A Very Strange Day

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My husband is always out most of the day on a Tuesday, doing his voluntary work for the Citizen's Advice Bureau, so I have time to myself.

I spent some time on Tuesday doing some dressmaking. I am making a skirt for myself. In theory, this is very easy, but in practice it's quite another matter! I always find it so difficult to get the stitching to go right on my sewing machine and end up very frustrated as I waste so much time having to unpick what I've sewed. I decided after much deliberation that the problem is really the thickness of the material and I used tissue paper to sew beneath the material and it worked like a dream! So that was a good thing. I'm half way there now!

Strange Happening No 1

Needing a break, I made myself a cup of coffee and as I leaned across the sink to put the spoon on the worktop, I heard a crack and immediately the coffee started to leak out of the bottom of my mug. It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening.  I poured the coffee into another mug and saw that the mug had cracked right across the bottom and up the side. I've never had that happen before. It was lucky I was near the sink at the time. I've had a mug or cup break it's handle before, but never the cup/mug itself. I could have been scalded so I'm grateful I wasn't.

Strange Happening No 2

I bought some new oven gloves, but they are so thick I can't grab hold onto a dinner plate properly! You know what I'm going to say now, don't you? I cooked our dinner and was taking it out of the oven, didn't grab it properly and it slipped out of my hand, flew across the room, fell under the table, the plate broke into two and my husband's dinner was all over the floor! Ha, ha. I gave him my dinner and had to eat something else! It was hilarious, I laughed and laughed and decided NOT to use those stupid, too thick, oven gloves any more. The thing is, if they are too thin I burn my fingers! So therein lies a dilemma. Perhaps I should get my husband to do the cooking instead? Now there's a thought!

(I think I'll use normal tea towels instead – may be better!)

This is the first time in 43 years that has ever happened! And I won't laugh if it happens again, I can tell you!

But it is true:  Laughter is a good medicine (even if you lose your dinner!)

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