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I quickly ran to orchestra, my violin case crashing into my knees a few times. That surely would leave a few bruises, I even bumped into people but could care less. I had to get to class! The 2 minute bell rang, ad I was still halfway across the school. I sprinted faster, my breath grew heavy and my legs ached. I turned sharply, nearly missing a girl with neon blue hair.

"Sorry!" I shouted, but I didn't stop running. The final bell rang, and I was at the door. I sighed, so close but yet so slow. I opened the door, hearing he hatter of my classmates stopped. The hinges creaked, which just made it worse. "Miss Angelo. Glad you could join us, even though your twin sister came much before you did." My teacher, Mr. Hualfaker, said.

His bald head shining in the light, his plump frame and formal attire was kind of scary. But his Sponge bob tie quickly famished those thoughts, if you didn't know him that is. "Late again Miss Angelo." My other orchestra teacher said dully. His brown hair and beard not making a scary effect like Mr. Hualfaker's.

"I'm sorry sirs. It won't happen again!" I said, and quickly found my seat. "What happened?" My stand partner, Tyler asked me. "Late to class." I answered simply, and started putting the bow in its right stage of tightness to be able to play.

"Again?!" He asked, I nodded sheepishly and started to putt he straws in the F holes of my violin. "Yeah, things don't always I according to plan." I replied, "Class! Class, put your instruments away! Pack up and watch this video Mr. C was so kid enough I show you. It's all about natural evens and music!" Mr. H announced, I groaned along with my other classmates. He looked at us, and we quickly put them away. I untwisted my bow and quickly got the straws out of the F holes.

I sat in my plastic chair, and looked at the smart board in the front of the class. One of my friends, Brice, came up to me. "What's up gummy bear?" She asked me, I have her a fake smile. "Nothing. What about you?" I asked her, whispering so the teacher wouldn't catch us.

"You sure?" She asked me, I gave her a thumbs up. Tyler and Brice grew silent and looked at the Smart board. A news Chanel flashed on. "Hey I am Carol Hawkings and this is (news Chanel)! Today we are covering mysterious murder of 2 parents. Their names, Laura and Jason Angelo. Parents of 3 little girls. We discovered the-" I sat there in shock. Those where my parents! They're dead. Mr. C fast forwarded to something about a new viola note but I didn't care. My parents, my own flesh and blood are dead. I caught Emily's eye, her eyes filled with pure terror and fear.  She mouthed a few words, I didn't understand them- but they most likely would have been 'what do we do?'

Tears there'd in my eyes, Tyler and Brice looked at me in concern. "Bridget? Are you okay?" Tyler asked my quietly. "T-those are my parents. Laura and Jason Angelo. Those are my parents!" I whispered, and started to choke back a sob.

"Wait what?!" Brice screamed, Mr.C glared at her. "Excuse me Brice. But why are you disrupting this class?" He asked, her face reddened. "I just can believe they made it so awesome!" Brice said, lying quickly. I shot her a thankful look. "Okay, just next time please contain your shock." He replied dully, I felt hot tears run down my cheeks.

I was trying not to cry but it was no use. Cries shook my body as I curled up in a ball. Tyler was trying to get me to stop, and Brice was just sitting there dumbfounded. I could barely see, but I could hear perfectly. "I need Miss Bridget and Emily Di Angelo! To the office at this time!" A loudspeaker said, Emily rushed to my side.

"Miss Di Angelo's. I'll write you a pass." Mr. H said, and I had finally called down enough. It hurt, and I saw a few tears in Emily's cheeks to. We gathered our things and Tyler put my violin away. Everything was silent as Emily and I walked to student services.

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