Chapter 6) Escape Plan...

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Laurel's Pov

I don't want to know what the hell those two were doing and I don't care but I hear her voice and I cringe.

"Hey you with tha face, Mistah J was lookin for yah." She says behind me.

I just keep sitting on the front steps wishing that a miracle could happen right now.

Like the house just skyrockets up to space and I find some civilized people.

"Hey did yah hear what I said?"

I look at her and see her corset was a little undone.

I grind my teeth and look away.

"I'm staying out here."

I hear her suck her teeth and the door slams behind me.

"Oh Mistah J!"

"Damn snitch." I stand up and kick a rock across the dirty path and just decide to go for a walk.

As I walk down the dirt path I hear him call my name...

Excuse me my stupid nickname.

"Go have another talk with your girlfriend clown boy!" I shout back.

I hear him catching up to me and he just walks besides me.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going for a walk, maybe get away from you."

"Awe, you don't mean that beautiful." I stop and turn on him.

"You have her, let me go." He had his war paint back on and he was smiling like a freak.

"I don't want Harley, she was fun for a while sure but she can't make the voices go away like you can."

I groan and just walk away from him.

"Where the hell am I anyways?" I comment as I kick another rock.

"Come on beautiful lets go back to the house I have a job for you."

"You're not my boss Jack!"

He snatched me by my shoulders quick and pins me to a tree close by.

"When you speak to me you use your inside voice. Got it Laurel?"

I bite back my comment and he lets me go.

"Now, let's go back to the house."

I'd rather not but I walk behind him.

Maybe I can find a huge rock and can just bash his head in.



Did you just think that?

I shake my head to get some reasoning back in it and just kick another rock as we walk back to the house.

Back inside I see the goons eating the food that I made earlier and I see the tongueless goon in the living room reading.

"Dickens..." I whisper as I see the cover.

He looks up and I smile at him.

Maybe I can get to know him more, maybe he can keep me from going mental in this house.

"You're going to send a message." The Jokers voice brings me away from the goon and I frown.

"Send a message? For what?"

"For a game." He looks at me with this wild look in his eyes.

I take a step back from him.

"Puddin' can I join this game too? Pretty please?" Harley says as she walks down the steps.

"Uh, no." The Joker leans against the wall looking at me.

He really needs to stop doing that.

"Awe please? If yah let me join the fun I'll let yah do that thing yah like." She purrs in his ear and he turns to her, making me I look away.

If he's going to kiss her I don't want to see this.

"Fine but if you ruin this, Harley I'll make sure they don't find your remains. Just like your little pets."

I turn in enough time to see Harley give the Joker the most hated look.

I wonder what that look was for?

She then looks at me and tsks.

"If my Mistah J wants tah play a game and your involved then yah need tah look the part. Lets go." She snaps her fingers at me and I stand there.

"Hello! Get the move on bimbo!"

"Who are you calling a bimbo!" I snap back at her.

The joker laughs and holds me from behind, making me feel uncomfortable and making Harley glare.

"Do as she says beautiful, then when you come back you and I can play a game."

I move away from him and follow Harley.

Dear God I know I've prayed to you plenty of times since I've been here, but here's another prayer.

Please let Harley snap my neck while we're out or let the police find me. Either one would be nice, just as long as I don't have to come back here to him...

I follow her towards the basement door and stop.

"What's tha matta? Scared of tha dark?" She says in a taunting voice.

"No." I roll my shoulders back and follow her in the dim lit basement.

She takes me further down the basement and I feel a bit uneasy.

I mean being alone with the Joker is one thing, but being alone with Harley in a dim basement?

"Harley how much farther are we going?"

I wait for her reply but I don't get one.

"Harley?" I call out.

I feel cold hands grab my face and I feel a push.

Luckily I catch myself before my face meets up with the cement wall.

"Stay away from my Mistah J. He's mine." Harley's harsh voice was against my ear.

"I don't want-" She pushes my face deep into the wall so that the sharp edges on the wall causes me some discomfort.

"I see tha way he looks at yah. He gave me that same look. A man like that deserves an amazing woman and yah ain't it."

I'm getting so tired of being threaten.

I move my hands down to my side then elbow her in the chest making her gasp.

I then jump on her, wrap my hands around her throat and make sure her hands can't reach me, because the moment they do I'll snap those bastards off.

"Let's get this straight Har, I don't want your stupid Mistah J. I want to go home and I want my old life back. This mini insane asylum isn't cuttin' it for me. Now how about we work together? When we leave out you just leave me behind. That way I get to go home and you get to have clown boy all to yourself. What do you say?"

I can hear her breathing hard and in the dim light I see a scowl on her face.

"Not a bad idea. Guess yah more than a pretty face. Now get offa me."

I move back and she dusts herself off.

"I'm in but I still gotta give yah a betta look." She walks and o continue to follow her the best way I can.

We get to this room and it smells like sickly sweet.

"What is this place, it smells like cupcakes and frosting."

"This is my room." Harley starts digging through her closet.


So she sleeps in the basement?

That's sad...

"Hm maybe this will work. Try this on." She throws some clothes at me and I hold it up.

"Where's the rest of it?"

"Just try it on!" She snaps as she walks out of her room.

"How in the hell do I put his on?"

I start to put on the clothes and once I'm done Harley just barges in.


She says as circles me.

"How do you wear this thing?" I was wearing a plaid corset that kept sliding down.

"Yah problem is it's not tight enough." She gets behind me and for the love of god I swear I hear one of my ribs snap.

"There all betta." She slaps my back and I almost snapped at her.

"I...can't...breath..." She looks me up and down and smiles.

"Wait, I got just the thing." She looks in a drawer and pulls out a funny looking mask and a tube of lip stick.

"I love dress up." She pulls me in front of the vanity and starts to open the tube of lip stick.

"What shade is that, harlot red?"

"Shuddup, and let me focus." I sighs and she applies the lip stick to my lips.

She then adds the black mask to my face and claps her hands like a little girl.

"Come on let's show Mistah J."

She yanks me up and we walk up the steps.

I hear The Joker ordering his goons around and Harley clears her throat.

"May I present tha bimbo!"

I had almost punched her but he steps between us and whistles.

"Don't you clean up nice beautiful. I think this suits you, though that mask...don't wear it too often. Now Harley you know the plan."

"What is the plan?" I ask. Both of them look at each other smiling like killer clowns.

"Harley will explain. But for now stand tall. Look beautiful and remember when you get back..." He lets his fingers trail against my exposed shoulder and I feel a shiver down my spine.

"Let's go bimbo!" Harley grabs my hand and we walk out of the house.

She leans close so only I can hear.

"Get ready tah leave cause when I get back, Mistah J is gonna rev up his Harley."


As the other goons pile up in the van I wonder something.

"Harley, how come he isn't coming?"

She was filing her nails.

"Puddin' has other fish tah fry."

I expect her to explain but she just keeps filing her nails.

The van starts move and I think to myself about how I will finally be able to go back home.

Back to Bruce and Alfred.

I keep a poker face and just sit there thinking about my break for it.


When we finally stop it took all of my will power not to run out of that van.

Harley begins to bark orders.

"Alright listen up! Mistah J doesn't want any funny business, let's go givem hell!"

We start to unload but Harley grabs my shoulder.

"Remember, you get the hell out and never show your face again. Got it bimbo?"

"Got it." I snatch away from her follow with about a foot of space between us.

Where the hell are we?

I try to take in my surroundings.

We're on some weird street corner.

As start to walk a little farther and farther behind until I dip into an alley.

"About time." I start to take the mask off but feel someone press something cold to my throat.

"What a pretty little thin like you doing in a dump like this?"

No, I will not let my only chance of freedom be for nothing.

So I did the only sane thing...

I kneed him in the balls and ran like a bat out of hell.

"Get back here"

I catch my breath and look around.

Great I'm more lost and not only that I look like an idiot in this getup.

I yank the mask off and try to collect my thought.

"Okay, Laurel you got this. You got this..."

I straighten my shoulders and walk forward.

This is it.

This is it, I'm away from that creepy clown and his airhead clownette.

I feel a smile on my face as I keep walking.

But that smile leaves my face when I hear a blood curdling scream.

I want to run.

No I want to get my ass out of there but something in me.

That annoying little voice that tells me to look back.

Why do I listen?

I look back and I see people running.

"Oh great..."


"You fuckin' idiot." Harley and I were running away from the smoke and flames.

"I'm an idiot? But you're the stupid bitch who threw a Russian cocktail threw a paper factory. If he was the one who came up with this idea both of you idiots deserve each other."

I hear a click to my temple.

"All you had to do was leave. But no, you come back and you insult my Mistah J? Oh I'll tell him that I wasted that pretty little face of yours."

I turn and look at her.

Nothing but pure hate was in her eyes.

"Do it. I want you to do it. If I can't have my freedom one way I'll have it in another way."

I close my eyes and wait for it.

I hear her giggle and I open my eyes seeing her point the gun and she pulls the trigger.

Funny I didn't flinch.

Then again I expected to be wasted on the ground but no I see a big red flag with the word bang across it.

She gives me a sadistic smile.

"Puddin' is goin' tah beat me till next week. Come on. Let's go get some food. I gets hungry when I smell smoke."

"What about the others?" She shrugs and places her hand over my shoulder.

"More food fah us."

We smell like smoke.

And now this little girl is staring at me while she licks her mash potatoes off of her spoon.

"Why are we eating here again?"

"Cause they have tha best wings in town." She grabs a little wingette and takes a bite.

"This is insane, what the hell was the plan anyway?"

"Mistah J just wanted a big show."

"That's it? Why was I needed?" She shrugs then looks at me.

"What was it he said? Oh he wanted you to get yah hands dirty. But I think he just wanted you out of his hairyah."

I pick up a wing and shrug.

"Here's to eating wings." We bump wings and eat.

As I take a bite out of my wing, might I add it was really great, I had this..feeling.

I reach for another wing see a little red dot.

A little light actually.

My eyes follows the light and it lands on the side of Harley's face.

"Get down!"

I tackle her and the window explodes beside us.

"Great.." I hear Harley hiss as everyone starts running around screaming like chickens with their heads cut off.

"We need to get outta hear. Come on bimbo." We crawl across the floor and a shot was just one inch away from my pinky finger.

"Ugh, he really needs tah let go."

Harley and I manage to get out with the crowd of customers and I feel like we could get shot at any point.

I hear Harley shriek and see her holding her arm.

"What the?"

"Come on I know a place we can crash." I just follow her and watch my back.

"What is going on here?"

"An ex- well he isn't even an ex, more like a fling. Not even a fli-"

"Dammit Harley! Who is shooting at us?"


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