I Will Fight (part 1)

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(Requested by the wonderous hufflepuffturtle! Thanks so much!)

Type: One shot

Pairing: Aragorn x female reader


I could barely believe the foolishness of my brother! Getting up in the middle of a serious meeting, one that could determine the fate of Middle Earth, and shouting at the ranger Strider for such a trivial thing, it made my cheeks flush pink in embarrassment of my relation to Boromir. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to the chair, quite roughly in fact, for I was quite annoyed with my older brother. "Stop it! You're making a fool of yourself- even more so than usual," I snapped, but Boromir kept trying to get up again, so I smacked his arm and hissed, "Behave, you buffoon!" He finally stopped moving and begrudgingly shut up. I gave a soft sigh of relief and turned my gaze to the man Boromir's silly anger had been directed at, Strider. He stared right back at me with a peculiar gaze just as Frodo leaped up and cried, "I'll do it!" causing the entire group, now quarreling with each other, to freeze and turn to him.

Before I knew it, the Fellowship of the Ring had been formed. I, the middle child of Denethor II, could not join the journey, no matter how much I wished I could. I had duties at home, in Gondor, to look after and now I would be taking over many of my brother's positions in his absence. I pulled Boromir aside for a minute after the meeting adjourned and slapped him across the face. He winced and frowned at me, complaining, "Saewynn-", but I cut him off with a scolding tone, "You are quite the fool, Boromir! I shouldn't have to reprimand you as I would a child!" I sighed at his apologetic expression, deciding to let his idiocy go for now, and continued, "Still, I am going to miss you when you go on this journey. Promise me you will return? There will be a great parade in your honor when you come back home, I will make sure of it."

He smiled and gave me a hug, which I gladly returned, as he replied, "Of course I will return. I could never miss my little sister's wedding, whenever that may be. And I do apologize if any man breaks your heart in my absence and I am not here to teach him his place." I laughed softly and kissed his forehead in farewell as Gandalf the Grey, the old, kind wizard, beckoned him to follow. "Stay safe." "I promise I will." And with that, he was gone. I turned around to leave and took only a few paces, spotting someone watching me from the shadows close by. "Come into the light- I know you are there," I commanded, bringing my hand down to rest on the hilt of my sword. "If I wanted you dead, you would already be so," replied a voice I might have heard a few times before- but who was it? 

I didn't have to wonder for long as Strider took a few steps toward me and into the sunlight. I visibly relaxed in relief it was only he and gave a small nod in greeting. "I would not be so sure of that," I teased calmly, dropping my hand from my scabbard, "From the looks of you, I could easily best you in a fair sword fight." His eyes sparkled with amusement. "I would like to take you up on that offer-" In an instant, my sword was out and held just parallel to Strider's neck. He seemed surprised by my swiftness, but did not falter in drawing his own blade and holding it up as I took a few steps back. We gave quick bows to each other to signify we meant no true harm and immediately began to spar, swords flashing in the setting sunlight as we went in circles, parrying, attacking, blocking, each blow a solid match to the others' strength and skill.

By the time the sun had finally dipped behind the trees, we were both tired but unwilling to give up against such a worthy foe. I pretended for my concentration to slip as I glanced up at a squirrel on a branch high above and, as I'd anticipated, Strider took a swing at my chest. I easily blocked it and twisted my arm up, to the side, and down again, knocking the sword from his hand and quickly bringing my blade up to rest below his chin again. We both stood gasping for breath for a long moment before I lowered my sword and sheathed it, leaning down to pick up his blade as well and hand it back by the hilt. He took it with a nod of thanks and admitted, "You are quite the warrior, Miss..." My lips curved up into a little grin. "Saewynn, daughter of Denethor II." A flicker of recognition appeared in his gaze and he gave me a small smile.

"And what may your given name be, so that I may know you other than Strider?" I questioned cautiously, nervous if he would want to tell, though, to my relief, he only replied, "Aragorn." My smile grew just the smallest bit, but I was sure he noticed and fought back a blush on my cheeks. Before I could speak again, he tilted his head to the side and asked, "Denethor... the steward of Gondor? You are his only female heir, then?" I nodded and responded, "Yes, though I doubt my father will hold his position for much longer... I will be glad to be let out of the castle, finally, and see the world. How I wish I could join the Fellowship- but alas, I have too many responsibilities at home." Aragorn's brow furrowed. "You said your father many not remain steward for much longer- is he unwell?" I chuckled and shook my head. 

"No, as far as I know, he is healthy. The reason I meant is how I am certain you will return to Gondor before this year is up, and so show my father what a real leader is. A true king." Aragorn seemed to take in the information slowly, realizing I knew very well who he was, and that someday he may overthrow (more or less) my father as the rightful king of Gondor. "And you do not care for your life of privilege?" he asked after a long moment of silence. "It is not that- I simply hate being cooped up in the castle all day. This meeting was the first time my father has let me journey out of Gondor since my mother died." Aragorn nodded in understanding and began to say something else, but was quickly cut off by a hobbit racing onto this large balcony, waving his arms in excitement and declaring, "Suppertime! Come along, Strider, and um, Miss Lady here, supper is served!" He gave a whoop and dashed away, and Aragorn and I shared an amused glance before following the young, exuberant, hungry fellow.

Four months later:
I dropped to my knees. No. This could not be happening. I buried my head in my long sleeves and began to sob my heart out. How could this be? He promised he would return, and now he was... gone. I looked up once and saw the cruel reality of the broken horn of Gondor lying on the floor before me, proving my doting, kind, amazing older brother was never to return. "I called him a fool," I sobbed as I felt arms wrap around me in a gentle, yet strong embrace. "The last time I saw him, I called him a fool. How could I?! I will never forgive myself-" "Shhh... shh, Saewynn, dry your tears. There will be a time to mourn- but not now. The kingdom is under attack." My head snapped up and I quickly rubbed my sleeves against my eyes, shaking my head furiously. "They must pay for the grief they have caused us!" I declared and stumbled upright, the one trying to comfort me, my younger brother Faramir, who had brought the news of Boromir's death, letting go of me as I put on a brave face. "I will fight-" "Saewynn-"

"Do not even think of trying to stop me."

One week later:
My father had gone mad- he was trying to burn Faramir and himself alive! I had barely escaped the guards, but Faramir, my poor, dear brother, was too injured to move. I bashed on the doors to the ceremonial fire building with a large stick, screaming bloody murder, until a shadow fell over my shoulders and I whirled around. There stood an angry-faced Gandalf, raising his staff to the door, a hobbit maintaining a brave expression despite his trembling knees at the wizard's side. I stepped away and let Gandalf crash open the doors and hurried in after him, along with the hobbit who I faintly knew, his name being Peregrin Took and how he'd foolishly pledged service to my father soon after the news of Boromir's death. The soldiers were just about to light the fire until I raised my arm and shouted, "Stop!" 

They all froze- except one, who was so startled by our entrance that he dropped the torch- directly on top of my father's foot. He screamed, as any rightful man would, in pain, and began to shake violently, but I did not pay attention to his dramatics and instead hurried to save Faramir. I pulled him from the fire and carried him out the door with help from Peregrin just as another guard accidentally knocked over a barrel of very flammable liquid, which my father stumbled right into. Now he was a shrieking, whirling, blaze of flames and melting man as he raced out onto the long balcony adjacent to the ceremonial fire building and leaped clear off the edge. I felt only a small twinge of remorse for his definite death, knowing that although he had been a good man earlier in life, when I was a child, he had gone paranoid, distrusting, gluttonous, over the last few years. A man who wished for his son's death to be replaced by his other son, and then have that son nearly burned alive, was not a man I wanted to remember as my father.

Faramir blinked his eyes open and gave me and Peregrin Took a small smile, though he winced in pain a moment after and I quickly called for a nurse. Gandalf healed as many of the smaller wounds as he could and the larger ones slowed their bleeding and then stopped, and I thanked the wizard again and again, sure now that my only remaining brother would survive. As I watched him carried away by the nurses and healers, he waved to me, and I gave a small wave back, determination growing in my heart, a bravery I had never felt appearing in my mind. I would fight in whatever this great battle was to become, raising my sword against an army of evil, and each one would fall before my blade and fury. I would not stand by while Middle Earth began to crumble beneath my very feet, as the peaceful life I had once known faded into memory. Now I only had to find a fast horse...

(Part two coming out soon! Thanks for reading!)

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