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"See isn't it so much better to be in the town than the woods? We can get lunch even, it's called a cafe and they're amazing!" Allura brought both her boys to the down town of their new home as lance was stuck to Lotors side looking around with wide eyes.

"I know I've been hanging out with the humans lately but I wanted to spend time with you guys today, I'm sorry," she took both their hands as lance looked at her guilty but Lotor nodded pleased. He was able to talk to her.

"It's okay, it's exciting being somewhere so new," lance smiled back kindly but his eyes kept getting drawn to the cars and the people all around. People of all ages, all kinds, it was a smaller town but there was so many different things. The buildings were older but they had that unique look vs modern buildings.

"I was hoping we could go shopping for new clothes, summer vacation is a big deal apparently and it gets very very hot," Allura walked backwards easily and they raised a brow each.

"We weren't built for heat lura," lance said worried.

"Flowy clothes," she snapped her fingers as if he just made her point.

"I just think we need to be doing more family activities together," she smiled innocently.

"What do you do when you shop?" Lotor didn't understand.


Lotor was stuck holding Alluras bags as they were waiting outside a changing room as lance was laying across a couch bored.

"I don't think I like shopping," lance pouted with his hands behind his head.

"We got a few shorts and shirt at least, and some tank tops that would be good for our backs," Lotor sat with him on the couch as his long hair was in a bun on top of his head.

"How hot is hot here?" Lance sat up.

"It gets 90 degrees and up I guess," Allura called from the dressing room and Lotor groaned.

"Sounds miserable," Lotor called back.

"Maybe we should cut our hair?" She offered and Lotor glared not amused at the idea.

"You can, I'm not," Lotor huffed.

"You like your hair long?" Lance asked curiously.

"Yes, I like it down and covering," he nodded resting his chin on his palm. "I prefer its natural color but I'll tolerate dark for a while,"

"I like it white and long too, reminds me of snow," lance smiled, moving to cross his legs and put his hands in his lap.

"I like your hair a little longer too, when it starts to curl a little," Lotor hummed softly and lance felt his face flush a little.

"I hate it wavy, looks to messy," lance placed his hands over the top of his head embarrassed.

"Not messy, reminds me of a beach," Lotor grinned a little and lance touched his hair thinking about it.

"Are you queers going to go back where you came from yet or just going to hog the couch?" A loud voice barked at the boys making them both jump.

"I beg your pardon?" Lotor glared behind him seeing a few other teenagers no older than he and lance were. Possibly a grade older even.

"I asked if you queers are gonna move your asses or what?" A blond boy scoffed walking over and leaned his weight on the back of the couch, towering over lance more.

"No, we're just going to stay here until we're done, thanks for asking though," Lotor didn't find the teen intimidating as lance looked more annoyed at his personal space being invaded than afraid of the bully.

"Then let me rephrase that, cause I'm not actually asking," the boy stared down the mutant.

"Rolo stop being a prick," a blond girl rolled her eyes at the teen.

"Move," rolo growled down at lance. "Or I'll make you,"

"We said no," lance shrugged him off.

"Oi," rolo motioned his friends to come over as he grabbed lances arm harshly to make him stand.

Lotor didn't hesitate to stand his full 6'3 height and grabbed rolo's wrist, bending it back and off lance, rolo was baffled by the height as he tried taking his wrist back as lance raised a brow irritated at the new teen.

"We said no, touch him again and I'll break your bloody spine," Lotor snarled in his face and shoved him back into his friends.

"Lotor," Allura came out of the dressing room and had her eyes on the humans.

"I'm ready to check out boys," she narrowed her eyes on rolo.

"Oh look, the seats are open, how fortunate," she kept her eyes cold walking past the group of humans while the two males followed behind.

"That's right, follow your mommy," rolo scoffed rubbing his wrist as the blond girl he was with watched the three check out and leave the store without looking back.

"Those were the new juniors at school right?" Nyma asked the Group of friends she was with.

"I don't fucking know," rolo sat on the couch, pissed off now.

"I'm not sure bout that other guy but those twins are new for sure," their friend nodded crossing his arms.

"Who's the other one then? That chicks boyfriend?" Rolo snorted sarcastically.

"Dude I don't know, stop pouting cause you got your ass beat by man bun," the guy rolled his eyes.

"Or maybe we should welcome the new kids," rolo smiled up at them deviously and Nyma groaned at the ideas that go through boys heads. They're always bad ideas.

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