What's Best for You, for the Kingdom...

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Type: One shot

Pairing: Thranduil x Female (Elf!) Reader

Warning: Kinda sad at some points


"Captain Elmira? The king wishes to see you in his chambers," says a quiet voice from behind me. I straighten my posture and turn around with a soft sigh. A young elven steward stands behind me, fidgeting with his hands and glancing about my room. "Ah, thank you," I reply, tilting my head in a gentle nod his way, and brush past him to leave. "Captain?" I turn around again and the boy sends me a mischevious smile. "Do you happen to have a coin or two to spare?" 

"Shameless, aren't you? Alright, here you go." I shake my head at his boldness but still toss him a few silver coins, which he snags from the air and dashes away. I smirk, remembering my own youth was spent in such a way, ferrying messages to and from important elven officials. Now I am the captain of guard of Mirkwood, only recently appointed after Tauriel's disappearance. Prince Legolas went along with her, and so the king has been calling to speak with me frequently as of late, worrying over his son and the threats of an orc army not too far from our woodland home.

Thranduil and I have been friends for as long as I can remember, and that is a long time. We grew up side by side, exploring Mirkwood, hearing stories from the elders, laughing and teasing each other as we raced through the trees and around the riverbends close to the kingdom. Throughout that time I felt a warmth in my heart that grew and grew until I could not deny it anymore- I had fallen in love with Thranduil. Those feelings still haven't gone away... Anyway, I miss those days now, when all of Middle Earth seems restless and thirsty for war. I snap out of my thoughts as I arrive at the door to Thranduil's private apartments. Very few are welcome here, and I feel only our bond as children is what gives the king his reasoning to share his worries with me. Also, my position as head guard now may also have something to do with that.

I knock thrice on the door and listen for the customary "Enter," but it does not come. I knock once more and still, no answer. I wait another ten minutes, but he does not appear and I move to leave. "Elmira?" I sigh and turn back around. Thranduil stands in the doorway, smiling softly at me as always, but there is something off about his demeanor today. "You didn't answer," I say and follow him into the room. He leads me onto the balcony as he replies, "I apologize. I was lost in my thoughts." 

"Of course... It is my error that I hadn't assumed as such." I give an apologetic nod and gaze out over the kingdom below. It is beautiful as always, but I can feel Thranduil's gaze upon me and it is a little unnerving. "Why do you stare at me so?" I inquire, looking back at him, and his smile fades. "I did not call you here to worry for my son today." I tilt my head, growing curious, and he continues, "We must speak of matters of the heart."

I pause, my confusion fading into a feeling of dread. "Whatever do you mean?" He does not reply for a long minute and my sense of worry grows. "I mean I feel something for you I have not felt for another in many, many years." I turn away and stare out at the kingdom, gripping the railing tight as to not stumble and fall. "...Go on." 

"I believe it is love, but I cannot see if you feel the same towards me. Please, tell me if you do. I cannot waste another minute without you by my side." I feel my eyes begin to water and hurriedly blink away the tears before they fall. 

"I... I... I cannot reply as such. I am sorry, but... It is what is best for the kingdom. For you."

Before he can speak or even move, I have fled out the door and back down the hall to whence I came. I take many turns and twists throughout the palace that I almost lose my way. I end up on the topmost balcony of the tallest tower, staring out over the treetops and at the fabled Lonely Mountain on the distance. I did what is best... I try to convince myself, wiping away tears of sorrow and wistfulness, Best for him, for the kingdom, for myself... How could the queen of Mirkwood ever be a lowly wood elf? It should not happen... And yet, my heart aches... Why must I feel this way?

A month and a few days later:

"Captain Elmira? The king wishes to see you in his chambers?" I blanch, remembering the last time someone spoke those words, and turn around stiffly to see the same boy from over a month ago standing behind me again, his expression grim. I wordlessly nod and hand him a few silver coins on my way out the door of my room, swallowing back guilt and the memory of the last time we spoke.

"I cannot waste another minute without you by my side."  His words haunt my waking hours and in my dreams, all I see is his heartbroken expression, one that I never got to see for I fled so soon. I miss long walks in the gardens, just talking, walking maybe a little too close for just friends. I miss smiles and the fluttering in my heart when he walked by. I miss the wistful look in his eyes whenever he looked at me- alas, I didn't realize what the emotion was until it was too late and he stopped meeting my gaze. When we speak, it is only for my duties as head of the guard and nothing more. My heart yearns to find him, to fall into his arms, to apologize over and over as I confessed I was scared. But I cannot. I cannot find the bravery nor the stupidity it would take me to do such a thing.

I take a long, deep breath before raising my fist to knock on the door. Tap. Tap. Tap. Three knocks, as it always was. This morning, the door opens immediately and I turn my gaze away, frightened to look into his eyes and see what emotion lies there. "Elmira..." Before I can react, he has pulled me into the room by his hand on my arm, and I am now mere inches from his face. All the air leaves my body as I realize just how close we are and feel my pale cheeks blush pink, betraying my inner whirling thoughts. I take a step back, but Thranduil keeps his grip on my arm and I can't move too far away from him. "Ellie, please," he says softly, so quiet I nearly miss it, but I reluctantly lift my head up and meet his gaze. He looks at me with such hope and wistfulness and wonder that I feel my heart ache more than it ever has.

"Ellie, please... I never plead, and you know that... But I beg of you to no longer hide your feelings for me." I inhale sharply and search for words to say, but I can find nothing. "Why did you desert me so suddenly that day?" he asks softly, but I still cannot seem to speak. "Love is a feeling I have not felt in so long and yet I have always harbored this love for you," he admits and I finally remember the words to respond. "I thought it would be what is best for you, for the kingdom- but my heart does not agree with my mind." He brightens up and gently pulls me closer as I continue to speak, and I let him. "I thought a lowly wood elf such as myself could never be a good queen... But most of all, I was scared. I've never felt anything so strong as-" By now we are barely an inch apart and I finally whisper the truth, "As the love I feel for you."

Our lips crash together in a soft and tender kiss, Thranduil's arms wrapping around me in a gentle embrace as my hands rest on the back of his head. I can feel the love coursing through this kiss and the force of it is so strong it leaves me breathless once we break apart. I smile softly, resting my head on his shoulder, as he gently strokes the back of my hair. We just stand there, embracing, for a long few minutes, until I lean back and kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry I was scared..." I mutter as I rest my forehead gently against his. "I love you," he immediately murmurs back, and I reply the same. We kiss once more, then I tease, "I suppose Mirkwood will have to do with a wood elf for a queen." He smiles and my heart flutters. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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