Chapter XXII: Imagining Things

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That afternoon, Chloe was her locker and her head was inside of it. France was walking in the halls until he saw Chloe. "Why does she seem she's regretting her life already?" he thought and walked up to her. "Hey, Chloe?" he tapped her shoulder. "Hey, France. What's good?" she asked while she kept her head inside her locker. France raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay? Your head's sticking inside your locker....." Chloe made a thumbs up. "All good here, dude!" she replied. He sighed an slapped her on the weak arm. Her head made a loud BANG! against the locker as she rubbed her arm. France's eyes widened when he saw Chloe's face. "Chloe, your face is redder than a tomato," he eventually bursted out laughing. Chloe's eye twitched. "sHuT uP, FrANcE!" her voice cracked. 

At that point, France laughed even more. "NOT TO MENTION THAT VOICE CRACK!" Chloe groaned. "GAhhhh! Just leAVE mE Be! I DoN't wannA taLk aboUt iT " Chloe replied. France backed off, his arms in the air. "You realize you missed your classes, right?" he pointed out. Chloe scoffed. "Only 3 classes. I'd skip 7 and they wont care," France sighed. "I heard Miss Jackson say you have a D- in Math." Chloe stated almost mischievously. France sighed again. " It's a passing grade! It's not like I have an F, " France replied, defensively. Chloe rolled her eyes. " Alright. Whatever, " Chloe scoffed. " Okay, moving on, I know something happened yesterday. So what the hell happened?! " France asked in anticipation. Chloe sighed, and took a breath. " I'll only tell you a little. After you left, Lance and I had a talk. Now I'm just worried about the poor kid, " Chloe replied truthfully. Although that was only the less detailed story. France sighed. " I guess I should just be happy with what I have, " France sighed. Chloe let out a breath of relief. At least he isn't too curious. Chloe thought. The bell then rang. Chloe and France went their separate ways to class. 


After classes ended, Chloe headed towards the dorm when she was stopped by someone. "Chloann, come on...." she turned around to see a man with brown hair and blue eyes. "What the hell!? No, this is a dream...." she told herself and continued walk. "You have to at least call me from your phone. You know you had that for a while for a reason and for one reason only; so you can contact me, your dad." her eye twitched and some sort of sword appeared right in her hand and she swung it at the man who was just talking to her. Once she hit her weapon at the man, he disappeared like he was just an illusion. The sword she had in her hand also disappeared. Chloe panted and sweated. With paranoia surrounding her thoughts, she headed back to her dorms without any interruptions. 


In the dorm, Ceen was on her laptop, David was on his phone, Aracely was writing things for some sort of essay assignment, Lillian was drawing, and France was also doing an assignment while Chloe threw her bag at the wall and threw herself onto her bed. She sighed and looked on her phone to find 17 missed calls from her mom. She plainly ignored them and looked at the ceiling, twiddling her thumbs. Aracely turned around and looked at Chloe concerningly. " Chloe, you doing okay? " Aracely asked. Chloe groaned. " I don't wanna talk about it, " Chloe responded in an antisocial manner. Lillian and Aracely exchanged glances. France also stared at Chloe a couple times to make sure she was okay. Aracely sighed, thinking she'd put it off 'till later. Things were really starting to heat up. Will Chloe confess or keep it quiet? And what was Chloe so freaked out about while talking with France? Find out next chapter!

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