Stressed Out

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(For the wonderful hufflepuffturtle! Thanks so much for the request!)

Type: One shot

Pairing: Lindir x Female (Elf!) reader


Translations: Rîlil = brilliant female
Meleth nîn = my love
Nîn melda bess = my dear wife 
Len suilon- Man i eneth lîn? = Hello- what is your name?
I eneth nîn Rîlil. = my name is Rîlil.
Ídh I eneth nîn Lindir. = my name is Lindir

A librarian's life was supposed to be peaceful, was it not?

And yet here Lindir was, rushing back and forth all across the palace, completing important errands for King Elrond and filing papers and so many other tasks he'd nearly lost track of them all. He gave a soft sigh as he headed back to the throne room, carrying a stack of papers so high he could barely see out over them. As he tried to open the door with his foot, it swung open as three young elven children rushed out, laughing and squealing as they raced past into the hallway, their caretaker hurrying out after them. Lindir's papers all fluttered to the floor and he barely held back from uttering a quiet elven curse, but then he suddenly realized someone else was assisting him to pick up the mess. He looked up and saw a beautiful elleth watching the floor as she crouched, most of the loose papers in her arms. She looked up and met his gaze with a kind smile and he sighed, standing up as she did the same and taking the documents from her grasp.

"Rîlil, nín melda bess, what were you doing in the throne room again? Petitioning the king to grant me less work again?" Rîlil shook her head unconvincingly, and Lindir sighed, placing the papers carefully onto a nearby bench and taking her hands in his gentle grasp. "Melleth nîn, I know you only mean well, but you must stay away-" The beautiful elleth lowered his gaze and replied, "I know. I am sorry, but I only wish I could spend more time with you. After all, aren't I 'your dear wife'?" He nodded and gently raised her chin up again to meet her disappointed gaze. "I am the one who is sorry. I wish I had all the time in the world to be with you, but alas, I do not have the liberty..." Her forced smile made his heart sigh in sorrow that he was disappointing her, but there really was nothing to be done about it. He had to do his job, as he reminded himself as his wife headed away and out to the gardens, her steps slow and melancholy. There used to be a time when he could spend as long as he wanted with her, but no longer was that the case. With another soft sigh, Lindir picked up his papers again and headed into the throne room.

In the weeks following that day, Lindir found himself swamped more and more with commands and work from the king, so much so that he was getting very little sleep and was the most disorganized and frenzied anyone had ever seen him. Rîlil noticed quickly and tried to get her husband to take a break, but he protested that he simply could not. King Elrond discerned Lindir's exhaustion and stress as well and finally commanded that he take a few days of break. The librarian-turned-advisor elf seemed stunned silent by this turn of events and only managed to leave for this well-earned holiday after one of the maids sweeping through the palace took him by the shoulders and gently pushed him toward the door. Rîlil was, understandably, elated when he told her he was getting a break and she immediately declared first things were first: "You must bathe," she commanded, pointing toward the washroom in their shared quarters, "You haven't done so in days and I'm sure it will relax you." 

After a very long, very relaxing (Rîlil had been right) bath, Lindir emerged from the washroom smiling wider than he had in months ever since he began to feel overly stressed about his work.  Rîlil, his ever thoughtful, sweet wife, had packed a picnic lunch while he was soaking in the tub and they headed down to the calmest length of the river, merely a brook by a gazebo, arm in arm. Lindir couldn't stop smiling and neither could Rîlil, the couple so happy and cheerful they conjured smiles onto the faces of those they passed, their joy wonderfully infectious. After the food had been eaten and they had merrily splashed in the brook a little, the elleth and elf now laid side by side, gazing up at the passing clouds, their hands intertwined. "Do you remember the day we met?" Rîlil asked softly after a moment and Lindir turned his head to smile lovingly at her. "I would never forget it, for it was the greatest day of my life, other than the day I married you, my beautiful, sweet, kind, perfect wife." She kissed the tip of his nose and they turned their gazes back up to the blue sky speckled with puffy clouds, both remembering that first meeting.

Rîlil hurried down the path into Rivendell, pursued by a scout of orcs who, although they were few, were still too many for an unarmed elleth with an injury to her shoulder to fight off. Her speed began to falter as the palace came into sight, so far away it seemed, and she felt her heart sink as she realized she would never make it in time.
Lindir rode his gentle stag up the path to the mountain entrance to the kingdom he called home, just on a leisurely ride through the small woods near the eastern mountain barrier. Suddenly, a scream, undoubtedly coming from an elleth, pierced the otherwise calm air. He immediately turned his stag towards the commotion, his elven ears picking up the sounds of orc feet chasing after soft elleth footsteps close by.
Rîlil believed she was certainly about to die as a shrill scream escaped her lips, her feet hitting the ground slower and slower as she began to lose stamina, the chase that had lasted for nearly a full day about to end with her demise. A shadow suddenly loomed before her and her eyes widened at the sight of a handsome, brave elf riding a magnificent stag, rearing as they blocked out the sun. In a flash, he was behind her and quickly fended off all the orcs.

Lindir drove his blade through the last of the orcs' chest and it fell to the ground with a thud. He turned and leaped off his stag to the ground, crouching beside the fallen elleth and helping her up onto unsteady feet. He gently held her up and she leaned against his stag for support as she raised her gaze to meet his. Lindir's breath seemed to disappear from his body as he took in her beauty and grace, her expression thankful and at the same time, worried.
Rîlil frowned and she reached out to carefully touch his arm."You are bleeding," she said softly, drawing her gaze back up to his kind eyes. The elf nodded once and brought his arm up to hers and their fingers intertwined, fitting perfectly together, hand in hand. "It is only a small scratch... Len suilon- Man i eneth lîn?" Rîlil let a small smile appear on her face. "I eneth nîn Rîlil."  "Ídh I eneth nîn Lindir."

Lindir blinked out of the memory to the feeling of Rîlil gently resting her head on his chest as they both laid on the grass, gazing up at the passing clouds. She gave a contented sigh and Lindir gently ran his fingers through her hair, smiling softly to himself as he reminded himself just how amazingly lucky he was to have fallen for such a beautiful, perfect elleth as his Only, and even more so that she loved him in return.

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