Chapter 2) Why So Serious?

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Laurel's Pov

"No..leave me alone...NO!"

I wake up in a old sweat.

It's been a week and I keep having those strange dreams about the joker.

I jump as soon as I hear my alarm go off.

I push it off of the dresser and groan as it keeps sounding.

"I'm up. I'm up!" I scream at the alarm clock and get up slapping it off.

I sigh and see that's it's 5:30am.

Why did Bruce set up for me to check out campuses so early?

This is summer vacation.

I yawn and walk down the steps to find Alfred fixing breakfast.

"Good morning, Alfred."

"Good morning, Miss Laurel."

I was on the new campus waiting on Professor Clifton.

And so far she was late.

"You must be new." I turn and see an Asian girl wearing a sorority shirt.

"Oh, I don't go here."

"I know, you have that I'm waiting for someone and I really don't want to be here look right now. I'm Len Wong. Professors Clifton's under study. She's a little under the weather and asked me to step in."

"I'm Laurel Wayne, it's very nice to meet you."

"Well Laurel I hear you like doing music. Any particular instruments you play?" She asked.

"Does my voice count?"

"At GCU it does. I should know I have a few friends majoring in voice. But enough talking lets go explore the campus. Don't worry I'll leave out the boring stuff Okay?" She gives me a friendly smile and we walk around the campus.

"It's tradition every year that the students here at GCU decorate the Rock. This year it's a stars and mo-"

She pauses and I look at the rock.

On display was a drawing of the Joker taking a piss on Gotham City.

"Who ever wrote this is going to get in so much trouble. Come on Laurel we don't eat to be anywhere around this when the Dean comes around."

We walk off and I look back at the drawing.

Who would draw that?

As Len continues to show me around the campus I catch glimpse of Dick.

But he wasn't alone. I see a girl with long brown hair.

"I swear Barbra needs to keep Dick on a leash." Len mutters.


"Oh it's nothing. Just make sure you steer clear of Dick Greyson. He's nice and all but he'll just break your heart. Ask Barbra."

I look back over at them and see him holding her hand.

I guess I can forget about that.

"Thanks for the warning."

"But if you want some real guy action or girl action, I don't judge. Then you should defiantly come to the mask party tonight."

"Mask party?"

"Yeah, every year before midterms the juniors and seniors set up an underground rave. We wear masks so that if the police ever shut it down we can all scramble and no one gets identified. Smart right?"

"It is."

"So if you wanna go, here the place." She hands me a flyer from her bag and I read it.

The Freaks Come Out At Night Mask Party

"This sounds interesting. Are you sure there'll be some hot guys on campus?" She places her arm around my shoulder.

"I can already see the look in your eyes, Wayne. You're going to love it here." I smile and look back at the flyer.

"I think I will too..."

When I got back to the mansion I found Alfred in the back yard.

"Have you seen Bruce?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Laurel but Master Bruce is in a business meeting."

"Oh..." I feel a little sad but brighten up. "...I finally chose the college I want to go to. The one I went to this morning. It was so nice and the people are great. The programs they have there are just what I'm looking for. I want to start there now."

Alfred laughs at my excitement.

"Oh, I'm going out tonight with a girl I met at the campus."

"I'll be sure to tell master Wayne when he gets here."

"Alfred, can I ask you something?"

He nods and stops watering the plants. "Does Bruce ever sleep? One night I had went to his room and he was gone."

Alfred gives a light chuckle. "Master Bruce is just living the young bachelor life. But I assure you that he does get sleep."

I shrug and look at the flowers.

"Those bloomed nicely. I bet Aunt Martha would've loved them." With that said I walk in the house and decide to pick out my outfit.

From what the flyer says I'm going on that my outfit should scream freak.

Or at least close to it.

I pick out my shiny white doc martins that my mother hates but I love dearly.

I grab my olive green tank top and my lavender sleeveless jean jacket.

Hmm I'm missing something...

I throw together some black cut up jeans that my father thought I had thrown away but kept.

I need one more thing.

I look across the room and see my face in the mirror.

Maybe I just need to change my hair a bit...

I run down the steps and find Alfred still outside.

"Can we go to the store? I need to pick up something's for tonight?"


About six hours later I was all dressed and looking at myself in the mirror.

I look kind of funny. I mean I never thought I could get my hair streaked white before, but with a little hair dye I looked like a different person.

I don't know if I look like a freak but I think I look pretty awesome.

The doorbell rings and I yell.

"I got it!"

I take off down the steps but Alfred had beat me to it.

"Alfred this is Len, a friend I made today."

He gives a deep bow and she enters.

"Wow, you look ready..." She then looks around the main hall.

"You know when I read that your last name was Wayne I didn't think you were related to Bruce Wayne."

"He's my cousin, you aren't freaked out by this are you?"

"Psh.." She leans in close so that I could only hear.

"I knew a guy related to Harley Quinn." She steps back and I just hope Alfred didn't hear that.

I don't want him to think that my friend is crazy.

"Miss Laurel, would you and Miss Len like something to eat before going out?"

"Do you want anything?" I ask Len. "Oh no, but we need to get going the party will be starting soon and I want to get good parking."

"Well, we gotta go. Don't wait up." I hug Alfred after I let him go Len and I walk out the door.

"You know Len a trench coat isn't really 'freaky' unless you're going for the flasher look."

We stop at her car and she opens her jacket revealing her scandalous outfit.

"Len!" I snatch her jacket closed and she giggles. "What, they said freak, they never said the freak had to be something strange. Now before we go I want to give you this."

She hands me a rubber mask and I frown.

"I don't do clowns." She rolls her eyes and hands me another mask but this one is just for the eyes.

"Now before we get there I want to let you know why this theme is freak night."

We get in the car, and put on our seat belts.

"So you know how we're going to this party?"


"This party theme is freak night, all because this place was the warehouse that the Joker use to use."

Is it too late to get out?

I look back and the mansion was becoming more and more of a dot.

"Who's idea was this?"

"Some seniors. They thought it would be a hoot."

"You do know he broke out of Arkham Asylum about a week ago right?"

"That's Batman's problem." She keeps on driving and I feel knots in my stomach.

Really wish I had a laffy taffy joke to read right now.

I look out the window and just hum to myself quietly.

When we arrive at the warehouse we see a mass of cars parked.

"Won't the police take notice?" I ask nervously.

"Laurel, relax. If the Joker wanted to come here wouldn't he have done it by now? Look my mom is on the police force and she even said herself that if the Joker wanted anything out of this place he would have came and got it by now. So let's stop talking and go have some fun. I hope you can shake your ass cause the guys love it."

"I am a nineteen year old white girl, if you're asking me if I know how to twerk the you and the guys will be disappointed."

She throws her head back and laughs then tosses her trench coat in her can and places her bunny mask on.

"Let's go party!" We walk inside and all I could do was feel a bit scared that this place belonged to a guy who wears war paint decorated as a clown.

The DJ was playing a creepy remix of Disturbia by Rihanna.

"Ladies and gentlemen, to those among you that are easily frightened. We suggest you turn away now. To those of you who think you can take it. We say welcome to the madhouse..." The beginning track plays out and I have the urge to run up out of here.

"There goes a few more of my friends." Len says in my ear. She leads me to a group of people and she kisses the one who had the skull mask on.

"This is, Laurel. She's going to enroll into GCU soon. Right Laurel?"

"Yeah." I shout over the loud music. "This is my boyfriend, Sam. Behind that mouse mask is Margo, the bear is Dennis, the scream mask is Marleen and the china doll is Maddox."

The one in the China doll mask lifts his mask and winks at me.

"Maddox, you know the rules, you have to buy everyone a shot." The hoop and holler while he smiles wickedly and heads to the bar.

"So the rules here is that if you take off your mask you have to buy drinks. Then again you'd probably be able to afford it." Her boyfriend says in a tone that just shows he doesn't care for my company.

A new song plays and Marleen jumps up.

"I love this song, Laurel come dance with me? These guys don't know how."

"Um I can't really dance either."

"Then I'll teach you. I major in dance." Before I could protest she drags me off on the dance floor and I look back at my group of friends while they just shake their head and Len mouths sorry.

"Okay so basically you just have to move your hips and make sure you stay in rhythm can you do that?" I manage a nod and she shouts 'good'

I sway my hips a little but she places her hands on my hips and makes me move a bit more seductive like.

"There we go! Shake those baby makin' hips girl!" I can't help but laugh as we continue to dance.

I guess I can actually loosen up tonight.

Besides what are the odds that the Joker will actually come to his old hiding spot?

A gunshot air reps the entire room and the DJ stops the music.

Everyone ducks in the party and the lights flicker on and off. A group of men dressed in clown masks surrounds a very familiar face.

Me and my big mouth...

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we are tonight's entertainment. Although I have to say I am a little disappointed that I wasn't the host of the evening." The clown laughs maniacally.

We all start to freak out but one of his masked goons fires off another round and we all shut up.

"Now, I see some very lovely costumes here..." His eyes roam the crowd and I shut my eyes as his gaze passes mine.

"No!" My eyes open as I see Len being snatched up by one of the goons.

Her boyfriend Sam tries to intervene but one of the goons hits him with the but of his gun.

"This! This is an outfit! Give her a hands of applause ladies and gents. Come on don't be shy."

People nervously clap and one guy in a grim reaper mask tries to leave.

"Oh if anyone tries to leave the building will explode and besides its rude to leave before the party is over. Right doll face?" He yanks Lens arm and she screams.

"Stop it!"

Was that my voice?

The clown and his goon look in my direction and I feel like cowering in fear. But I can't just stand there and let him hurt my friend and innocent people.

He lets Len go and moves his green hair out of face.

"Well hello, beautiful...." He strolls over to me and I want to run. I want to run as far away from him as possible but maybe, just maybe Batman will swoop in and save the day.

"I don't think you need this." He snatches my mask off and smiles wide.

"This is suppose to be a freak party. But you're not a freak. But you are beautiful." I feel myself shake and he steps closer, circling me a little and I flinch.

"You look nervous. Is it the scars? Wanna know how I got em'?" He says as he takes out a knife and grabs me.

"" I stammer. He lets the cool blade run across my lips.

When he smiles up close to me like that, I can't help but look at those ugly scars that danced across his face.

"Look at me. You see, sweet cheeks..."

He yanks me closer and I try my hardest not to flinch again but it's difficult.

"I was a prisoner of war. Those bastards did some sick things to me. Things that made me..." He whistles.

"...Cuckoo in the head. But one thing was they wanted me to tell them classified government secrets. I told them that I didn't know anything. So you know what one of them did? Huh?"

"No!" I answer back. He yanks my hair harder and I swear a piece of it ripped out but he doesn't seem to care or let alone care enough to notice.

"Well doll, I'll tell you what he did. He told me that I was a guest and that I should smile since they were showing me so much hospitality. So he takes this rusted blade and shoves the damned thing right in my mouth. Then he says, why don't you smile for the host? Why so serious? He then starts to cut me and you know what? I've never stopped smiling from that day on." He laughs and I feel like I'm about t throw up hearing that story.

"Mm, you have such beautiful skin..." His breath brushes against my neck and a tear falls from my cheek.

Please some one get this lunatic away from me...

"Boss, we have company." One of the goons says by the window.

He looks at him with a death glare then looks back at me.

"I guess this party is over. But not for us sweet cheeks. No not for us." He begins to drag me but I scream and bring my elbow into his gut.

I expected him to groan in pain but he smiles like a devil.

"You've got some fight in you. Oh I like you more and more beautiful." I go to hit him again but he throws me on the ground.

"Why so serious?" That was the last thing I heard him say before he looked at one of his hench men.

"Don't leave a bruise." He orders. Suddenly I feel a hard crack to the back of my head, knocking me out cold...


This chapter definitely picks up faster and ahh the joker has arrived! In case you're wondering I am using the Heath ledger joker (God rest his soul) His joker just seems so much more fun to work with and I know what you're all wondering...why did he go back to the warehouse, guess you'll have to read to find out... Well UP UP AND AWAY! ;P

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