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(requested by the absolutely wonderful hufflepuffturtleThank you so much for the request! Go check out her awesome one shot book here:

Type: One Shot

Pairing: Legolas x female (elf!) reader

Translations: Gallien = 'Daughter of truth', literally 'daughter of shining clear'
'Mellamin' = 'my love'


Legolas Thranduilion woke up this night, eyes wide and fearful, the memory of a nightmare still racing through his head. He had dreamed of a forest. There was an elleth, strangely familiar, by his side. They walked along the paths, on the watch for any outsiders, especially orcs, and talking like old friends. She had been quite beautiful, the elven prince remembered, but her name escaped his mind like a firefly flitting away from a child's grasp in the summer evening, just out of reach. Legolas dropped his head into his hands as the images of the terrible dream came back to him vividly: The poisoned arrow, appearing out of seemingly nowhere, struck the elleth in the back of her leg and she'd collapsed with a cry of pain. Legolas had spun around, looking for the attacker, his heart racing with a strange passion and fury, but there was nothing to be seen. When he turned back, the elleth had disappeared completely and he'd woken up.

The prince sighed and climbed out of his bed, heading to the balcony to gaze at the stars. This nightmare had plagued him for weeks, and although he did not know the reason for the vivid dreams appearing now and so frequently, he certainly remembered what they were inspired by. Nearly a century ago, a beautiful, quiet, kind elleth had joined the apprentice guard of Eryn Galen and had met Legolas by defeating him- over and over- in training. The pair had grown close after the elleth, Gallien, officially joined the royal guard due to her incredible skill in battle and soon were fast friends. The memory of the last day she was alive was always hovering in the back of Legolas' mind, ever since that fateful day ninety years past, nearly the exact same as his nightmares.

As he gazed at the stars high above his forest kingdom home, little did he know another, one he used to know well, was gazing at the same night sky- Gallien. She had been kidnapped by a tall, brutish orc scout and only just escaped with her life- after she'd been taken halfway across Middle Earth. Her wounds left her with scars all over her left arm and the other side of her face. She hid the scars, ashamed of them and the past pain they showed, with a little glamor and traveled around this world, exploring and adventuring, crossing paths with at least one of every race you could imagine of: hobbits, elves, men, orcs, other elves, even one Balrog. She assumed she had been proclaimed dead in her old home or Eryn Galen, and so never really thought of returning. By a chance meeting with an elven merchant on his way to Lothlorien, she decided to join him on his journey, wanting to meet the Lady of Light and her husband, the king.

This decision would unknowingly lead her back to an old friend.

Nearly a month later, Legolas led the Fellowship of the Ring through the forestland of Lothlorien, the elven kingdom of Galadriel and Celeborn, keeping an eye out for any scouts nearby who might have alerted the guard to the group's presence. He could feel a pair of eyes on him, though not one from behind in the Fellowship, but someone watching from high above in the trees. No matter how hard he tried to see the mysterious elf, he could never catch a glimpse of them, and so remained on edge until Haldir appeared, his bow drawn and his voice calm and slightly threatening, demanding they be brought to the center of the wood and the king and queen who dwelled there.

Gallien was on her daily stroll around the woods close to the center kingdom, leaping quietly through the tree branches as she always did, when she heard rather loud talking from below and climbed a few meters down to investigate. A handsome elf led a rather unexpectedly diverse group of people, a few hobbits, men, and even a dwarf! Gallien, tilted her head as her gaze narrowed on the leader of the group, a strange feeling that she knew him from somewhere. Her heart began to race and she frowned at unfamiliar emotion blossoming in her chest. How strange- she now knew she had to find out who this strange elf was and so followed the motley group back to Lothlorien along with the guard.

Once the Fellowship had reached the kingdom and met Galadriel and Celeborn, after a brief discussion, all was settled for the night, the group gaining supper, extra supplies, and lodging for the evening. Although Legolas knew he should take this time for a rare respite from the long journey, relax a little, his mind strayed to the stranger in the trees above them earlier. Who were they? And why were they following the Fellowship? He began to pace, but all of a sudden, heard a tree branch snap from behind him and spun around. Someone stood in the shadows, of narrow build, not a man or a dwarf, but an elf, likely an elleth. "I can see you in the shadows- reveal yourself," he demanded quietly, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. 

Gallien stepped forth into the light of the tree trunk patio, blinking against the sudden brightness and giving a small tilt of her head at the strange, handsome elf she'd been following. As he came into focus, she felt a twinge in the back of her mind and a memory of days long past flitted across her mind. Arrows. Pain. Poison. A concerned, scared face disappearing as branches flew past her vision, carried away, away from her home. Gallien's eyes widened at the same time as Legolas' and she took a cautious step forward. "I know you..." she whispered, almost afraid to admit the truth, and a smile broke across his face as he reached for her hand. His gentle, soft grasp made the elleth's heart skip and she began to smile in return. "Legolas." "Gallien."

He moved his hands to her waist and twirled her in a small circle in a moment of joy. "You disappeared, I never thought I'd see you again-" Her hands rested on his shoulders as he set her down again, and she cut him off, "I was kidnapped, by an orc, I never came back because I was sure everyone believed me to be dead-" "We did, there was a beautiful funeral, but that doesn't matter, you're back! You're here, in front of me, speaking to me again!" Legolas hugged her close and she did the same, her head leaning against his shoulder as they embraced. "You have returned home, mellamin," he whispered and her heart skipped a beat. Mellamin? 

She leaned her head back so she could see his face and discovered he was blushing, just the slightest, but nonetheless, his cheeks were a shade of pale rose. She was stunned speechless. For a long moment, neither of them spoke, but then Gallien smiled softly and whispered a reply, "Yes, I am home wherever you are- mellamin." Legolas' smile was the happiest she'd ever seen and her own grin widened as well. He leaned in and sweetly kissed her, his hands still resting on her hips as her own fingers ran through his long blonde hair. They were so wrapped up in the kiss, so in love and overjoyed at being reunited, they didn't notice the dwarf trodding onto the patio and stopping in surprise, his eyes widening at the two elves.

"What in the name of-"

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