Chapter 5

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Reader POV:

I don't know what it was about Jimin that drew me in, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. I had been surprised the first night when he had approached me. He had been flirty and sweet, the cockiness oozing from every pore. He was confident, almost too confident and I had to admit it was what scared me away. It was that confidence that terrified me, but it was also the same thing that brought me back to the club the next three nights. The second night, Jimin approached me at the table, a black robe covering his beautiful body, his skin gleaming under the lights, the light hint of eyeliner and eye shadow highlighting his dark eyes.

I stayed away from the club for a week, but I was unable to get Jimin out of my mind. The memory of his body encased in that white lace, his thick cock almost perfectly outlined from the long shaft to the flared head. Looking around my studio, I felt embarrassed that I had been thinking such dirty thoughts at work, but I couldn't help it. No matter what I tried to tell myself, it didn't work. I wanted him and I wanted him desperately.


Two hours later, I found myself standing outside the club, debating on whether or not I actually wanted to go in. My common sense was telling me to run, but my heart was telling me to stay, to go in, to watch his performance. I don't know how long I stood there, but the handsome Jin that had greeted me the first night suddenly appeared at my side.

"Do you know that the entertainment is actually inside of the club and not outside of it?" His voice was soft as he gently placed a hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged. "Yeah. I know." Jin gestured towards the door and I hesitated then nodded, not sure if I was making the right decision or not. Jin grinned and extended an arm towards the door to the club. Taking a deep breath, I followed him in, not sure if I was making the right decision or not, not sure if I had completely lost any sense I had left. Jin led me to the same table from the night before and with a wink, he sauntered towards the bar. The dark haired bartender eyed me strangely and I wondered what was going through his handsome head.

Jin returned a few moments later with the same pink drink from the first night, along with a bottle of water. I thanked him with a smile and he turned to go.

Any thought of the bartender disappeared from my mind when the lights dimmed and the slow, sensual music began. Similar to this time, Jimin was dressed in a short silk robe, but this time it was black. If he looked like an angel last time then he played the part of the devil perfectly this time. He slowly moved towards the front of the stage and when his eyes caught mine, a shocked but delighted grin appeared on his face for a split second before he schooled his features and the sexy smirk was back in place. For a split second, I caught a glimpse of what I knew to be the real Jimin, not the persona for the stage.

Jimin continued to dance, his moves this time a little racier. When he ascended the pole, he had moved so quickly, I was stunned by his grace, by his form. It was clear he was talented and I wondered why he was here and not part of a professional team. It was clear he had the talent and I wondered why he was choosing to show his skill, his technique here. Too soon, the performance ended, the music coming to an end. As Jimin left the stage, his eyes turned back to mine in a silent plea, one I didn't know the meaning of, one I didn't understand.

Sitting there for a moment, I tried to decide what to do when Jin appeared at my side, just like he had done outside. He leaned down close to my ear, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Jimin... he wants to see you. He asks that you please don't leave." The mention of Jimin's name had me tensing and Jin squeezed my shoulder. "He's not what you think he is. Give him a chance. He just wants to get to know you."

Nodding my head, I said nothing, not really sure what even to say. Do I tell him that I'm not interested in one-night with the most beautiful man I've ever seen? Do I tell him that I'm not here to see Jimin even though it's clear that I am? What do I say?

Within a few minutes, Jimin appeared at the table, the black robe covering his body. He looked surprised to see me still seated and when he sat down next to me, his face looked nervous, almost as though he was expecting me to run. "Um... thanks for... thanks for not leaving. I wanted to see you again." Jimin's voice was soft and I wanted to melt into a puddle right there at his feet.

"Why?" I couldn't stop myself from asking the question and Jimin looked unsure.

"I... I just wanted to see you." Jimin ran a hand through his hair. "Can... can you meet me when I get off? I know it will be late, but I... I just want to sit down somewhere and talk."

The uncertainty in his voice and on his face was so endearing that I found myself agreeing before I could talk myself out of it. "Okay. Where?"

Jimin's eyes lit up in the same smile I saw for that split second on the stage. "There's a all night diner not too far from here. Can you meet me there at 3?"

Since tomorrow was Saturday, I didn't have to be at work early so I nodded. "Yeah. I... I can do that." Needing to get away from here, I stood, pausing when Jimin grabbed my wrist.

"Do... do you promise you will be there?"

Once again pulled in by his doubt, I nodded again. "I promise. I'll be there." Jimin hesitated then released my wrist. I gave him a last smile and a wave, hurrying out of the club before I could change my mind.

When I arrived back at my condo, I paced back and forth, wondering what I had just gotten myself into. Why was I meeting him? I had said over and over that I wasn't interested in a one night stand, no matter how beautiful he was, no matter how perfect his body was, no matter how much I wanted to touch him, kiss him, feel every inch of his sexy body. I shook the thoughts from my mind. "Just stop it Y/N," I said out loud. "He just wants to talk. Don't read too much into it."

Checking my watch, I saw it was almost midnight. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep before meeting Jimin so I took a quick shower and changed into a comfortable hoodie and jeans, not wanting it to seem like I was trying to impress him, but not wanting to look like a bum either. I sat on the sofa with my computer and a song I had been working on for a new artist. Even though my good equipment was at the studio, I could at least mess around with it a little before heading into the studio tomorrow.

Time passed quickly and before I knew it, it was time for me to leave. I grabbed my bag and keys then left my condo and headed towards the diner Jimin asked me to meet him at. When I arrived, I looked around and noticed him seated at a table in the corner, wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He looked so soft and such a different persona than the man at the club that I was taken aback for a moment. He waved a hesitant hand towards me and when I sat across from him, he flashed me a nervous smile. "Um... thanks for coming."

"Why... why am I here Jimin?" I wanted to put a stop to whatever his game was before it was too late, before he pulled me in too deep, before I had no chance of escaping him.

Jimin sighed, his eyes down on the table. "I was... I was telling you the truth. I just want to get to know you." His voice was soft, but when I studied his face, I could only see the sexy smug dancer and it was not something I wanted to get caught up in, drawn into.

Looking at the handsome man in front of me, I tried to understand what was going on in that beautiful head of his. "Look. You seem like a pretty nice guy, but I'm not really into one night stands."

Jimin grinned, his eyes turning into perfect crescent moons, his plush lips curving up. "Oh don't worry baby. I'm not interested in a one-night stand, plus you look like the forever type of woman."

I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks, anger suddenly flowing through me as he made fun of me. "So? Just because I don't hop in a new bed each night doesn't mean anything. So what if I'm the type that wants something real. There's nothing wrong with that." I went to stand up, eager to get away from this arrogant asshole.

Grabbing my wrist, Jimin stopped me from leaving, his eyes filled with silent pleas, the desire for me to stay crystal clear. "I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. Yes you look like the forever type of woman, but what you don't know is I'm the forever type of man."

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