Chapter : 24

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Aashna's Pov:

Have I done right by coming here with them? Was the only question running in my mind. When Aananya invited me to the join them I was so damn excited but I don't know why now I'm feeling like I should not have came.

I was busy in my own world but a knock on window made me jerk up from my seat. I looked out and saw Aarav standing outside. When did he stopped the car? When did he got out of it? I quickly took the window down.

"Are you just going to sit there dreaming?" Aarav asked.

"No not."I said and was about to open the door but he did it for me. So sweet of him to do that! I got out of the car and went to the place where Aananya was standing. Aarav went and parked the car. After five minutes he came and then we made our way inside the mall.

"Bro, first we will eat something. I'm so hungry." Aananya said and Aarav just rolled his eyes at her.

"There's nothing new in that, you are always hungry." He taunted her and this time she rolled her eyes at him. They both are just too funny.

We entered the mall and I guess Aananya was really hungry because she literally ran towards the food court leaving me and Aarav behind.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied looking at him for barely two seconds. After that I don't understand what happens to me but I just can't look into his eyes.

"Why so?" I questioned him back.

"It seems like there's something wrong." He said. Why is he thinking like that? Is it because of my strange behaviour?

"No no. There's nothing like that." I said but again I don't know when I how my hand went to his Arm calming him that everything is okay. As I touched his Arm I felt the same tingling sensation again and I quickly removed it.

We entered the food court and saw Aananya scanning the menu card. We both went and sat beside her and ordered our food.

"Let's click a selfie." Aananya said and got up and came in front of his with her mobile.

"Will you both please sit a bit close? I'm not getting a perfect picture." She said and I moved a little towards Aarav while he did the same.

"Yeah. Now it's perfect." She said and clicked the picture and came back to her seat. No doubt without wasting a single second she posted it. My phone beeped and I looked at the notification that she tagged me in her post. Social butterfly.

I wonder how some people are so good at maintaining their social accounts here I always need a opinion from some one whether to post a picture or not.

After we finished our food we went to different shops, where ever Aananya said.

"You can also take something if you want." Aarav said.

"Yeah... I want to buy shoes but I take it when we will go there." I said pointing towards the shop which was on the opposite side.

We were both waiting for Aananya to select her dresses while she was busy in the trial room. She tried almost every dress she selected except one and I wonder why is it so. It was the most beautiful dress among all the dresses she selected.

"Aren't you going to buy something?" I asked Aarav.

"I guess I already have too much." He said with a smile. We kept on talking about the brands we like and all the stuff.

After sometime I saw Aananya coming out of the trial room with so many clothes in her hand. Is she going go buy them all?

"This girl will surely empty my wallet today." Aarav said and I laughed.

"Are you going to buy them all?" Aarav asked her pointing towards the dresses.

"I wanted to. But then you will call me a 'spoiled brat' so better help me to select which one should I buy." She said.

"You can buy them if you want." Aarav said but she denied it and then they both started selecting the dresses. After full twenty minutes of discussion they settled with Four dresses.

"Okay." Aananya said gave the four dresses for packing and came towards me with the one dress in her hand.

"This is for you." She said.

"Me? Why? I mean thank you but I can't take it." I said. Then I got the reason on why she did not tried this dress.

"Come on. Please take it." She pleaded. How can I take it? Please! I looked at Aarav but he too insisted that I should take it. Aananya handled me the dress and sent me to the trail room.

"Please don't do this." I was saying her but she not listened to me. So I was left with no other option. I closed the door and changed the dress. I looked at my reflection in mirror and realized that I was actually looking pretty in it. I came out to show myself to her as what she ordered me to do.

"Wow. I was right. The dress actually fits you perfectly and you look really very pretty in it." She said.

"Thank you." I replied and Looked at Aarav who was already staring at me. His eyes never not leaving me. I felt my knees weakening so I took support of near by stand.

"Bro." Aananya screamed and we both looked at her.

"What?" Aarav said looking disturbed.

"I called you three times. What are you so busy thinking?" She snapped at him but still there was a mischievous glint in her eyes which clearly said that she is teasing him.

"Nothing." Aarav said glancing at me once again.

"Anyway... Tell me how is she looking?" Aananya said pointing towards me. And I was damn badly waiting for Aarav to say something. Ten seconds passed but he said nothing. Why is he not saying anything?

"Beautiful." He replied looking at me and a smile crept my face. I was happy that he admired me.

"Do you liked the dress?" Aananya asked me.

"Yeah.. Of course. But seriously there's no need of it." I tried to convince her but she didn't agreed with me.

"Okay, take it as a small token of love in return for the help you did me with my project." She said.

"And moreover you refused to drink the coffee that day, now at least take this please." She added and I agreed.

"What project?" Aarav asked giving me a suspicious look and I smiled sheepishly at him. I didn't told him that, Me and Aananya met in the coffee shop near their home just to complete her project.

Aananya told him everything and he threw a anger look at her.

"I'm sorry." She said to him and he nodded.

After that we decided to buy shoes for me but before that Aananya saw a jewellery shop and insisted that she wants to go there.

"Are you out of your mind? It's a jewellery shop and not a vegetable market." Aarav said.

"Just one necklace ... I promise I won't take anything else." She pleaded him and I guess Aarav can't say no to her he fulfils her every wish because he agreed for buying a necklace to her.

"Okay we will take it but not now. I'm not carrying that much cash." He said.

"But I know you are having your credit card with you." She said and Aarav sighed.

"That's the reason I call her Spoiled brat." He said to me and I laughed.

We went to the shop and Aananya started seeing the necklace which were kept for display. I was also looking at the ornaments kept there.

"Aashna di, will you please help me? "Aananya asked. I hate when she calls me di but Aarav said her to tell me so. I went and helped her selecting the necklace. After we were done, we went to buy shoes for me whereas Aarav said that he is having some work and will be back in sometime.

I was confused between two pairs of shoes and so I bought both of them. We went near the parking and waited for Aarav.

"Sorry for making you wait." He said and unlocked the car. Aananya got settled and I was about to sit but then again he opened the door for me. Why is he doing things like this? I'm falling more for him!

"Thank you." I said and sat on the passenger seat and he came and started the car.

After some time he stopped the car outside my home.

"Thank you so much for inviting me with you both. I enjoyed a lot." I said and went out. I waved at them and they did the same. I kept looking at the car until it was not visible to me and then I went inside. I truly had a great day today.

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