7 Years

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(Requested by the fabulous @Morrowseerer ! They're Hobbit/LOTR one shot book is what inspired me to wrote this so check it out! I promise you will laugh, cry, and fall in love every time you read one of their one shots!)

Type: One shot

Pairing: Lindir x Female (Elf!) Reader



My eyes widen. The healer stands beside me, smiling brightly and holding a small jar of medicine. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask, stunned by what he is telling me. "You are with child, miss Aislynn. And I believe you are carrying twins." I blink for a moment, trying or take I'm the news. I'm going to be a mother? After so long? I leap up from the small couch where I'be been laying for the medical examination and hug him tightly. "I am going to be a mother!" I cheer and he awkwardly pats me on the back. I pull away, thanking him over and over for delivering this wonderful news, then race down the hall to my husband and I's shared apartment home in the royal palace.

I burst in, my cheeks aching from smiling so wide, then quickly calm myself down. I want to surprise him! Lindir, my one and only and my perfect husband, looks up from his desk by the window. "Silmë?" he asks, standing up and walking over to greet me with a soft kiss and a hug. "Are you alright? You returned from the healer's rather quickly." I smile at the pet name. Lindir has called me his Starshine as long as we've been courting, a little over eight years, seven of which we've been happily married.

"Yes, my love, everything is fine. In fact, I have wonderful news," I answer, trying and failing to hold back a wide smile. Lindir looks puzzled and I move his hand to rest on my stomach. He suddenly understands and his face lights up. "You're with child?" he asks, smiling even wider than I am, and I nod. He picks me up and twirls me in a circle while cheering, "I'm going to be a father! You are with our child!" I laugh and tap his nose playfully. "No, Lindir." He frowns. "But you said..." Then he realizes and he hugs me tight. "You are with twins?" "Yes, love, I am-" 

He immediately pushes me to lay down on the bed, then tucks the blankets over my body. I watch in amusement as my usually calm husband rushes around our apartment, getting me things off of shelves and from the pantry. Soon enough, I am laying down in a comfortable cocoon of blankets, a box of chocolates, a stack of my favorite books, and a big glass of watrr on the bedside table beside me. "No more moving around too much. You will rest all the time from now on," Lindir instructs and I laugh. "You're really going to try to keep ME from going for a run this afternoon?" I tease and his expression softens.

"Yes, and I certainly I will not let you-" I laugh again and pull him down so he is laying beside me now. "Snuggle with me," I plead and he chuckles, wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. One of his hands rests on my stomach and I murmur, growing sleepy, "You're going to be an amazing father, Lindir." "And you will be the best mother an elfling could ever want," he replies and I snuggle closer to my wonderful husband, the father of my unborn children and my one true love.

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