Chapter 11

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I woke early the next morning. I had no idea what time it was but by the muted sunlight in the room, I figured it was just past dawn. I was worried since I had made plans to go out with Jackson the night before. He was probably worried since I wasn't responding. I couldn't believe the shitty luck I had. I had finally met a nice guy and now the relationship we had started building was destroyed.

I sat there for a while, my heart heavy, when Jin came into the room. He had another tray piled with covered dishes. He set it on the table and gave me a small smile. "Good morning," he said.

"Hi," I said, the sadness and frustration obvious in my voice.

Jin lifted the lids on the dishes and my mouth watered at the selection. There were thick fluffy waffles, links of sausage, a small bowl of strawberries and grapes, a carafe of orange juice, and a cup of hot coffee.

"Thank you Jin," I said softly. I knew this gorgeous man didn't have to bring me these beautiful meals everyday. As nervous as I was about being here, I didn't think they were going to poison me anymore at least.

Jin looked up at me in surprise. "You're welcome. Regardless of what has happened, we're not bad people. I promise you that," he said, his voice gentle.

I looked down at the metal ring on my wrist. Even though his voice seemed honest, I didn't believe that. Not bad people? They kidnapped me and I didn't even know why.

Taehyung stepped into the room and waved a hand at Jin. "Yoongi wants to see you," he said before exiting the room.

Jin gave me a shrug. "Boss calls," he said with a sad smile. He exited the room, closing the door softly behind him.

I moved to the edge of the bed as much as the short chain would allow me. I took a couple bites of each, just enough to take the edge off my hunger. I needed to keep my strength up as much as possible if I was going to get out of here.

When the door opened, I quickly set the coffee cup down and moved back to the front of the bed as far away from the handsome man who had just entered the room.

"Deciding to cooperate this morning angel?" Yoongi asked, gesturing towards the tray.

I looked down at the bed, refusing to make eye contact. I only nodded. I didn't even hear Yoongi approach until he was standing next to the bed. "You know it's rude to not make eye contact with people when they are speaking to you," he said, his voice low.

"It's also rude to kidnap people who did nothing wrong," I blurted out. I couldn't help my words. He had made me so angry.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at me. "First of all, little rich girl, I didn't kidnap you. Your precious mommy and daddy sold you to me. Second of all, I don't know who the hell you think you're talking to, but don't you ever raise your voice like that to me again," he said, his voice soft but filled with anger.

"I just want to go home. There are people worried about me," I said, thinking of Lina and Jackson.

"Oh do you mean your boyfriend?" Yoongi asked, the word boyfriend coming out in a sneer. "Don't worry angel. He thinks you were called away for a family emergency. I don't know what you see in that weakling, but I must admit all the worried texts are sweet."

My face fell at the thought of Jackson worrying about me. I never wanted to see him get hurt in this mess. A tear that I couldn't control dripped down my cheek.

"Really? You're crying over him? Was it even serious?" Yoongi asked, his voice filled with irritation.

"You don't understand anything," I said quietly. "Please just leave me alone." I didn't expect Yoongi to actually give into my request, but he did. He gave me one last look then turned and left the room without saying another word.

Yoongi POV:

I left the room my angel was in, my fists clenched tightly at my sides. I couldn't believe she was crying over him. Crying over some guy who was probably just looking for an easy lay. I went into my office, slamming the door and dropping down into my chair.

I leaned my head back, closing my eyes but opening them immediately when Jimin and Hoseok walked in the room. Jimin flopped down in a chair and pulled out his knife. I eyed him as he started cleaning his nails with it. He just gave me a shrug.

Hoseok held up my angels' phone. "That guy keeps texting her," he said. "What do you want me to do about it?"

I could feel my fists clench in anger. "Give me the phone," I said. I scrolled through the messages. This guy was really getting on my nerves.


Hey Y/N

Still up for a date?

3:54 PM, Yesterday

I'd really like to take you out tonight

5:23 PM, Yesterday

Missed call from Jackson

6:12 PM, Yesterday

Is everything okay?

I'm worried

6:54 PM, Yesterday

Missed call from Jackson

7:03 PM, Yesterday

Please call me

8:23 PM, Yesterday



Got called out for a family emergency

9:46 PM, Yesterday

I smiled when I saw the message that Hoseok sent. I was hoping that would be the end of it, but this guy just didn't seem to give up now, did he?


No problem

Rain check?

9:47 PM, Yesterday

Good morning

Hope everything is okay

7:21 AM

Missed call from Jackson

7:30 AM

Really worried about you

7:46 AM

Missed call from Jackson

8:02 AM

Please call me when you get a chance

8:16 AM

I handed the phone back to Hoseok. "Just ignore it for now. He might get the hint when she doesn't respond," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"What happened with Soren yesterday?" Jimin asked, a curious look on his face. "She came racing past me in the hallway, crying her eyes out."

I gave him a smile. "I think she might have finally gotten the picture," I said. "She went into Y/N's room. I don't know what happened, but when I went near her, Y/N flinched like I was going to hurt her."

"What are you planning on doing with her?" Hoseok asked.

I didn't answer the question since I hadn't figure out the answer myself yet. I didn't know what the plans were with my angel. I just knew I needed her close.

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