she is still in the bathroom." Zach sighed dramatically. He walked to her room and banged on the bathroom door. "Darling, I know you like the smell of your poop, but it's more than twenty minutes. Get out now. That poop no longer smells delicious."

"Ew, Zachy." Beth rolled her eyes. He ignored his girlfriend and continued banging on the door.

"There is a pretty lady I'd love to bang tonight, instead of this door. So Rollins, don't you fuck with me and get out right now."

Zach has always been the drama queen of the group. The girls would sometimes feel insecure around his charisma. Wherever he went, he sure did leave his mark.

"I think this time it's serious. Your jokes won't work on her." Jamie commented.

"Lucifer laughed in my bed last night, who is she in front of him?" Zach was not going to give up.

"Maybe Lucifer saw something that sure was funny?" Alyssa made a joke, indicating towards his pants. He let out a loud sigh.

"Do you think I should show my hidden talents to her as well?" He asked, making the three girls laugh. Skye still didn't open the door.

"Lucifer was Bi, baby. Skye is not." Beth declared.

He then gave the girls a questioning look, making them wonder what was going on inside his head.

"What the fuck, Dawson. Ew. Hell no." Jamie shut her eyes when she realized what he meant.

"Don't worry, babe. I know you have it all reserved for Landon." He winked at her. Jamie's eyes shifted to Alyssa who stood there with no expression on her face.

Then she let out a light laugh. "Before we discuss anymore about my brother's sex life, I think we should get Skye out of there."

Jamie sighed.

Zach banged on the door one more time and before he decided to knock the door down, it flew open. Skye walked out of the bathroom, her hair tied up in a bun and she wore a unicorn nightdress that made Beth giggle.

"Are you sure Lucifer laughed at your jokes?" Skye asked Zach, trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay, I get it. He cracked up at my teeny weeny dick." Zach exhaled.

"I told you not to fantasize about Lucifer, baby. He is the sex God."

"Are you sure you're talking about the Fallen Angel Lucifer or Tom Ellis?" Jamie asked.

"It is definitely the latter." Skye declared and walked out of the room. The others followed her into the kitchen. She poured five glasses of Cranberry juice and handed the glasses to her friends. As soon as her eyes landed on Alyssa, she diverted them to the couple. Alyssa's heart ached again. She did not like the silent treatment of Skye.

"Where the hell is Neil?" Zach huffed as all of them walked out of the kitchen and he sat on the couch, Skye next to him and Jamie on his left. Alyssa and Beth sat on the rug as they liked the warmness. "I feel like a minority around you girls."

"You're one of us, sweetheart." Alyssa winked at him as he passed a heartfelt smile at her.

"You're whipped, Zachy." Jamie ruffled his hair.

He scoffed. "It's Alyssa Pearson, darling. Who wouldn't want to be in control of her beauty?"

Alyssa rolled her eyes. She knew her friends loved to hype her around, but she also knew - she was nothing compared to Skye's innocence, Jamie's beauty and Beth's adorable nature.

"You're right. Didn't you see how Liam was totally into her the other night?" Beth hummed teasing Alyssa. "He definitely was feeling something for you."

"It better not be a boner." Zach sneered.

"It was nothing, you guys. Why would you bring Liam in all of this?"

"He was the host of the party, babe. He asked you, only you - to dance with him."

"He was just being generous, Beth - like a good host. I was right in front of him and maybe that is why - "

"Whatever you say, Pearson. We all remember how he used to adore you back during the junior year days."

"What." Alyssa was shocked. Liam adored me?

"I mean - he was among the guys, who liked you. You had quite a few admirers."

Zach gave his girlfriend an eye which Alyssa failed to see. They didn't want to bring up the past, Beth was overenthusiastic and forgot one rule that Alyssa's friends made behind her back. They promised not to bring up the past, not related to an outsider to her. They would only talk about their past, their friendship and their memories.

The bell rang and Beth rushed to receive the person who was none other than Neil. He walked inside and greeted everyone. He planted a kiss on Alyssa's forehead and sat next to Skye, taking her in his arm. She calmed down in his embrace. Skye felt the closest to Neil, even before Alyssa and his embrace made her forget everything that she was dealing with. Pulling back from the hug, he tucked the loosened strand of hair behind her ear.

"You feeling better?" He asked her. She nodded. "Okay then - because I have a surprise for you." He clapped his hand in excitement and got up from the couch. Skye looked at him confused. Neil walked to the main door and came back in with a huge box. Zach cheered as he saw the box.

Neil placed the box on the ground and made Skye sit on the floor. All of them gathered around the box and carried playful grins on their lips which made Skye suspicious.

"What have you guys planned?" She asked. She knew her friends very well. "Is there something - wait, is there a snake in there?" Frightened, she backed from the box.

"We love our lives, Skye. We won't be hovering over a box which contained snake in it." Beth declared. She loosened.

"So is it a spider?" She asked. "It better not be a spider, wait - a lizard."

"Shut up, Rollins," Zach warned her. She zipped her mouth. "It is none of them. There is something huge in it." With a grin, he stated.

Skye looked at Neil to get some hint. "Guys, my mom will kill me if there's a puppy in this box."

Before she could guess any more animals, Jamie opened the box and Skye shut her eyes in fear. All of them cheered and laughed at her reaction.

She opened one eye and looked at the open box. When she found what was in the box, she let out a heartfelt laugh. "You guys." Then she rolled her eyes, still laughing at the silly behaviour of her friends.

"SUCK A DICK. SUCK A DICK." They all sang in unison.

"Not that we are keeping tabs, but here is to your single-hood. Cheers to that sixth breakup, Rollins. You win." Zach gave his speech, while Neil and Beth cheered the most.

Skye ridiculed at his speech.

"We liked Pallavi the most and we don't know what made you guys break up, but we love you Skye and you mean the world to us." Jamie declared. For the first time in the evening, Skye's eyes met Alyssa's. She knew what she did the other night wasn't her best behaviour but deep in her heart, she did not regret kissing Alyssa.

"This means a lot, guys. The last few days have been tough. I wanted to share everything with you all. But with the assignments and interviews, I didn't want to burden you guys with my problems -"

"What the fuck, Skye." Zach interrupted. "Burden us?" He gave her an eye. "Your problems are our problems. We are best friends, for fucks sake. You broke up with Pallavi and you thought it would burden us?"

"I meant - "

"No, Rollins. You, Jamie and Alyssa, mean the world to me. I'd do anything for you guys. Don't you get it in all these years of our friendship?" Zach was deeply hurt by Skye's words.

"Babe, it was hard for her as well. She was going through a lot, yet she thought about us. Don't blame her for that." Beth was on Skye's side. Zach didn't say any word further. Jamie placed a hand on Skye's shoulder.

"It's time." She announced. "For you to finally suck the dick."

Everyone laughed, Alyssa sat there confused. Neil saw the confusion on her face.

"Ally, the last time Skye went through a break-up phase, she proclaimed the next girl she will meet will be her one and only. We all knew that was never going to happen. So we made a bet. We told her that if she broke up after her last breakup, she'd have to leave vaginas behind and suck on a dick. She was confident, she'll never lose. But look - here we are." He explained. Alyssa let out a giggle.

"That is harsh, guys. She'd be sucking a dick for the first time and that looks tilted. This is not done." Alyssa stood on Skye's side. Skye passed her a smile and she relaxed. She missed that smile of her friend.

Everyone urged Skye to cut the break-up cake and they clicked pictures, laughing and making fun of Skye and her past relationships. It helped her forget the few days and enjoy the moment with her best friends. She even sucked on the dick, Zach made her lick it as well. He couldn't control his laughter.

"At least it's bigger than yours." Skye made a joke which made everyone lose their mind. Beth laughed the most.

"It's okay, baby. I love you even with your tiny dick." She planted a kiss on her boyfriend's cheek.

They all were having a good time. There was no pressure of tests, interviews or assignments. There was no burden of the world. Those six were the happiest in their company and they were having a blast of the evening.

Skye got up and walked to the kitchen to get some more drink when she found Neil standing at the door. He walked to her and took her hand in his.

"You Alright?" He asked her. She nodded, even though she knew he wouldn't buy it. He would find the truth behind her lie, the sadness behind the fake smile. He took her in his arm as she let all the thoughts of her mind vanish for a moment.

"I'm always open to being your boyfriend, you know that right?" He pulled back from the hug and winked. She let out a chuckle.

"I do hope in my next life, I end up being straight so that I can fall for you."

"Awe. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me." He wiped away the non-existent tear. She chuckled.

"Don't say that in front of Alyssa. She has said a lot more sweetest things to you."

"Doesn't matter now." His voice went low. "She doesn't remember all of that."

Skye rubbed his arm. "Hey, when she woke up, you and Jamie were the only ones beside her family that she remembered. Of course, she remembers you. The last fours years were a blur, Neil. She remembers the early days, the best ones with you guys. She loves you, you know that."

He nodded. He tried so hard to be strong, but he missed his best friend. The Alyssa that he knew in her teen years, the Alyssa who was the same yet a lot different from the childhood Alyssa. He missed everything about her and how he couldn't do anything to bring back the beautiful moments spent with his best friend.

"Hey, why don't we turn this into a night out?" Skye suggested. He knew he should be the one cheering her up, but he also knew that Skye would do anything to see her friends smile, even if it meant keeping her emotions aside. He rested a kiss on the side of her head as they walked out of the kitchen.

"Get up guys." Neil declared. "It's time for some nocturnal fun."

The four of them turned their heads towards Neil and Skye who had the biggest grin on their lips.

"It's time for a night long fun under the moonlit sky." Skye declared and made Zach and Beth stand up. Jamie and Alyssa got up from their seats as well. They looked at the two of them, confused.

The two made everyone leave the house and immediately they all shivered in the cold breeze of the night. Neil rushed to his car and Skye made everyone follow her. They all stepped in the car, Skye taking the passenger seat while Beth sat on Zach's lap in the back seat.

"Where are we going?" Jamie asked. "What have you both planned?"

"We are going nowhere." Neil asserted, turning on the volume of the radio. He looked through the mirror and winked at Alyssa who was still confused. She smiled, knowing that whatever they both had in their minds, it was sure going to be a night to remember.

The other three quit asking anymore questions because they knew already where they were supposed to go and enjoyed their ride as they all sang along and laughed at jokes that mostly Zach made.

Neil halted the car and made everyone step out. They were at a cliff. Alyssa looked up at the sky and smiled. She has always been a fan of the night sky. The stars weren't visible under the fog of the wintery air, but she still could feel the presence of them. The rest five rushed to the edge of the cliff while she maintained her distance. She sat on the car's hood and took out her phone from the pocket. Opening the camera, she clicked some pictures of her friends as they laughed and drank beer that Skye brought along.

"Guys, be careful." She announced. Neil walked to her and took her hand in his. She hesitated to go near the edge, but he assured her it was all right. As she got closer, the sound of the water collided with the rocks and the rushing ocean sent a shiver down her spine. She shut her eyes and breathed. As she opened her eyes, her friends were all concentrated on her.

"Ally, this place is special to all of us." Neil began. "This cliff is the home to our friendship."

"Whenever we wanted to spend some time together away from the town's bickering, we came here. This place was and is our solace."

She turned her gaze to Jamie who continued further. There was a calmness in her voice as she remembered the old days from the past.

"When you - " Beth took off. "When you were in the hospital, I came here one day. And when I came back the next day, Skye was already here. We both knew we could only find peace right here. After two days, when I came back - Jamie was here too. One day, the doctor said your health was deteriorating and it was like God was punishing us, that day was worse than the day when we found about the accident -" Beth took a pause. Zach rubbed her back. "You weren't healing, Alyssa." Then she gave up and let out a cry. Zach took her in his arm as she let the tear fall. Alyssa couldn't control herself as well and tears rushed down her eyes.

"We were all helpless. We weren't ready to accept the truth. We didn't want to leave you, neither of us wanted you to leave us forever. It was hard." Zach continued, trying to control himself from crying.

"That night, we all came here - together. This place is your place before it became a home for all of us. You introduced us to this place. So we wanted to be where you could be with us. That night - the hot breeze of summer and the shining stars above us embraced us, took away the pain that we were all enduring." Zach let go from his girlfriend's side and walked to Alyssa. He took her hand in his as she moaned another tear. The innocence in his eyes made her cry more. "You came back after two days. Two whole fucking days, Ally. Those forty-eight hours were torture for us."

She pulled him in a hug and he let go of his worries, a tear fell from his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder. She rubbed his back while Neil rubbed hers from behind. It was an emotional moment for the group. They were all in love with each other and neither of them was ready to ever give up on any one of them.

Alyssa pulled back from the hug and smiled at Zach. "How could I ever leave you?"

He let out a chuckle.

She turned to each one of them. "You guys, I may not remember the past, but right here - at this moment, I know you guys are my home." She took Neil and Zach's hands in hers while the three girls gathered along. They all had happy tears in their eyes as the five knew, even if not like the old days, this moment was better than any coming moments in the future as well.

"Enough of tears, idiots." Skye declared. "It was supposed to be my night to weep. You guys are taking away my thunder." She frowned. They all laughed. Jamie accidentally poured water on Neil's pant and so he had to take it off, leaving him in boxers. Zach kept making fun of Neil's legs.

"You could be Victoria Secret's next Angel." He laughed. "You have boobies too."

"They are nipples, you idiot." Neil rolled his eyes. "Yes though, I'm sure I have the qualities of being a model."

"Look at those sexy legs." Alyssa exclaimed, winking at him. Neil licked his tongue in a sexy manner which everyone laugh.

Beth took Skye's hand and started moving her hips humming to a song. Skye matched her moves along and Zach placed a hat on her head.

"I'm your girl - you're my girl - we your girls." She sang as the two of them danced along and laughed.

"I'm Neilly and she is Zachy and we are your best girls." Neil sang in a high pitched tone, using a spoon as his mic.

They all started dancing under the stars as the moon gave them the spotlight. Alyssa wiped away her tear and cherished the moment right there.

"Okay, crybaby - what do you want to do next?" Neil asked her. She knew exactly what was supposed to be the next plan.

"Turquoise." The rest five announced together in excitement and Alyssa smiled at them.

Neil wore his pants again. They all rushed to the car and stepped in. This time, Alyssa took the passenger seat and they filled her ears with memories. She enjoyed every bit of the information.

They arrived at Turquoise after twenty minutes and entered the place. They were welcomed by Elif, who worked the night shift there. As he saw Alyssa, he greeted her and then her friends.

"What will you guys have?" She asked them. They all placed their orders and she refused to take any money. They took the seat right in front of the big window that separated the outside world from the inside of the place.

"After every hang-out at the Cliff, Turquoise was our next stop. We all would order the same drink and try something new every other time. We spent almost the night here." Jamie declared.

"Maybe that is why my dad loves y'all. You guys keep our business working." She laughed.

"This is the best place to be. If your chef wasn't as old as my father, I would've married him." Beth stated and earned an eye from Zach.

"Age is just a number babe. Imagine all the delicious dishes you'd get to taste once you marry him." Alyssa stated.

"And the only deliciousness he'd have is me." Beth laughed, again earning a funny glare from her boyfriend.

"You ain't having this deliciousness tonight." He huffed.

"No one wants your tiny member for food Zachy." Skye taunted and he let out a sigh.

"One day, when this world will be on the verge of ending, my only member will save the existence of humanity."

"And how is that?" Neil asked.

"By producing more and more Zach's for the world." He declared like he was in some superhero movie. "My babies will be my army, together we will save the world."

"I highly doubt your semen is that productive." Neil rolled his eyes and Zach scoffed. The girls laughed at their absurdity.

Elif brought their drinks.

"Hey - is that Danielle?" Beth blurted as she pointed at someone from through the window. The other five turned their gaze at the window, looking outside. A blonde girl stood in the middle of the road and what it looked like from far was screaming at a guy.

"Yep, Danielle." Jamie asserted. "Oh God, who is the victim tonight?"

"Even if I cannot hear her voice, it is ringing in my ear as if she's yelling at me." Zach laughed. Alyssa's eyes were glued to the black jacket of the guy. She knew she had seen the jacket before.

"Is he her new boyfriend?" Beth asked.

"Looks like soon to be ex." Skye sneered.

"Who is he?" Jamie asked again, curiosity surely killing one or two cats within the group.

Alyssa recognized the jacket and her heart skipped a beat. She wasn't yet sure because anyone could have the same jacket, but her heart screamed only one name.

Whatever occurred between the two in a matter of seconds, Danielle pushed him and rushed out of the empty road. As soon as the guy turned, his eyes landed on the window - not far away from where he stood and so he could clearly see each face staring back at him shocked.

The group from the other side of the window was perplexed to see him with Danielle, on a deserted road on a cold night. They all lowered their gaze, not wanting to assume things about either him or Danielle.

"Shit, it's Arthur." Beth whispered.

Only one had her eyes glued to the window. He had his eyes on her, he could see through the window, in her eyes - the shock that her face carried was evident. His eyes were the same dull, the night was at the party.

Not meeting his gaze with her anymore, he got on his bike and wore the helmet. Turning on and giving the race to the bike, he stormed off from the road, leaving five shocked and one confused.


Hi guys.
I'm back with another chapter in the same month. This feels like an achievement. I've been off lately, trying to understand and a lot of things around me. I wanted to dedicate a chapter to Alyssa and her friends because they mean the world to her and they've been a huge part of her past life.

I've started a new book containing all poems that I write. Please check it out.

Also, Happy Holidays.
Merry Christmas and have a safe holiday.

Omicron Variant is a new threat and I hope you all are safe and so is your family.

So, a question - who among the five friends of Alyssa do you adore the most?

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