That Would Be Enough

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(Hello to all my lovely readers! Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been very busy and haven't had much time or inspiration to write. If I haven't published a story you've requested, I'm very sorry about that, and if you comment on this book, private message me, or post on my feed I will absolutely get that written. I am also looking for any new requests and yeah.)

Type: songfic

Pairing: Elrond x Female (Dwarvess!) Reader

Hope you like!

A gentle-faced dwarvess rested upon a chaise lounge, sighing as she sank into it's cushions. She gazed around at the grand room, with its elegant chandelier, gold-embossed mantel, and curved chestnut roof. Two months had passed since her covert lover, the king of the elven realm Imladris, rode off to battle in lands far away, and by now she had discovered herself to bear a secret even greater than that of their love. Now, she waited, a guest in his palace in the valley, with only mere minutes to wait before he would return to her. The door opened to her left and she offered a wan smile to the familiar elf who met her gaze the moment he entered the room. His mouth curved upward just the slightest, hinting at his gladness to see her again, and approached the lounge seat where she sat patiently.

The elven king, who went by the name Elrond, opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes were drawn to her left hand, which rested upon her stomach, and paused, his mouth agape. The dwarvess stood, her smile widening as she wrapped him in her arms, a careful hug. He stepped back, still speechless, as she walked to the balcony of the room, bringing him along by her hand holding his. They gazed out over the kingdom, for they stood in the king's quarters and could see almost everything in the valley. The dwarvess breathed in the lovely scents of the arriving summer, taking in the view, while the elf stared straight ahead, into the mountains, as his thoughts whirled. His love turned to him then and brought both her hands to hold his between them.

"Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now.
Look around, look around."

Her voice was soft, sweet, as gentle as a warm breeze, and exactly as Elrond remembered it. With her words, he finally found the strength to speak, to ask what he thought would be best to question.

"How long have you known?"

"A month or so."

The elven king stared at her in surprise, his hands giving hers a squeeze as his expression fell from thoughtful to concerned.

"Tedi, you should have told me."

The dwarvess shook her head and dropped her hands, turning back to face the kingdom below. Her long hair blew in the breeze and Elrond felt that same flutter in his heart as he always did when he looked at her.

"I wrote to your general a month ago."

Elrond started. So that's what the brigadier general had been so adamant about telling him that day. The war was thick and bloody, and at the time, it would be impossible for him to leave his troops. For a full month, the same elf had begged him to go back to Imladris, citing many, vague reasons why, though all included Tedi. The king finally gave in when his second general, when the brigadier general told him the details of what had happened, joined the attempted persuasion and even threatened to take the soldiers under his command (well over three hundred) and leave. Elrond trusted both ellens greatly, but doubted their empty pleas until the threat. Feeling forced to leave, he retreated home with the most wounded soldiers in his party, though he wasn't all too glad to go. Until now, finally knowing why they were so adamant.


"I begged him to send you home."

"You should have told me."

"I'm not sorry."

Elrond reached for Tedi's hand and she let him take it, but did not turn to face him as she continued in the silence caused by his lack of reply.

"I knew you'd fight
Until the war was won,
But you deserve a chance to meet your son.
Look around, look around at how lucky we are
To be alive right now."

"Would you relish being an elf king's dwarven wife,
Taunted for your race all your life?"

Tedi shook her head at him as she turned, her smile warm yet serious. She knew this was what she wanted.

"I relish being your wife.
Look around, look around.
Look at where we are."

Elrond took in the kingdom before him. His people, his valley, to protect. He had everything- almost.

"Look at where we started."

She was entirely right. When their secret relationship had begun, they were both shy and scared to be caught. As a year passed and the moon waned from new to full, they grew bolder, less fearful, and more in love with each other each day. They had grown so much together since then, and by now Elrond knew he could not be complete without her.

"The fact that our love still lives is a miracle
Just keep it alive, that would be enough.
And if this child shares a fraction of your smile,
Or a fragment of your mind, that would be enough."

Her smile, which had grown dreamy and wide, fell as she met his gaze, her eyes shining with hope. She didn't know what his feelings were now, or what futures he was dreaming of, and so she spoke her mind on the matter:

"I don't pretend to know
The challenges you're facing.
The worlds you keep erasing and creating in your mind.
But I'm not afraid."

Elrond opened his mouth to protest, but she shook her head, stepping closer and wrapping her arms around his middle, her head pressed against his chest. She could feel and hear his heartbeat as he hugged her back, his arms looser than they usually would be, and she took a deep breath. Stepping back again, she met his gaze and never let her eyes leave his.

"You are the one I want to marry.
And so long as you come home to me at the end of the day-
That would be enough.
I want this to be my place in history.
I care for you, not your money.

"If I could grant you peace of mind,
If you could bring us into the light.
Oh, let me be a part of the narrative
In the story they will write someday.
Let this moment be the first chapter
Where you decide to stay.

"And I could be enough."

Elrond stooped and kissed her forehead softly.

"And we could be enough."

His reply was quiet, but it made all the difference to Tedi. She smiled and held one hand against her stomach, the other caressing his cheek. Everything would be alright in the end, and they both could see it now.

"That would be enough."

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