Her Happiness

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1 month later

Ragini was sleeping and Shekhar was caressing her hair. Janki was looking at them from the door with sad eyes. It's the only time he has with her where he can see his Princess so peaceful without any worry on her face.

Yes, It's been a month and Ragini still couldn't forget about the bitter truth of her life.

She came back home but it was not the same for her. The bond she share with Shekhar dissapeared from her life.

Both were miserable, cause both can't live without eachother but the pain of unwanted she felt is difficult to forget on her part.

Shekhar tried every possible way to ask her forgiveness and she did forgive him, but if he was thinking that everything would turned as before so he was wrong.

He lost his princess due to his past mistake. And he couldn't do anything than to give her the time, she needed.

They talked, but there was always a hesitation whenever she asked him do a thing for her, like to drop her college, to bring her some book. She behaves like she is asking favours to a stranger which broke his heart everytime.

It was the only time, he can caresses her hair or kiss her forehead, when she falls sleep. It was his routine to see her sleep and then sat beside her till morning. And left the room before she woke up.

Everyone was affected in the house to loose the charm of the family. HER SMILE.

Yeah, she smiles but not that carefree smile which bought a curve on everyone's lips.

She stirred in her sleep and Shekhar patted her forehead immediately making her relex. " Please give me back my Princess. " Shekhar looked at her with teary eyes.

She turned to his side and grabbed his other hand mumbling in sleep. " I miss you Baba. " Tear escaped from his eyes as he placed a light kiss on her forehead. " Baba, Miss you too Princess."

Janki shut her teary eyes and left from there. She couldn't able to see the two person she loved more than anything hurting like that.

She blamed herself for it. If it wasn't of her blurting out the truth that all this would never happen. She would never loose her Ragu Baccha's smile, Her husband's happy face. " All because of you Janki. All because of you" She blamed herself sobbing ,sitting on her bed.


Next Day

Kajal and Swara came to pick her for college. Mishu looked at her sadly as she left with them bidding them bye. She started going with them from the last month. Because Shekhar insist Mishu and her to drop to the college, so she find the other way to avoid it.

" Here's your chocolate. " said Sanskaar from the back seat and a small curve appeared on her lips.

She took the chocolate from his hand and looked at him surprised. " What are you doing here? "

" I thought to pick you up and took you somewhere. " he said smirking.

Swakaj shook their head to see his smirk. He litreally begged to Kajal to convince her to bring him here with them and then drop them to a nearby restaurent.

He planned something for her and she agreed finally for Ragini's happiness.

" Where? " asked Ragini opening the wrapper of the chocolate.

It is the only thing she can't leave, her love for her choco. And she knows she had a big one in her bag too, which shekhar placed everynight in her bag, thinking of her asleep.

She loves her Baba so much, much more than her chocolates but...she just need little time to overcome the pain that her baba didn't want her in starting.

But she remembered all her moments with her father and how much he loved her in the past years. She never remembered a moment when shekhar was angry on her or scolding her. All she remembered him to giving in on her demands, to fulfill her every wish, to treat her like a fragile glass doll, to protect her from the world.

She knows she has the best Father of the world but to convince herself that she never going to have that insecurity of being unwanted again, she needed some time and feeling the tears of his father last night she knew she had enough of it.

She wanted to talk to him, but he left early morning for a business meeting. Now she have to wait for him to comeback and she is going to hug him with all her strength. She missed him sooooo much.

" Ragu...Ragu? Are you listening? " Sanskaar's voice brought her back from her thoughts.

" Huh? "

" I said, It's a surprise. And we aren't going college today. " She was about to protest when he said. " I already informed Mishu di, So don't worry about that."

Kaju gave a amused smile to him and he smirked at her.

" Get out before I kick you. " said Kaju to Sanskaar as soon as she stopped the car.

" Don't talk to him like that Kaju. He is our friend. " said Ragini scolding in her childlike voice.

Sanskaar gave her a smug smile and she just rolled her eyes at him then turned to Ragini with a warm smile. " If he do something wrong, You know naa..What you have to do? "

Ragini smiled wickdly and nodded. " Punch him in the stomach and kick him to the point"

Sanskaar looked at them with wide eyes and jaw dropped and swara chuckled.

" Stop filling her head, with your nonsense, Kaju." he tapped on her head from the back and she glared at him.

" But he is good. He will never do anything wrong, I trust him."   Ragini completed her sentence and a bright smile appeared on his lips.

" That's my Ragu. " He said proudly and came out of the car.

He opened the door of her side and took her out, holding her hand. He chuckled to see her face smduged in chocolate and bring out his handkerchief.

He wiped her face slowly and then show it to her, which earned a sheepish smile from Ragini in return.


" Why did you bring me here? " asked Ragini looking at the restaurent. " Is it an another date?" asked she with glitery eyes.

" Yes. It is a date. " he whispered in her ear slowly and she shivered.

" Aren't we going inside? " she asked confused when Sanskaar turned left before the entrance.

" No. We are having our reservation somewhere else. " he said and she asked. " Where? "

" On the rooftop. Away from the crowd. Just you and me. " he said looking direct into her eyes and she felt lost for a moment.

" Why?" asked she again.

" What why?" he looked at her confused.

" Why do we have reservation in seculed place, just you and me? " she asked innocently.

He shook his head . 'Why are you so clueless when it comes to us, Ragu?'

He took her palm in his and entangled their fingers together. " Because I want you to myself alone for our  6th month friendship celebration."

Her eyes widened as she realized that it's been 6 months that she met him and a bright smile curved upon her lips.

She immediately embraced him in a big hug. " Happy half anniversary Sanskaar. "

He felt numb for a second but gulped slowly. His hands came around her waist as a slow chuckle left his lips. " Happy half anniversary Ragu."

He opened the gate of the rooftop and she looked astonished to see it decorated with flowers and ballons.

A table was placed in the centre with two chair and so many chocolates were placed in a transparent gift wrap.

" Thank you so much Sanskaar. " she smiled widely as he gave her the gift. He slide the chair for her and made her sit and took the other seat in front of her.

" Are you happy? " he asked and she nodded immediately. " You gave me another reason to be happy toady. "

" And what was the first reason?" he looked at her curious.

Her face gave the full blown smile which he never saw all those months. " I am getting my happiness back. I am going to be Baba's Princess again. "

His face shows a relief sign as his lips curved in a beautiful smile. He can't explain how he felt to listen those words from her.

The meaning of those words that he is getting back the girl who astrayed from the last month. It means he is getting back the girl he falled for. It means he is getting back the happiness of the girl he loves with his life. It means he is getting back HIS RAGU.


Wrote this after so long. 😅

Hope you guys still remember this story and innocence of our Ragu bachha.😊

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