. 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒔𝒂 .

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Something everybody loves. Everybody wants to be a part of some drama unless they are the main character. Zoey loves conflicts. She is a believer of great drama - to cause trouble. Ever since we were kids, Zoey would attract trouble. Nobody ever blamed her though. She was always known to be an outspoken person, blunt at times. She spoke her mind, but by hurting others sometimes. She never lets her emotions get on her nerves. But this time - she was the victim of her own emotions.

She is acting out of rage, she is willing to hurt the ones who hurt her, that makes me the second person on her list, Alyssa being on the top.

Before arriving at the party, I got a call from Eleanor. She said she tried to talk to Zoey about Alyssa's presence in the party and that did not end well. Zoey didn't want her to be at the party, she didn't want Alyssa to be in her house or anyway near her. Eleanor tried to talk her out but it was of no use. Zoey will never do what others force her to, she was always rebellious.

I made up my mind that I'll keep an eye on her. I'll make sure she is nowhere near Alyssa. I would not give her any chance to hurt Alyssa in any way. But I failed in one thing.

I was the one who hurt Alyssa.

Before arriving at her place to receive her, I had Zoey on my mind. Everything kept me occupied that I could already feel myself getting annoyed. Then when I was about to knock on her door, I heard her voice. She was arguing with Landon. He didn't want her to go to the party, not with me.

Well, of course - I knew. He would not allow her to be anywhere near me. But she was firm she wanted to go to the party, even if it meant going against her brother. When she opened the door, I was taken aback.


She looked beautiful.

Even the simple outfit made her look so stunning. She smiled when she saw me. I tilted my head to meet eyes with Landon. He looked at me in pure anger. He hates me.

Before we could leave, he asked to talk to me. Alyssa walked to the car and I had a straight face. He wasn't impressed with me either.

"I know this is all a game for you." He hissed. "I know your intentions."

"You know nothing about my intentions, Pearson. I'm not what you think I am." I tried to keep my voice calm. I'm not here to pick a fight, at least not with him. He is the least I'm concerned about tonight.

I turned to walk back to my car when I heard him say 'You do anything to her and I'll make sure to break every bone inside your body.'

I rolled my eyes. Of course, I know it won't take a second for him to kill me if anything happened to Alyssa. I'm not a fool. I'm not the one he should be worried about. There are a lot of other people who deserve this threat, not me.

I climbed in the car and started driving. The party was at Kidman Villa. Uncle Joseph agreed to let us use the Villa for a night. I thought it would be hard to convince him, he was always particular about his Villa.

As I drove, I avoided my urge to look at her. My heart and head wanted to take a glance when she enjoyed her moments looking out of the window. I stopped myself from stroking her hair. I only wanted her to have a good evening, she deserved it. The silence was not a bother for me. I was more concerned about her. She never really was a fan of silence. She was the total opposite of me. Silence and she could never be used in one phrase.

But I wished the silence has stayed because we wouldn't have got into an argument. Blame her brother Landon, who despite not being here, was the reason for our fight. I didn't want to argue, but I just couldn't let her believe that whatever happened that day between us, had any more chance. I wanted to hold her, kiss her, take her in my arms, but I'm afraid it will never happen.

She was pissed at me, she thought I regretted every second of that day, but only if she could be in my shoe and see the world through my eyes. She'd know it hurts me more than it hurt her.

I parked the car outside the Villa. I wanted her to walk through the garden. She was a lover of flowers, all kind - she was a big-time anthophile. It would've calmed her mind. I had my eyes on her as she touched the flowers and felt the softness of them on her hand. A smile appeared on her lips when she closed her eyes and breathed in. We walked through the concrete floor and stood in front of a wooden door.

Eleanor particularly asked everybody not to mention anything about the past, that would make Alyssa uncomfortable. We were welcomed by Rosie. I wanted to keep my hand on her back, guide her but had to take it when Rosie pulled me in a hug. When she saw Alyssa, she took her in her arms. Rosie loved hugging people. We got in the house and Liam, Troy and Dean welcomed us. I and Jordan are older than them all, but we share a great bond with these people. Jordan was still in high school, as he had to drop out in the senior year because of his family issues, or else we would've graduated together.

I kept my distance from her, I wanted to give her space and time. She was already pissed at me, I didn't want to bother her anymore. She was enjoying her time. Rosie was by her side, Troy tried to crack some jokes. Rosie took her upstairs to freshen up.

"Hey man, thanks for bringing Alyssa here. She brings the soul to a party. Anyway, Rosie needed a distraction. She'll have Alyssa's company." Troy stated. Troy has always had a crush on Rosie but she could never see that she was oblivious of his feelings for her. She started dating a guy from her high school who cheated on her and Troy broke his nose for breaking her heart.

"We all needed a distraction from something. Alyssa just happens to bring joy in us." Dean stated. I tried to smile.

He was right though, Alyssa was always the shine of the party. Whenever she was around, people felt grounded, joyed and loved. She cared about everyone. All these people adored her. Maybe tonight will bring a change in her, maybe she'll get to enjoy herself.

I walked upstairs to call Jordan. When he received the call, I could sense the tension in his voice. I asked how long would it take for them to arrive.

Jordan and I have always been the best of mates. We grew up together, he has been my best friend since we were in first grade. I always knew he liked Zoey more than just a friend and I never had a problem with that. Zoey and Jordan were total opposites, they shared no same interests, but he kept her sane. She liked him as well. It was very hard to even imagine Zoey liking someone. She had her boundaries and the fact that Jordan could break down her walls and keep her grounded and sane, I didn't want anything more than just their happiness.

But lately, they have been arguing a lot. It was all because of me. Jordan stood by me, as my best friend and he forgot that Zoey was his girlfriend. She blamed me for being the hurdle of their relationship. I would never want that. I never asked Jordan to take my side. But he knows that Zoey could be rough at times, she can be selfish for her means and not care of other people's feelings.

"I just want that bitch to stay away from me."  It was Zoey's voice in the background. She was yelling at him, maybe that had an argument, maybe he was just trying to put some sense in her. I feel bad for Jordan, he has to deal with her mood swings, all because I choose not to stand with her. Ever since I made myself clear, she has been giving me a hard time. She wanted me to stand with her, but I couldn't. Because we both have different plans, she wants destruction while I want things to be fixed again.

Sighing, I sat on the edge of the bed. I missed this room. I miss her presence in this room. I understand why Zoey didn't want anybody to be in this room because she wanted to keep herself close to the memories. But she cannot stop me, I've lost as much as she did. Only because she lost a part of her, does not mean she can roll me out of the past life.

Every passing day is dreadful. It wasn't supposed to be this way. I and Zoey were supposed to be close, not apart. Honestly, I miss Zoey because I miss the lost part of her. Zoey will always remind me of that one part of me, that is gone forever.

I heard screams and shouts from downstairs and decided to join them. Zoey and Jordan were present as well.

Eleanor and Nic were already welcomed by the others. I walked to Nic and pulled him in a hug. Ever since I met Nic in high school as my junior, we bonded well. Nic was the only child to his parents and he needed someone to look after him. Maybe he just finds a brother in me.

We all took our seats on the couch. Alyssa took a seat next to Troy, she was right in front of me. I wanted to look at her. We haven't talked for half an hour and it killed me to treat her this way. Jordan asked me if something was wrong, clearly, he sensed the tension between me and Alyssa. I didn't want to talk about the car ride, not here, not now.

Everybody decided to play the game of truth. More than anyone, Zoey will love the game the most. She enjoys getting out the truth from people. She always believed, there was more to people than what they have to say about themselves.

It was settled that if anyone failed to say the truth, she'd give a dare and let me say this - her dares are on another level. She learnt it from Aunt Camille, she has always been more like her mother - fierce, outspoken, bold. She knows what she wants in life and will do anything to have that. It makes her even more dangerous in the case of Alyssa.

I wasn't paying attention to the game until I heard Zoey ask a question to Alyssa. Here we go. I gave her a threatening look, indicating her to stop with her evil plans. I thought she'd ask something painful to Alyssa, something that would trigger a sense of fear related to her past.

But she started off with something about a kiss. I knew who her first kiss was, it was Ron, he was her neighbour. He kissed her when they were young. She would make fun of that kiss saying if she could erase one moment from her life, it would be that. Because her first kiss was stolen. She never really had the chance the choose her first kiss, it just happened. She could never erase that memory, but instead has no clue of the one's that should've stayed.

"Tell me, who did you share your last kiss with?"

What the fuck. She knows Alyssa doesn't remember that. Yet she had to ask the question just to embarrass her. Alyssa let out a laugh and said she hoped she remembered the person. Only if she could ever remember, she'd have gone nuts about it. "I hope he liked me back because then it would've been awkward to just stand there and kiss someone who had no feelings for me."

She had to give me a look, she knew she wanted me to feel something because I called it a mistake. I got up and walked out of the area. I just couldn't sit there and pretend to be enjoying my time when I'm literally just dying every other second. Tonight was supposed to be happy because I got to spend time with her. But it turns out, we can't decide what we want in life.

I walked upstairs in the same room and sat on the bed. I watched all the pictures on the wall, each carrying a story behind it - a story of good days. Every picture of her caused a sharp pain in my chest. Her beautiful bluish-green eye carrying such innocence in them. The way her left eyebrow crooked in every picture, I used to make fun of her. She hated that it was so obvious and she could never get a perfect picture. But it was her perfect face, so flawless, so radiating that didn't matter if she had a crooked eyebrow. Her honey-blonde hair being everyone's favourite colour. She was loved, she was cared. Everyone around her adored her.

"She will always be the most beautiful girl in your life."

I blinked my eye and didn't realize I had tears in them. They refused to fall, but the heaviness in my chest begged my soul to scream out. I turned to find Jordan standing at the door. He walked and took a seat next to me.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Let it all out, Man. You need this. You have to take the burden off of your chest."

I shook my head. "I can never bring myself to let it out. I just want to keep it all inside of me. This way, I'll have her close to me."

"She will always be there with you. Stop punishing yourself." He stated. I gave him an eye.

"You think it's easy?" I asked him. I tried not to raise my voice. "You think it's in my hand to just snap my finger and turn off my emotions? This pain, this guilt will forever be there. It will remind me that I failed her."

He disagreed with me. "You never failed her, Arthur. It was not in your hand..."

"It was. It was my fucking duty to protect her. I promised her, I'll always be there for her, with her. I would never abandon her. Look where we stand now." I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. "One mistake and everything is gone."

"It was an accident -"

"NO. IT WAS NOT AN ACCIDENT." I stood up and yelled at him. He was shocked. Ever since the night, I was the one who called it an accident, but tonight I refuse to accept the fact. "THAT NIGHT WAS MY FAULT. I FUCKED IT UP. IT WAS ALL BECAUSE OF ME."

"What are you talking about?" He stood up too and asked. I sighed and shook my head. "Just forget it."

"Tell me, man, what happened that night."

"Drop it, Jordan. I don't want to talk about that night." I made it clear to him. I know he expects me to be honest with him, but if I'll tell the truth, there will be no turning back. I'm already carrying this guilt inside me, it is eating my heart. I cannot bear the thought of saying it out loud only to make it clear that that night was not an accident.

I walked out of the room and he followed me. We walked downstairs to find the guys in their shorts, all wet - water dripping off their hair. They were drinking hot coffee that Lucy made.

"Where were you guys?" Jordan asked.

"Where the hell were you two?" Nik asked. "You missed the cake celebration. It was lit man. Elle baby got the whole swimming pool..."

"Where is Alyssa?" Tension rose in me as soon as he mentioned the swimming pool. "Where the hell is she?" I asked again.

"Chill out Arth. The girls are in the restroom." Dean stated.

"Why the fuck would Elle organize the celebration at the pool?" I hissed.

"Elle told me it was Zoey's idea." Nik stated. That bit- calm down, Arthur.

I saw her walk out of the restroom with Eleanor, their heads covered with towels. They were laughing at something that she showed Elle on the phone.

I walked to her and grabbed her arm. "You really had to pull out your stunts when I told you to stay the hell out of -"

"Woah Burnt Pants, Chill out." She let out a laugh.

I tightened my grip on her arm and she flinched. "Don't you fucking dare act smart with me."

"What is the matter with you;-" She tried to get herself out of my harshness. "Let me go, scumbag."

"You had the fucking audacity to arrange the party at the pool." I shook her arm to make her understand that she messed with the wrong man tonight.

"This is my house. I can arrange a party wherever the fuck I want to." She hissed at me. She wasn't just going to give away.

Jordan asked me to let her go. I pushed her away. She rubbed her arm as Eleanor stood right next to her. "What is wrong?"

"Did you not warn her to stay away from Alyssa?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Zoey promised me she won't do anything."

"I did not make a fucking promise. Why do you guys have to save that bitch?" She yelled at me and Eleanor. I was about to take a step close to her to teach her a lesson when Nik stopped me.

"We just cut the cake, Arthur. She didn't get in the water, did not even drop her feet." He showed me pictures of them. She was outside the pool, so close to the edge. They must've forced her to get a picture. She would never get that close to the pool.

"You know she was not supposed to be there. What if something had happened?"

"She was all right. She was enjoying her time. I made sure she didn't feel trapped in there." Rosie walked out of the restroom and declared.

"I told you guys, no pool. What part of it does not make sense?" I raised my voice at all of them. They know how terrified she is of swimming pools, after what she has been through. She was never a fan of water bodies, they terrified her. She wasn't, in particular, an aquaphobic, she just never liked the pools.

None of them uttered a word. I was so pissed at Zoey, I could've done something if Jordan didn't stop me. I could see her mentally laughing at me.

"Where is she?" Jordan asked. That made me realize, everybody was present in the room, but not her.

"I saw her walk upstairs. I told her to use the guest room." Liam stated. Everyone walked to the couch and sat. I waited for her to come back.

Zoey walked to me. "If you're so concerned about her fears, you shouldn't have let her out in the real world. This place is full of darkness. She might blackout."

"Enough Zoey." Jordan snapped at her. The others turned their gaze on us.

"Well of course - you had to stand up for your best man." She rolled her eyes and pushing me away, she walked in her room. Her room was downstairs.

I try too hard not to raise my hand on her, but she gives me all the reasons to slap her. I've never been so angered at her, but lately, I think she has made it her purpose to piss me off.

I walked into the kitchen and Lucy poured me a glass of water. " You shouldn't be so stressed all the time."

I passed her a weak smile. "I cannot help it. Life is a little rough on me these days." I asked her to prepare chicken noodle soup for Alyssa. She'll need it.

"You always take care of her needs." She stated. "You know every little detail about her."

"I'm not the one who forgot things."

I took the vegetables and started chopping them. She insisted me to just sit and enjoy with friends, but I like talking to her. I've always enjoyed sharing my thoughts with Lucy.

She sighed. "You should just relax. She'll be fine. She is having a great time here."

"Only until Zoey pulls out one of her master cards and humiliates her." I declared.

"She wouldn't do anything of that sort."

"You don't know what she has become, Lucy. She has changed." I sighed.

She patted on my back. "So have you."

I gave her a confused look. She pinched my cheek. "All these wrinkled lines of stress, they make you look dull. You are my handsome child. You shouldn't look like this." Then she giggled. "Only one of us can have those nasty wrinkles. That is my duty to carry old looks."

I let out a chuckle. "You still are gorgeous, Lucy. The same you were eighteen years ago when you first held me in your arms."

"I still remember your first day. You were so tiny with your cute chubby cheeks, your blue eyes shining bright as you saw everything for the first time. You became everyone's favourite in just an hour. Nobody wanted to put you down. You were always in one or the other arm. I used to worry if you'll never get to touch the ground. Especially your father, he would always carry you in his arms, we had to beg him to out you down - at least when he worked. But he never listened to any of us."

I laughed. All the pictures from childhood make sense. I was always in dad's arms. I remember he used to carry me till I was eight. He would never put me down. The bond that I share with dad, I can never share it with anyone else. He was my first best friend and will always be. He made sure he was there to witness every moment of my life. I remember it was the first day of kindergarten and every other kid cried for their mother, but I was sad because I had to stay away from dad for more than three hours. He dropped me to kindergarten. Every other parent left and later returned to pick their children, but he never left. Mom still makes fun of him saying he stood in front of the school, his eyes glued to the gate waiting for me to return. When I finally saw him, I dropped my little water bottle and ran to him. He took me in his arms and twirled me. I was so relieved to see him. I missed him more than mom. He continued that for a whole month but then Mom had to scold him because the Principal of the kindergarten didn't want any parent to waste their time waiting for their kids.

"The soup is ready." I heard Lucy say.

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen to see if Alyssa was back. They were playing twister game and all were in awkward positions.

"Where is Alyssa?" I asked them. Their eyes shifted on me.

"We thought she walked in the kitchen to give you company." Rosie stated. What.

What was taking her so long? She would never spend so much time in the restroom. I ran upstairs to the guest room. The door was shut. I turned the knob and it opened, it wasn't locked. She would've locked it. I walked to the restroom and knocked on the door. The water wasn't running. I couldn't hear any noise from the other side.

"Alyssa." I called her out thrice. I knocked again. Then I turned the knob of the door and opened. What the actual fuck. She was not in the restroom.

"Where is she?" Troy asked once he realised she wasn't in here. Everybody panicked. I was in complete shock. Where could she be? We all thought she came up here to freshen up.

"Did she really come up here?" Dean asked.

"I saw her. She was on the call with someone and asked if she could use a restroom. All the others were occupied, so I sent her here." Liam stated. I pushed them all and rushed out of the room. I walked to the other rooms to check, she wasn't there as well.

"Lucy, is she downstairs?" I shouted from upstairs. I heard her say a no. I dialled on her number. It was out of network. I tried again - this time it was switched off.

Where could she be?

The pool.

I rushed out of the hallway, almost breaking the door and the cold night breeze hit my face, making me shiver for a second. Autumn had just begun but this night was already cold.

The swimming pool's door was locked. I tried to turn the knob and open it, but it was locked. If I needed the key, if the door had to be opened from the outside - there was no chance she would be in there.

I felt the other one's presence behind me. "It's locked." Nik stated. I threw a punch on the door. I was fucking worried about her. Where could she go? She was not in the Villa, she did not come here, where the hell would she go all by herself?

I turned to face them. They all had a worry in their eyes, concern and fear for her. She shouldn't be left alone. I should've been there with her.

What if she wanted to leave? I ruined her mood already. Maybe she called a cab and left? I called Samuel and asked if that happened. He said that no cab ever came and nobody left.

Then where the hell was she?

Every second passed as another heartache for me. I was helpless. We tried to find her everywhere, but she was nowhere.

"What if she tried to - yunno..."

"Shut up, Rosie. Just shut the fuck up." I snapped at her. Alyssa would never do something like that. She would never hurt herself. I know her, even the thought of hurting herself would never cross her mind.

You are wrong about her.

My subconscious warned me.

You know she is capable of doing things.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I would not let my mind control my emotions. I was already fucked.

She can do it.

I opened my eyes. Even thinking about it, made my blood go cold. I know she had her days, she was in a bad shape - but she doesn't remember that. She was only capable of such actions back then, but right now she had no clue of anything.

She would never hurt herself.

I walked to Zoey who stood next to Jordan, her arms crossed against her chest like she didn't care about the whole situation. I grabbed her arm. I was surely going to give her a cold arm but I didn't care.

"Enough of your games, Zoey. What have you done?" The anger in my eyes could've burnt her soul. But she didn't flinch. She looked in my eyes like she didn't give a fuck about anything.

"I haven't done anything yet. But I will punch you if you don't let go of my arm." She hissed at me. I dropped her arm. "You fucking idiot. You couldn't take care of her and you blame me?" She gave me a challenging eye. "Maybe she just wanted to leave. Maybe she is gone." The way she said that it made my heart stop. Gone. No. No.

"I saw you both. You couldn't even look at her. You got into an argument. What was it about? Her lost memories?" She let out a sly laugh. "It must be infuriating that she does not remember anything and you have to play along just to keep her safe."

"Zoey, stop it," Eleanor warned her. But Zoey wouldn't budge. "Don't put this on him. He has suffered the most."

"Well - obviously. Everybody can see what he is going through. All his pain, his suffering. But nobody can fucking see that other people are hurt too." She hissed. "There are people who have endured so much pain because of that bitch."

I took a step close to her, deepening my raged eyes on her.

"It's been more than six months. She gets to walk away being the victim of her pathetic life, she becomes the sufferer. She has blinded everybody with her performance that nobody can see what games she is playing. She is fucking with all your heads."


"Every fucking person in this town has labelled her as an innocent girl. But tell me Arthur, does your heart really believe that she is not guilty?"

I didn't care what my heart believed anymore.

"We know she was damaged in the past. She was fucked up in her head. Even after her accident, nothing is changed. She doesn't remember anything but she still is the same. She carries the same stain of her depressing past." She took a pause. She was debating herself if she should say whatever the hell she had on her mind. "Old or New - she was and will always be miserable and broken."

It didn't take me a second to react on that. I knew what she meant and that was not true. Nothing of whatever she said what true about Alyssa. I threw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across her face. A stinging pain spread through my palm as her head snapped to the side, a bright red hand mark showing the extreme force of my hit.

She faced me with fuming eyes. She had her palm on the side where I slapped her. I just couldn't control myself. All the bullshit that she had to say, it angered me. None of it made sense here. She didn't have to bring that up.

Alyssa was just missing, that didn't mean we doubt her actions. We had no right to talk all rubbish about her. It was all in the past, she doesn't even remember it now. Why would she act upon some particular emotion all of a sudden, why tonight?

Without saying a word, Zoey stormed back in the Villa followed by Rosie and Liam. Eleanor gave me a sympathetic look, but I didn't need that. I only want to see Alyssa. I want her here, in front of me - all safe and sound.

The other four rushed back in the Villa to look for her. Jordan waited for me. I shouldn't have slapped Zoey, but I just couldn't take her shit anymore. She had said enough. She blamed me, my emotions. She blamed Alyssa for something that we know it not true.

Jordan said we should keep looking and might as well call her family. I froze. I couldn't do that. Landon would straight away tear my body into little pieces and burn each piece. He warned me, he threatened me and his only fear was something happening to Alyssa. If he finds out about this, he will kill me with his bare hands. I must find her, I just can't let her slip away.

Something in me begged me to stop. I just couldn't move. My heart forced me to still keep looking here. It believed she must be somewhere around. Without thinking straight, I pushed the door. I banged on the door. I didn't care if the door broke, but I just wanted to check in the room.

"I'll get the key." I heard Jordan say. I nodded. Instead of breaking the door or my shoulder, I waited.


I waited if she heard me if she was in there and could hear me. There was no chance, she could be in the pool room. But if she was in the room, she would've tried to contact us. What if she was trapped?

I called again. Nothing.

Jordan came back with the keys and unlocked it. I rushed into the hall. The lights were out. Even the blinds of the window were shut. That never happened. The blinds were never out. They were supposed to be open, so that even at night - the outer pool could be seen.

Jordan reached the switch and turned on the light. The whole pool was crystal clear, like blue ocean.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Jordan pointed towards something. My eyes landed on the chair.



I wanted all of this in one Chapter - the previous one and this. But a lot has happened and it couldn't be settled in one big chapter.

So, here is the chapter from Arthur's point of view who is pretty fucked at the moment.

But the main question is - WHAT DID HE SEE ON THE CHAIR?




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