Chapter 27: An Unexpected Visit

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3 Days Later...

Saturday Morning,

9:00 A. m.

The ruddy glow of sunrise was already fading into the brightness shadows of day, when my uncle turned on his old radio. We just had breakfast and I'd washed the dishes which we'd eaten with and climbed  back upstairs into my room.

Arranging the wears in wardrobe, I heard three quick knocks on the wooden door. A sigh of relief escaped me as I gazed at the pile of clothes on my bed. I did the laundry, late last night so, I had to arrange everything and thereafter, press all my rough clothes.

'Knock! knock!! knock!!!'

The three sharp knocks on the door caught my attention but I didn't go downstairs because Collins was there. He reduced the ultrasonic sound blaring from the speakers and walked towards the door. Perhaps, it must be one of his guests showing up unexpectedly. I thought and continued folding my clothes.

The door clicked open and Collins gaze fell on Noah's silvered eyes.

"Hello Mr. Collins, sorry to come unannounced." The voice started.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Sylvie's friend from school. I understand that it's been a rough couple of months for her. I came to check if she's doing well." He explained. "Is she in?"

"Yes, sure. Come in." Collins smiled and offered him a seat.

"So what's your name?"

"Noah Coleman."

"Noah Coleman it is... How come Syl never told me about you?" Collins faked a smile and scrolled through his phone while Noah wore a puzzled look. 
"Come on, I was just joking." He chuckled and then, his gaze focused on his phone's screen as if something caught his attention.

"Umm... Excuse me. Lemme call Syl for you and get you something to drink." He smiled and walked upstairs. Hearing the echo of their conversation, I realized the other voice sounded familiar. I had to leave my clothes to check.

To my surprise, I found out that it was Noah in the living room.
'What?! What brought him here?!' I cried mentally to the thought and stepped downwards towards him.

A burning sensation took over me, I just rubbed my sweaty pals together and swallowed hard on my throat. Walking up to him, I could feel my heart like Titanic sink into the ocean of fear clouding my eyes. Still unable to process the drama that just unfolded.

"What are you doing here!" I whispered to his hearing.

"Why are you so red, Sylvie? Aren't you happy to see me?" He tried to smile, but I wasn't ready to give in.

"No, I'm not!"

"It's a surprise visit. C'mon, your uncle looks like a nice person to me. Haven't you ever asked a friend over?"

"Just get out of here already! Plee-aase!" I begged.

"Stop freaking out, okay? Calm down and seat with me." He pulled me closer but I pulled away.

Next, I raised my eyes upward and realized caught Collins pointing a gun at Noah.

I felt a sudden tightness in my chest and called out his name, "Noaaahh!"

I was running towards Noah to protect him from the gunfire when Collins sudden pulled the trigger.  The whole world went silent. All I could hear was a loud ring, in my ear, screeching in distortion. And then a stream of silver bullet pierced his chest.


The gunshot gave a deafening bang as my eyes widened.

Petrified, I rushed to him before his body fell to the ground. And just then, I realized that, I was too late.

Looking back at my uncle, he rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. Locking all the windows and doors for only goodness knows why.

My shaky hands held up Noah's head to rest in my arm while I pulled him closer. I placed my hand on his chest and I could feel his racing heartbeats in amidst the streaming flow of warm blood. His black shirt and jeans jacket darkened with the stain of blood flow.

"No...this can't be happening? I told you not to come. You shouldn't have come here. The tears filled up the space in my eyes while his eyes were all bloodshot.

"Stay with me, please." I placed my hand on his chest to stop the bleeding, hoping he'd still make it.

"It's as if things didn't end w...well for me, Sylvie. All I wanted to do was to protect you. I still want to-" He tried to speak but his hoarse whisper ended with chocky coughs of blood.

"K..kiss me more time, Sylvie." He run his thumb over my lips. Taking a closer look at his bleeding, I realized that Collins shot him right in the middle of his chest.

"No, let's go to the hospital!" Staring into his eyes, and I watched him struggle to live. Enduring the pain that comes with every breath.

" gave my life meaning Sylvie, and I'm satisfied. I'd al..ways love He tried smiling, although, it was difficult. Noah coughed out again and again. Each couple causing him more pain.
'Would he survive this?' The thought came into me as I watched him struggle to breath in extreme pain.

"Don't say a word, Noah." I caught a tear roll down his eyes and his breath suddenly seized.

As if the hands of time stopped, his hand dropped out of mine.

"! You can't leave like this, Noah!!"
My mouth parted to the wail that tore me apart. A cold shiver ran through me, I could feel the warmth of life stolen by the cold embrace of death.

I laid him down properly and sprinted over in confusion. Forgetting the fatigue in my swaying legs from the on going battle in my head. Despite the effort to find flickers of life in Noah's body. All I felt was nothing but cold silence.


I raised my gaze at my uncle. And he had that pathetic face of bloodguilt in amidst his endless anger. As if he was shameful about it, yet, not will to give up on his demonic acts. Sitting in a pool of blood and tears, I had that feeling. That feeling of being trapped in an emotional car crash and I have no chance of ever get out of it.

Would I...ever?

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