. 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 .

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Aurora's gone.

I got up from my bed and rushed out of the room. Opening the door of her room, I called her out. I heard no reply. The room was dead silent. The bed was neat and done. The duvet was perfectly fitted on the bed. She would never fold her duvet in the morning. That means she didn't sleep here.

Leaving the room, I rushed downstairs. There was no one on the couch in the living room. I heard voices from the kitchen. Walking in, I saw Landon and Dad having their breakfast while Karen prepared coffee for them.

How is Karen here?

"She's gone."

Their gaze turned to me and they gave each other a confused look. Karen walked to me and made me sit on the chair. "How are you feeling now?"

"Am I late?" I asked them. "She left, didn't she?"

"Who?" Landon asked.

"Aura." I mumbled. I told her to wake me up before she left. I wanted to wish her luck and be there before she was gone.

"You've had a dream again, sweet child." Dad stated. Karen agreed with him.

"No, it was not a dream." I'm sure it wasn't a dream, it felt more realistic. Like I've been in the place before like I've lived that moment.

Maybe that was a dream, Karen wasn't in our lives back then, she is here now. Maybe they are right.

"Drink this and you'll be fine." Landon passed me my cup of coffee. I sighed and nodded. They'll not believe me. They'll think it was just another dream again. But no, it didn't feel like the other dreams that I have every night.

I felt tired, even waking up from a sleep, I didn't feel fresh. My head ached and I still had trouble breathing after what happened two days back. The pool incident has left a mark in my head, well according to Dr. Payton. He said it will take time for me to get over the incident. I'm still overwhelmed with whatever I saw that night.

I got up from the chair. "I'm leaving." I declared.

"You're supposed to rest, not leave to somewhere." Karen gave me an eye. She has become extra careful after that night. She hardly ever leaves me and it bothers me because she practically has to spend all of her time with me. I'm sure she gets bored with me and my non-sense.

"I'm going to school. I've already missed a lot, I'm struggling with my classes. I can't risk failing the year."

"You can take a break," Landon told me. "From school, from classes." I felt his caring gaze at me. "From everything."

Oh, now I see why.

"A break?" I asked him. "What am I supposed to do with another break? Have I not had enough? I was practically on the bed for three months. I've had enough of a break for now."

"You're causing damage to your body by working extra. Dr. Payton has told you to stop and relax."

"Dad, the last time I tried to stop and relax, I ended up locked in a pool room." I sighed. Landon placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We only want you do not stress about anything, Ally."

"I'm fine, Lan. I promise." I assured him. "If anything happens, you'll be the first one to know. Please, I have to get out of this house. I need a change."

I begged. The three of them exchanged looks and finally, Dad declared. "All right. But Brett will be with you all the time."

"Brett cannot be in school. Everyone gives him weird looks as he belongs to some other planet." I feel bad for him. Brett has to walk with me all the time, he gets paid to take care of a lunatic like me.

"No Brett means no school." He gave his final words. I rolled my eyes. Walking out of the kitchen, I called my farewell to them and locked the door behind me. There he was - my Knight. Brett.

I walked to the car and he greeted me with a smile. "Good Morning Alyssa."

"I'm sorry, Brett. Day twenty-sixth with me and I hope today you finally find your freedom."

He shook his head as he let out a chuckle. "Day whatever the count is and I hope you don't get into any new trouble."

I huffed. "You underestimate me, bodyguard."

He opened the car door for me and I stepped in. I left a message to Zach letting him know I'll be there to present the assignment with Betty. We were assigned a project together and I felt so sorry for her that she had to work on it all alone because I was busy dealing with my problems. But Zach helped his girlfriend and assured me it will all fine. I told him not to say anything to Betty. I want to surprise her. She'll be so happy to have me there to present the project together.

I looked up only to find he hasn't even started driving. I looked at him. He already had his eyes on me, narrowed as he judged me for some crime.

"I'd like to reach school before the first bell."

"I have a rule, Alyssa. I only drive when my boss has her seat belt on." He gave me a playful eye. Oh oops.

"All right, mother;-" I surrendered and put the seat belt on. "I'm not your boss. I'm your friend. You're my Pooh and I'm your Piglet."

He let out a heartfelt laugh. This is the first time I've seen him laugh this easily. "I don't want to be without pants."

"You ruin the mood, Hughes. Why can't you focus on the part where I called you a huge but cute teddy bear."

He had his eyes on the road as he drove. "And yourself a pig?"

"I'm a brave pig. And you Pooh are here to take care of me." I declared as I clicked a picture of him for my Instagram story with a caption, Driving with Pooh.

I've gotten comfortable in Brett's company. He makes sure I'm all right whenever I'm out of the house. I know he is hired to take care of me, but he never makes me feel like I'm being watched by a bodyguard. He makes sure I'm fine around him.

"Makes sense." He said and drove towards the school.

We reached there after ten minutes and he opened the door for me. "Are you ready for the attention, Teddy?"

"Thank God I've my Pants on." He winked at me. I laughed.

"I overheard two girls talking that our sociology professor, Miss. Garcia has a little crush on you."

He rolled his eyes. "You should focus on your studies, Pearson. Not on people's personal lives."

"Defending her, already?" I hit his arm playfully. "She is cute, wears those glasses like Margo Gru. But I'm sure she has a wild side of herself, like Cameron Diaz from a bad teacher."

He shut his eyes like he was thinking something.

"What's going on in your head, Pooh?" I asked him in a childish tone. I love teasing him.

"I'm making a mental note to tell Landon not to let you watch anymore stupid and irrelevant movies." "

I scoffed. "You're such a killjoy."

I entered my class and found Neil and Jamie seated next to each other. "Seat for the third puff girl?"

"Buttercup." Neil stood up and took me in his arms. "What are you doing here?"

"God, you're standing in a school and yet a dumb-dumb;-" I dolled my eyes. "I'm back, Blossom." I planted a kiss on his cheek.

When we were little, we three participated in a Halloween dress competition as Powerpuff girls. I and Jamie chose our characters, I got buttercup and she got Bubbles. We settled on the characters according to our nature. I'm the youngest of us three and so I got the naughty head green puff. We gave Neil Blossom because we wanted to tease him for having pink as his favourite colour. No kidding, he loved the colour back then. Plus he always said he was the leader of the group because he was the oldest and the only guy. So we gave him Blossom. He cried and cried, but we made sure he wore the pink dress. We won the second prize for the competition and ever since those characters have become our names.

"So that means, Mr. Bodyguard is back as well." Jamie stated. I nodded.

"Wherever I go, he follows me." I laughed and took a seat next to them. Though this was a seat for two students, we adjusted together. We always did that. Initially, the teachers would scold us, but we were stubborn. None of us three would stand up or change our places.

Miss. Garcia entered the class and her eyes landed on Brett. I turned to him and he gave me an eye. I winked and mouthed, bad teacher. He let out a chuckle.

"You're back to classes, Alyssa." She declared.

"So is Brett."

Neil faked a cough while some other guys laughed. She ignored my comment and started teaching. I was lacking in my studies and this was our final grade. I've to pass all the subjects to graduate or I have to spend another year in school while everybody else will be enrolled in colleges. Soon the college authorities will visit our school for admission interviews. I hope I get to enrol myself for the interview.

The bell rang and everybody started leaving the class. Miss Garcia called me. Neil and Jamie said they'll wait for me in the hallway.

"I'd like to have a word with you, Alyssa." She said. I motioned Brett to wait outside. He left the class. "How are you feeling now?" She asked.

"I'm good, Thank you."

"Look, Alyssa. As your former mentor, I'm being honest with you here. You've just recovered from an accident and I'd not like to put any burden on you."

She was scaring me already.

"This is your final year, Alyssa. You've been one of the best students of Eastwood High and we are very proud of you."

I passed a weak smile.

"But we are out of immunities for now. Every student has a limited amount of immunity so that he can use it at the time of crisis. Your crisis, I mean - your accident has affected you, a lot. But the School Authority does not see it. They cannot grant you any more exemption." She stated. "You understand me?"

I nodded. I knew exactly what she wanted to say.

"The school is looking up to you now. You are the last Pearson and we want you to secure the best college just like your elder siblings. We want you to have the best opportunity in your hand when you graduate." She passed me a smile. "But the last six months record can be a minus point in your resume. The interviewers are going to ask a lot of questions about the past and what happened after that. Are you willing to take that risk?"

I nodded.

"Think wisely, Alyssa. I suggest you should think about it, take your time."

"No, I want to give the interviews. I must've chosen my colleges before the accident. I must've had my plans. I'm sure about it. I'll go through everything. I don't want to miss this chance." I declared. I cannot let this accident affect me anymore, not with my education.

"I've talked to Mr. Hanson. He has all your documents and the list of colleges that you wanted to apply for. You are nearing the deadline so you must rush and apply. The colleges will be on the campus from next month."

"I'll get to work from today," I stated. "Thank you, Miss. Garcia."

I was about to leave the class when she stopped me. "You've been my personal favourite, Pearson. But you don't get to tease your professor with your bodyguard."

I let out a chuckle. "Noted Professor."

I walked out of the class and Brett joined me. His walking beside me makes me anxious about my height. He is such a huge guy, I practically have to jump to give him a high five, but I manage.

"She seems nice." He declared.

"Turns out she was my mentor in the last grade. She seemed pretty worried about my grades." I stated.

"Everybody is worried about your grades."

"Are you, Pooh?" I asked him.

"Of course I am, Piggy." He stated. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "I've been your bodyguard for four months now. I know almost everything about you. Pearson's have intelligence in their blood. Your Dad and your brother have told me how you wanted to be just like your sister. You wanted to have all the achievements through your education. Learning was a part of you. You had your future planned. The college, the course, everything."

"Woah, slow down. That does not sound like me. I don't think I can ever plan a simple evening, let alone it is my whole future."

"You underestimate yourself, Alyssa." He ruffled my hair and immediately earned a smack on his arm from me. I told him I had my cheerleading practice with Skye and then the presentation with Betty. So he could wait in the parking. Nobody else other than the students are allowed on the ground during the practice hours.

I walked into the changing room and opened my locker. I've just joined back last week after several begging sessions with the coach. With my medical history, he was worried if I could cope up but I assured him I'll try my best and if he found me not suitable for the team, he could ask me to leave. So I've got three weeks to prove myself.

I tied my hair up and jogged towards the ground. Skye was warming herself up by stretching her legs. She stood up and pulled me in a hug. "I missed you, Ally."

"I missed you too, Rollins." I pecked her cheek. She smiled.

Though we know that Skye is gay, it does not bother us. Ever since I'm back, I've heard a few students tease her and call her with names that anger me, but she asked us not to pay attention to any of those scumbags. I, Jamie and Elizabeth are comfortable around Skye and we don't care what others have to say about our friendship.

"How is Pallavi?" I asked her. A smile appeared on her lips. "She is doing fine. We have taken a step ahead to sexting now." She winked. I whistled.

Pallavi is super hot, she is from India, maybe south and shifted here when she was seven. Pallavi came out as gay when she was sixteen and her parents have been supportive ever since. Skye met her in a shopping mall when they both landed on one last pair of black boots. Skye let her have it because she was buying it for her younger sister. They instantly hit it off and soon went on a date. It all happened in the last month and I'm so happy to see her find a person who can be her lover.

"When do we get to meet her?" I asked as I stretched my arm. "Jamie said I could invite her to camp." She stated.

"That will be fun. I'm sure she will love us."

"She likes you all already. She knows a little bit about you all." Skye stated. "She is equally excited to meet you."

We ran towards our cheerleading coach, Serena Oliver. I was told to memorize the steps and learn them for next session. Skye was killing it. I'm sure Coach Oliver will choose her as the head this year. She deserves it. Betty told me how Skye has worked hard to be here, she was almost the head last year, but then-coach chose Freya as the head.

The session ended and we all rushed back in the changing room. Everyone started gossiping about something or the other.

"I heard she passed out at the party."

"Zoey was pissed when Eleanor told her that she was invited to the party."

"Zoey has all the rights to be mad. We cannot blame her for the anger."

I heard a few girls talk behind the locker. They were talking about me. Skye walked on the other side.

"Buzz off." She snapped at them. "Stop talking shit about things you don't know."

"Stop defending your girl." I heard someone say. Skye asked me not to walk on that side. I wasn't going to let the girls taunt her for standing up for me.

"You got a problem?" I asked them. They turned to me. They exchanged looks. "Next time you have some gossip about me, talk it on my face. Not behind my back." I declared and walked back to my side of the locker. Skye walked to me.

"That was dope, babe." She hit my arm and passed me a smile. We changed in our regular clothes and walked out of the room.

"Have you seen Zoey?" I asked her. She gave me a confused look. "I'm just tired of her bullshit. Everybody keeps on saying that she has the right to be mad at me and her actions are justified. But no, I do not give her the liberty to treat me like this."

"Ignore her, Alyssa. She is only trying to get in your head." She stated. "If it was any other normal day, I would've thrown a punch at her, but right now - we don't want any more troubles in your life. You've just walked out of one."

"A rather scary one." I mumbled.

"I'm really pissed at you though." She gave me an eye. "Who told you to go to the party?"

"Eleanor invited me."

"Eleanor is a sweetheart, babe. She likes you. But you don't go to the parties that are set up to trap you."

"I don't care about Zoey's actions anymore. She has hurt me enough." I declared. After that night, I am sure about one thing - Zoey is trouble and I intend to keep her out of my life. I am angered at her and so I'd like to have her away from me.

We walked towards the cafeteria and found all of our friends seated around the table. I walked and placed my palm on Betty's eyes. "Guess who?"

"Oh my God, Ally." She screamed and turned to face me. She stood up and pulled me in a bone-crushing hug. "You are here."

"For you, babe. Couldn't leave my partner alone." I winked.

"We are going to rock the presentation. Team Bettssa." Betty declared. She started explaining to me how we were going to do the presentation and Zach clicked a hundred of pictures of his crazy girlfriend and confused me. He instantly shared all the pictures in the group and Neil even uploaded one on his story with hashtag team bettssa. These people are crazy, but I love them all.


Betty was on the seventh cloud when she got an A for the presentation. I got a B+ because I didn't contribute to the project and the professor found out that Zach helped her. But he appreciated me for at least being there during the presentation.

The door of my room flew open and Karen walked in. "How was your day at school?"

I placed the nail paint aside and let my nails dry. "Great. Betty killed it in the presentation. It felt really good to be back."

She smiled and sat on the bed. "What did you dream about last night?"

Karen surprises me with her abilities. I knew she'd find out what bothered me.

"Be my mother already," I mumbled. She let out a chuckle. "No, seriously. I don't see you and dad going on a date anytime soon, because you both are too shy to act. I need to take the matter in my hand now."

"We will think about it, kiddo."

"Don't kiddo me. If you keep going at this pace, I'm sure I'll get married before you." I laughed.

I like Karen, I really do. I honestly want her and dad to date, so that she can officially be a member of this family. She already is a family, but I want her and dad to be happy. I can see the admiration for each other in their eyes and I'm sure they can feel it too for one another. They are just too stubborn to admit it.

"Have you packed all the necessary products?" She asked. "Sleeping bag, your pillow?"

"I'm going for one night, Karen." I reminded her. "We hardly will get any sleep. I don't need any more products."

"But what about these?" She placed my medicines in front of me. Whoops.

"I was going to get them." I stated. She gave me an eye.

"I know you find a way to get rid of them. But Alyssa, if you keep missing these meds, it will only trouble your mind. Those dreams are not for nothing. They exhaust your brain and none of us would want any more accidents for you."

I know all of them are worried about me. But those meds are of really high dose, they tire my body. I cannot go to sleep without my pills, I need them. But these medicines literally burn my body.

"After that night, your dad was firm of not sending you away even for one moment. You should be thankful to Landon who got you the ticket out for one night." She stated. "Now would you want your family to be worried while you're gone?"

I shook my head. I would never want them to worry because of me. I've caused them enough problems and I don't want them to carry my troubles on their shoulder.

"I need you to be careful." She declared. I nodded and she planted a kiss on my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

With that, she walked out of the room. I sighed. What should I do to not be a problem anymore? How I do stop being a hurdle in their lives?

I switched off the lights and shut my eyes. Maybe I should stop taking the pills and only take my meds. What if the dose helps me to sleep? Then I'll not have to take the sleeping pills. Maybe I can get rid of those dreams.

Those dreams are not for nothing.

I sat on the bed and turned on the lamp. Taking a deep breath, I shut my eyes.

Listen to me.
Don't go.

I opened my eyes in shock. It was not a dream, I'm sure I wasn't dreaming. Taking my phone, I dialled a number and waited for him to receive the call.


"Hello, I'm sorry I called at this hour but I have to tell you something." I took a deep breath.

"Are you all right?" He was concerned as he asked. "Where are your father and Landon?"

"I'm fine. I just - can you meet me?"

"Now?" He asked surprised. "What is the matter, Alyssa. Do you need any medical help?"

I shook my head. "No, No. I just have to tell you something." I stated in hurry. "It is important."

"Okay, how will you come to meet me?"

"I'll call Brett. I'll be there." I declared. He told me to meet in fifteen minutes. I ended the call and immediately called Brett. I asked him to call me when he reaches here and not knock on the door. I don't want dad and Landon to know. Not before I'm sure about this. I don't want to give them any stress. I should work this on my own.


"Why are you going to see him at this hour?" Brett asked me as he drove. It was hard to get away from Lan's eyes because he was on the couch, playing some game on his phone. I had to be quiet or else he would've caught me.

"I don't know. I just - I.."

"Are you having one of those panic attacks again?" He asked, worried.

"No Brett, I wouldn't be in this car if I had an attack right now."

He gave me an eye and focused back on driving. "You worry me, Pig."

"Don't call me that in front of him."

He let out a chuckle and applied the brake to the car. We got out of the car and were standing right in front of his door. His phone rang and when he took out the phone from his pocket, I saw the caller was someone named Ms. V. He didn't receive the call though.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He placed the phone back in the pocket and looked at me.

"I'll be fine, Brett;-" I assured him. "I won't take much of his time."

He nodded and I asked him to wait for me in the car while I walked inside the door. I climbed up on the third floor and knocked on the door which held his nameplate in the most formal way. I heard a voice asking me to walk in. I opened the door and was welcomed by the same white walls that I've been visiting a lot lately.

"Good Evening Alyssa." He welcomed me and motioned to take a seat. I took a seat. "I've to ask you this before we start with anything;-" He stated. "Does Mr. Pearson know about this meeting?"

I shook my head. He sighed. "Alyssa, you cannot do this. Not after what happened a few days back. You cannot let them worry about you."

"I have Brett here. He knows." I stated in my defence. He nodded and offered me a glass of water.

"You called so sudden, I couldn't call Megan here. Are you fine with that?" He asked. I nodded.

"I don't need any physical assistance." I declared. How do I explain this? When he first met me, he told me that if ever I have a doubt between a dream and a reality, I should call him immediately, which I did.

"You had a memory?" He asked, once realising what this could be about, but not sure of himself on how to phrase the sentence. It took me a good minute to react to the question.

"I- I don't know what it was. But it sure was not a simple dream." I stated. He motioned me to carry on. He took out his book and pen from the drawer and started writing words as I explained.

"What I saw last night, it was a moment from the past, a memory."

"Who did you see?" He asked.


He let out a sigh. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Is this about that night?"

"Can we please not talk about that night?" I begged him. He nodded. "It was a memory. I know it has happened in real life."

"How are you so sure?" He asked. Why can't he simply just believe me?

I was getting irritated. I just want to get done with this. To be sure, if it was actually something.

"Because I remember the exact time when it happened." I tried not to snap at him. "It happened after mom left us. It happened - in between the course of time that I don't remember."

"What was the memory?"

So now he believed me? Stop accusing him, Alyssa. He is just trying to help.

"Aurora was supposed to leave for her college. She had a cab booked to leave the next day even though Dad offered to drop her. I begged her not to leave, I told her I needed her here with me -".

"Please Aura. I know this is important to you, but can you stay, for a few more days?"

She had teary eyes. "I wish I could, Alora. I don't want to leave you. But college starts in four days. I have to report there."

How am I going to live without her? It's only been a few weeks of what mom did, I need Aurora here.

"She can't be here always." Landon stated. I shoot him a glare.

"Don't make this harder than it already is, Lan." She scolded him. He rolled his eyes.

"It's not even that far. You'll get to see her every weekend." He declared. He was right. I'll get to see her. But it won't be the same anymore. I'll not have her with me, every day.

"Alora;-" She took my hand in her. "Do you not want me to go?"

I don't.

But I cannot be selfish.
Aurora is a grown woman.
She is an adult now. She is in college and she has to leave the town for her studies. I cannot beg her to stay here, forever with me.

"I just don't want us to be away," I mumbled. "I want you, with us."

"I'm with you, always." She planted a kiss on my knuckles. "We'll video chat every day. It'll only be five days, Ally. I'll be back in no time." She assured me. I knew everything, it was just so hard to let her go.

"She is just being dramatic. Ignore her." Landon scoffed. I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and laughed at me.

"Don't you dare cause any trouble to her, Miles?" She gave him an eye. "She is still vulnerable and you know what happened a few weeks backs."

He nodded, now with a little worry in his eyes. He walked to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I know you love me a little less than her, but I'm here for you, Lyssa."

I let out a chuckle. "I love you both equally. I can never place one of you above the another."

They passed me a smile.

"What would I do without you, guys?" I sighed.

"I'm pretty sure you'll go nuts in your brain. You can't survive a day without me or her." He laughed and Aurora joined him.

Soon we three formed a group hug and Landon found his best chance to pull my hair and I hit on his arm.

Aurora scolded us and made us promise that we'd behave and not cause troubles for dad. She even asked Landon to take care of me but I said I didn't need a babysitter.

"Be her nanny." She teased him.

"Do I look like a nanny to you?" He asked him.

She shook her head. "Not without your uniform. I'll order it right away."

I let out a laugh. He sighed.

"Let her go, Alyssa." He whispered in my ear. "Then it will only be you and me like it's supposed to be."

"What do you think he meant by that?" I asked him, as he listened to each word I said. "Then I woke up, I knew she was gone. I rushed downstairs and it was only dad and Landon." I told him. "Like it's supposed to be."

"He was just trying to say that after she left for college, the house will only have you, Landon and your dad for most of the days."

"No, It wasn't in that sense. It felt weird. Landon wasn't even the same. All of a sudden his face looked more mature, he had a beard on and he didn't look like a sixteen-year-old." I tried to explain when it was all so confusing in my head.

"You are assuming that in your head. Sure it was a memory from the past, but it was in your dream. Sometimes your dream mixes up the present and the past. Maybe that is why you saw Landon all grown up. That was your wake up call. It was your subconscious mind motioning you to wake up." He explained.

"What do I do now?" I asked. "Do I tell them?"

"Do you want to?" He asked.

"Is this even true, I mean - I feel like it was a memory but what if it wasn't?" I asked. "Can you confirm this from Landon?"

He gave me a confused look.

"I mean, you ask him what happened before Aurora first left, because if this is my first memory of her, what if all of the memories come in that order?"

"Memories don't have an order, Alyssa." He explained. "If this is true, it is an achievement. You should be proud of yourself."

I passed a weak smile. "I just hope this isn't the last."

"We can't say anything about that, but we will work on your memory. Let me talk to Landon about this."

I nodded. "Don't tell him anything, please. I want to be sure about it. Ask him indirectly."

He assured me he won't say anything. I stood up to leave.

"Thank you, Dr. Payton." I smiled. He stood up as well.

"You take good care of yourself, Alyssa."

I left his office and the building. I walked to the car, but Brett wasn't there. I looked around for him, he was near a tree talking to someone on the phone. I walked to him.

"I'm telling you, she is all right. I don't want you to breathe on my shoulder all the time. I'm doing my job."

I heard him yell at someone on the other side of the phone.

"I know - I know you hired me. You don't have to remind me that all the time. I'm taking good care of her and if you don't trust me, you can ask Miss V to get me replaced. But let me tell you this, she is like a sister to me. I'll take better care of her than anyone else."

He ended the call. I shouldn't be here overhearing his talks, but I haven't heard Brett so tensed about anything. He turned and was taken aback when he saw me.

"When did you return?" He asked. I told him I came back only a few seconds ago. "Let's get going. It's already quarter to eleven and your family must be worried about you."

"I have my family with me right now." I passed him a smile as we walked back. He looked at me with amazement. "I heard you talking to someone, well yelling and before you get mad at me, I didn't mean to overhear anything. But you seemed tensed up."

"It was nothing, piglet."

"It sure was. You never told me who hired you for me. Dad and Landon are keen to keep it a secret as well. But let me tell you this -," I took a pause. "I want you to let your boss know that you're not leaving me. You'll only be my bodyguard. Whoever that person is, they cannot fire you. You are my brother and I need you."

His eyes went soft. Brett has had this stiff look ever since he met me. He would play along most of the times, I could never read his eyes. They were always firm. But right now, I know exactly what he is thinking.

I tiptoed and pulled him in a hug. "I adore you, Pooh. You are my bodyguard for a reason and the reason is that I like you. No one else could've survived a day with me. But you got a good hold of me. You are amazing at your work." I felt his huge hand on my back. "Don't you ever dare to quit."

We pulled back from the hug. He had tears in his eyes. "You are my family, Alyssa." He passed me a smile. "Families don't quit on each other."

I nodded and we walked back to the car. He asked me to tuck the seat belt and he started driving. He had a different smile on his lips. I've not seen him so calm before. Landon told me Brett is an orphan and grew up in different orphanages. Then he studied hard and was hired by a security firm. He had no one in his family and he has been a bodyguard to many people, but all of them were older. I'm the first one who is younger than him. So he was worried about his job.

But now seeing him standing up for me, being there for me - I know this for sure. We can always choose who we want as our family.

I'm lucky I have such an amazing family. My birth family and my other family - my friends, Karen and Brett. I'm so blessed to be alive.


Such a long chapter. I guess this is the longest so far yet I feel this chapter has nothing important. But then- the chapter highlights Alyssa's relationship with Brett. Do you ship their cute relationship? Aren't they so secured around each other? I think I'll call them #Alyett.

Thank you all for 5K reads. This story is still very far from the end but I assure I'll update often now. I was busy with my brother's wedding last month and so I couldn't update.

I hope you guys like this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. Because it sure does have some drama. This chapter was the calm before the chaos. Alyssa is going for camping with her friends. Stay tuned for that.

Also, you guys must've missed Arthur in the chapter, but but but...he'll be back soon.

Picture of Brett in the box. He is Manny Montana and my man is so gorgeous, I feel like crying. He is a precious little bean. 💙

On achieving 5k reads, I'm dedicating this chapter to SheZright


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