Stumbling for Words

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Type: One shot

Pairing: Peregrin Took x Female (Elf!) Reader

Translations: Rochel = horse girl
Mellonen = my friend
Veleth chîn thilia mi chinech. = Your love glitters in your eyes. 


I smile softly at the two hobbits king around and laughing at the back of the group. One of them, Pippin I believe is his nickname, meets my gaze and waves. I start to walk over and his eyes widen, his grin fading, but I don't turn back. "Master Hobbits, hello. Pippin and Merry, I assume? I don't think we've been properly introduced. I am Rochel of Rivendell. It's a pleasure to meet you." Pippin opens his mouth but does not speak for several moments, and when he does, it sounds more like gibberish. Meriadoc glances at his friend worriedly and says to me, "What Pippin means to say is it's a pleasure to meet you too, Miss Rochel." Pippin just stares at me for a long minute before coughing and glancing away, his cheeks pink. I'm not sure how to react- I've never made a male this tongue-twisted before. So I simply nod a silent farewell and move back to my place in the procession, near the front. "It seems Master Pippin has quite the crush on you, mellonen," teases Legolas and I nudge his side in rebuttal, barely holding back a blush.

That evening, as we set up camp in the shelter of a rocky valley, I spot Merry poking and teasing Pippin and pointing at me. I pass by them, carrying firewood to Aragorn and Boromir, and overhear Merry encouraging his friend, "Look, she's right there, just go talk to her!" I wave at them, pretending to not have heard anything, and Pippin waves back with a wide, albiet nervous smile. Legolas refrains from teasing me again, or so I think, but later on he elbows me and makes wide eyes over at Pippin, who is blatantly staring at me with a dreamy look on his face. I smirk and stand up to go say hello, hoping this time we'll be able to talk normally. Merry makes some excuse when he sees me approaching and scurries over to Legolas, where they start murmuring with knowing smiles. I tap Pippin on the shoulder as I sit down beside him and he turns with a smile. He freezes when he realizes who I am, but then I smile at him and say, "Um, hello, Pippin."

The handsome hobbit jolts back into reality and replies, stuttering, "U-uh, he-hel-hello you to a-also Rochel Miss?" I ignore the scattered way of his speech and reply, "How are you faring? I saw you trip over a root earlier and it looked like the fall hurt. Are you alright?" He blushes a deep scarlet and manages to respond a little more clearly this time. "I-I'm um, I'm alright, th-thanks for- for asking. Uh, er, you how faring are?" "I'm quite well, thank you, and I'll readily admit I feel happier talking to you than any other in this Fellowship. Pippin's jaw drops open and his cheeks somehow flush even darker red. "I, um, oh, well-" he stutters and I sigh softly before gently taking his hand in mine.

He freezes and I take the chance to say, "Pippin, don't be nervous, I'm just another member of the Fellowship and someone who wants to be your friend." He nods after a moment and takes a deep breath before spewing out, "Well, it's just that you're so pretty and I didn't know how to say so without seeming too up front but then I just said it oh dear well... I think you're really pretty?" I can tell my own cheeks are flushing pink and I squeeze his hand reassuringly as I reply, "Thank you Pippin, that's so kind of you to say. Really, it means a lot to me. Especially coming from such a handsome hobbit." He looks almost comically shocked and stumbles for words once again, but in the middle of his stuttering, I cut him off with a soft, swift kiss. He is completely stunned and just stares at me with his jaw dropped and his eyes wide. I chuckle and say quietly, "I'll, um, leave you a moment to regroup."

I head back over to Legolas, Gimli, and Merry, who are all whispering about something, likely Pippin and I. When i sit down beside Legolas, my cheeks flushed and a small, happy smile on my face, he grins and declares, only loud enough for the four of us to hear, "We all saw the kiss. You can't deny it now, veleth chîn thilia mi chinech." I blush even more and elbow his side, but he only laughs and turns to speak to Gimli, who is seated on the other side of him. Merry, who is lounging beside me, taps my shoulder to catch my attention and I turn around. But it's not Merry who looks for my attention, it's Pippin, who's finally regained his senses and came after me. He shifts on his feet before suddenly leaning forward and planting a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips.

I kiss back and lean closer to him, his hand finding mine to grasp it tightly. Merry hoots at us kissing and soon Gimli is chuckling and Legolas, Samwise, and Frodo are whooping along with Mister Brandybuck. Aragorn, Gandalf, and Boromir only watch with amused and knowing smiles as we slowly break apart. I let out a soft, girlish giggle and Pippin smiles hopefully at me. "I think I've finally figure out how to say it, Miss Rochel," he says triumphantly and I grin as I reply, "To say what, Mister Pippin?" "You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met!" I blush again as those around us cheer. My hand is still in Pippin's grasp and I squeeze his hand gently. "Thank you Pippin. And do you know what?" "Likely not, what is it?" I lean up and whisper in his ear. He goes beet red and sways on his feet, stumbling for speech, but then faints and Merry catches him before he hits the ground. "What in all of Middle Earth did you say?!" asks Frodo, appearing worried, but he can't keep an amused smile off his face. "It would be best if you didn't know, Mister Frodo." His cheeks flush and Samwise, seated beside him, goes pale. Aragorn chuckles and soon commands us all off to bed. I kiss the still unconscious Pippin on the forehead and murmur goodnight as I lay down on my bedroll beside his, tucking his blanket around him comfortably. As I drift off to sleep, I smile to myself at the events of today, during which I just might have fallen in love.

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