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Lance ate a bowl of cereal as he had a bagel with peanut butter next to it as he stared at a open book when a tall teen with long dark brown hair in a messy bun walked in. Lance rolled his eyes as he swallowed the spoonful of Cheerios.

"You want to go to the store or me?" Lance asked flatly and midnight blue eyes stared at him.

"I can go, you don't get the right stuff," the fellow teenager said calmly as he had a British accent like Allura, the two came from the same place but met lance still when they were all very young.

"Hey I get the right stuff! Same picture!" Lance took offense.

"No you don't," Lotor smirked and the boys quieted down as Lotor watched Allura walk in the kitchen in her white dress.

Lance glared at Lotor and pointed at him.

"You look lovely Allura," Lotor smirked staring right at lance who looked at Lotor darkly.

"Thank you Lotor, are you going to the store?" Allura asked as she reached for a bowl for cereal as well.

"Yes, lance informed me," Lotor nodded making himself coffee.

"Great! You always get the right stuff," Allura beamed brightly and Lotors smirk increased across his lips as lance sputtered silently.

"Lance would you mind going with? We forgot some other food," Allura grabbed a note book and started writing down the food list.

"Sure," Lance grumbled as he continued to glare to lotors amusement.

Allura looked between the two as she noticed the silent battle of them and groaned.

"Enough with that you two, grow up boys," Allura scoffed and Lotor dropped his smile.

"Course princess," Lotor sipped the coffee and lance nodded agreeing.

"I know it's hard moving again guys but remember to stay on your toes, keep your guard up, when we leave the house..." Allura trailed off looking at them.

"You don't leave alone," lance pursed his lips nodding.

"I don't like leaving one of us alone here though," lance looked at them concerned.

"Lance you know why-" "yea I do but doesn't mean I like it Lura," lance waved her off.

Lotor looked down at it went back to silence. Ignoring the two others staring at him full of concern at lotors own silence. He sipped the coffee, welcoming the bitter liquid to distract him from the bitter life.

"If you keep looking at me like a child I'm going alone," Lotor said sternly not looking up at them.

"I know Lotor, your not helpless, but with loosing-" Allura was cut off when Lotor was already out of the kitchen as they heard him going upstairs.

"He's not going to talk about it," lance whispered.

"I wish he did," Allura sighed scribbling a flower on the corner of the notebook.

"It's Lotor, he's the hard ass of us all," lance got up as he rinsed out the bowl.

"Will you try talking to him at the store?" Allura looked up hopeful at him. Lance hesitated but shrugged.

"I'll do what I can," lance smiled back at her and left to take a shower.

Allura set the pen down as she rubbed her face stressfully and brushed her hair out of her face with a sniffle. She stared at the six digit numbers that were on the inside of her wrist and pursed her lips. They're okay, they'll be okay.

They just had to stay strong. It's how they made it so far. She just prayed the numbers of them won't go down again.


Lance and Lotor walked down the sidewalk of the small town as they went to the only grocery store as lance sat inside the cart mischievously and Lotor let the cart go as he rolled away. Lance yelled for him as he bounced against the wall and cussed out the taller teen as Lotor was amused.

"Stop doing that! Your going to hit someone jackass!" Lance snapped as Lotor let go of the cart once again when he looked at some canned goods, pretending not to see lance slipping away.

"Damn, almost got rid of you," Lotor grabbed the cart smirking.

"Ha ha your hilarious," lance huffed.

"You could get out of the cart and walk like an adult," Lotor said simply as he tossed a can at lance who caught it with one hand.

"One, neither of us are, two, no," Lance smirked leaning back but cried out when the cart hit someone on accident.

"What did I tell you!" Lance squealed as he jumped out.

"Watch it asshole," a shorter boy snapped as he rubbed the back of his heel.

"Never mind I'm not apologizing," Lance said flatly as a older looking boy grabbed the one he ran into.

"Sorry about my brother," the white haired man smiled shyly at them.

"No it was my fault, I'm sorry," lance smiled back at the nicer brother.

"So much for not apologizing," Lotor said smirking as he looked at the price of the food behind him.

"Your the one that let go of the cart dick!" Lance cried out.

"And ran into me," the boy crossed his arms glaring.

"I said I'm sorry asshole," Lance snapped.

"I'm the asshole?!" The boy snarled but his brother pulled him back.

"Keith knock it off he said he's sorry," the older brother frowned.

"And called me an asshole!"

"Your always an asshole,"

The brothers glared at each other but 'keith' groaned walking away as lance glared at Lotor who whistled innocently.

"My brother is a hot head, sorry about that," the brother sighed as Lotor grabbed the cart behind lance quirking a brow.

"This one just likes picking on others like a prick," Lotor smirked deviously and lance pushed the cart back making Lotor stumble.

"Your a prick you fish and chips fucker," Lance snapped back.

"Mmm maybe just a regular hot head, or I'm special," Lotor hummed as the brother laughed at them.

"Are you new in town?" The brother asked.

"Yea, I'm lance, this is Lotor and we have another at home, allura," lance smiled brightly at the new ally.

"I'm shiro, that was my brother Keith, I don't suppose your going to high school are you?" Shiro asked smirking at them and they nodded.

"Yea Lotor and Allura are... Something something garrison high school," lance made a face holding his chin.

"Home of the cadets, sorry to say but my brother and I go there too," shiro chuckled. "But your not going?"

"I do school online," lance lied with a smile. "But at least I don't have to go to school with a mullet,"

"Hopefully he doesn't get suspended again," shiro nodded. They heard keith call his name and shiro called back to him.

"Sorry I gotta go, nice meeting you two," shiro smiled back as he left the two.

"Bye," lance waved excited at the new friend as he looked back at Lotor who was unamused.

"What now?" Lance whined.

"Fish and chips fucker?" Lotor said flatly.

"Don't even start with me," lance pouted narrowing his eyes.

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