From another city

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As they return to the room, the patient was sitting in the bed now. She has sky blue eyes. 'Figures' thought Shirou. The nurse took more blood samples for further study. As soon nurse left, mayor Rose helped to cover the needle wound.

"All well?" she asked.

"Yes. It wasn't like I was donating blood to something. Besides my blood isn't fit to anyone. That's why no one in family doesn't donate blood or take blood transfusion." the young woman said.

"Even if you get hurt?" Michiru asked.

"No worries. I can take good care of myself." Young woman reassured with a smile.

"It's good you tell us about it. You didn't have any identification papers when you were found." Mayor Rose told.

"Yeah... I usually don't carry those things, when..." a young woman tried explained before realized something. "Hold on, where am I exactly?"

"You're in Anima city in Japan."

There was a deep silence before the young woman looked more pale bit second.

"I'm so dead..." she mumbles. "My parents will be so mad...."

"Wait. You mean there's another city for beastman?" Michiru wonders.

The young woman looks at three of them before takes a deep breath.

"I better start from the beginning." she starts. "My name is Aili Darens."

" Ai...?" Michiru tried to pronounce it.

"Aili." Shirou pronounced it right.

"Sorry. My dad wanted to name me after my mother, so my name is short compared to hers."

"Short of what...Ouch!" Michiru mumbled before Shirou pinched on her ear to silence her.

"Where you're from, miss Darens?" Mayor continued.

"I'm... from the city called Animapolis. I can't tell where it is, because we want to keep it a secret."

"So there is another city." Mayor cleared.

"My... family was establishing it over one hundred years ago."

"One hundred?!" Michiru asked in surprise.

"Well, back then it was a village, but at the end of the 20th century, it became a city. But because of both World Wars, we decided to keep it hidden. In their greed humans would use any cruel brutal way to find it, so we saw best not to reveal it to anyone."

"Isn't that bit off like in the comic book?" Michiru asked.

"You would be surprised how many of them are facts," Aili answered.

"How did you then get here?" Shirou asked. Aili seemed to try hard to remember, but as she groaned in depress that meant one answer. "You can't remember it, can't you."

"Not really... but I do remember that I was attacked and hit hard..."


"No, I... I don't think they were human..."

Why it feels familiar...

"No, he isn't a human, nor beastman."

"Well, since you're here now, Ogami suggested a place for you to stay. You obviously have been through a lot, so we can talk this later." Mayor suggested.

"Okay..." Aili said as she gets up. "Mind if I...?" she points her clothes. Before any of them realize what she meant to ask, Shirou has already turned around to give privacy to get dressed.

"While you're here, we need contact with Animapolis to let them know you are here..."

"Ooh... no no no no. You don't want to do that." Aili said as she had only her leggings and bra on.

"But wouldn't your parents be worried..." Michiru asked.

"You can't just "make" contact with Animapolis, the only way we use message with the outside world is by letter-birds."


"Plus, my parents will be super mad."

"Why?" Michiru wondered.

"You sneaked out for something," Shirou answered.

"How you know I...?"

"Mister Ogami has better scent than any Beastman," Mayor explained.

"Well, I did sneak out..." Aili pouted as she was putting long red tunic on. "Both of my parents have gone to the outside world to rescue beastman in need and I wanted to do the same, but dad said I'm not ready...I plan was to just go a bit and return. But soon as I left the city I was attacked..."

"Did they knew the location of the city?"

"No, we have managed to invent high tech protection to our city. My father invented it." Aili told.

"Well, I'm afraid we need to make contact with them," Mayor said.

"Fine," Aili admits.

Once everything was cleared for the day. Michiru and Shirou were leading Aili to Beastman Co-op. In the middle of the way, Shirou left elsewhere. He said he went pick something. While still walking Michiru was talking with Aili.

"So, if you have high tech does that mean you have own internet?"

"Sure. We had our own net in civil use while it still was on military use in the human world." Aili told.

"You dislike human that much, huh?"

"No, it's not like that. The reason why we have our own technology is so we won't bother theirs. Plus, they would have locate us by that." Aili explains. "My father told me that humans are usually cruel because they are figuratively blindfolded. They let others say what's wrong and what's right, in which they follow blindly. They just need someone or something to remove that fold and see the thurth themselves."

"Your father sounds pretty smart."

"Well, that's what life experience does. That's why I want to be just like him one day." Aili cleared. "Whenever I see him or mom do something for others, they have this big smile on their faces. It's not like in commercial posters or in TV, it's something real. And even when there are days when Dad arrives home from the world and has gotten beat up big time, he smiles like he had little accident."

Michiru tried to imagine what Aili was telling her. If what Shirou told is true, they must have seen the world change a lot, yet still... smile for better days. How come they have stayed possitive, unlike Shirou?

"So, what about you?" Aili asked.

"Me? Well,... you see...this may sound crazy... I was once...a human."

Aili looks confusedly at her.

"What happened?" she asked meaning her beastman look.

"It's a long complicated story..." Michiru said before started to tell her story.

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