Chapter 24

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"Someone... why would... what did I do?" Jungkook's admittance that someone wanted to kill me scared the hell out me. I don't know why I was surprised. It was just one more unlucky event in my sorry life.

Jungkook shrugged but his eyes were worried. "I... I don't know doll. The information we got came from an anonymous source." He ran a hand through his hair. "We don't know who and we don't know why."

I sighed at his words, wondering what was going to happen to me now.

"Don't get caught up in your head. We will protect you. I promise. I will keep you safe. No one is going to hurt you." Jungkook's words were filled with confidence and for some reason it made me feel a little better.

"Is Yoongi's girlfriend going to come after me again?" I know he said she wasn't his girlfriend, but the girl kept insisting that she was, threatening me to try and keep me away from him.

Jungkook scoffed at my question. "Soren? That crazy bitch? She is definitely not Yoongi's girlfriend and as far as coming after you again? I'll be surprised if she makes it through the night."

Jungkook's words surprised me. "What... what do you mean?" Why would something happen to her?

"Let's just say Jimin is furious that she came after you. He's been given free rein to... take care of the problem." Jungkook gave me a reassuring smile. "She won't get near you again. I promise you that."

"Why would Jimin be mad?"

Patting my shoulder, Jungkook grinned at me, his boy next-door smile causing me to relax a little. "You've caught Jimin's attention. Unlike anyone else has ever been able to. He's willing to go to any lengths to keep you protected."

I didn't know what to say, his words completely surprising me. Why would Jimin want to protect me? Why would he care?

Jungkook looked down at his phone then stood. "I've got to get going. Namjoon is going to come and see you in a little bit." Jungkook ran a hand down my hair then bent down and kissed my cheek, making me flush bright red and him grin. "Don't worry doll. You'll be safe from now on."

With a last wave and a wink, Jungkook exited the room, leaving me stunned and off balance. He was one of the ones that scared me the most but for some reason, my fear of him was starting to decrease. I don't know if it was his gentle touches or the fact that he was willing to tell me just what was going on, even though he probably wasn't supposed to. It gave me a sense of security, one that I shouldn't really trust myself to have, but at the same time, I couldn't help it.

Lost in thought, I didn't even notice how much time had passed by. The late afternoon sun had faded, leaving the room filled with a pretty golden glow from the setting sun. Not wanting to lay in the bed any longer, I carefully got to my feet, the pain from the stab wound was painful, but not unbearably so. I made my way over to the window, catching the last rays of the sunset as it slowly dropped below the horizon.

"Y/N? What are you doing out of bed?" A voice had me turning towards the door, a concerned looking Namjoon standing there with a book in his hand. He hurried into the room and, in an instant, had an arm around my waist, gently guiding me to Yoongi's bed. "You shouldn't be moving around by yourself yet. You don't want to rip the stitches Jin had to put in."

I sighed but sat back down. "I can't lay in this bed anymore. The boredom is killing me. I'm not used to not being able to move around, of being idle. Since I've been here, that's all I've been able to do." My last words came out sadder than I intended and I could see the compassion cross Namjoon's face.

"I can definitely understand that. Let me talk to Yoongi about it and we'll see what we can do." Namjoon grinned and I gave him a tentative smile back. "I did bring you a new book. Something I thought you might like." He held up the book and my jaw dropped at his choice.

"The Notebook?" I laughed out loud. "I didn't take you for a Nicholas Sparks fan."

Namjoon rubbed a hand over the back of his neck, an obvious sign of embarrassment. "I take it you've read it already?"

Shaking my head, I hesitantly patted his hand. "As much as I love books, I haven't had a ton of time to read recently. Between work and school, I barely had time to sleep."

Namjoon looked sad at my words, but a smile quickly was back on his face. "What was the last book you read for fun?"

I thought about it for a moment then gave him a small smile. "Me Before You? I had wanted to see the movie but will only watch the movie after I read the book."

"Can I let you in on a little secret?" At my nodded, Namjoon leaned in closer. "I sobbed like a baby reading that book." Namjoon leaned back, a grin on his face.

Returning the smile with one of my own, I nodded. "Me too. I don't know how anyone can read that book and not cry." Namjoon's admission honestly surprised me. I wasn't expecting him to say he was the type to cry during a book. "Can I ask you a question?"

Namjoon eyed me suspiciously but nodded anyways. "If I can answer it, I will."

"Fair enough." I hesitated then spoke up again. "Why... why did all of you think I had this wonderful relationship with my parents?" Curious where they got their precious little princess information from, I couldn't help but ask.

Namjoon sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Umm... after the incident happened with Yoongi's brother and we found out your father was on the staff, we did some digging. Everything we learned pointed to you being your parents' pride and joy. The money for college, the condo, all the happy photos."

I nodded my head, understanding what they were going through but not liking it just the same. "Let me guess. You did some research and found it was all bullshit." Although my words sounded angry, my tone was free of malice.

"Yeah pretty much." Namjoon looked embarrassed again and I could only imagine what he was thinking at this point.

Even though I wasn't sure I could trust the men in the house with me, I now better understood the reason I was here and hated them a little bit less.

Yoongi POV:

I sat there in the office with Taehyung and Jimin, scanning the paperwork that Taehyung had printed out. that fucking bitch! That fucking, vile, scheming, conniving bitch! I hadn't wanted to believe it, but the proof was right there in front of me. my brother's wife, the woman he had adored, the woman he had loved with everything in him, was also the woman responsible for his death.

Taehyung had been able to track the money, tracing it from bank account to bank account, until he finally got it back to an account linked to Soren . It had been opened in a different name, but the photo on the driver's license she used matched the one on her legal one.

I sat there in shock, going over the papers Taehyung had handed me, looking for a mistake somewhere, but deep down, I knew Taehyung would have double and triple checked his data, making sure everything was spot on. Although I had always hated Soren, my heart broke for my brother and the fact that he had died believing his wife loved him like he loved her. now my question was why? Why would she do this?

The door opened, Hoseok and Jungkook coming through. "She's awake." Hoseok's eyes were dark in anger and I could sense the rage bubbling beneath the surface. Besides me, Jinyoung had been closest to Hoseok and I knew the death had hit Hoseok hard.

I got to my feet and left the office, Jimin following closely behind. I wanted to know what the hell had possessed Soren to have my brother killed, the only blood relation I had left. Jimin and Jungkook followed me to the basement and I could sense the excitement in Jimin's posture, the extra bounce in his step. Jimin lived for torture and I knew he got off on it in a way that no one else could.

As Hoseok had said, Soren's eyes were open. Her breathing had returned to a more normal pace after I sent Jin down to treat the wound on her stomach. Although I would have preferred to let her die, I needed answers first, answers only she could give me.

As I approached, her eyes lit up in happiness and I wanted to slit her throat right then and there, but held off.

"Yoongi baby. You came. I knew you weren't going to let me die," Soren breathed out, her words soft and filled with barely concealed pain.

Grabbing her chin, I squeezed tightly, grinning when I saw the pain in her eyes. "Why? Why did you do it?"

Soren hesitated and for a moment, I thought she was going to lie to me, but then she gave me a smile that made me hate the sight of her even more than before. "Why? Why do you think I did it?" Soren reached up and put her hand over mine that was on her chin. "I did it for us baby."

"For us?" My words were quiet, but the rage was simmering. "What the fuck do you mean for us?"

Laughing, Soren stroked my hand that was on her face. "I saw the way you looked at me. I knew you wanted me but as long as Jinyoung was alive, we could never be together. I took care of the problem for you, for us."

Releasing her chin, I stepped back, feeling the bile rise up in my stomach. I had not realized just how absolutely sick she was. My brother's wife, the one true love of his life had him murdered because she thought I wanted to be with her.

"Baby, now we can be together. Unchain me. I forgive you for everything. I even forgive you for bringing that little slut here." Soren's words were pleading but then turned sensual. "Unchain me and I'll show you how much I love you. How much you need me and not Y/N."

The sound of Y/N's name appeared to unleash something in Jimin and he was at Soren's side in an instant, his knife pressed to her throat. "Say her name one more fucking time. I dare you. I will slit your throat so fast that no one will be able to save you."

Soren laughed, a maniacal sound that sent a chill racing down my spine. "Aww... does Jiminie have a crush on the poor little princess?" Soren turned her head to me. "Come on baby. Let me go. You know as well as I do that no one can love you like me, no one. And besides, do you really think she would choose you over Jimin? You are the one that kidnapped her after all and threatened to kill her. She may not believe me that you were planning on it, but I put the thought in her mind."

The tip of Jimin's knife dug into Soren's throat and I knew he was barely hanging on by a thread. One wrong word from Soren and her life would come to an abrupt end, an end she deserved. "Jimin?" My voice was soft as I called the other man off. "Leave her be."

Jimin turned to me, his eyes wide in shock. "You're... you're going to let her live after what she did? Are you fucking kidding me?"

I said nothing and Jimin's eyes narrowed. "You know what? I don't need this shit. If you're going to let this conniving bitch play you like this then you don't fucking deserve Y/N."

Stunned at his words, I said nothing as Jimin stalked out of the room. I turned to Soren and she grinned at me. "See baby? That was easy. Now let me go and I promise I will take care of you."

Moving back to Soren, I took her chin gently in my hand and she nuzzled her face into the tender touch. "What the fuck makes you think I'm going to let you go?" I tightened my grip and Soren's eyes widened in pain. "The only reason I didn't let him kill you is because a quick death is too good for someone like you." I released her chin and wagged a finger at her. "Oh no no. You're my bargaining chip. There is information I need and someone has that information. They just so happen to want you in return."

Soren's mouth dropped open and her eyes filled with tears. "You wouldn't... wouldn't do that to me. You promised Jinyoung you would take care of me."

"Oh I am taking care of you. Just not in the way you wanted." I turned towards the door to see Jungkook standing there in shock. "You didn't really think I was going to let her get away with all of that, did you?'

Jungkook hesitated and I knew he had believed my actions. "I... I thought you were going to..." Jungkook's words trailed off and I knew what he had been thinking.

Patting Jungkook's shoulder, I let out a harsh laugh. "Not even close Kookie. Not even close."

As I left the basement, my mind went to Jimin and what Soren had said. My heart filled with fear because deep down I knew she was right. If it was between Jimin and me, Jimin would win every time.

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