I Will Fight (part 2)

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(Requested by the fabulous hufflepuffturtle! Thanks so much!)

Type: One shot (part 2)

Pairing: Female reader x Aragorn


The stable doors flew open with a crash and splinter of wood. I winced at the damages but kept my steed galloping out over the cobblestones, down the streets of the lower city, and out the front gate. A few guards ran after me, weakly protesting my leave, but I ignored them and continued on. My home was threatened and I would defend it with my life if necessary. I rode on and on, for days on end, rarely breaking for food and sleep, but enough to keep up my strength for when I arrived on the battlefield. To Mordor, I rode, my sword in my scabbard, sharp and deadly, chain armor that hung off my body too loosely, and a helmet on my head, disguising my identity as best as possible. A week passed and I finally arrived at the camp, where thousands and thousands of soldiers waited, prepared to sacrifice their lives if needed, to save their homes. Just like me. But I was a woman, disgraced if I even mentioned fighting against the evil that besieged us, so I had to hide my true self in order to wage war with every ounce of strength and vengeance I had in my body.

I found the food tent and bartered for a small meal, just enough to stop my growling stomach. After I scarfed it down, hidden at the edge of a campfire, I set out to find Aragorn. It would be difficult, in that crowd, but I began searching and, luckily, found him quite quickly. Well- I more or less was jostled by a crowd of eager squires and, when I turned, found Aragorn staring straight at me from across a wide patch of mud and grass. I carefully went around it, feeling his gaze on me all the while, and soon found myself standing before the future king of Gondor, and the leader of the warriors gathered here today. I began to bow, but paused and rose when I heard him say, "My lady, you need not kneel, for we are equals." I gave him a nod in greeting instead and replied, "My lord Aragorn. I have come with grave news." His brow furrowed and he tilted his head, listening.

"I suppose you already know of Boromir's passing. My father went mad with grief and attempted to burn my brother Faramir and himself alive. He is dead, fallen off the cliffside as he burned. Faramir has suffered injuries by orcs and burns from the flames, but he will survive." Aragorn frowned, taking in the news, and after a long moment, asked, "And you, my Lady Saewynn? How are you faring?" I took a deep breath and drew my sword, offering him the hilt. "I have come to swear my allegiance to you and to fight in this battle." I half expected him to reply, 'It's too dangerous' or some other nonsense. but he did not, instead giving me a small smile and gently grasping the hilt of my sword, his hand just above mine. After a second, he handed back the blade and I sheathed it. "I know you will fight with the strength of ten, though you are one. You are a warrior, my lady." I gave a soft smile in reply as he repeated quietly, "You are a warrior."

On the battlefield:
My sword flashed with fury, my focus only on my current foe and who would next fall beneath my blade of vengeance. Orc after orc, felled at my feet, myself covered in disgusting blood that was not my own, only my enemies. I heard a scream of, "Look out!" from close by and stabbed the orc I was fighting through its gut, killing it, before whirling around to see numerous massive elephantines heading this way, ridden definitely by our enemies. They trampled many of my comrades and I gave a shout of anger, charging toward them. I found Legolas, at my side, the elf prince also bend on defeating as many of the beasts as we could. He dropped his hands down and I leaped on them just as he boosted up and I flew high into the air, landing on the head of one elephantine. Its driver was a puny fellow, and so were the rest of the crew, and I easily disarmed them all and pushed them off the edge. The elephantine didn't like that and tried to toss me off, but I held on to the thick rope reins and swung back at it, smacking the beast right in its eye. It wailed and toppled over and I hopped off, skidding to the ground with a small smirk.

"That was fun. Who's next?"

For the rest of the battle, I went after each elephantine that came into view. One by one, they fell, and soon enough, most were on the ground, either dead or incapacitated. I felt triumphant as the orc hordes began to diminish in size, my allies bravely fighting back, and winning. All of a sudden, as I turned to find another enemy, I felt a sword go through my side and gave a yell of pain. I'd been distracted by our coming victory for too long, and I cursed myself for it as I gritted my teeth and pulled away from the blade as it slid back out of my body. "SAEWYNN!" The shout sounded far away and dim, as the sounds of the battle around me faded. My vision was going blurry and I found it hard to stand, yet I still managed to swing my sword and chop off the offending orc's head. I dropped to my knees then, my strength giving out, and my sword fell with a clatter to the ground. I fought in this battle, just as I had sworn to do. I defeated many an enemy and watched my allies turn the tide of the fight toward our victory. Now, it may be the time for me to pass on from this life. At least I would get to see my brother again.

"Saewynn?" I forced myself to look up and saw a whispy, spirit-like version of Boromir floating just above the ground before me. He smiled and rested his hand on my shoulder. "I am so proud of you," he said softly and a single tear fell down my cheek. The pain in my side was becoming almost unbearable and I couldn't help a cry of agony. "I know you are hurt. I know you miss me." I nodded as I held my hands to the wound in my side, hoping to slow the blood gushing from it. "But now is not your time to go." He leaned down and kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. I didn't have to open them again to know he was gone. I felt an arm around me, a real human arm, and forced my eyes to open, even though my vision seemed to grow worse and dizzying. "Saewynn. Listen to me. You have to stay awake," I heard a familiar voice say to me, his tone worried and tense. I struggled to comply but felt the last of my life force draining from my body as I tried. I went limp in his arms and he shook me by the shoulders. "No!" But I couldn't force myself to stay awake any longer. All went black as I faded into sleep's welcoming arms.

Three months later:
"I see Her Majesty's not wholly awake yet," teased a voice I knew very well by now and I opened my eyes with a small smile. "Just a little sleepy, is all," I replied. At the end of my bed sat Aragorn, smiling affectionately at me. His crown rested on his head, a little crooked, and I beckoned him closer so I could fix it. After I did, he leaned down and kissed my cheek, and I surprised him by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down onto the bed beside me. "Saewynn..." he started to protest, but I ignored him and snuggled into his arms. He sighed in mock annoyance, but nonetheless held me close and hummed softly into my hair, as he always did when we cuddled. I smiled to myself, remembering the day I woke from what the healers called a 'coma', Aragorn close by. This was also the same day he- well, you'll see...

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, but there is nothing we can do-" "There must be something! Anything!" I heard these voices and struggled back to consciousness, the darkness around me fading away as lantern lights and the rustling of robes and murmured words appeared in its place. My throat was dry and my side hurt quite a lot, but I realized I was alive and I breathed a sigh of relief. I gave a few coughs to regain my voice and saw two people standing at the end of the small bed I laid in: a female I did not recognize, likely a healer, and Aragorn. He looked worried and... scared? I had never thought something could scare him, but I realized the thought of me dying just had. I managed to croak out, "Aragorn?" after a moment and he whirled around to see me awake and strong enough to smile at him. He hurried over and dropped to his knees beside my bed, which was rather low to the ground. "Saewynn... you're awake!"

"That I am," I replied quietly, before wincing at the pain in my side as I tried to sit up and failed miserably. "Though my side is rather pained..." Aragorn's wide smile faded and he lowered his head, as if not wanting to tell me something. "What is it?" The healer stepped forward with a serious gaze. "I am very sorry... We did all we could, but the wound damaged the connections between your lower torso and legs so much that you will never be able to walk again." I sighed and smiled, to the apparent surprise of Aragorn and the healer, and replied, "Is that all? I thought you were going to say I would die soon and painfully before saying goodbye to the ones I love." The healer shook her head, understanding now why I was so relieved, and walked away. Aragorn stood up and I thought he would leave as well, but instead he sat on the edge of my bed and said softly, "I am so glad you are alive, meleth nîn." I felt my cheeks flush and I gave a sly smile as I replied, "Glassen na chen cenin sui eithel." (It is my joy to see you as well.)

Aragorn's eyes widened and he asked, a bit sheepishly, "You speak Sindarin?" "Only a small bit, though enough to understand you just called me your love," I answered and waited for an explanation, but he just glanced away, apparently unsure of how I reacted. "Well, meleth nîn, I should tell you how I feel the same." He met my gaze again with a wide smile and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I closed my eyes and savored every moment of the kiss for as long as it lasted, quite a while actually, until we both needed air and he pulled away. "Gi melin," I whispered and he replied the same, "I love you, too."

Later that morning, Aragorn asked to court me, and of course, I said yes. Months later and here we were, about to be married in a week's time, completely in love- and our snuggling now making us both late to meet some official or another. As if reading my mind, Aragorn said softly, murmuring into the back of my neck, "I'm sure the elf can wait..."

"Where are the king and queen?! The elvish diplomats are not happy, we must hurry and find them!" came a voice passing by my door, and Aragorn and I glanced at each other sheepishly.

"I guess not."

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