Accidents Happen

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(Thanks so much to hufflepuffturtle for requesting this! )

Type: One-shot

Pairing: Female (Elf!) reader x Legolas

Warning: Just the tiniest bit of blood and war :D

'Ceri- cin a im win hi maeth?' = literally, 'Do you and I win this battle?', meant to be 'Do you think we will win this battle?
'Avon a leg.' = 'I refuse to lose.' 
'Meleth n
în' = 'My love'
'Gi melin' = 'I love you'
'Dartha cuin.' = 'Stay alive'
'Im is dhir lā̆nē thel-ed' = 'I know you did not mean it.'


Legolas Thranduilion, the prince of Mirkwood, was in high spirits. He was traveling with a company of all kinds of individuals across Middle Earth, becoming excellent friends with a dwarf, of all beings, and meeting the love of his life. They were on a mission to save their realm by escorting the hobbits in the Fellowship of the Ring to Mordor. At this time, Legolas certainly believed his life could get no better than this. He had asked the elleth he loved permission to court her soon after the journey of the Fellowship began, and she had accepted without hesitation, her eyes gleaming with joy. Gimli, the dwarf whom Legolas had befriended, teased the pair constantly, asking when their wedding would be and if he would be best man. Legolas would only raise an eyebrow and Gimli would shut up, but the elven prince himself often wondered about the lady he loved so much. He would marry her in an instant, content to spend the rest of his long, long life with her at his side, but he hesitated. Did she feel the same?

These thoughts plagued Legolas as he stood on the battlements of Helm's Deep, watching the enemy forces draw ever nearer. His love, Y/N, stood close beside him, her frown echoing his. "Ceri- cin a im win hi maeth?" she asked, turning to him, and he gently rested his hand on her cheek. "Avon a leg. I will protect you." She tilted her head and let his hand drop, her frown deepening, as Legolas got the feeling he'd said the wrong thing. "I do not need protecting. Fight for yourself-" "Meleth nîn, I will not leave you-" She shook her head and took a step back. "I can fight for myself. Gi melin. Stay alive. Dartha cuin." Y/N turned and hurried away, her long hair swinging like a waterfall of beauty behind her as she left. Legolas sighed at her stubbornness and readied his bow, prepared to fight. 

The battle commenced sooner than the elf prince had expected and he was soon swept up in the fighting. He shot arrow after arrow, each release of his bowstring, a blur, but he did not see the one he hit who was on his side. His beautiful Y/N, struck in the shoulder by an arrow shot by the one she loved, and he did not even see it. Once the combat was over, the battle won by the good, Legolas searched frantically to find Y/N. He, after a long while, found her calmly assisting the wounded in one of the medical tents, despite being wounded herself. Blood stained the white bandage wrapped around her loosely hanging shoulder, her arm devoid of motion other than helpless swinging back and forth. Legolas rushed to her and demanded to know what had happened.

To his surprise, she smiled softly and turned away, moving to help an injured man drink a glass of water. Frowning, Legolas followed her around the tent for another hour or so, attempting to get her to tell him who hurt her. "I will send an arrow straight through his head-" he threatened seriously, and her face paled. She handed a roll of bandaging to another volunteer nurse and led him to outside, just beyond the tent to the shadows of a small tree. "Im is dhir lā̆nē thel-ed," she said quietly and Legolas' eyes widened as she stood before him, her shoulder still bleeding through the bandage and her arm hanging uselessly, though her smile showed she was not mad or upset at him at all. "I... No..." He stepped away from her and began backing away, horrified by what he'd accidentally done. Her smile fell and a sad look crossed her face that made him pause.

"Dar- stop-" she pleaded, advancing towards him with a worried expression as he backed all the way into the wall at the other end of the courtyard. She cornered him there and reached out with her good hand, but he flinched. "I do not deserve you. You are so forgiving..." he muttered and she sighed. Suddenly, his cheek was stinging and her hand was raised against him. "Pe-channas! Idiot!" she cried and glared at Legolas, who was now frozen in surprise. "Do you really think I do not know an accident when I see one? Again, it was not your fault. You made a simple mistake. Everyone makes mistakes." He glanced away, mumbling, "I am not supposed to-" "Even elven princes," she added and gently hugged him as best she could, having a limp arm and all. He was still stunned that she was so quick to forgive him. Y/N, the one he loved more then life, more than anything in the world, did not hold this injury against him.

He turned his head just the slightest to the left and gently kissed her on the cheek, wrapping his arms around her back and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Goheno nin," he whispered and she gently stroked the back of his hair, reply in a tone just as soft, "I already have."

Translation: 'Goheno nin' = 'Forgive me' (or 'Sorry', but I'm using the first meaning for this story)

Thanks for reading and if you want to request (aka I need requests :/ so pleeeeeease request you lovely pineapples) message me or leave a comment on any part of this story and I'll get to writing it right away!

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