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(Requested by the fantaaaaaabulooooous hufflepuffturtle!! )

Type: one shot

Pairing: Haldir x Female (Elf!) Reader

Warnings: The reader is incredibly insecure about herself... does that warrant a warning? I dunno. Read on, dear human, and may the force be with you!

Translations: Lossenel = Snowy female
Miluis = lovely one
Meleth nîn = my love
Thîr vain chîn darn thulen = Your beauty took my breath away.
Gi melin = I love you
Thalion nîn = my champion


Lossenel shakes her head sadly as she stares at her reflection in the mirror. She scorns everything about her looks. She thinks her eyes appear to far apart, her nose too wide, her lips too small and thin, her freckles unbecoming for an elf, and her smile seems crooked. Her hair is a deep chestnut brown, a color rare for one of her race and even rarer for a lady. Brown is seen as an ordinary, boring color for a lady elf's hair, becoming worse the darker the shade, and so she feels ashamed of her long locks, hiding them beneath a hooded cape or under a scarf whenever she can. She sighs and turns away from the mirror, grimacing to herself as she fastens the clasp on her deep blue winter's cloak. She heads outside her small apartment home in Lothlórien, her head bowed lower than she used to hold it and her feet shifting on the fallen leaves. It is late Autumn and the trees around shine and shimmer with vibrant colors. She pauses to admire the hues of daffodil, crimson, dawn, in the leaves and startles when another elf approaches her.

It is Haldir, her close friend, and he is worried about her. He's been noticing how she frowns at her face every time they pass a reflective surface and her low belief in her fighting abilities. He can see the doubt she holds in herself and wants to change that sad belief to a positive feeling. For Haldir is not just Lossenel's good friend, but he's grown to love her in years of late and wants her to see all the things he thinks beautiful about her. His plan is quite a risky one, but he is ready to take the plunge in order to tell her just how much he truly loves her. He smiles at Lossenel as he approaches and she feels her heart flutter, as it has for quite a while when he's around her.

"Lossenel, miluis, how are you faring?" She glances away and replies unconvincingly, "I'm alright. And you?" "Better now that I stand here talking to you." She blushes and shakes her head softly. "Don't... please, you'll only give me hope for what cannot be true." Haldir's brow furrows and he says, taking her hands between his own, "Lossenel, why do believe I have no feelings for you?" She glances back up and meets his gaze. He is completely earnest, but she still feels flutters of doubt in her mind. "Because I am not worthy of love," she admits to him and waits in worry for his reply.

"Meleth nîn, you could not be more wrong. No elf, or man or any other for that matter, is worthy of your love. I include myself in that, but still wish to try to prove myself to you." Haldir takes a nervous step back and kneels before Lossenel, still holding her hands between his. "Meleth nîn, the moment I first saw you, thîr vain chîn darn thulen. I wish to always be by your side to love and cherish you forever, and so I must ask you this: Would you grant me the greatest honor of becoming your husband?" She gasps, but then drops down on her knees before him and wraps him in a fierce hug. It's then that she realizes she's always loved Haldir and just hadn't fully believed it yet.

She kisses him sweetly as her hands tangle in his long blond hair and he holds her close with his arms tight around her. When they break apart, he rests his head on her shoulder and whispers, "Is that a yes?"

"Gi melin, Haldir," she mumbles back and kisses his cheek. "Of course I will marry you, thalion nîn."

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