part-12( unwanted bride)

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the story will take a short leap of 5 years form upcoming chapters
please comment and let me know how you like the story
and if i should continue it
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thank you for your support everyone❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
sai pov
it has been a year since the incident changed my life
a year since the incident which shook my world
i clearly remember the day
on my baby shower
when virat sir gave me this chain
saying how much he loved me
sai pov
the feeling was real
just 3 more months and my baby will be here
our complete family
and my virat sir was busy picking out names
for our child
sai: i thought of a name virat sir
virat: what is it
sai: sai
virat: what's the name sai
sai: that's what i'm telling
virat: so you want to name our child after you
sai: yes i'm doing all the work
so the child should have my name
virat: really i didn't do anything
who gave you this child
sai: i wanted one so i got it
virat: just like that
you don't remember what i have done to you
to have this child?
should i make you remember it
sai pov
he came close to me
and pulled me into a demanding kiss
day by day our love life became a demanding one
he was about to remove my saree
but we heard a shout from my mother in law outside the door asking us to hurry for dinner
virat: my mom knows how to disturb our time
sai: we can continue after dinner
virat: before that won't you ask your gift
sai: what gift everyone gifted me in the function except you
virat: that's because i saved the best one for the last
here you go
sai pov
i was surprised when i opened the box
they were two chains
one a small one
and the other a big one
sai: why two virat sir
virat: this big one is for my wife
and the small one is for our kush ( happiness)
sai: how do you know it's a son
virat : i don't know
i had a feeling
but if it's not a son
then it's for my daughter kushi
sai; such a boring name virat sir
i wanted to name him after my favorite actor
virat: im not naming him/ her
with your weird names
sai: nimbu lal is not a weird name
just imagine our son in the class room
everyone will think different
virat: everyone will oust him
for being nimbu lal chavan( red lemon)
sai: fine for this time i will settle with lush or kushi
but next time it's my choice
virat: are we having another one?
sai: why not
don't you want to plan ahead
virat: i like it
my tasty wine
sai: i'm wine
virat: yes let me taste you
sai: stop it virat sir
sai pov
i burried my head inside his shirt
covering my shyness
i don't know what's happening to me
******2 days later **********************
sai pov
i never thought my laughing days wound come to an end today
i wanted to reveal to virat sir about my obsessive lover angad maan
and close his case once for all
as i was about to tell him
i got a message from angad saying it might be the last day of my virat sir
the thought itself made me scared for life
virat sir was my everything and loosing him
was not an option for me
so i quickly tried to reach virat sir
only to know he was on a mission to arrest angad himself
i just couldn't control
so i asked virats sirs assistant the location of the arrest
virat pov
i was about to solve another case
where this angand maan the serial kidnapper had to be arrested
i was waiting for him to come out of the building
as we heard he had implanted some bombs around the house
it was a very difficult situation
when angand finally gave up
and was about to surrender
he did something unthinkable
he took one of the officers gun
and stared to shoot
the cross fire has started
i also took out my pistol
and was about to shoot him
that's when i saw sai come in the middle
and angad used her as a blackmail
by putting a gun on her head
virat: angad please leave her
don't do anything to my sai
angand : she asked for it
so she is getting it
what do you mean your sai
she was mine
but her father would never agree our love
sai: i don't love you
virat sir trust me
i only love you
virat: angad please leave her
angad : not until
i go to a safe place
virat pov
when angad turned his back i took a risk
and shot his foot
only for sai to escape
we were about to get him handcuffed
but suddenly he got up and shot a bullet at sai
making her hit the ground
in a mad range
i shot angand
and went to sai only to see her
drenched in blood and calling out for me
sai: please save my child virat sir
virat: nothing will happen to you sai
i'm here
let me take you to the hospital
sai: help me virat sir
virat pov
the tears were not stopping
i tried to assure my sai
but i already knew what was happening
virat pov
this was not supposed to happen
within mins my whole world was coming to a halt
they were wheeling her inside the operation room
my shirt was soaked in her blood
tears slipped from our eyes as we already knew what was happening to us
i was about to go inside room
but the hospital staff stopped me
and gave me a sheet to sign
doctor : you have to make a choice mr chavan
sai: virat sir please don't sign it
i admit i was wrong hiding things from you
but please don't give up on our child
please virat sir
sai pov
i was pleading him
my eyes couldn't take it
the pain was not bearable anymore
virat sir turned away from me
and signed the sheet
sai: virat sir please
listen to me please
tell them to save my baby
we were waiting for our kushi
our child will be here in a few months
please don't kill it virat sir
i beg you
sai pov
virat sir removed his hand from me
and took the sheet form the doctor
he was not listening to me
neither to my pleas or his heart
we love this child
why are you doing this sir
virat pov
with tears in my eyes
i signed the sheet
virat : i want my wife
i don't want the child
sai: virat sir please
don't do this
sai pov
my pleas were unheard
and virat sir didn't look back
as they took me inside the operation theater
virat pov
i collapsed on the floor thinking about the events
why can't i just have peace
that's when the doctor came by and gave me the news
doctor : i'm sorry mr chavan
we couldn't save the child
**********end of flashback **************
sai pov
it took me a whole year to come out of depression
i know even though virat sir doesn't say it
his eyes speak everything
he  blames me for not telling about angad
also for coming in the middle of the mission
which led to this accident
seeing him come home drunk again
was worrying me
sai: virat sir
are you ok
virat: if our child was alive
today it would have celebrated the first birthday sai
all because of you i lost my child
all because of your foolishness
because of your secrets my child is no more
why sai
why did you do this
sai: virat sir your hurting me
virat: i forgave you for everything sai
but now i can't do that anymore
i want my child sai
give it to me
sai pov
the whole night was painful
when virat sir was pounding into me
asking me for our lost child
the physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional one i was going through right now
i tried to forgive him
but his last words
made me leave the house the next day
without informing anyone
i was never welcomed here
i was just an unwanted bride

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